It's painful watching my mother keep pouring money into "fitness". She's always been a serial dieter doing whatever the new weight loss contest was at work along with the newest trendy diet. She did one day of SS with me 2 months ago and was turned off by the initial pain 2 days later, and now all these "trainers" have convinced her that was a horrible idea for someone who never worked out before because "she's never squated before" so obviously she can't handle squatting with the bar. Just paid $700 for a personal trainer this month instead, so she can have someone tell her what she wants to hear. Last year it was zumba which turned into just dropping a grand on outfits she never used along with classes.
Not looking for any help at this point, just needed to vent to my crew here. Fuck guys, her wanting me to support her on each new trend is painful, she loves the gym manager and hates me, her son, cause I won't tell her what she wants to hear.
I stopped giving out advice (outside of here) for free a long time ago. I find telling my friends and family, who specifically ask me questions about fitness due to my knowledge, how to workout without receiving some sort of currency in exchange makes my words fall upon deaf ears.
It's almost as if they are getting their work out by me telling them how to work out.