Castor Krieg
The article?
The article?
Whenever I see a client with a trainer at my gym, they always spend 45 minutes on the bullshittiest machines. Just seems like a waste to me. Plus I haven't heard good things about trainers from other people. I suppose if you want help with form on exercises like squats and stuff like that, but if all you're trying to do is burn fat, I don't see why you'd need to spend all that money for someone to give you a cardio regimen.
Usually I eat my oatmeal just in a bowl of milk like it were cereal.. then last night I read people actually *gasp* cook/microwave their oatmeal.. so I tried it this morning. Hm, well warm milk sucks but I guess mushy, squishy oatmeal isn't that bad. Bleh.
Cold milk + oatmeal >>>>>>>>>>> cooked oatmealUsually I eat my oatmeal just in a bowl of milk like it were cereal.. then last night I read people actually *gasp* cook/microwave their oatmeal.. so I tried it this morning. Hm, well warm milk sucks but I guess mushy, squishy oatmeal isn't that bad. Bleh.
Are you sure the microwave people weren't using water? That's how I make my kids oatmeal in the morning. They still like it (with a pinch of sugar/cinammon for taste).
I read people use both, but I cannot imagine eating anything grainy or cereal-like in water.. the fuck..
Also read people put it in their shakes and then curse their idiot selves because of how chunky and and impossible to drink they become unless they soak them for 20 minutes.
I just never knew oatmeal was such a chore for people. Bowl->milk->oatmeal is about it for me. Why involve appliances at all.. =O
I forgot, but I used to make those a lot (minus the almond; allergies are a bitch) and quite enjoyed them. I made some adjustments to the recipe that I cannot quite remember at the moment.
Shit, I'm out of propane for the grill. Looks like I'm cooking my salmon in the oven. What's the best way to do this? Olive oil it up and put it on a glass dish at 350F? Or wrap it in foil?
alex chilton said:anyways, endomondo is rad as well but there's no routes in my area and I have no friends on here. any one here use it?
What abdominal exercises do you guys do when you do them? There's the old fashioned crunches and situps, but people say they're bad for your back. I have access to a reverse incline bench that I've done them on before, of course my floor, and a chin up bar (could do leg-ups or whatever they call them). How about situps on the reverse incline while holding a 25 pound weight? Worth it or no?
What abdominal exercises do you guys do when you do them? There's the old fashioned crunches and situps, but people say they're bad for your back. I have access to a reverse incline bench that I've done them on before, of course my floor, and a chin up bar (could do leg-ups or whatever they call them). How about situps on the reverse incline while holding a 25 pound weight? Worth it or no?
They're not if you do back exercises and strengthen your back as well.
I'm sorry, but what does the LeanGains article have anything to do with being a virgin?
Doing that via deadlifts, bent over rows, a few others.
BTW, I don't think I have the strength to do leg-ups or whatever they're called where you hang from a chin up bar and bring your knees to your chest. Maybe eventually, but I've been doing bodyweight stuff with Insanity and have just started weightlifting again earlier this week. I may just do some of the Insanity ab exercises and integrate a few with some weights. Probably just do abs once, maybe twice a week.
Physical form of the author is extremely unattractive to women, as evidenced by numerous surveys about various male body types. I make comments purely on his body type, not personality, etc. Also, seems great for people who want to sculp their body.
who is that?
And regarding aesthetics, that dood pretty much has my ideal body type. Just big and strong.
You can still follow the advice though. You don't have to cut down to his levels, but his knowledge on the subject is pretty solid.
Plus I hate when people act like you can accidentally fall into the being that big and that cut.
I constantly see people saying like "Oh I don't want to get too bulky, so ill just do 10 lbs and 150 reps"
Some people have absolutely no concept of just how hard you have to work and how closely you have to stick to a diet to look like that.
Don't want to look like that? Fine, don't eat 3000+ lean calories a day, and you won't have any issues.
Physical form of the author is extremely unattractive to women, as evidenced by numerous surveys about various male body types. I make comments purely on his body type, not personality, etc. Also, seems great for people who want to sculp their body.
You can do leg raises on the decline bench. Also you can do planks.
Don't fuss so much over abs as you need to lose body fat for them to show.
Has an issue pulling whatever sex he's attracted to due to how his physique looks, I think you need to check your texts. He's in great shape and doesn't have roid gut.
What abdominal exercises do you guys do when you do them? There's the old fashioned crunches and situps, but people say they're bad for your back. I have access to a reverse incline bench that I've done them on before, of course my floor, and a chin up bar (could do leg-ups or whatever they call them). How about situps on the reverse incline while holding a 25 pound weight? Worth it or no?
If studies and surveys are to be believed, he is right, women tend to prefer a less ripped physique than that.
I do decline situps holding a 40lb DB, and my abs are amazing. No back problems, either.
Someone posted this in the girl thread saying that this physique is ideal:
and that anything bigger is too bulky. I find the guy to be pretty skinny and lacking real muscular development, but that's just me. Different strokes for different folks.
Someone posted this in the girl thread saying that this physique is ideal:
and that anything bigger is too bulky. I find the guy to be pretty skinny and lacking real muscular development, but that's just me. Different strokes for different folks.
Guys, come on, this argument about "being too bulky for girls" has happened time and time again. Lift for whatever fitness ideal you want and don't worry about what other people think.
If studies and surveys are to be believed, he is right, women tend to prefer a less ripped physique than that.
I know a fella who can hook you up with a great deal on propane, and propane accessories.
Physical form of the author is extremely unattractive to women, as evidenced by numerous surveys about various male body types. I make comments purely on his body type, not personality, etc. Also, seems great for people who want to sculp their body.
I hate to bust your bubble lil' buddy, but women don't give a shit beyond a guy looking reasonably fit. Lower than 10-12% body fat won't make an ounce of a difference. If women is your main motivation for dieting, don't bother getting shredded. Women have similar delusions in terms of thinking men like them super-skinny.
Training to be liked by others is a very poor motivational factor in itself. You need internal motivation, not external. No one that ends up making something out of his or hers physique, something impressive and head-turning, gets there by training to get liked by others. It might have started out as such, but it changes.
Oh I agree 100% but I always find this talk interesting. I don't really see any arguments, just friendly banter =)
Alright Gaf, Since the beginning of May I was 260 Pounds. Today I am 219. I need to lose 19 pounds. Is this possible before September?!
To give you an Idea of how I workout
Day One : Chest and Triceps Cardio 40 min
Day Two: Biceps and Back Cardio 40 min
Day Three: Legs ( Light) Cardio 20 min
Day 4: Rest
Day Five: Shoulders, Abs and Calves Cardio 40 min
Day Six: Legs (Heavy) Cardio 20 min
Someone posted this in the girl thread saying that this physique is ideal:
and that anything bigger is too bulky. I find the guy to be pretty skinny and lacking real muscular development, but that's just me. Different strokes for different folks.
Alright Gaf, Since the beginning of May I was 260 Pounds. Today I am 219. I need to lose 19 pounds. Is this possible before September?!
To give you an Idea of how I workout
Day One : Chest and Triceps Cardio 40 min
Day Two: Biceps and Back Cardio 40 min
Day Three: Legs ( Light) Cardio 20 min
Day 4: Rest
Day Five: Shoulders, Abs and Calves Cardio 40 min
Day Six: Legs (Heavy) Cardio 20 min
My GF just said he looks too gay in this picture and said that she'd prefer if I'd look like (lean) Jim Wendler someday
She also said that a man should look like a man.[IMG][/QUOTE]
She's lying to you bra, right now she's googling that dude in the bathroom.jk
Seriously I don't see anything wrong with that body type, I wish I could get lean and slender like that.
As it is my torso is just looks bloated, maybe I need a cleanse or something.
Probably not healthy to try to lose 20 pounds in one month. Why do you have to lose it by then? Good work so far, btw.
I start my masters at the beginning of sept and it was a goal of mine to reach 200 pounds before the end. It sort of a test for me and I'm the type who tries to reach it.
My GF just said he looks too gay in this picture and said that she'd prefer if I'd look like (lean) Jim Wendler someday
She also said that a man should look like a man.
I start my masters at the beginning of sept and it was a goal of mine to reach 200 pounds before the end. It sort of a test for me and I'm the type who tries to reach it.
Fitness GAF talking about women's interests might actually be worse than PUA GAF.. =/
My GF just said he looks too gay in this picture and said that she'd prefer if I'd look like (lean) Jim Wendler someday
She also said that a man should look like a man.