Hey there guys. I used to be a gym rat in Japan when I was in the Air Force but after getting out and coming back to America I've gotten lazy and out of shape. Normally running and exercise would get me back together but I'm an ectomorph with a high metabolism. I didn't realize it but in Japan I was doing a lot of isolation type exercises with the only real core stuff was the leg press and bench press. My question is: what exercises should I be doing to build myself up? 6'0", 161lbs by the way.
You should focus on these movements:
1. Barbell back squats to parallel or slightly below
2. Barbell deadlifts
3. Barbell Bench press
4. Barbell Overhead Press
5. Chinup/Pullup
6. Dips
Maybe some curls, calf raises if you want. I like powr cleans too, they help translate muscle into power and synergize with the DL.