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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Your new template looks good, Sean. Less is more, especially with BBB.

Others have mentioned BBB pressing works for them. That's another good reason to try it out for a cycle if you like. The less you mess with a 5/3/1 template the better.

Really appreciate the help, let me reform things again.

Interesting. If its across the board I'll probably replace them. Let me see what I can type up. I've also never heard of SST. Will have to look into it.

Really appreciate the input, guys.
You're welcome! For future reference, SST is the Simplest Strength Template. As written in the previous post it's a big assistance lift done with the following numbers after your 5/3/1 lift:

Week One - 50%x10, 60%x10, 70%x10
Week Two - 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x6
Week Three - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Weel Four - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5

Assistance lifts available for use in this template are:

Pressing - log press, log bench press, close grip bench press, swiss bar press and bench press, incline press, floor press and 2-board press
Pulling - straight leg deadlift, good morning, trap bar deadlift, rack deadlift
Squatting - front squat, safety bar squat, box squat

Like the 5/3/1 lifts he doesn't recommend changing the big assistance month to month. He says to keep it 3-4 cycles or longer. The maxes for these jump just like in 5/3/1, 10lbs for lower body and 5lbs for upper body. Warm-ups might not be necessary, but do them if you feel you have to. After the big assistance lift Wendler lists a few areas for light assistance - lats, upper back, triceps and biceps for pressing, and hamstring, lower back and ab work for lower body days. The focus is more on muscle hypertrophy and prehab than strength here. And lastly:

Jim Wendler said:
I firmly believe that this is one of the best and easiest templates to get strong. If you have any doubts on what to do for assistance work and you want to be strong, follow this template. It is easy to follow, attacks all the main areas you will need for strength (i.e. weak points) and allow you to program everything effectively.
I'm always the sorest after front squats

Same here.

Amazing quad builders tho.

No joke. Close stance front squats. Build that outer quad sweep.

Are you doing them for high reps?
I like them, but I'm only doing them in the 4-6 rep range, if I go for the 10+ reps they just take too much effort to stabilize the bar on the shoulders.

I did them at a light weight. 3x10 @ 155. Was exhausted. I do hack squats instead but man, people who can do front squats at heavy weights are crazy strong.


How would I program Front Squats in to 5/3/1 BB? Should I replace leg extensions with them or how? After squatting anyway I think? How many reps/sets?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun


Fantastic day at the gym. Ended with a new Deadlift PR (thank god). 545lbs. I clearly need more ab work since I could feel my arch breaking down at 545, but everything else felt strong. Video bomb incoming.







Stopped there because I wanted to end on a high note, my back began to round and my pec cramped.

What's up with the whistling in those videos? Heard it at the beginning of the 545 video and at the end of the 515.


Fantastic day at the gym. Ended with a new Deadlift PR (thank god). 545lbs. I clearly need more ab work since I could feel my arch breaking down at 545, but everything else felt strong. Video bomb incoming.

Stopped there because I wanted to end on a high note, my back began to round and my pec cramped.

Pretty awesome dude, hopefully I'll get there one day! :)
Fantastic day at the gym. Ended with a new Deadlift PR (thank god). 545lbs. I clearly need more ab work since I could feel my arch breaking down at 545, but everything else felt strong. Video bomb incoming.







Stopped there because I wanted to end on a high note, my back began to round and my pec cramped.

Awesome work! Glad I'm not the only one who gets pec cramps while deadlifting.


Fantastic day at the gym. Ended with a new Deadlift PR (thank god). 545lbs. I clearly need more ab work since I could feel my arch breaking down at 545, but everything else felt strong. Video bomb incoming.







Stopped there because I wanted to end on a high note, my back began to round and my pec cramped.



Geezer: are you really only eating three meals a day? If I'm reading that correctly that's what I see.
I don't see a major issue with your caloric intake. But if you are really getting the majority of those calories in only three sittings that could be holding you back.
And your fat intake looks very low. Do not lose the nuts.

M_Night & everyone suggesting these weight gain shakes: you guys are looking at these calories and splitting up the servings right? This is a total of what the shakes will offer but you are drinking half of that (max) at a single serving right?

It's been quite some time since I jumped into this thread or one like it on GAF and I'm just trying to get a feel for how conversations are going in here.

I'm also curious!



Gold Member
Anyone want to take a critical look at my deadlift form? I am just a few months into this whole barbell lifting thing so figured it wouldn't hurt to ask the pros here. This is a mid weight set, not my best form and not the worst so I thought it would be most representative. Keeping shoulders back is issue I acknowledge as I am pretty tall and don't have a naturally good posture.


The black floor makes it a bit hard to see and Skydrive is slow sorry.


Geezer: are you really only eating three meals a day? If I'm reading that correctly that's what I see.
I don't see a major issue with your caloric intake. But if you are really getting the majority of those calories in only three sittings that could be holding you back.
And your fat intake looks very low. Do not lose the nuts.

M_Night & everyone suggesting these weight gain shakes: you guys are looking at these calories and splitting up the servings right? This is a total of what the shakes will offer but you are drinking half of that (max) at a single serving right?

It's been quite some time since I jumped into this thread or one like it on GAF and I'm just trying to get a feel for how conversations are going in here.

Love your tag lol. You must be old school or did you change your name? I don't remember you from OT1 or OT2.


As an absolute beginner, is this general routine okay?

M/W/F: bench press, dead lifts, squats. (no pull-up bar available)
Tues/Thurs: treadmill
Every morning: abs

Anything I should adjust/remove/add? Yesterday was my first day doing squats and deadlifts. I only used 15 lbs because I wanted to get used to the form, but my legs are sore today. (bench is tentatively 60 lbs)


As an absolute beginner, is this general routine okay?

M/W/F: bench press, dead lifts, squats. (no pull-up bar available)
Tues/Thurs: treadmill
Every morning: abs

Anything I should adjust/remove/add? Yesterday was my first day doing squats and deadlifts. I only used 15 lbs because I wanted to get used to the form, but my legs are sore today. (bench is tentatively 60 lbs)

Might be best to do:


A: Bench, squats, rows
B: Overhead Press, deadlifts, pull ups

Alternate the two. It's a generic strength training routine. Raise weight by 5lbs on upper body lifts and 10lbs on lower body lifts.
Invest in 1.25lbs plates (0.5kg) for later when you cannot raise the weight by 5lbs. Do it as long as you can and milk the beginner gains.

Read the OP.

Also, add the bar weight to the total weight lifted. 45lbs is the norm but you can have 20lb bars. (Not sure if 20lbs, maybe 22lbs? 10kg in non imperial weights :p )


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Snapped a picture this morning of my abs after 10 days on a cut. They looked better than I expected. Upload it tonight.


Fantastic day at the gym. Ended with a new Deadlift PR (thank god). 545lbs. I clearly need more ab work since I could feel my arch breaking down at 545, but everything else felt strong. Video bomb incoming.







Stopped there because I wanted to end on a high note, my back began to round and my pec cramped.

nice lifts man. Is that a little "deadlift stage" or something? Noticed the weights don't roll and you always put it back in the same position every time.


Neo Member
Is there a reason why you don't go do the gym? As mentioned before, read the OP and do Starting Strength if you can. Best bang for your metabolic buck.
Basically, money issues. I might get to one when I get a job but once I get a job I'll probably want to join the ninjutsu school near my house and continue exercizing at home.


Anyone want to take a critical look at my deadlift form? I am just a few months into this whole barbell lifting thing so figured it wouldn't hurt to ask the pros here. This is a mid weight set, not my best form and not the worst so I thought it would be most representative. Keeping shoulders back is issue I acknowledge as I am pretty tall and don't have a naturally good posture.


The black floor makes it a bit hard to see and Skydrive is slow sorry.

You're back is slightly arched.


Neo Member
I've been checking Starting Strength but it looks like I need access to a gym (or at least more tools than I have). Is there a program that I can follow at home?


getting back in the gym is an amazing feeling. even if I am completely starting from scratch on the lower body lifts and not deadlifting yet haha.

squats - 2x5 @ 115
1x10 @ 115

pullups 1x5
pullups 3x5 supersetted with 3x10 5-count calf raises on each leg (this is rehab work)

incline db bench - 1x10 @ 45s
2x5 @ 50s
1x10 @ 50s

bb rows - 1x10 @ 45
3x8 @ 95

dips - 3x10

gonna move back up to a plate for squats on saturday I think! makes me feel so weak to be getting excited about that, but considering where I was 6 weeks ago, it's okay.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thanks guys! I'll probably repost the 545 video a couple times. Pretty happy with it. Also, in my vast years of experience (2 years 8 months lol) of lifting I've come to realize if you're basing your "max" on a high rep calculation it's probably pretty far off. Especially once you get to higher weights.

I've just now come to realize this. Just because you can do 425 for 11 on deadlift doesn't mean you can do 565+ on deadlift. Many other things come into play at maximal weights. The only way to really get that kind of weight is to work with heavy weight in your hands. IMO the 3RM or even 5RM are going to be more accurate, and even then I wouldn't (and won't be) claiming those as maxes anymore (even when labeled as "calculated maxes) as it's simply not honest. Especially if you're taking a very high rep calculation.

So don't be afraid of heavy weights. Get that shit in your hands if you want to get stronger.

Edit: I'll probably repost this top part next page too since it's gonna get lost in about 9 more posts.

What's up with the whistling in those videos? Heard it at the beginning of the 545 video and at the end of the 515.

The emergency door was propped open.

Pretty awesome dude, hopefully I'll get there one day! :)

Thanks man!
Awesome work! Glad I'm not the only one who gets pec cramps while deadlifting.

Yeah, I get it with maximal attempts. Doesn't help I did 1RM for bench yesterday.

It also happens during 535. Awesome beasting, Alien.

Yeah, at the end of 535 that's what I point and tell the two trainers that were next to me. They asked what it was too.

nice lifts man. Is that a little "deadlift stage" or something? Noticed the weights don't roll and you always put it back in the same position every time.

Yeah, it's a deadlift/oly lift platform.


Fantastic day at the gym. Ended with a new Deadlift PR (thank god). 545lbs. I clearly need more ab work since I could feel my arch breaking down at 545, but everything else felt strong. Video bomb incoming.







Stopped there because I wanted to end on a high note, my back began to round and my pec cramped.

No straps like a fucking man! nice lifts!


Well, he's right.

Just watched the vids, too. Grats! A real 1RM really is a different beast than a "calculated 1RM." More... satisfying too.


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
But are you trying to get strong or are you trying to lose weight? I mean, nothing wrong with trying to look good but probably your lifts will suffer if you lose weight fast.
My goal is to be strong, I'm not really concerned with bodybuilding. However I want to cut and I feel like need to lose 20Kg or so. My current weight is partially a result of a failed bulk. I've gained 14Kg in 9 months and my lifts are still very poor as a result of my errors. It's gotten to the point where I am obese and I want to fix it.

Just a heads up but that is my diet now. Before, I ate reckless abandon and every day was cheat day. Put on the muscle but definitely put on the fat as well. I did feel like a giant beast though, which I love.
How do you feel on your current diet? Hungry at all?

Geezer: are you really only eating three meals a day? If I'm reading that correctly that's what I see.
I don't see a major issue with your caloric intake. But if you are really getting the majority of those calories in only three sittings that could be holding you back.
And your fat intake looks very low. Do not lose the nuts.
I can spread it out a bit and split the breakfast in two and stagger snacks like the protein shakes and nuts through the day.




This is something I always wondered but why do you drop your weight instead of doing a controlled lowering? I'm not doing nearly close to what your doing (395) but I try to control it back down. Anything wrong with not dropping it?

powerlifting rules state that you can drop it once the bar passes your knees. makes the lift slightly easier (although most of the work is done by that point). lowering slowly plays hell on your back I think, at least at heavier weights.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Reposting this for people with 50ppp.

I've just now come to realize this. Just because you can do 425 for 11 on deadlift doesn't mean you can do 565+ on deadlift. Many other things come into play at maximal weights. The only way to really get that kind of weight is to work with heavy weight in your hands. IMO the 3RM or even 5RM are going to be more accurate, and even then I wouldn't (and won't be) claiming those as maxes anymore (even when labeled as "calculated maxes) as it's simply not honest. Especially if you're taking a very high rep calculation.

So don't be afraid of heavy weights. Get that shit in your hands if you want to get stronger.

Well, he's right.

Just watched the vids, too. Grats! A real 1RM really is a different beast than a "calculated 1RM." More... satisfying too.

Yeah, well the majority of the world is also starving, lol. Thanks man!

Mad Props Alien


Fucking nice man.

Work's still continuing to kill my lifts. I'm working between 50-60 hours of physical labor a week and while helping me get cut, it's not helping me get max reps on my lifts. I'm just getting the needed reps and leaving it at that until at least June when things start to wind down, and I have two free days to recuperate.

Thanks man, and it sucks when life gets in the way of lifting. Thankfully I have a support network that helps me keep that shit going. As for you, you're doing it right.

Sean Romero likes it!

Yeah he does!

This is something I always wondered but why do you drop your weight instead of doing a controlled lowering? I'm not doing nearly close to what your doing (395) but I try to control it back down. Anything wrong with not dropping it?

You're wasting energy. Deadlift is from the ground up. Lowering it back down slow serves no purpose except for wasting energy.

powerlifting rules state that you can drop it once the bar passes your knees. makes the lift slightly easier (although most of the work is done by that point). lowering slowly plays hell on your back I think, at least at heavier weights.


No. The lift is completed once the bar is locked out and your hips are extended. If I could drop that shit once it passed my knees I'd be deadlifting over 9000. There are no "powerlifting rules" about dropping the bar. Quite simply. The lift is complete once it's locked out. There is no "lowering" phase of the lift.

Beast mode!

Thanks bud!



No. The lift is completed once the bar is locked out and your hips are extended. If I could drop that shit once it passed my knees I'd be deadlifting over 9000. There are no "powerlifting rules" about dropping the bar. Quite simply. The lift is complete once it's locked out. There is no "lowering" phase of the lift.

oh. I've always heard what I posted.

I googled it, and you just have to maintain control of the bar on the way down.

At the referees command the bar will be returned to the floor under the control of the lifter.

disqualification of DL said:
Allowing the bar to return to the platform without maintaining control with both hands.


no idea how legit that site is. old article too, so the rules could have changed.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Awesome progress Shogun.

Long ass day at work climbing ladders, dredging through snow and mud putting up soffit, haven't even sat down since 8am until now after lifting, showering and sex (the most tiring part). I recorded my last set of cgbp (did 310x5, 320x5, 330x3(4-5 fail)) and lte (152x5) but didn't like what I saw on cgbp, ass came off the bench on my fourth and fifth reps. Tried 245x20 after and at 12th rep my ass cramped. I'll try to post some cgbp and bb rows in the near future though, nothing max effort here. When I'm back to 178-185 on LTE I'll post that up I'm only up to 154 this week, uploading, haven't done these recently.

edit: 37mins to ul 95mb...

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
oh. I've always heard what I posted.

I googled it, and you just have to maintain control of the bar on the way down.


no idea how legit that site is. old article too, so the rules could have changed.

Probably depends on the federation/venue. But "under the control of the lifter" is very vague. I could have let it slam just as well with my hands on the bar. I've seen enough competition videos where people have dropped the weight from full lockout too, lol.

As for the lift itself, there is no "lowering" in a deadlift. It's complete once it's locked out. The DQ rule is there for safety. To keep the barbell from becoming a ballistic missile.

Awesome progress Shogun.

Long ass day at work climbing ladders, dredging through snow and mud putting up soffit, haven't even sat down since 8am until now after lifting, showering and sex (the most tiring part). I recorded my last set of cgbp (did 310x5, 320x5, 330x3(4-5 fail)) and lte (152x5) but didn't like what I saw on cgbp, ass came off the bench on my fourth and fifth reps. Tried 245x20 after and at 12th rep my ass cramped. I'll try to post some cgbp and bb rows in the near future though, nothing max effort here. When I'm back to 178-185 on LTE I'll post that up I'm only up to 154 this week, uploading, haven't done these recently.

edit: 37mins to ul 95mb...

Thanks bud. Can't wait to see some videos of you destroying shit.
powerlifting rules state that you can drop it once the bar passes your knees. makes the lift slightly easier (although most of the work is done by that point). lowering slowly plays hell on your back I think, at least at heavier weights.

You're wasting energy. Deadlift is from the ground up. Lowering it back down slow serves no purpose except for wasting energy.

Ah ok this makes more sense. Thanks


As an absolute beginner, is this general routine okay?

M/W/F: bench press, dead lifts, squats. (no pull-up bar available)
Tues/Thurs: treadmill
Every morning: abs

No. It's not okay.

Do Starting Strength. Starting Strength is a program. What you posted is a program. You need a program, not a routine. A routine is just a collection of exercises. A program utilizes exercises in such a way that certain variables are manipulated over time (weight on the bar in the case of SS) in a progressive manner to get you stronger.

Thanks guys! I'll probably repost the 545 video a couple times. Pretty happy with it. Also, in my vast years of experience (2 years 8 months lol) of lifting I've come to realize if you're basing your "max" on a high rep calculation it's probably pretty far off. Especially once you get to higher weights.

I've just now come to realize this. Just because you can do 425 for 11 on deadlift doesn't mean you can do 565+ on deadlift. Many other things come into play at maximal weights. The only way to really get that kind of weight is to work with heavy weight in your hands. IMO the 3RM or even 5RM are going to be more accurate, and even then I wouldn't (and won't be) claiming those as maxes anymore (even when labeled as "calculated maxes) as it's simply not honest. Especially if you're taking a very high rep calculation.

In my limited experience I've found this to be true. There are many factors that can 'break the kinetic chain' that only pop up with heavy weights that can't really be perceived when doing lighter weights, even with high reps. The CNS also has to adapt to the heavy efforts, it has to learn to 'grind that shit up'. That can only be learned with heavy weights and that's why heavy singles are so valuable.

My calculated 1RM on Deadlift is like 500lb, and I can tell you with complete and utter certitude that there's no way I'm able to lift that right now. No way on Earth, even with a gun to my head.

Awesome Deadlift PR by the way. Can't wait until I get to 5 plates myself.

My goal is to be strong, I'm not really concerned with bodybuilding. However I want to cut and I feel like need to lose 20Kg or so. My current weight is partially a result of a failed bulk. I've gained 14Kg in 9 months and my lifts are still very poor as a result of my errors. It's gotten to the point where I am obese and I want to fix it.

If I were you I'd do Starting Strength or GSLP while doing some sort of Paleo-ish diet (high protein, high fat, moderate complex carbs). I'm not a nutritionist so take anything I say with a grain of salt. But you can always ask this guy.
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