Nope, I have been known to go through phases where I eat a pizza a day: easy to make, lots of calories, lots of carbs, lots of protein - perfect.
I'm gonna make pizza tonight. Done.
Nope, I have been known to go through phases where I eat a pizza a day: easy to make, lots of calories, lots of carbs, lots of protein - perfect.
Would this be an injury from heavy lifting, or just a fluke thing?So I had x-rays done on my back that I hurt in March. Turns out I have Sacrolilitis, which is inflammation of the sacroiliac joint (, and can lead to some pretty nasty conditions. Luckily, I don't have any of the symptoms of any of the complications or really debilitating conditions from sacroilitis. But unfortunately, I pretty much have to live with this forever.
Actions for me like bending forward are absolutely out of the question (I can't even bend to tie my shoes because my back is so stiff/weak). Sucks too, bc I just hit a PR on deadlift before the injury (335 lbs, 2.2x my bodyweight).
I've rested my body for a few weeks and I plan on burning some calories tonight with a push-up/crunch/pull-up/bodyweight squat circuit session. Now, I need to get creative with my workouts at the gym. Gonna try out pilates and other focused core work, but I can't really go heavy anymore on pendlay or bent over bb rows, and I think I'm relegated to wall squats and lunges to protect my back. Feels bad man. It's like my body is breaking down on me know after such an active lifestyle.
Would this be an injury from heavy lifting, or just a fluke thing?
Ended up getting a 2lb rotisserie chicken from Wegmans and I ate the whole thing :-x. Wonder how many ounces that was.
Well I didn't eat the bones![]()
Sorry man, I don't think this fitness thing is for TOTAL WUSSES.![]()
Ended up getting a 2lb rotisserie chicken from Wegmans and I ate the whole thing :-x. Wonder how many ounces that was.
I think I have pretty decent grip for things like pull ups and deadliest and other things like that, but for some reason, whenever I do shrugs my grip turns to shit and it makes me want to drop the load in a hurry lol.
Shit, I'm out of propane for the grill. Looks like I'm cooking my salmon in the oven. What's the best way to do this? Olive oil it up and put it on a glass dish at 350F? Or wrap it in foil?
Shit, I'm out of propane for the grill. Looks like I'm cooking my salmon in the oven. What's the best way to do this? Olive oil it up and put it on a glass dish at 350F? Or wrap it in foil?
Do you guys use straps for deadlift? I am up to 235 3 sets of 6 and I am having trouble holding the bar. If my grip wasnt shit I feel I could lift even more weight as my legs and back arent getting too tired, I just cant hold the bar.
Don't use straps. Build your grip with rows, pull/chin ups, shrugs, etc. Chalk when you're going really heavy.
Do you guys use straps for deadlift? I am up to 235 3 sets of 6 and I am having trouble holding the bar. If my grip wasnt shit I feel I could lift even more weight as my legs and back arent getting too tired, I just cant hold the bar.
Don't use straps. Build your grip with rows, pull/chin ups, shrugs, etc. Chalk when you're going really heavy.
Eh. My gym doesn't allow chalk so I use straps. I don't see the issue, I do deads to train my core, back, etc. I'm not training my grip, so it isn't going to hold me back.
Eventually I'll be able to use chalk at a better gym, but we don't have any here who allow it.
I don't understand, why wouldn't you want a strong grip? It'll only be beneficial for all pulling exercises, especially when you go heavy. Being able to do heavy shrugs without my hands giving in is awesome.
So i finally made oatmeal after not eating it since i was a kid. wow does it taste horrible! How can people like this?! I usually can handle bad stuff but this this is on another level of bad. I made it with water so i will try it with milk next time. Not even cinnamon or raisins could save it. It taste like how water basically.
demon said:What is that stuff that acts like chalk but doesn't make a mess? Someone posted it a few months back, it comes in a ball or something...
I'm sure it's awesome, but if I can't use chalk, I'm not going to let that hold me back from increasing the weight if straps are able to fill that role. Would I rather use chalk? Sure. But the primary reason I deadlift is to train my back, so I won't let grip hold that back.
What is that stuff that acts like chalk but doesn't make a mess? Someone posted it a few months back, it comes in a ball or something...
Oly lifters say.. fuck yo back squat
Shit, I'm out of propane for the grill. Looks like I'm cooking my salmon in the oven. What's the best way to do this? Olive oil it up and put it on a glass dish at 350F? Or wrap it in foil?
So i finally made oatmeal after not eating it since i was a kid. wow does it taste horrible! How can people like this?! I usually can handle bad stuff but this this is on another level of bad. I made it with water so i will try it with milk next time. Not even cinnamon or raisins could save it. It taste like how water basically.
Hi fitness gaf, I'm really fat and need help and advice for a weight loss program and diet. Any ideas how to start? I have gym membership so have access to some eqipment there like treadmill etc, advice like how often I have to go to gym, how long should i exercise per session and what tool to use will be helpful. And some general diet advice too I guess.
I hope I go to the right thread.
Hi fitness gaf, I'm really fat and need help and advice for a weight loss program and diet. Any ideas how to start? I have gym membership so have access to some eqipment there like treadmill etc, advice like how often I have to go to gym, how long should i exercise per session and what tool to use will be helpful. And some general diet advice too I guess.
I hope I go to the right thread.
skim milk
Hi fitness gaf, I'm really fat and need help and advice for a weight loss program and diet. Any ideas how to start? I have gym membership so have access to some eqipment there like treadmill etc, advice like how often I have to go to gym, how long should i exercise per session and what tool to use will be helpful. And some general diet advice too I guess.
I hope I go to the right thread.
^ Really? Aren't most trainers at your average gym kind of a scam? You can probably get more solid advice off the internet than from a trainer at your gym, and you don't have to pay for it. Maybe some are worth it though, I dunno.
there's a personal trainer in my gym but they're pretty expensive.
So i finally made oatmeal after not eating it since i was a kid. wow does it taste horrible! How can people like this?! I usually can handle bad stuff but this this is on another level of bad. I made it with water so i will try it with milk next time. Not even cinnamon or raisins could save it. It taste like how water basically.
This sounds more like food poisoning! When I eat fast food after a long time my stomach just starts gRowling and have to shit it out.So I haven't really had any junk food in years, until yesterday. I had a Wendy's chili and 5-piece nugget for lunch, and a burger and fries from Cracker Barrel. Soon as I got home, I basically passed out on the couch at my house. I woke up at midnight with a dry throat, a dizzy head, and the classic "I'm going to puke" feeling. I went to bed after I got up and I feel slightly better now, but I still feel like I have no energy, my joints hurt and I have an all around "off" feeling. And for some reason my nose keeps getting stuffed up at random times and then clearing up. Is this really happening because I ate junk food for the first time in ages?
The article makes some good points, but I will never take advice from someone looking like that, no offence. If you want to stay a virgin all your life, go right ahead.
Um, wat?
Sorry, got confused. Was referring to the article linked within the article you posted. The one you posted is solid.