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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Here are the good ones imo.

Peanut Butter and Jelly
Peanut Butter Supreme
Banana Nut Muffin
Apple Pie
Cinnamon Roll
Coconut Cashew

Chocolate chip cookie dough is supposed to be the bomb but it's only sold by Quest directly and a few GNC stores and their site.

i agree wholeheartedly with your list.

cinnamon roll is the protein bar equivalent of crack. so freaking good.

edit: sorry, i do have to add strawberry cheesecake. that one is excellent.


i agree wholeheartedly with your list.

cinnamon roll is the protein bar equivalent of crack. so freaking good.

edit: sorry, i do have to add strawberry cheesecake. that one is excellent.

Actually i forgot that one. I bought some of those for the first time last week.

I'm actually all out. I gotta go get a box at the store. Love that I can mix and match how I want and still get the box price.



But you motha fuckas really need to start posting videos.

Evolve this here thread.

Sounds too complicated to balance my phone on something while I lift and video.

Actually I'm not squatting or deadlifting these days anyway :( Afraid to see what happens when I finally can again.


Squatted 320lbs today! A new PR! Good to see my strength going up on this cut, but I couldn't do my cardio today at all. Week 4 of couch to 5k and I'm too weak after cleans to run, but I'm probably running too soon after I'm done lifting. I think I'm going to swap out the running for yoga for now.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Sounds too complicated to balance my phone on something while I lift and video.

Actually I'm not squatting or deadlifting these days anyway :( Afraid to see what happens when I finally can again.


All you need to do is lean it up against a stack of 2 10lb weights or lower. That's what I've been doing.


I need some quest bars.

I refuse to pay for he GNC good card though, I know I can get one for free. Will keep searching for coupons, damnit.


You can't spot reduce areas so while your torso "needs work", you can't expect to just target the gut to lose the fat.

Read the OP and start on Starting Strength and go from there.

Is there a reason why you don't go do the gym? As mentioned before, read the OP and do Starting Strength if you can. Best bang for your metabolic buck.

Not trying to spot reduce, I know how that works.
Squatted 320lbs today! A new PR! Good to see my strength going up on this cut, but I couldn't do my cardio today at all. Week 4 of couch to 5k and I'm too weak after cleans to run, but I'm probably running too soon after I'm done lifting. I think I'm going to swap out the running for yoga for now.

Nice! Further guarantee that you won't hit a "three plate" mental barrier. Congrats.



You're doing 5/3/1 right?

Thanks man. Yeah, I've been doing 5/3/1 since January. A pretty basic template (basically the triumvirate with some arm work added in. For teh pump)


But you motha fuckas really need to start posting videos.

Evolve this here thread.

I'll post a video once I reach 440lbx5 on the deadlift. That's 2xBW for me. All my other lifts are a complete and utter embarrassment so I'd rather not post videos of those. :p

And I just read about that guy with the 375lb OHP. I just find that too hard to believe. There's probably less than 500 people in the whole world who could do that.


Thanks man. Yeah, I've been doing 5/3/1 since January. A pretty basic template (basically the triumvirate with some arm work added in. For teh pump)

I'll post a video once I reach 440lbx5 on the deadlift. That's 2xBW for me. All my other lifts are a complete and utter embarrassment so I'd rather not post videos of those. :p

And I just read about that guy with the 375lb OHP. I just find that too hard to believe. There's probably less than 500 people in the whole world who could do that.

Nice. I just got the 5/3/1 book. I'm excited to start in the next couple months.


Maybe it's all mental, but the gym I go to now has metal plates and dumbbells, where as the one I used to go to had all rubber weights. The metal ones just seem heavier to me though, and some of their plates are thicker than others which makes me wonder if they're all really 45 or not.


Maybe it's all mental, but the gym I go to now has metal plates and dumbbells, where as the one I used to go to had all rubber weights. The metal ones just seem heavier to me though, and some of their plates are thicker than others which makes me wonder if they're all really 45 or not.

When in doubt, take one over to a scale.


Quick progress update

Kelei routine- seem to have stalled on all my lifts, despite progress. Its tough to evaluate progress when your target is a 10 rep max though, any small factor (lack of sleep, diet, etc) makes it real tough to get all 10 reps.

Also- thigh/leg shrinking is going okay, still fucking up the rest of my routine. Lower back/core is suffering as a result. blech.
I wish you guys could see this conversation I'm having on FB. Dude is claiming to be 216lbs with these numbers.

Bench is 495, Squat 575 and Deadlift 615

Completely raw, not even a belt.

That's WELL above elite.

This is the same guy that claims to OHP 375.

I do double that @170 lbs so I don't see what the big deal is .



Brian Burke punched my mom
355 bench is very good. Personally I don't give a shit about putting up big numbers anymore, it's nice to have goals but it's also not a contest or a race. I was probably stronger overall at 165lbs than I am at 195-200lbs and I don't have a problem being weaker years later.

I wish you guys could see this conversation I'm having on FB. Dude is claiming to be 216lbs with these numbers.

Bench is 495, Squat 575 and Deadlift 615

Completely raw, not even a belt.

That's WELL above elite.

This is the same guy that claims to OHP 375.

Yea not many people in world can do a 375 OHP. A push press is believable but even that is very difficult without the jerk.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I do double that @170 lbs so I don't see what the big deal is .


For reals.

355 bench is very good. Personally I don't give a shit about putting up big numbers anymore, it's nice to have goals but it's also not a contest or a race. I was probably stronger overall at 165lbs than I am at 195-200lbs and I don't have a problem being weaker years later.

Yea not many people in world can do a 375 OHP. A push press is believable but even that is very difficult without the jerk.

Thanks, the issue though is I've been stronger and have put up 370 before. I probably COULD have done 365 today had I not gone from 355 to 375, but 355 felt really strong to me, and the bottom line is I DIDN'T put up 365 or 370 today. So I'm holding myself accountable. I'm not doing 1RM as a dick measuring contest at all (don't anyone to think that's the case, hell it's why I posted the fail video too). I was doing it to see where I am, and so far, it's not good. The only "good" out of the last year has been me leaning out considerably and MAYBE my deadlift (will see tomorrow). As far as lifting goes, it's been a terrible year so far. Life wise though, shit's been fantastic what with the career and all so I guess I need to keep shit in perspective. And shit man, if you were stronger at 165 than you are now, I fear younger you.


Nice! Further guarantee that you won't hit a "three plate" mental barrier. Congrats.

Thanks! It's always the strangest feeling under the bar being so unsure of whether or not you're going to be able to do it, but then when you unrack it it's like "Oh, it's not that bad, I got this" lol
Maybe it's all mental, but the gym I go to now has metal plates and dumbbells, where as the one I used to go to had all rubber weights. The metal ones just seem heavier to me though, and some of their plates are thicker than others which makes me wonder if they're all really 45 or not.

I went to a gym that had all rubber weights, but when I got my home setup going I bought all steel plates. I immediately thought it felt heavier, but I was still hitting the same numbers. Like you though, I thought it might just be mental, but then last week I just started going back to this gym with rubber plates and it definitely feels easier if not 5-10% lighter. Still not sure if it's a mental thing or not lol
Here are the good ones imo.

Peanut Butter and Jelly
Peanut Butter Supreme
Banana Nut Muffin
Apple Pie
Cinnamon Roll
Coconut Cashew

Chocolate chip cookie dough is supposed to be the bomb but it's only sold by Quest directly and a few GNC stores and their site.

Of the 4 that I've tried. Chocolate chip is BY FAR the best. It tastes like a damn chocolate chip cookie!

Strawberry Cheesecake and Cinnamon Roll were both good, but not great, nothing special.

Chocolate Peanut Butter is absolutely awful.
I wish you guys could see this conversation I'm having on FB. Dude is claiming to be 216lbs with these numbers.

Bench is 495, Squat 575 and Deadlift 615

Completely raw, not even a belt.

That's WELL above elite.

This is the same guy that claims to OHP 375.
I know a guy like that. He's 220ish and those are basically his exact numbers. I watched him front squat 400 lbs and couldn't believe it.
That OHP though; that's bullshit. I'd have to see it to believe it.


You'll look bigger when you cut.

I think if I cut right now I have enough LBM to looked jacked at 160lbs. 190lbs at 5'7 (use to be 130lbs). Although I don't want to be 160lbs, wouldn't be smart with how I train and my end goals of just being strong.


Of the 4 that I've tried. Chocolate chip is BY FAR the best. It tastes like a damn chocolate chip cookie!

Strawberry Cheesecake and Cinnamon Roll were both good, but not great, nothing special.

Chocolate Peanut Butter is absolutely awful.

yeah that's the one peanut butter that's not great. It is meh. I don't hate it but it's totally different than the other 2.


Are those quest protein bars good for low carb?

Also, just getting back to the gym, and my legs are absolutely fucked after two sessions. Seems like I need at least 3 days til my legs aren't wobbly. How long does it usually take to get back into the swing of things? Any tips to bring the muscle pain down?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Are those quest protein bars good for low carb?

Also, just getting back to the gym, and my legs are absolutely fucked after two sessions. Seems like I need at least 3 days til my legs aren't wobbly. How long does it usually take to get back into the swing of things? Any tips to bring the muscle pain down?

A long walk and sitting as little as possible.


Got the supplies for my daily shakes today. I still need to order the Casein though. I will just double up on the whey until then. Thanks for the help!


Maybe it's all mental, but the gym I go to now has metal plates and dumbbells, where as the one I used to go to had all rubber weights. The metal ones just seem heavier to me though, and some of their plates are thicker than others which makes me wonder if they're all really 45 or not.

I went from a gym with rubber DBs to metal and the metal ones definitely felt 5lbs heavier. Maybe it was mental though.


could you guys recommend some tasty homemade shakes I can make that will give me some serious calories?

buying a blender specifically for it.

thank you


could you guys recommend some tasty homemade shakes I can make that will give me some serious calories?

buying a blender specifically for it.

thank you


1 steak
2 cups of milk (3.25% fat)
3 table spoons of coconut oil
150g of broccoli (you need your greens)
1/4 pound of butter
4 eggs

2133 calories

Blend until you like the consistency.


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
could you guys recommend some tasty homemade shakes I can make that will give me some serious calories?

buying a blender specifically for it.

thank you

1 gallon tub of moose tracks icecream.

5 gallons of whole milk.


You're welcome.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I went from a gym with rubber DBs to metal and the metal ones definitely felt 5lbs heavier. Maybe it was mental though.

I have 18" spinlock DBs and they're definitely more difficult to use than hex or shorter DBs.
I had to adjust myself with shoulder press, I used to hit/scrape the side of my head with the end of the bars.


could you guys recommend some tasty homemade shakes I can make that will give me some serious calories?

buying a blender specifically for it.

thank you

1000 calorie shake.

2 cups of Whole Milk
2 tbsp of Peanut Butter
1 large Banana
2 ounces of Heavy Cream
2 scoops of Whey Protein Powder


could you guys recommend some tasty homemade shakes I can make that will give me some serious calories?

buying a blender specifically for it.

thank you

1 gallon whole milk
1 cup flax oil
2 cup protein powder
2 cup ice cream vanilla
1 cup peanut butter
A lot of fiber supplements

Good luck!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
I am 28 years old, 6'1" and I currently weigh 107Kg or 236lb.

I've been lifting weights since July last year without real consistency and with some long multi-month layoffs. As expected after each of these layoffs I started again from a lower weight so there has been a lot of lost potential progress if you like.

I settled into a regular committed schedule recently (Stronglifts) but I then injured my right shoulder so I've been focussing on re-habing that for the past 3 weeks and haven't performed any lifts. It's not getting any better so I am going to look into physiotherapy asap.

My lifts are appalling:

  • Bench 57.5Kg
  • Deadlift 120Kg
  • OHP 42.5Kg
  • Row 55Kg
  • Squat 105Kg
These are all 5 rep workset pre-injury numbers from last month.

I'm worried about my health and appearance with all the extra fat that I'm carrying and thus would like to cut, I am currently technically obese. I wonder how you guys manage to stay satisfied eating so little food? I find it hard to eat under 3500 calories but I am trying to change.

When I look at FallingEdge's diet here I was astounded at the calorie total of 2323. From his pics he has much more muscle than me and thus a much higher metabolic rate than me yet can manage this.

This is the diet that I came up with a few days ago:


  • It currently excludes the Broccoli that I will consume with meal 1/2, some say not to count it.
  • I'm going to attempt to wean myself off bananas in future, they currently serve as my chocolate bar replacement. I was a big chocolate nut and would sometimes eat 2-3 Mars/Snickers etc. a day.
  • The nuts are very calorie dense so I guess they can go, however I was told they were extremely good sources of fat and that it was a good idea to take in about 100g of fat each day. That and I'm fond of snacking.
  • 2 meals a week will be with salmon fillets instead of chicken breast.
  • I will most likely reduce the eggs to 2 per day.

Have I made any glaring errors here? Any recommendations are welcome. My main aim is to make food that can be batched cooked to last several days and that are easy to prepare/store so I will sacrifice variety. I prefer to cook a maximum of 3 times a week.

I just checked Ifcalc and my TDEE is supposedly 2500ish Calories per day so I will need to target a 2000 calorie per day diet conforming with the often recommended 500 Calories per day deficit.


I am 28 years old, 6'1" and I currently weigh 107Kg or 236lb.

I've been lifting weights since July last year without real consistency and with some long multi-month layoffs. As expected after each of these layoffs I started again from a lower weight so there has been a lot of lost potential progress if you like.

I settled into a regular committed schedule recently (Stronglifts) but I then injured my right shoulder so I've been focussing on re-habing that for the past 3 weeks and haven't performed any lifts. It's not getting any better so I am going to look into physiotherapy asap.

My lifts are appalling:

  • Bench 57.5Kg
  • Deadlift 120Kg
  • OHP 42.5Kg
  • Row 55Kg
  • Squat 105Kg
These are all 5 rep workset pre-injury numbers from last month.

I'm worried about my health and appearance with all the extra fat that I'm carrying and thus would like to cut, I am currently technically obese. I wonder how you guys manage to stay satisfied eating so little food? I find it hard to eat under 3500 calories but I am trying to change.

When I look at FallingEdge's diet here I was astounded at the calorie total of 2323. From his pics he has much more muscle than me and thus a much higher metabolic rate than me yet can manage this.

This is the diet that I came up with a few days ago:

  • It currently excludes the Broccoli that I will consume with meal 1/2, some say not to count it.
  • I'm going to attempt to wean myself off bananas in future, they currently serve as my chocolate bar replacement. I was a big chocolate nut and would sometimes eat 2-3 Mars/Snickers etc. a day.
  • The nuts are very calorie dense so I guess they can go, however I was told they were extremely good sources of fat and that it was a good idea to take in about 100g of fat each day. That and I'm fond of snacking.
  • 2 meals a week will be with salmon fillets instead of chicken breast.
  • I will most likely reduce the eggs to 2 per day.

Have I made any glaring errors here? Any recommendations are welcome. My main aim is to make food that can be batched cooked to last several days and that are easy to prepare/store so I will sacrifice variety. I prefer to cook a maximum of 3 times a week.

I just checked Ifcalc and my TDEE is supposedly 2500ish Calories per day so I will need to target a 2000 calorie per day diet conforming with the often recommended 500 Calories per day deficit.

Sounds like puce got a plan. I'd change a few things though. First off, skip the sugar cube and use sweetener instead. Second, your meal choices might be slightly on the bland side. Experiment with spices, other complex carbs and different meats. Fish, pork, beef, yams, quinoa, lots of different spices, etc.

Also, 2000 calories offers a lot of flexibility. A bacon and egg breakfast, a big steak and veggie dinner, and a chicken lunch on a bed of yams... All an option for you!
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