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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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The Chef

So this is 10 days into my cut. I'm down about 7 pounds. I snapped this right when I woke up if you can't tell. haha!


Dude you look freakin GREAT.

btw thanks BruceLeeRoy
Made 3 eggs, fage yogurt and smoked salmon for breakfast. Daaamn good and holy crap there is a lot of protein in this.


So my tennis elbow is still an issue, even though I avoided any stress on it for two weeks. Felt a slight pain during my bench sets today. But it's not nearly as bad as before. I was wearing a sleeve, and after stretching it some and massaging it the pain subsided and I was able to complete my sets. Doesn't hurt now, but I'm still icing it down just to be on the safe side. Hopefully it will be less and less of an issue as time goes by.


Barbell rows: supinated (underhand) or pronated (overhand) grip?

I've always done pronated, thinking that supinated would feel awkward, but I tried supinated today and it felt very good.


Barbell rows: supinated (underhand) or pronated (overhand) grip?

I've always done pronated, thinking that supinated would feel awkward, but I tried supinated today and it felt very good.

I usually alternate within the workout, if I do 4 sets, I do 2 supinated, 2 pronated


Barbell rows: supinated (underhand) or pronated (overhand) grip?

I've always done pronated, thinking that supinated would feel awkward, but I tried supinated today and it felt very good.
I've always been told pronated and always done pronated. supinated is how I do 1 warm up set though.

now my (fake) question: do I go to the gym today? I would do arms and shoulders. I'm doing a bastardized version of starting strength but today is an 'off' day. I really just want to stay home but idk lol. need to do arms and shoulders pretty badly.


I've always been told pronated and always done pronated. supinated is how I do 1 warm up set though.

now my (fake) question: do I go to the gym today? I would do arms and shoulders. I'm doing a bastardized version of starting strength but today is an 'off' day. I really just want to stay home but idk lol. need to do arms and shoulders pretty badly.

go to the gym! :)


Holy fuck, got my bb.com order last night and tried Craze today for leg day.

Took 2 scoops, tasted like shit, but I tacked on 3 more reps to my squat, from 225x5 to 225x8. Felt really good. At the end of my workout my legs were shaking whenever I would stand still. Had to sit down for a while after my workout.


Holy fuck, got my bb.com order last night and tried Craze today for leg day.

Took 2 scoops, tasted like shit, but I tacked on 3 more reps to my squat, from 225x5 to 225x8. Felt really good. At the end of my workout my legs were shaking whenever I would stand still. Had to sit down for a while after my workout.


craze indeed tastes like shit, but it's the only pre-workout I've tried so far that gives me any kind of boost. Maybe it's a placebo effect because I got hyped about it in this thread though!


Holy fuck, got my bb.com order last night and tried Craze today for leg day.

Took 2 scoops, tasted like shit, but I tacked on 3 more reps to my squat, from 225x5 to 225x8. Felt really good. At the end of my workout my legs were shaking whenever I would stand still. Had to sit down for a while after my workout.

Son of a bitch.

So today was OHP on 5/3/1. It's week 1 and went to hit my 5 on my 85% and I failed on the fifth. I was pissed until I realized that I was 5 lbs over each of my 3 sets. Shit. I got about halfway up on the 5th set and I got 6 reps the last time I hit this weight actually (2nd week of my last cycle). So I'm pretty damn sure I could have gotten it but it just pisses me off because I can't positively put it down and it shows as a failure in my fucking log. Gah.
It's like Alien told me, sometimes we just have shitty OHP days. I went back and watched this video again


I think my hands were too close together. Maybe something was slightly off with your form?
Yeah possibly. I also had a monster back workout yesterday which I think took gas out of my tank since I changed a few of my assistance exercises.

After my the 65% set today I felt way more exhausted than I should have. I think it was all downhill from there. That on top of the extra weight just made it a shit OHP day.

I'm just going to move forward with my 5/3/1 because the 90% next week should be cake according to my last cycle's numbers.

Edit: Oh and on top of everything, sleep was ass last night. The neighbor's dog would not shut the fuck up.
A big back workout could definitely be it. I was coming off of a 5x10 pendlay row Dom-a-roma when I went to go do my OHP
Thanks, man. That makes me feel better. I was really worried immediately after that I had started to lose strength but it seems to be a shitty day and my carelessness. I'm gonna smash the fuck out of next week instead! Argh!


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I've started lifting.

For years all I've done are pushups/crunches and running. I've decided to add lifting and reduce running distances. My current routine, so to speak, is to run two miles then lift. So run 5K 1 day no lifting, next day 2 miles + lifting.

What's my goal? Keep body fat down, increase muscle strength.

All I have is a giant pulley machine in my gym. But it's got enough, I can bench press, bicep curl and tricep pushdown. The bicep curl is a bit weird but it may be my form.

So, I run two miles, then I do bicep curls, 3 sets of 6-8-10 reps, in between each set I do a tricep pushdown, similar reps. After that I do bench press, currently my weight 160 lbs. Sometimes I will do rows in between bench press reps which are usually 3 sets of 8. I finish off with back.

It's a mess, I've sort of just improvised it over time.


I've started lifting.

For years all I've done are pushups/crunches and running. I've decided to add lifting and reduce running distances. My current routine, so to speak, is to run two miles then lift. So run 5K 1 day no lifting, next day 2 miles + lifting.

What's my goal? Keep body fat down, increase muscle strength.

All I have is a giant pulley machine in my gym. But it's got enough, I can bench press, bicep curl and tricep pushdown. The bicep curl is a bit weird but it may be my form.

So, I run two miles, then I do bicep curls, 3 sets of 6-8-10 reps, in between each set I do a tricep pushdown, similar reps. After that I do bench press, currently my weight 160 lbs. Sometimes I will do rows in between bench press reps which are usually 3 sets of 8. I finish off with back.

It's a mess, I've sort of just improvised it over time.

Great that you started to hit the weights, but what sort of bench press can you do on a pulley machine?
For the first time, someone asked me if I was all natural. I know that I'm not that big of a dood, but I felt great hearing that. I was gonna wait till the end of the month to post a progress pic but I'm too hype right now lol.

First pic is 239.5 @ 17.3% bf. Taken 3 weeks ago. Second pic is today. 233.5 @ ~15+%

Can't really tell too much in the pics but I feel different and can see it in person. Gotten comments from people at work/gym as well.

Yeah Friday!!!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
For the first time, someone asked me if I was all natural. I know that I'm not that big of a dood, but I felt great hearing that. I was gonna wait till the end of the month to post a progress pic but I'm too hype right now lol.

First pic is 239.5 @ 17.3% bf. Taken 3 weeks ago. Second pic is today. 233.5 @ ~15+%

Can't really tell too much in the pics but I feel different and can see it in person. Gotten comments from people at work/gym as well.

Yeah Friday!!!

You can totally tell! I think I see an ab in the bottom pic!


For the first time, someone asked me if I was all natural. I know that I'm not that big of a dood, but I felt great hearing that. I was gonna wait till the end of the month to post a progress pic but I'm too hype right now lol.

First pic is 239.5 @ 17.3% bf. Taken 3 weeks ago. Second pic is today. 233.5 @ ~15+%

Can't really tell too much in the pics but I feel different and can see it in person. Gotten comments from people at work/gym as well.

Yeah Friday!!!

Good shit man, I think I can see some intercostals in the 2nd pic, keep at it!

I know the feel on looking leaner in person than in pics. I look at some pics, and I don't look quite as dry as I do in person. Lighting seems to be really important, but I don't know all that much about lighting abuse, just that it looks better overhead. I was at in the changing room of a Forever 21 and the lighting had me do a double take at myself.


For the first time, someone asked me if I was all natural. I know that I'm not that big of a dood, but I felt great hearing that. I was gonna wait till the end of the month to post a progress pic but I'm too hype right now lol.

First pic is 239.5 @ 17.3% bf. Taken 3 weeks ago. Second pic is today. 233.5 @ ~15+%

Can't really tell too much in the pics but I feel different and can see it in person. Gotten comments from people at work/gym as well.

Yeah Friday!!!

Nice!! I see more definition everywhere.

Abs, delts, chest, and of course hair.


Thanks. I started lifting at 13 but really seriously began paying attention about 4 years ago.

My routine is as follows:

M- Chest/bis
T- Legs/pullups
W- off or cardio
TH- Delts/tris
F- Legs (hi rep squats)
S- Back/traps
S- off

All my sets and reps are 10,8,6,4 finishing the fourth as heavy as possible. For shoulder raises I do 12,10,8,6 and for traps I do sets of 20 and finish with 4x10 as heavy as possible. On hi rep squat days I do 15,12,10,8,6 and on normal squat days I do 5x5.

Rough max on key lifts excluding DL because I'm letting my lower back heal right now.

Squat- 430
BP- 350
OHP- 215

If you want even more detail feel free to pm me. Also, I do a lot of pullups. They're the best! Body weight and weighted.

That OHP is sick man.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Great that you started to hit the weights, but what sort of bench press can you do on a pulley machine?

It's like got 4 different weight columns , a bench press machine you can adjust is on one corner, simply move the pin to desired weight, adjust bench, done.

The other corner has the traditional pulleys.

OG Kush

Wait, one broccoli stalk has 3 grams of protein in it?!
edit: oh its one of the big broccoli stalks, for a second I thought it was one small broccoli, the type you get in frozen bags...

Also got a question about 24 hour fasts. Want to start doing this one or twice a week, but I'm wondering about how to make up a full days worth of a protein. If i'm already hitting my protein requirements for the other days, and I miss 1 days a week worth of protein should I up my protein for the other days? Or will it be useless as my body won't be able to absorb more protein on these days if I'm already hitting the requirement for these days? Should I treat protein like calories and look as it a weekly total and not daily? Just a bit confused about what do with this if I do a 24 hour fast once a week and help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


What does everyone listen to at the gym, excluding the sounds of plates screaming and iron clashing with ground.

The music I listen to gets more and more ignorant as the weights move up.


What does everyone listen to at the gym, excluding the sounds of plates screaming and iron clashing with ground.

The music I listen to gets more and more ignorant as the weights move up.

DJ Ace ignorant mixes, courtesy of Gaf Hops own Blackace
You can totally tell! I think I see an ab in the bottom pic!

Yup! There is one! hahaha.

Good shit man, I think I can see some intercostals in the 2nd pic, keep at it!

I know the feel on looking leaner in person than in pics. I look at some pics, and I don't look quite as dry as I do in person. Lighting seems to be really important, but I don't know all that much about lighting abuse, just that it looks better overhead. I was at in the changing room of a Forever 21 and the lighting had me do a double take at myself.

Thanks! And yeah lighting plays a huge role but I see no real reason to try to manipulate it. You are only cheating yourself. Glad that people can see a difference in just 3 weeks. Give me 10 more and hopefully, I will look that much better.

Nice!! I see more definition everywhere.

Abs, delts, chest, and of course hair.

Hehe. New hair. Look good, feel good. Feel good, play good.

I do appreciate all the comments. Helps keep me motivated and seeing all your guys' success keeps me going as well.

Yeah buddy!

What does everyone listen to at the gym, excluding the sounds of plates screaming and iron clashing with ground.

The music I listen to gets more and more ignorant as the weights move up.

80s music
Random video game OSTs
Nujabes style Jazz Hop
80s synth/cyberpunkish stuff


Looking awesome FallingEdge, your pecs look considerably bigger and you look more cut. I'd definitely say continue on your cut, you're making good progress!

What does everyone listen to at the gym, excluding the sounds of plates screaming and iron clashing with ground.

The music I listen to gets more and more ignorant as the weights move up.

I listen to death metal when I do my heaviest lifts but by mid-workout I start gravitating towards hip hop. Today I just listened to the Cunninlynguists station on Pandora.


My musical taste is kinda all over the place. hip hop/industrial/new wave/80's/french electro/game music/rock etc.

I should probably make a new playlist cuz I could use some more rap/trap

Jazz hop? You're the zen lifter!

If someone isn't being disrespected in my workout mix I don't feel motivated.

dat ignant shit


For the first time, someone asked me if I was all natural. I know that I'm not that big of a dood, but I felt great hearing that. I was gonna wait till the end of the month to post a progress pic but I'm too hype right now lol.

First pic is 239.5 @ 17.3% bf. Taken 3 weeks ago. Second pic is today. 233.5 @ ~15+%

Can't really tell too much in the pics but I feel different and can see it in person. Gotten comments from people at work/gym as well.

Yeah Friday!!!

Lookin swole. You're earning those chubbies.


$20/mo gym with no strings in NYC. Gigantic space. Eleventy billion brand new shiny ass treadmills and ellipticals, machines for every angle possible, and one god damn power rack with no dedicated bench press (i.e. use power rack). fffffffffffuuuuuuuuu


$20/mo gym with no strings in NYC. Gigantic space. Eleventy billion brand new shiny ass treadmills and ellipticals, machines for every angle possible, and one god damn power rack with no dedicated bench press (i.e. use power rack). fffffffffffuuuuuuuuu

Waaaait, wait wait- Where is this?
Jazz hop? You're the zen lifter!

feels good man.

Maybe I can throw up a grooveshark playlist for all to listen too.

Warning, KPop links ahead.


And many others.

Lookin swole. You're earning those chubbies.

Yup! I will get there eventually.


Waaaait, wait wait- Where is this?

http://www.blinkfitness.com/ -- $20/mo for all locations, $15/mo for one.

I scoped out the 41st/3rd location today after work (last day of post-grad fellowship funemployment wootwoot), and it's damn impressive for the price... but ONE power rack that doubles as the place you BB bench. Fuck. I wanna 5/3/1 so bad.

EDIT: from the law school thread, you're a 2L at NYU right? you could probably go off-peak and getcho power rack's money's worth at this joint, if the location on East 4th is near you.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yup! I will get there eventually.

You have a great foundation! Watch, people will keep telling you how you look bigger as you keep getting leaner. That always makes me chuckle. You're looking big bro! Thanks, I'm down 15 pounds. I don't think so bro, you look big!


You have a great foundation! Watch, people will keep telling you how you look bigger as you keep getting leaner. That always makes me chuckle. You're looking big bro! Thanks, I'm down 15 pounds. I don't think so bro, you look big!

What's your cutting diet like? I am AWFUL at cutting and get nervous about losing my hard earned muscle.


I think I might be able to deadlift with this aircast for my sprained ankle. What does Fit-GAF think? The sprain is not bad at all and I'm probably going to fire practice on Sunday. I just want to get back to my 5/3/1 routine as soon as possible.


http://www.blinkfitness.com/ -- $20/mo for all locations, $15/mo for one.

I scoped out the 41st/3rd location today after work (last day of post-grad fellowship funemployment wootwoot), and it's damn impressive for the price... but ONE power rack that doubles as the place you BB bench. Fuck. I wanna 5/3/1 so bad.

EDIT: from the law school thread, you're a 2L at NYU right? you could probably go off-peak and getcho power rack's money's worth at this joint, if the location on East 4th is near you.

Yeah- right now the NYU gym serves me great, but I just got a crunch membership for this summer- I live downtown and am working downtown this summer, need a gym I can get in early before work starts this summer.
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