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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You know you're serious about a cut when you have flank steak w/blue cheese and a Caesar salad and debate getting croutons. The topper is I ended up getting them and that in itself made it a cheat meal. lol


Screw that, protein enemas is for the truly hardcore.



the piano man
do you guys have any specific moment when you feel you should start a "cutting" phase?

is a weight gain of 10% of the original weight a good moment to start cutting? or when?

20%? 30%?

or is it more related to the bodyfat %?


do you guys have any specific moment when you feel you should start a "cutting" phase?

is a weight gain of 10% of the original weight a good moment to start cutting? or when?

20%? 30%?

or is it more related to the bodyfat %?

Wow, 30%?? That's going from 80 kilos (175 pounds) to 104 kilos (230 pounds)... To shed off that amount of fat that came along your muscle gains, it would take fucking forever, and there would go your self esteem over the long run...

Even 10% seems like a lot to me.

I'd say most people wing it based on how they perceive themselves, and make plans over time and reevaluate depending on how they look and feel (too much strength lost, or nice definition, etc).


the piano man
Even 10% seems like a lot to me.

really?? I am nearing that, I've gone from 62 kg. (136.6 lbs) to 68 kg (150 lbs.)

(....and before you all start, I am something between 5'4 and 5'5 short....)

so, is it really that much??

I do feel I am approaching a point were all I see in the mirror is a pudge and no muscle definition, I definitely look buff compared to the starting point but my clothes from back then all fit and last time I checked, my BF% hasn't gone up so I don't know if my eyes deceive me or what, I am a bit confused...


I think that depending on your goals, if you start at let's say 10-12% BF. I would perhaps go to somewhere between 15-20% before starting to cut. Even from 20% it takes fucking forever to slim back down.

I think Lyle McDonald suggests starting your bulk from 10-12% and continueing until you hit 15% or so. Then cut again back to <12%.


1000 calorie shake.

2 cups of Whole Milk
2 tbsp of Peanut Butter
1 large Banana
2 ounces of Heavy Cream
2 scoops of Whey Protein Powder

Thanks everyone, had a look in to all of them, but this one sounds the most cost and time effective so will give it a try!

In the UK so hopefully I can find some heavy ice cream.


I think that depending on your goals, if you start at let's say 10-12% BF. I would perhaps go to somewhere between 15-20% before starting to cut. Even from 20% it takes fucking forever to slim back down.

I think Lyle McDonald suggests starting your bulk from 10-12% and continueing until you hit 15% or so. Then cut again back to <12%.
I overdid it on my initial SS bulk, was at probably 22% or so, took me over 6 months to undo said damage!


My GF is currently doing 5/3/1 BBB/Triumvirate Hybrid. I'm interested to hear what others have to say for 5/3/1 BB for teh ladies.

How does she like it?

This post is so beautiful.

Hah. She's definitely trex mode. Her squats and deads are at 135 but her bench is 60 I think and press is 45. She really needs to build up her triceps. She started doing assisted dips and CGBP.


I am 28 years old, 6'1" and I currently weigh 107Kg or 236lb.

I've been lifting weights since July last year without real consistency and with some long multi-month layoffs. As expected after each of these layoffs I started again from a lower weight so there has been a lot of lost potential progress if you like.

I settled into a regular committed schedule recently (Stronglifts) but I then injured my right shoulder so I've been focussing on re-habing that for the past 3 weeks and haven't performed any lifts. It's not getting any better so I am going to look into physiotherapy asap.

My lifts are appalling:

  • Bench 57.5Kg
  • Deadlift 120Kg
  • OHP 42.5Kg
  • Row 55Kg
  • Squat 105Kg
These are all 5 rep workset pre-injury numbers from last month.

I'm worried about my health and appearance with all the extra fat that I'm carrying and thus would like to cut, I am currently technically obese. I wonder how you guys manage to stay satisfied eating so little food? I find it hard to eat under 3500 calories but I am trying to change.

When I look at FallingEdge's diet here I was astounded at the calorie total of 2323. From his pics he has much more muscle than me and thus a much higher metabolic rate than me yet can manage this.

This is the diet that I came up with a few days ago:

  • It currently excludes the Broccoli that I will consume with meal 1/2, some say not to count it.
  • I'm going to attempt to wean myself off bananas in future, they currently serve as my chocolate bar replacement. I was a big chocolate nut and would sometimes eat 2-3 Mars/Snickers etc. a day.
  • The nuts are very calorie dense so I guess they can go, however I was told they were extremely good sources of fat and that it was a good idea to take in about 100g of fat each day. That and I'm fond of snacking.
  • 2 meals a week will be with salmon fillets instead of chicken breast.
  • I will most likely reduce the eggs to 2 per day.

Have I made any glaring errors here? Any recommendations are welcome. My main aim is to make food that can be batched cooked to last several days and that are easy to prepare/store so I will sacrifice variety. I prefer to cook a maximum of 3 times a week.

I just checked Ifcalc and my TDEE is supposedly 2500ish Calories per day so I will need to target a 2000 calorie per day diet conforming with the often recommended 500 Calories per day deficit.

But are you trying to get strong or are you trying to lose weight? I mean, nothing wrong with trying to look good but probably your lifts will suffer if you lose weight fast.


How does she like it?

She likes it very much. She was originally doing SS/GSLP but had trouble progressing. 5/3/1 seems to be working better even though I dropped the progression down to 2.5 lbs for upper body lifts and 5 lbs for lower body lifts. It takes her roughly the same time to do this as it takes me to complete my BB template.

She's currently doing:

Bench 5/3/1
LTE 5x10 (instead of BBB)
DB Row 5x10

Squat 5/3/1
Deadlift BBB @ 70%
Leg Press 5x15

Press 5/3/1
DB Press 5x12 (instead of BBB)
Lat Pulldown 5x10

Deadlift 5/3/1
Squat BBB @ 70%
Hanging Leg Raise 5x15

Any comments are appreciated if someone thinks something could be programmed better.


She likes it very much. She was originally doing SS/GSLP but had trouble progressing. 5/3/1 seems to be working better even though I dropped the progression down to 2.5 lbs for upper body lifts and 5 lbs for lower body lifts. It takes her roughly the same time to do this as it takes me to complete my BB template.

She's currently doing:

Bench 5/3/1
LTE 5x10 (instead of BBB)
DB Row 5x10

Squat 5/3/1
Deadlift BBB @ 70%
Leg Press 5x15

Press 5/3/1
DB Press 5x12 (instead of BBB)
Lat Pulldown 5x10

Deadlift 5/3/1
Squat BBB @ 70%
Hanging Leg Raise 5x15

Any comments are appreciated if someone thinks something could be programmed better.

Can she so chin-ups? Could be a good idea to start working on that if she can't do them yet.

Also I like RDLs better than BBB deadlifts but that's just me.


New cutting recipe...and just in time for summer

Chicken breast...score it with a knife
Tandoori Paste
Fat Free yogurt (which I prefer because it's more acidic and tenderizes the chicken better)

Follow instructions on tandoori jar to find the right ratio of paste to yogurt, mix, marinate chicken for 4 to 24 hours.


Eat like a fucking king.


Can she so chin-ups? Could be a good idea to start working on that if she can't do them yet.

Also I like RDLs better than BBB deadlifts but that's just me.

She can't do chin ups yet. She almost got one once but that was it :D But she should start training for them. Perhaps doing negatives or something..


She can't do chin ups yet. She almost got one once but that was it :D But she should start training for them. Perhaps doing negatives or something..

She could do assisted ones with the chin-up machine; I found that that works pretty well for a lot of people, provided that tere is some structure around the progression.

Out of curiosity, why the triceps work and the db presses? Why not bbb for those?


Speaking of 5/3/1 templates, I was playing around with one for myself this morning.

OHP 5/3/1
Barbell curl (?)
Shrugs or pull ups. Probably pull-ups

Deadlift 5/3/1
Power clean 3x5
Deadlift BBB
Farmers walks

Bench 5/3/1
Bench BBB

Squats 5/3/1
Front squats 3x5
Squats BBB
Good mornings

The front squats and power cleans are two oly lifts I want to start working on. I've been addicted to pendlay rows but don't know where I could fit them in. Maybe drop farmers walks on deadlift days? Press day is the messiest.

Help me Fitgaf :)

Goal would be to get bigger and stronger.


She could do assisted ones with the chin-up machine; I found that that works pretty well for a lot of people, provided that tere is some structure around the progression.

We don't have chin-up machine or bands or anything. So the only way is to do negatives I think.

Out of curiosity, why the triceps work and the db presses? Why not bbb for those?

Honestly I don't remember anymore why I chose them instead of BBB. For variety I think. I guess DB Press was chosen for the same reasons 5/3/1 BB has you do them instead of barbell press. For LTE I'm not sure. I guess I thought they would be a good assistance exercise for the bench press.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Speaking of 5/3/1 templates, I was playing around with one for myself this morning.

OHP 5/3/1
Barbell curl (?)
Shrugs or pull ups. Probably pull-ups

Deadlift 5/3/1
Power clean 3x5
Deadlift BBB
Farmers walks

Bench 5/3/1
Bench BBB

Squats 5/3/1
Front squats 3x5
Squats BBB
Good mornings

The front squats and power cleans are two oly lifts I want to start working on. I've been addicted to pendlay rows but don't know where I could fit them in. Maybe drop farmers walks on deadlift days? Press day is the messiest.

Help me Fitgaf :)

Goal would be to get bigger and stronger.

I'd count farmers walks as conditioning. Not as main assistance. I'd do Pendlay rows on an upper day. IMO you don't/aren't going to be doing nearly enough rowing/back work.


Speaking of 5/3/1 templates, I was playing around with one for myself this morning.

OHP 5/3/1
Barbell curl (?)
Shrugs or pull ups. Probably pull-ups

Deadlift 5/3/1
Power clean 3x5
Deadlift BBB
Farmers walks

Bench 5/3/1
Bench BBB

Squats 5/3/1
Front squats 3x5
Squats BBB
Good mornings

The front squats and power cleans are two oly lifts I want to start working on. I've been addicted to pendlay rows but don't know where I could fit them in. Maybe drop farmers walks on deadlift days? Press day is the messiest.

Help me Fitgaf :)

Goal would be to get bigger and stronger.

I like it. I'd switch the cgbp for chin-ups and would do the pull-ups instead of the shrugs. Since you'll get plenty of trap work with the deadlifts power cleans and farmer walks, and you'll need some back work to balance out all the pressing on bench day. You might find that the dips won't do much web your body is trashed from all the benching too.


I'd count farmers walks as conditioning. Not as main assistance. I'd do Pendlay rows on an upper day. IMO you don't/aren't going to be doing nearly enough rowing/back work.

Maybe do a BBB pendlay? And good point about the farmers walks.

I like it. I'd switch the cgbp for chin-ups and would do the pull-ups instead of the shrugs. Since you'll get plenty of trap work with the deadlifts power cleans and farmer walks, and you'll need some back work to balance out all the pressing on bench day. You might find that the dips won't do much web your body is trashed from all the benching too.

Good points here too. If I do chin ups, pull ups, and BBB pendlays that should hit my upper back pretty good.

I'll probably have to do a mix of negatives and assisted at first. I suuuuck at chin ups and pull ups. Even more of a reason to man up and do them I suppose :)


Lol at the people drinking mass gainers for calories. Shieeeeeet if I was trying to gain weight, ice cream all day erry day. Better yet Ben and Jerry's frozen Greek yogurt. More protons. Pizza etc.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well, I had to remove a crushed trashcan from my wife's wheel well. So I don't know how that's going to effect my deadlift check this morning. Still gonna go do it though. Damnit.

Lol at the people drinking mass gainers for calories. Shieeeeeet if I was trying to gain weight, ice cream all day erry day. Better yet Ben and Jerry's frozen Greek yogurt. More protons. Pizza etc.

Dem protons.


How's this....

OHP 5/3/1
Pendlay BBB

Power clean 3x5
Deadlift BBB
Farmers walks (conditioning)

Bench BBB
Chin ups

Front squats 3x5
Squats BBB
Good mornings

OHP BBB and pendlay BBB in the same workout might be too much. Maybe a 3x5 of pendlay?


Thanks everyone, had a look in to all of them, but this one sounds the most cost and time effective so will give it a try!

In the UK so hopefully I can find some heavy ice cream.

Heavy cream is not heavy ice cream to clarify.

You Brits call it Double Cream. It's the stuff you pair with strawberries in with the classic strawberries and cream dessert.


She could do assisted ones with the chin-up machine; I found that that works pretty well for a lot of people, provided that tere is some structure around the progression.

Assisted machines are great until the assist breaks--it's been broken for a week now at my gym. If it's not fixed by tomorrow I'll have to switch to negatives at home :(


Alright Sean, I'm going to scribble all over your 5/3/1 template and do what I would do in your shoes. You've revised your template already, but I'm a slow typist so here's my two cents:

OHP 5/3/1
Shrugs Pull ups [PC's and DL's will need those traps fresh tomorrow]
Barbell curl [Isolation movement saved for last]

Power clean 3x5 [Wendler suggests doing these before the 5/3/1 set]
Deadlift 5/3/1
Deadlift BBB

Bench 5/3/1
Bench BBB
CGBP [If you're doing BBB at a good weight your triceps may be jelly by now]
Dips Pendlay rows [More back work + you want to do these anyways]

Squats 5/3/1
Front squats 3x5 [?]
Squats BBB
Good mornings

[Conditioning] Farmer's walks [after training, pick a day or three to work on these]

That leaves us with front squats. I'm not sure where I'd put those if I were in your shoes. I might warm-up with them on squat day, or do them BBB in place of the Deadlift BBB (what I do now). I'm just thinking that squat 5/3/1 day will be around 80-90 reps of squats on a single training day sans warm-up sets and reps. Personally, I'd spread that out a bit.

Also, for more back work, I like doing pull-ups between pressing sets per Wendler recommendations - only at volumes friendlier to my strength levels. I do three reps between every pressing set, even warm-ups. Wendler meanwhile does fifty before touching a barbell, and who knows how many between pressing sets.
Sean look into the 5/3/1 Periodization Bible. I love it.

Military Press (5/3/1)
&#8226; Shoulders or Chest &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups)
&#8226; Lats or Upper Back &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T-bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)
&#8226; Triceps &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)

Deadlift (5/3/1)
&#8226; Hamstrings &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Curls, Glute-Ham Raise)
&#8226; Quads &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats)
&#8226; Abs &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Sit-ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend)

Bench Press (5/3/1)
&#8226; Shoulders or Chest &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups)
&#8226; Lats or Upper Back &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T-bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)
&#8226; Triceps &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)

Squat (5/3/1)
&#8226; Low Back &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Reverse Hyper, Back Raise, Good Morning)
&#8226; Quads &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats)
&#8226; Abs &#8211; 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Sit-ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend)

As blackflag suggested, I do a 4 sets @ 10-12 for curls at the end of every workout. Only real shoulder work I am doing for now is just 5/3/1 OHP. Do incline on OHP day and decline on bench day (5/3/1 decline and then 5 sets of 10-20 for decline).

I thought you were trying to cut btw?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
How's this....

OHP 5/3/1
Pendlay BBB

Power clean 3x5
Deadlift BBB
Farmers walks (conditioning)

Bench BBB
Chin ups

Front squats 3x5
Squats BBB
Good mornings

OHP BBB and pendlay BBB in the same workout might be too much. Maybe a 3x5 of pendlay?

I personally wouldn't do OHP BBB or bench BBB it didn't do shit for me. BBB was most effective with squat/dead for me. But again, that's me.

Trying to cut back on dem electrons.

Needs more neutrons.


Steroid Distributor
Geezer: are you really only eating three meals a day? If I'm reading that correctly that's what I see.
I don't see a major issue with your caloric intake. But if you are really getting the majority of those calories in only three sittings that could be holding you back.
And your fat intake looks very low. Do not lose the nuts.

M_Night & everyone suggesting these weight gain shakes: you guys are looking at these calories and splitting up the servings right? This is a total of what the shakes will offer but you are drinking half of that (max) at a single serving right?

It's been quite some time since I jumped into this thread or one like it on GAF and I'm just trying to get a feel for how conversations are going in here.


Alright Sean, I'm going to scribble all over your 5/3/1 template and do what I would do in your shoes. You've revised your template already, but I'm a slow typist so here's my two cents:

OHP 5/3/1
Shrugs Pull ups [PC's and DL's will need those traps fresh tomorrow]
Barbell curl [Isolation movement saved for last]

Power clean 3x5 [Wendler suggests doing these before the 5/3/1 set]
Deadlift 5/3/1
Deadlift BBB

Bench 5/3/1
Bench BBB
CGBP [If you're doing BBB at a good weight your triceps may be jelly by now]
Dips Pendlay rows [More back work + you want to do these anyways]

Squats 5/3/1
Front squats 3x5 [?]
Squats BBB
Good mornings

[Conditioning] Farmer's walks [after training, pick a day or three to work on these]

That leaves us with front squats. I'm not sure where I'd put those if I were in your shoes. I might warm-up with them on squat day, or do them BBB in place of the Deadlift BBB (what I do now). I'm just thinking that squat 5/3/1 day will be around 80-90 reps of squats on a single training day sans warm-up sets and reps. Personally, I'd spread that out a bit.

Also, for more back work, I like doing pull-ups between pressing sets per Wendler recommendations - only at volumes friendlier to my strength levels. I do three reps between every pressing set, even warm-ups. Wendler meanwhile does fifty before touching a barbell, and who knows how many between pressing sets.

Really appreciate the help, let me reform things again.

Sean look into the 5/3/1 Periodization Bible. I love it.

I thought you were trying to cut btw?

Cuts over after my wedding (when I'd start this :) )

I personally wouldn't do OHP BBB or bench BBB it didn't do shit for me. BBB was most effective with squat/dead for me. But again, that's me.

I feel the same way, hence the program I'm on now.

If you didn't catch it Sean, I posted a routine where I do BBB for squat/dead and SST for pressing:


I had the exact same experience actually. I removed then and kept doing BBB deads and squats

Interesting. If its across the board I'll probably replace them. Let me see what I can type up. I've also never heard of SST. Will have to look into it.

Really appreciate the input, guys.


Steroid Distributor
Geezer: are you really only eating three meals a day? If I'm reading that correctly that's what I see.
I don't see a major issue with your caloric intake. But if you are really getting the majority of those calories in only three sittings that could be holding you back.
And your fat intake looks very low. Do not lose the nuts.

M_Night & everyone suggesting these weight gain shakes: you guys are looking at these calories and splitting up the servings right? This is a total of what the shakes will offer but you are drinking half of that (max) at a single serving right?

It's been quite some time since I jumped into this thread or one like it on GAF and I'm just trying to get a feel for how conversations are going in here.

Just a heads up but that is my diet now. Before, I ate reckless abandon and every day was cheat day. Put on the muscle but definitely put on the fat as well. I did feel like a giant beast though, which I love.

And to those saying that they don't care for BBB for presses, are we talking about if they improved our strength gains or just overall pump/size?


Still tweaking....

OHP 5/3/1
Seated DB press 3x10
Barbell curl

Power clean 3x5
Deadlift 5/3/1
Deadlift BBB

Bench 5/3/1
Pendlay BBB
Dips 5 sets

Front squats 3x5
Squats BBB

I think doing 5 sets of dips, burning out on them, should be enough tricep work, right?

Like I said with pull ups, they suck right now. Gotta go assisted/negative on them to start.

Dropped the OHP BBB but figured I could do some DB press work.

Added in the pendlays to bench day, dropped the BBB

Squats are a tricky day. The front squats will be light at first to get form down. Maybe when they get heavy move BBB squat to a 3x10?


I personally wouldn't do OHP BBB or bench BBB it didn't do shit for me. BBB was most effective with squat/dead for me. But again, that's me.

That's funny because BBB is the ONLY thing that makes my press go up. In my opinion the press is a fickle ass lift and just doing more of it makes the lift go up.
Interesting. If its across the board I'll probably replace them. Let me see what I can type up. I've also never heard of SST. Will have to look into it.

Really appreciate the input, guys.

FWIW, I have a buddy who is cutting and doing BBB for upper body and it has actually really helped his strength. He's getting closer to pressing 225 (think he repped 205 a few times the other week) and he says its due to BBB press and floor press.

In case it matters, he's currently on a no/low carb diet.


Just tested my one RM on DL, and I got my goal of 400. The competition it's for is in one week. Should I try to get it even higher, or do some maintenance work, so I'll be rested by then?


Just tested my one RM on DL, and I got my goal of 400. The competition it's for is in one week. Should I try to get it even higher, or do some maintenance work, so I'll be rested by then?

I don't know if I would stop working on deadlift, but I definitely wouldn't do anything to hinder it. no heavy legs or back imo, but I don't know anything about training for competition.
FWIW, I have a buddy who is cutting and doing BBB for upper body and it has actually really helped his strength. He's getting closer to pressing 225 (think he repped 205 a few times the other week) and he says its due to BBB press and floor press.

In case it matters, he's currently on a no/low carb diet.

Floor presses are fantastic. There are so many great exercises out there, it is easy to get overwhelmed and want to try to add it all.
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