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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Hey guys, noob question. When doing a squat do you want to take a big breath --> hold it in while lowering --> exhale coming up ..?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
What's your cutting diet like? I am AWFUL at cutting and get nervous about losing my hard earned muscle.

Greens, quest bars, protein powder, cottage cheese, lots of meat. It's about 2,000 cal.

Your muscle won't disappear over night. If you notice your strength slipping dramatically the following week or two it's time to increase your calories. I have a cheat day every 7 days.

Push yourself when you train. Make it an important part of your day! Intense workouts will help you keep your size while the fat drips off.


Greens, quest bars, protein powder, cottage cheese, lots of meat. It's about 2,000 cal.

Your muscle won't disappear over night. If you notice your strength slipping dramatically the following week or two it's time to increase your calories. I have a cheat day every 7 days.

Push yourself when you train. Make it an important part of your day! Intense workouts will help you keep your size while the fat drips off.

I'll have to drop down in calories so more, I've been around 2200-2400 the last few weeks and have gained weight lol. My strength was actually increasing, I was getting around 230grams of protein per day but I have to incorporate some HIIT, been really lazy with that.

Before December my cut was going really well, then I got hurt and could only do pushups and pullups which was a pretty big setback.


Steroid Distributor
I'm also curious!


Sorry I didn't see your reply. I was more just throwing that out there to see if anyone else took a bite at the question.

My answer is you need to spread those calories out a bit people.
Regardless of how many calories you are trying to eat throughout the day you can't get them all at once. Big difference between eating 25g of protein six times a day and eating 150g of protein in one sitting.
Your stomach has a limited amount of digestive enzymes to break down your food. Too much food at once? Food possibly not fully utilized. Simple as that.
Spread those calories out.

Another thing that is suggested with protein intake is don't have a whole bunch of different protein sources in a single meal. Now you can have several in a shake. I mean the shake itself might use a mix of Whey Isolate, Whey Concentrate, Casein, Milk, Egg and that's fine. But using milk, heavy cream, peanut butter and a powder all in one mix is gonna tax those digestive enzymes and good luck getting your body to break all those down as well as you hoped while mixing it.
People don't sit down and have some chicken, eggs and steak with a side of bison and drink a whey protein shake with it. So don't do the same with your shakes.

Investing in a half decent digestive enzyme supplement wont hurt either. Even if you just pick up some Papaya chewables at your local supp shop they can still help a bit. Also you could start adding a wedge of pineapple to your meals with a big piece of meat to help with protein digestion.

Geezer said:
I can spread it out a bit and split the breakfast in two and stagger snacks like the protein shakes and nuts through the day.

If you want to lose weight you need to be consuming your calories spead out throughout the day. Six times is optimal. Pretty much means you should be eating every 2.5 to 3 hours (max).
Eating this often influences two major things regarding your metabolism
1. by eating frequently your body will actually increase thyroid hormone production. The human body cares about survival a lot more than vanity. If you are not eating frequently your body slows down metabolic rate in order to save as many calories as possible. Your body doesn't know you have food in your fridge, it's worried about you starving to death.
Eating every three hours convinces your body that it's OK to start burning calories again. You gotta handle your metabolism with kid gloves, freakin whiny thyroid needs constant affirmation man.
2. eating frequently helps balance blood sugar levels and will actually get your body to start using stored bodyfat as a fuel source again. Some of the most basic bodily functions actually run better with fat as a fuel source but sugar is easier and quicker. Brain function for instance is said to be more effective once blood sugar levels are stabilized and the brain is being fueled by fats. Fat lubricates the brain better and increases cognitive function.

And one incredibly easy nutrition rule to follow when trying to lose body fat is NEVER EVER have high carb and high fat at the same time.
High protein and high carb? Sure! (post workout only)
High protein and high fat? Sure!
High protein, high card and high fat???? Only if you want to gain fat. Sorry.

If you (or anyone) has questions about nutrition or supplements I will help anyway that I can. Ask away.

entrement said:
Love your tag lol. You must be old school or did you change your name? I don't remember you from OT1 or OT2.

The tag kinda sucks. Haha. I was telling some stories to a mod about some training experiences and such and this is what I got. I have never personally distributed any PEDs but I used to work for a major supplement distribution company and it was a joke about how many people used to say that creatine was a steroid. The tag is way too much of an inside joke to the guy that gave it to me. Oh well.
I am old school and have not changed my name at all. But never floated in the fitness threads here much. Either didn't have time or just wasted interested in the fitness industry for awhile. It used to be my life and I turned my back on it for several years.

I'm back now and just trying to figure out where I will fit in in the industry again.
So I will try to hang out in here some to both be inspired and to add some voice of reason at times if it will help others.


Steroid Distributor
I think I might be able to deadlift with this aircast for my sprained ankle. What does Fit-GAF think? The sprain is not bad at all and I'm probably going to fire practice on Sunday. I just want to get back to my 5/3/1 routine as soon as possible.

Horrible idea. Aircast will force your knees and hips into unfamiliar positions. Any time you have a joint immobilized the force that would have been supported by that joint is pushed up the ladder to the next point of flexion.
If you want to lose weight you need to be consuming your calories spead out throughout the day. Six times is optimal. Pretty much means you should be eating every 2.5 to 3 hours (max).

Some other stuff sounds questionable too but this definitely has got to be bs. How is fasting (intermittent or otherwise) so effective for weight loss then?


Regardless of how many calories you are trying to eat throughout the day you can't get them all at once. Big difference between eating 25g of protein six times a day and eating 150g of protein in one sitting.

So I will try to hang out in here some to both be inspired and to add some voice of reason at times if it will help others.

No hate bro but that's some broscience certified knowledge you've got there, debunked by countless scientific studies.

Feel free to hang around for the former though.


Week 2 complete of the "eat whatever the fuck i want" diet...no weight change. was 197ish...

Been lifting hard, so I'm hoping I'm doing some re-comping...maybe wishful thinking. Am I still eating too little what calorie expenditure?
Some other stuff sounds questionable too but this definitely has got to be bs. How is fasting (intermittent or otherwise) so effective for weight loss then?

Yeah, you don't have to eat every two to three hours if you don't feel like it. Meal frequency does not impact your metabolism.


Maybe it's a personal choice then, but I begin to exhale on the deadlift as I reach lockout. It was how I was taught, and it is how other websites seem to teach it too:


But then, I have seen other websites which say to hold your breath throughout.

edit: Just saw my typo above in my previous post, I meant lift and not life :/

It's not a personal choice. Exhaling while in the middle of the concentric is broscience at its best, and shows a lack of understanding of why we hold our breath in in the first place.

From SS:

"The combined effects of increased lung (intra-thoracic) pressure, intra-abdominal pressure
produced by abdominal muscle contraction, and spinal erector contraction on spinal stability during loading. The Valsalva maneuver increases the ability to produce this pressure and stability. Exhalation during heavy efforts prevents the development of sufficient pressure to stabilize the spine. [...] Best is a big, held breath during a heavy effort.

Conclusion: don' exhale on the way up.
It's not a personal choice. Exhaling while in the middle of the concentric is broscience at its best, and shows a lack of understanding of why we hold our breath in in the first place.

From SS:

"The combined effects of increased lung (intra-thoracic) pressure, intra-abdominal pressure
produced by abdominal muscle contraction, and spinal erector contraction on spinal stability during loading. The Valsalva maneuver increases the ability to produce this pressure and stability. Exhalation during heavy efforts prevents the development of sufficient pressure to stabilize the spine. [...] Best is a big, held breath during a heavy effort.

Conclusion: don' exhale on the way up.

Right, so you believe not to exhale at all on the way up for bench and squat as well then? Plus I was not talking about the middle of the deadlift, I was talking about near lockout (ie. last 1/4 of the lift) when your back should be near vertical.
It's like Alien told me, sometimes we just have shitty OHP days. I went back and watched this video again


I think my hands were too close together. Maybe something was slightly off with your form?

Hope to have a body like that within like 2~3 years.
Looks like something that is easily maintainable through the winter and cut off some bf% off for the summer. Still need to get rid of all this fat :p
Barbell rows: supinated (underhand) or pronated (overhand) grip?

I've always done pronated, thinking that supinated would feel awkward, but I tried supinated today and it felt very good.
I feel that supinated targets my delts a little more. Likely because I'm also standing a little more upright when I do supinated rows. But like others have said, I definitely like doing a mix of both.
Yep, for the reasons shown above

Fair enough, you are consistent. I intuitively exhale near lockout on bench, squat, and deadlift, and it does not hurt the lifts so I will continue to do what has worked for me, and the person who taught me, but won't prescribe this way as the only way to do it to others.


Right, so you believe not to exhale at all on the way up for bench and squat as well then? Plus I was not talking about the middle of the deadlift, I was talking about near lockout (ie. last 1/4 of the lift) when your back should be near vertical.

You hold your breath while the bar is moving.

Be that a squat, press, dead, bench. It's all the same.

This is not up for debate.

You don't slowly exhale when you need to push your car out of the road.

Do it how you'd like, but if you're ever trying to truly max out, holding your breath is the only way to do it.

The Chef

As disgusting as they were, yes.

My man. Behold.

Protein Waffles
3 cups oats
1.5 cups flour
4 tsp baking powder
1 tps salt
¾ cup oil
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/2 Fage Greek Yogurt
4 eggs
2 cups milk
¼ cup sugar
Protein Powder (optional)

Let me just say that these are AMAZING.
You hold your breath while the bar is moving.

Be that a squat, press, dead, bench. It's all the same.

This is not up for debate.

You don't slowly exhale when you need to push your car out of the road.

Do it how you'd like, but if you're ever trying to truly max out, holding your breath is the only way to do it.

Exhaling near lockout does not affect max attempts for me. If I get past the sticking point (always at the bottom or mid-point) of the lift for me (and most raw lifters), I will always complete the lift.

How many raw lifters fail at lockout?


Brian Burke punched my mom
My man. Behold.

Protein Waffles
3 cups oats
1.5 cups flour
4 tsp baking powder
1 tps salt
¾ cup oil
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/2 Fage Greek Yogurt
4 eggs
2 cups milk
¼ cup sugar
Protein Powder (optional)

Let me just say that these are AMAZING.

Thanks! I'll save that for next time. Have a waffle maker but just super lazy lol


so breathing (that is, breathing in on one portion of the movement, and breathing out on the other portion) only matters in iso exercises/machines?

i got an exertion headache once while going heavy on the leg press because I was holding my breath.


Random observation for those in the thread having issues remaining satiated while cutting/losing weight and such: I think you owe it to yourself to do intermittent fasting for a few weeks, not because of what it does for weight loss/muscle, but because of what it does to your bodies processes, allowing you to learn the difference between "hungry" and "bored", a mistake many people seem to make. Breaks you of that cycle. I remember the change for me a year ago, where now I am master of my body.

just a random thought while talking to all the coworkers having trouble losing weight.

OG Kush

Also got a question about 24 hour fasts. Want to start doing this one or twice a week, but I'm wondering about how to make up a full days worth of a protein. If i'm already hitting my protein requirements for the other days, and I miss 1 days a week worth of protein should I up my protein for the other days? Or will it be useless as my body won't be able to absorb more protein on these days if I'm already hitting the requirement for these days? Should I treat protein like calories and look as it a weekly total and not daily? Just a bit confused about what do with this if I do a 24 hour fast once a week and help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

repositing, need some advice!


My man. Behold.

Protein Waffles
3 cups oats
1.5 cups flour
4 tsp baking powder
1 tps salt
¾ cup oil
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/2 Fage Greek Yogurt
4 eggs
2 cups milk
¼ cup sugar
Protein Powder (optional)

Let me just say that these are AMAZING.

My god the dump you'd be taking after eating these.
Taco Bell as a cheat? duuuude nooooooo.

lol. It was so good!

Damn son sounds like you doin it right.

Well, I've never been to Popeyes so the GF was like we should go there after work. Ate the food and then later on that night, I had a craving for some Taco Bell. I haven't had TB in three weeks. It was amazing.

As disgusting as they were, yes.

I love me some eggos!

I'm debating on whether or not I should get Five guys.

Get two burgers, no fries.

OG Kush

Why are you doing 24 hour fasts?

To lose some weight. Maintenece for me is a bout 2200 calories. So if I don't eat for a day thats 2200 calories I've lost for the week. Still going to be on a calorie defict the other days but it doesn't have to be that low. Staying at university first year in dorms/halls and find it hard to always eat clean.


To lose some weight. Maintenece for me is a bout 2200 calories. So if I don't eat for a day thats 2200 calories I've lost for the week. Still going to be on a calorie defict the other days but it doesn't have to be that low. Staying at university first year in dorms/halls and find it hard to always eat clean.

You're going to lose muscle mass with a 24 hour fast, you're better off doing a 16 hour fast and getting the protein you need in that 8 hour window.


I live in NY, but I've had In-n-out before, they're about the same to me.
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