Age: 26
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 162
So earlier in the year I followed these threads a bit, but I find i'm getting pretty much no where, i enjoy reading this topic but it's also depressing because i'm not really sure what I should be doing, or if it's even possible for me to get where i'd like. In terms of physique, I have a relatively good size gut (doesn't look too bad sucked in of course, lol) and really skinny arms.. Average sized legs I would say. My problem is I don't know if I should be focusing on losing the belly fat than building up, or should I focus on building up muscle than trying to lost body fat. Using the begginner workout outlined in the OP for a few months did not net me hardly any gains in either mass or strength, and it made me wonder if there is something I could be doing differently with my diet, etc.
I have one of those scales that measures body fat, it puts me at an estimate of 17 percent at 162 pounds, yet in terms of my bench, I can't even hit my own body weight by any means right now if I tried, in fact being able to hit that even seems implausible right now. What makes this complicated is my career though, it has me leaving my home state (and in turn gym) for multiple months at a time, working 12 hours a day plus travel time and 6-7 days a week, it makes me feel like if I don't get anywhere before work starts, i'm screwed, and if i do make small progress I'll just lose it all when I go to work.
Is there anything I could be doing to get somewhere in my off work time, but also not lose my progress when I'm working for months out of state? I'm the type who would be fine to hit the gym 3 hours a day if I knew it would help, but with so much conflicting information it becomes overwhelming, I have to start work again in 2 months, and if I could find a way to improve my numbers a good bit before then, and also do right to my body while I'm away from home, it would be really inspiring knowledge.
Anyone have advice for someone like me? I'll try anything, name me an exact set of food to eat daily and i'll eat the same thing every day, any workout style, whatever, I want to learn things that work for me but having followed the AST Max OT routine and the beginner regimen here, I just don't know. People talk about adding 2-5 pounds on a bench weekly, I think I might get that in the span of a month or 2 and i'm pretty thin in the arms.