I need a substitute for asparagus.
Brussels Sprouts, Artichokes
I need a substitute for asparagus.
After doing P90X "Lite" for about 5 weeks, the weight had come off nicely, but jesus, the lack of real weight lifting started to show after I took a brief 10 day break from P90X (work related stuff getting in the way). So I decided to shelve the whole P90X thing and get back in the gym. Found out that my strength has dropped a bit like I felt it had, but I also forgot one of the most basic of things: Completely stretching out beforehand. Ugh. I went into things with my normal split set day for that day: Chest/Tricep Day. Chests went out fairly well to be honest as did triceps. Problem was the next day, it reared it's ugly head and for the next four days, my tricepts have been kicking me in the face, reminding me of my small "oopsie".
Lesson learned.
Can anyone tell me if this is legit before I go through with it?
you think you are helping me by telling me I do "twisty nonsense" and saying everything I do is "ridiculous"?
No thanks, I don't want your help.
Hit a new PR on deadlifts yesterday @ 485, feels great to break new ground after about 2 months of non-progress.
Hit a new PR on deadlifts yesterday @ 485, feels great to break new ground after about 2 months of non-progress.
sorry, I don't have that info, I don't have an instrument to measure it... but what I want is to have a solid frame/torso, is not about making the six pack visible.
Did you ever eat Bagel Bites? Used to scarf those down like no tomorrow haha
Since the discussion over commercially sold protein bars being unhealthy, anyone have some good recipes for homemade ones? I assume you could do a few scoops of whey protein, some peanut/almond butter, some oats, and maybe a little honey and be good to go? Maybe even without the honey.
i will start doing push ups, for some reason i always ignored it. what is a good amount of set and reps for a start? especially for burning fat.
There was a decent recipe posted in the old thread, I have it at home, but as I remember it you baked like 4 cups of oats, then mixed it with 8 scoops of whey, a cup of powdered milk, 2 cups of water, some almonds or whatever nuts and berries you prefer, and peanut butter. I subbed in powdered PB2 in order to get the overall calories down, as well as skipped the almonds/berries entirely. Then just press the mix into a pan and let it sit in the fridge overnight and you are good to go.
Pizza bites are that way for me.. And screw the haters, pizza still tastes awesome and is sometimes a cheat day food. Soda never tastes good now. I try a swallow every now and then and it tastes sickeningly sweet. Just an assault on my taste buds after not having it for a while.
Since the discussion over commercially sold protein bars being unhealthy, anyone have some good recipes for homemade ones? I assume you could do a few scoops of whey protein, some peanut/almond butter, some oats, and maybe a little honey and be good to go? Maybe even without the honey.
I forgot, but I used to make those a lot (minus the almond; allergies are a bitch) and quite enjoyed them. I made some adjustments to the recipe that I cannot quite remember at the moment.
There was a decent recipe posted in the old thread, I have it at home, but as I remember it you baked like 4 cups of oats, then mixed it with 8 scoops of whey, a cup of powdered milk, 2 cups of water, some almonds or whatever nuts and berries you prefer, and peanut butter. I subbed in powdered PB2 in order to get the overall calories down, as well as skipped the almonds/berries entirely. Then just press the mix into a pan and let it sit in the fridge overnight and you are good to go.
I'd really appreciate if you could dig up that recipe for me
I'm definitely going to need a belt soon. I can feel my form slipping as I try to hit 265 in deads. Any reccomendations? Preferably something I can get on amazon so I can use my credit.
Maybe 1 g/lb of protein is too much after all. Seems like studies indicate 0.82 is about as high as one should go, with 0.64 being pretty sufficient.
Before buying anything see if your gym has belts already. Try asking people at the front desk.
EDIT: Personal belief, I don't think people usu need belts before 1.5/2/2.5 BW lifts, but that's just me
I'd really appreciate if you could dig up that recipe for me
EDIT- looks like it was posted above!
I'm definitely going to need a belt soon. I can feel my form slipping as I try to hit 265 in deads. Any reccomendations? Preferably something I can get on amazon so I can use my credit.
Nothing in that says it's too much though. Just that the body can't necessarily assimilate it into muscle. That isn't the only reason I eat more protein though. It's also more filling, takes longer to digest, etc. What they don't find is any negative to the 1g/lb.
My deadlift is at a bit over 2x bodyweight, and I began using a belt a few months ago. Every bit of literature I found indicated this would allow lifts to engage my core more, giving my abs and such even more of a workout during my other lifts. At the end of the day I lift heavy to get the physique I want, and it seems like a belt will benefit this. Thoughts?
Maybe 1 g/lb of protein is too much after all. Seems like studies indicate 0.82 is about as high as one should go, with 0.64 being pretty sufficient.
The stiffness and is just from the muscles being stationary for too long, they become extremely tight.Hey guys, does anyone have any experience with a dislocated elbow?
The dislocation happened 2 weeks ago and the cast removed today. There's no range of motion. What do you do to relieve stiffness/pain?
This isn't for me. The dude can't go physio until next week and wanted me to post on their behalf. Thanks!
Thanks.The stiffness and is just from the muscles being stationary for too long, they become extremely tight.
The only thing you can do is just move and stretch it as much as possible, in 3-4 days it should be good as new.
Certainly don't put strain on it though lifting weights or anything crazy like that.
Anyone living in Germany can step in and let me know good post-workout drink? Shakeology and Results & Recovery is not available here. If I am to exercise and get muscles, then burn too many calories I will just be burning muscles and nothing will come out of it at the end of the day.
-25 jumprope
-10 burpees
-16 ab twists with 35lb KB
-2 TGUs
-50 mountain climbers
-10 halos with KB
-10 sumo deadlift with KB
-2 TGUs
-1 min plank
-16 ab twists with KB
-25 jumprope
As many rounds as I can handle. Hoping for four.
EDIT: For those who keep battling numbers on the scale, I am in love with this article from EveryDayPaleo. Weight means little.
i will start doing push ups, for some reason i always ignored it. what is a good amount of set and reps for a start? especially for burning fat.
skim milkAnyone living in Germany can step in and let me know good post-workout drink?
Stretching weakens and fatigues your muscles. Some light stretching is fine, but too much stretching before a heavy lifting session will make your lifts suck. I recommend doing a "warm-up set" with very light weight as opposed to stretching.
Sorry for the late reply, but I'm going to do this workout, and need to know what a TGU is. Also, for funsies gonna switch the KB with a medicine ball and replace 25 jumprope with 1/4 mile sprint with the MB.
turkish get up
Stretching may keep you from lifting as much but I think it's worth it for the reduced chance of injury. Definetly warm-up first and definetly definetly stretch after your workout.
Stretching may keep you from lifting as much but I think it's worth it for the reduced chance of injury. Definitely warm-up first and definetly definetly stretch after your workout.
Uh, static stretching before lifting/exercising has been shown to INCREASE the chance of injury. If you wan to stretch before you need to do dynamic stretches.
Uh, static stretching before lifting/exercising has been shown to INCREASE the chance of injury. If you wan to stretch before you need to do dynamic stretches.
Definitely warm up first.
Is being able to barely move normal? He can barely do a half curl (without a weight).
Besides the issues Petrie raised, they also base the entire article on something that I've never heard. I've never heard that 1gram/lb of body weight is all the body can assimilate in one day. I've heard the 35 grams in one meal myth before but never that. 1gram/lb of body weight is just a simple, easily tracked goal to hit everyday. It's also something that beginners can understand easier.http://mennohenselmans.com/the-myth-of-1glb-optimal-protein-intake-for-bodybuilders/
Maybe 1 g/lb of protein is too much after all. Seems like studies indicate 0.82 is about as high as one should go, with 0.64 being pretty sufficient.
Yes but don't do static stretching before lifting because you won't be able to lift as much and there's increased risk of injury.
Besides the issues Petrie raised, they also base the entire article on something that I've never heard. I've never heard that 1gram/lb of body weight is all the body can assimilate in one day. I've heard the 35 grams in one meal myth before but never that. 1gram/lb of body weight is just a simple, easily tracked goal to hit everyday. It's also something that beginners can understand easier.
After a while of fitness you look at pizza as nasty. It's crazy how things can change so easily.
Nope, I have been known to go through phases where I eat a pizza a day: easy to make, lots of calories, lots of carbs, lots of protein - perfect.
Have to eat at Wegmans tonight (not the pub, the to go stuff). What do I have to look forward to?
Have to eat at Wegmans tonight (not the pub, the to go stuff). What do I have to look forward to?
Holy crap my grip strength is awful. Been going up in weights recently and I think my wrist/forearms are getting the biggest workouts lol.
Pizza and cheese steaks are my two cheat meals. I have a cheesesteak and pizza at least once or twice a week. Been going to the theater a lot recently and the cheese steak place is right there, too hard to resist...I justify it like the guy above, tons of protein and carbs.
Oly lifters say.. fuck yo back squat