When I hit 225 on deadlifts I put yoga mats under my weights. Management said the sound of the weight hitting the ground bothered people.
WTF? Pretty much everyone at the gym I know wears headphones anyway. I can't hear shit...ever.
When I hit 225 on deadlifts I put yoga mats under my weights. Management said the sound of the weight hitting the ground bothered people.
When I hit 225 on deadlifts I put yoga mats under my weights. Management said the sound of the weight hitting the ground bothered people.
So I can't for the life of me find any 2.5lbs plates at my gym. They're supposed to be there, as there are spaces for them on the racks, but they're nowhere to be found! Is 10lbs too big of a jump to go up?
PR in bench today, 225 for 4 reps.
But I get a feeling it was just one of those days, I don't know if I can repeat it again next week.
And for the record I weigh 170lbs now, maybe it's because I have been holding back a bit on my runs, and giving my body more of a chance to recuperate.
So I can't for the life of me find any 2.5lbs plates at my gym. They're supposed to be there, as there are spaces for them on the racks, but they're nowhere to be found! Is 10lbs too big of a jump to go up?
I wonder if I can buy my own 2.5lbs plates and sneak them into the gym.
Or just doing a proper full body routine since he's a beginner. Starting Strength, the OP routine or StrongLifts etc..
He shouldn't start a split routine at this point.
As long as he's planning to go 4 - 5 times a week, I'd still go with a split routine / cardio daily
I wonder if I can buy my own 2.5lbs plates and sneak them into the gym.
I think every summer dieter here needs to read this article. It's pretty short and gives a good explanation of what happens with weight loss stalls and sudden changes in appearance and on the scale.
Who designed this routine?
Knew it was going to be a commitment. I'll try to stick with it.The program is designed to be used for at least 6 months to a year.
First off, good luck...I'd start by replacing any bad foods you eat (processed sugars, white carbohydrates, fatty meats, etc.) with good ones (fruits / vegetables, whole grains, lean meats)...you'll see the gut shrink immediately. Don't decrease your calorie volume though, just improve your diet. Also, others have said it but that current workout won't get you the physique you're looking for. Try breaking up your body parts into days and really focus on each one separately.
Knew it was going to be a commitment. I'll try to stick with it.
Taking creatine at any time isn't a bad idea. It's one of the few products that safe and effective. On a cut it can help you maintain muscle mass and strength although you might bloat up a little bit on it. But who cares about a little water weight if you're shedding fat?So I'm reading creatine on a cut isnt a bad idea. Anyone do this?
Taking creatine at any time isn't a bad idea. It's one of the few products that safe and effective. On a cut it can help you maintain muscle mass and strength although you might bloat up a little bit on it. But who cares about a little water weight if you're shedding fat?
That's what I figured. So load for 5 days then take it like 30 min pre workout after that?
Question about squats. I find when I do them I feel a serious pump in my lower back(to the point of feeling tight) now it does go away after I finish up my workout that inolve my lower back, but was just wondering if this is normal or just a case of improper form? I feel next to no tightness anywhere else on my body after doing squats, only my lower back.
Oh and for the op workout is it ok if I'm still attempting to learn how to do power cleans? Every time its power clean day, I always just use an empty barbell and work on the movements, since I can't put it all together yet. I don't think ill be able to do the whole thing at all until the end of the 3 months.
Well, I'm not buying ON anymore. Shit went up about 8 for the 10lb bag. (It's 105 now)
Edit: Two twinlab 5lb tubs for 41 a piece isn't bad. That's on amazon right now.
ugh, why is the price going up so much?
dumb =/
Its only going to keep going up. Too many products want Whey so they can add protein to stuff. Everything from Gatorade to Monster Energy to Snickers is marketting protein filled shit, and buying up all the Whey to make that happen.
Start buying in bulk.
ugh, why is the price going up so much?
dumb =/
When I hit 225 on deadlifts I put yoga mats under my weights. Management said the sound of the weight hitting the ground bothered people.
i've decided my goals do not include being shredded. i just want to be strong for my weight, not be a fat ass, and make the basketball team. thats it. those are my goals. couldn't give two shits about being cut right now.
well, unless it was easy and didn't require following a strict diet.
To answer your first question, it's probably a result of your back getting worked hard during the squat. That or you're letting yourself get loose at the bottom and your back is stiff. I can' tell from here, but it's probably the former.
And 3 months to learn a power clean? Dude,you can learn it in a few hours if you're reading the 3rd edition of Staring Strength. I'm pretty sure you can do it.
I'm trying but the part where you explode really messes me up, my arms go wild.
Despire, when I got to thy point, I dl'd on Friday and did light squats on Wednesday.
And heavy (normal) squats on Friday as well. If you want you could do light squats on Friday, I chose Wednesday because I Played basketball those nights.So heavy squats on monday, light squats on wednesday and deadlifts on friday?
Trying to define post-breakfast hunger is an exercise in futility. It’s something you’ll instantly be able to relate to, because you have the same experience, or something that makes you wonder what the hell I’m talking about, because you simply don’t have that problem. I’m guessing most of my readers fall into the former category, so I won’t be spending much time on academic discourse in attempting to define the phenomenon beyond what I’ve already done. Simply put, some people get hungry, very hungry, and/or experience cravings of various magnitude shortly after eating breakfast in the morning.
The quotes provide a half-assed summation of his essay, but if you fast and are interested in such phenomenon as feeling hungry after a meal, do yourself a favor and chew through the whole thing.Post-breakfast hunger is something that occurs more frequently, and more noticeably so, in fairly lean individuals. I’d estimate that it’s fairly common in the 12-14% range. As you close in on single digit body fat percentage, it becomes very common indeed - and a serious obstacle for many.
Gradually, as we get leaner, we become more insulin sensitive. Little by little, as insulin sensitivity goes up, we get hungrier faster and more annoyingly so after breakfast, until we start wondering why we’re starving a mere 1-2 hours after a decently sized meal.
In a sense, it’s funny that blood glucose regulation works better in the fasted state, relative to the aforementioned breakfast scenario. It’s understandable when you consider that in the fasted state, you have balance between input and output, which in this analogy would be glucose and insulin. Glucose input to the blood is low and is well maintained with a low level of insulin in an insulin sensitive person.
With breakfast, insulin output is disproportionate to the input (breakfast), due to cortisol. A mismatch that would otherwise not be present under different circumstances (i.e. the same meal eaten later in the day, with low cortisol, or by someone with lower insulin sensitivity).
All of this raises interesting questions regarding the role of the cortisol-insulin connection, or dare I say breakfast consumption, and adaptation (or absence thereof) in the role of human evolution and its consequences for modern man, with his modern meal patterns.
And heavy (normal) squats on Friday as well. If you want you could do light squats on Friday, I chose Wednesday because I Played basketball those nights.
I took a bjj class this past Wednesday. I wanna work out today but I'm still pretty sore. Is it ok for me to work out or should I rest up some more?
I'm starting to believe that overtraining is blown way out of proportion. I have several friends that complain that they are not making any gains and they think it's because they are training too much. However, when I work out with them I notice that they lack intensity. They don't push themselves to failure and they tend to eat like crap. Anybody else think overtraining is really a non-issue for most people?
Anyone here a fan of foam rollers? I'm looking to purchase one but not sure where to get it.
If it's staying at home, 6x36. If it's going with you to the gym, 6x12.Anyone here a fan of foam rollers? I'm looking to purchase one but not sure where to get it.
I'm looking at this one on Amazon:
6 x 36 should be good right?
Why Does Breakfast Make Me Hungry?
by Martin Berkhan
The quotes provide a half-assed summation of his essay, but if you fast and are interested in such phenomenon as feeling hungry after a meal, do yourself a favor and chew through the whole thing.
Also, the obligatory exclamation - Martin's back!!!