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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Hi all, been browsing this thread for a while. Before an introduction, what's the best app to use to record weights, sets, etc? One with a metric option, because lbs is a foreign concept to me and the weights at my gym are all metric. I'm terrible for remembering weights and I'm using pen and paper at the moment.

I use Myfitnesspal, and it does have the option to switch between units. It will remember your last entry for each lift, so you don't have to wonder where you are.

(I've messed up several times in the past few weeks though cause I don't like carrying my phone onto the floor x_x)


Steroid Distributor
Here's the parking lot I've been pushing my car in, I've made it 1/2th of the way across, gonna try the full length so if you all don't see me posting in awhile just know I died doing what I hate....cardio.


That is awesome. My summer after grade 12 my closest friend and I would take turns pushing his Volkswagen Rabbit while the other would steer for our dry land training. It was so much fun.

Note: we had tried pushing it together/sam time once. ONCE. Incredible how smart we are just not at 18 years old.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
If you're a huge fan of peanut butter like me give PB&J Quest bar a shot. It's now my top choice!
I've found that when I train fasted I generally need more rest to get through my prescribed sets and just feel shittier in general.

Just wondering if Cooter or anyone else who regularly trains fasted took a while to adjust or you were a badass all the time?

Thing is even if there is a quasi adjustment period, I won't be training fasted everytime in the foreseeable future cause of my work and uni schedule which is all over the place. Atm I probably train fasted once or twice a week.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I've found that when I train fasted I generally need more rest to get through my prescribed sets and just feel shittier in general.

Just wondering if Cooter or anyone else who regularly trains fasted took a while to adjust or you were a badass all the time?

Thing is even if there is a quasi adjustment period, I won't be training fasted everytime in the foreseeable future cause of my work and uni schedule which is all over the place. Atm I probably train fasted once or twice a week.
It depends on the day. There are days where I rest more in between my sets. I always superset the 2 muscles I'm doing so it's not much rest. To answer your question yes, on the average your workouts will be less productive while fasting. A very large meal the night before can help tremendously.


For my part I use Fitocracy, I have seen that some other members here use it and there is a GAF-group there. I also use the metric system, so if you choose Kg on fitocracy, the weights of the other members are automatically converted to kilos (and the other way around for people using pounds I guess).

Thanks man - I'll give it a look.

I use Myfitnesspal, and it does have the option to switch between units. It will remember your last entry for each lift, so you don't have to wonder where you are.

(I've messed up several times in the past few weeks though cause I don't like carrying my phone onto the floor x_x)

I've actually downloaded that last night and subscribed, but the website only let me enter pounds for the weights - I'll have another look to make sure I wasn't on crack or something. Perhaps the app is different from the website, even though they're meant to be linked.

I don't like taking my phone to the gym, but I have an old iPod touch (pre-camera) knocking around that will be perfect for it.

Sounds like once you start seeing some diminished gains, you might benefit from a couple weeks of keto, maybe more. Most people use it more long-term so if you're alright with losing some of that strength, you can get rid of a LOT of weight with it.

I've tried keto before and I couldn't get past the flu bit, even after three to four weeks. I almost passed out driving once so I don't think I'll go that route. I've had success with very low carbs - just staying out of keto, so I'll stick with that, but I'll stay out of the heavy cardio which saw me burn off muscle in the past.


Unconfirmed Member
Ok guys need some advice here, what do you think is best?

Age: 23
Height: 6'3
Weight: 12 stone/76 kg/ 167 pounds (I was 107 kg/235 pounds three years ago when I put on some weight and never did any exercise

Goal: To gain some more muscle and look nicely defined in all the body? I look fairly lean now and my abs are fairly present and toned (not the full 6 pack) so I do have a reasonably low body fat percentage (10-12?)

Current Training Schedule: I have been doing constant cardio burning 900 calories (and plus 400 calories from walking 2x2 miles t owork and back) by high intensity training and doing 8 miles each time for three/four days a week so on average a week I was doing over 50 miles just by feet alone.

Current Training Equipment Available: I am a member of a gym and that has access to all the equipment for starting strength?

Comments: I just would like some advice, what do you think is best for me? I was originally going to aim for 11 stone/69kg to get to a more low body fat percentage (and thanks to diet too) and then gain weight for muscle through mostly a clean diet (the egg diet way raw) since I can't rally afford much exotic food and happy with salads and things, but my bmr burns 2000 calories by just doing nothing due to all the cardio I have done and I am happy to do startign strength. I am quite the tall person and some people at work, the PE staff (I work in a school) said I should really put some weight on to gain weight and muscle. Would be nice to get some input here.

To put things into perspective, I was once a 38 inch waist three years ago and now I am 30.

Before and after
It depends on the day. There are days where I rest more in between my sets. I always superset the 2 muscles I'm doing so it's not much rest. To answer your question yes, on the average your workouts will be less productive while fasting. A very large meal the night before can help tremendously.

This makes sense, cheers. I definitely stop eating too early into the night.

edit: Another question I just remembered. It's been said in here before that chicken breast is one of the best sources of protein in terms of grams of protein / price right?
Is chicken just so much cheaper in the US than here?

Chicken breast is $9-12 per kg here in Aus. That's for raw breast from a supermarket deli. Pre-packaged/pre-sliced is even more expensive and in my searches I've found no frozen chicken breast like you guys have over there. :/
I haven't been to independent butchers but I'm sure they'd be more expensive than the duopoly supermarkets.

So is my idea of what is cheap off or is it a lot more expensive in my part of the world?


Ok guys need some advice here, what do you think is best?

Age: 23
Height: 6'3
Weight: 12 stone/76 kg/ 167 pounds (I was 107 kg/235 pounds three years ago when I put on some weight and never did any exercise

Goal: To gain some more muscle and look nicely defined in all the body? I look fairly lean now and my abs are fairly present and toned (not the full 6 pack) so I do have a reasonably low body fat percentage (10-12?)

Current Training Schedule: I have been doing constant cardio burning 900 calories (and plus 400 calories from walking 2x2 miles t owork and back) by high intensity training and doing 8 miles each time for three/four days a week so on average a week I was doing over 50 miles just by feet alone.

Current Training Equipment Available: I am a member of a gym and that has access to all the equipment for starting strength?

Comments: I just would like some advice, what do you think is best for me? I was originally going to aim for 11 stone/69kg to get to a more low body fat percentage (and thanks to diet too) and then gain weight for muscle through mostly a clean diet (the egg diet way raw) since I can't rally afford much exotic food and happy with salads and things, but my bmr burns 2000 calories by just doing nothing due to all the cardio I have done and I am happy to do startign strength. I am quite the tall person and some people at work, the PE staff (I work in a school) said I should really put some weight on to gain weight and muscle. Would be nice to get some input here.

To put things into perspective, I was once a 38 inch waist three years ago and now I am 30.

Before and after

Congrats on the weight loss! You shouldn't aim for 69kg in my opinion, just start strength training now :) If your fat percentage is as low as you say (at your height it doesn't sound too far off), there's not much point in going lower, at least not now. Under 10% is quite difficult to maintain and your weight around there will fluctuate a bit from day to day anyway. Start strength training and eat a bit above maintenance, you'll need a bit of calories to build muscle. Just read around a bit, the OP usually has some good info.


I've actually downloaded that last night and subscribed, but the website only let me enter pounds for the weights - I'll have another look to make sure I wasn't on crack or something. Perhaps the app is different from the website, even though they're meant to be linked.

I don't like taking my phone to the gym, but I have an old iPod touch (pre-camera) knocking around that will be perfect for it.
It's under the profile settings in the app.



Cookie dough


Banana Muffin
Strawberry Cheesecake
Apple Pie


Peanut butter supreme
Chocolate peanut butter
Coconut crunch

Why are you eating this?

Mixed Berry


Junior Member
Other than the bad deadlift form, it looked like his buddy broke an ammonia capsule under his nose before his lift. The hell, I just looked this up on google and apparently a lot of power lifters do this? In highschool my trainer broke one under my nose when I had a concussion, but that's the only experience I have. Has anyone here tried it?

Never used it when lifting but I had a friend who was an EMT and he would bring some capsules to parties to try to get people to do em. It's like getting punched in the face. Lol.
Both these are true. Even if cookie dough still reigns supreme.
lol, I've just ordered 4 boxes of the cookie dough because of your constant praise, I've tasted every other flavor and they were all good or great (especially microwaved), they're are an enormous help with my cut cravings.

But man between the quest bars and all the beans, lentils and veggies I eat, dem fiber farts :/


Gold Member
Ok guys need some advice here, what do you think is best?

Age: 23
Height: 6'3
Weight: 12 stone/76 kg/ 167 pounds (I was 107 kg/235 pounds three years ago when I put on some weight and never did any exercise

To put things into perspective, I was once a 38 inch waist three years ago and now I am 30.

Before and after

Really good work man.

It's really amazing how shedding that weight has revealed really nice jaw and chinbone structure and angles, makes you look like a completely different man (haircut didn't hurt either).

You have pretty much same dimensions as I did as a starting point, I started to drop at 117kg last year, will break the 100kg barrier next week and plan to go down to 87kg eventually, maybe a bit lower. It's hard to imagine being built below 80kg at 6'3 / 189cm so I would not shed more if I was you, it sounds very low already now.

If I was you I would start lifting, go for Starting Strength, basic compound barbell lifts and build from there.


Well, I was getting ready for work the other day. As I was packing my bag, I noticed one of my protein bars opened with part of it bitten off.

I already knew the identity of the culprit.

It was my wife. She told me that she was hungry and saw my box of protein bars. The flavor was Strawberry Yogurt, so she figured it should taste pretty nice.

It didn't agree with her. She asked how I could eat that stuff. It's nasty.

Heh, my wife is adorable.


Ok guys need some advice here, what do you think is best?

Age: 23
Height: 6'3
Weight: 12 stone/76 kg/ 167 pounds (I was 107 kg/235 pounds three years ago when I put on some weight and never did any exercise

Goal: To gain some more muscle and look nicely defined in all the body? I look fairly lean now and my abs are fairly present and toned (not the full 6 pack) so I do have a reasonably low body fat percentage (10-12?)

Current Training Schedule: I have been doing constant cardio burning 900 calories (and plus 400 calories from walking 2x2 miles t owork and back) by high intensity training and doing 8 miles each time for three/four days a week so on average a week I was doing over 50 miles just by feet alone.

Current Training Equipment Available: I am a member of a gym and that has access to all the equipment for starting strength?

Comments: I just would like some advice, what do you think is best for me? I was originally going to aim for 11 stone/69kg to get to a more low body fat percentage (and thanks to diet too) and then gain weight for muscle through mostly a clean diet (the egg diet way raw) since I can't rally afford much exotic food and happy with salads and things, but my bmr burns 2000 calories by just doing nothing due to all the cardio I have done and I am happy to do startign strength. I am quite the tall person and some people at work, the PE staff (I work in a school) said I should really put some weight on to gain weight and muscle. Would be nice to get some input here.

To put things into perspective, I was once a 38 inch waist three years ago and now I am 30.

Before and after

If I were you I'd probably stop with the weight loss. At that weight and not doing any strength training, it's hard to imagine you as anything but very thin. I'd incorporate strength training immediately, drop your cardio down significantly and increase calories slightly. You can use cheap ingredients like eggs, tuna, milk, ground meat and protein powder to achieve your food intake goals cheaply. Maybe aim for 85kg by the end of this year if you're worried about any fat gain.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Getting my massage today woo!

Also have to reiterate how amazing this mint chocolate whey is. It's the best I've had.

I actually don't mind drinking it. Might even use it in some recipes.


So my right wrist started hurting monday night. I dont know what caused it but it just started hurting for some reason when I began driving and now it hurts whenever I move my hand and wrist too much. Most of the pain comes from the right side of wrist. its not swollen or bruised, it looks perfectly normal.

the only thing that comes to mind is maybe I did something wrong when I worked out earlier in the day but why would the pain start like six hours later? any ideas on what it could be and how I can heal it as quickly as possible? I want avoid missing too many workout days. I already tried putting a cold pack on it and wrapping it but it hasnt really helped much so far. Thanks.


Repost for the new page.

I thought i would post this here since i figured some of you guys might have experience with this.

So my right wrist started hurting monday night. I dont know what caused it but it just started hurting for some reason when I began driving and now it hurts whenever I move my hand and wrist too much. Most of the pain comes from the right side of wrist. its not swollen or bruised, it looks perfectly normal.

 the only thing that comes to mind is maybe I did something wrong when I worked out earlier in the day but why would the pain start like six hours later? any ideas on what it could be and how I can heal it as quickly as possible? I want avoid missing too many workout days. I already tried putting a cold pack on it and wrapping it but it hasnt really helped much so far. Thanks.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've done 4 in a cup with no problem. Add a little bit of milk. Some cheese. nom nom nom sucka.

I like getting smoky cheese in with my eggs, that shit is the bomb. But milk?! MILK IN EGGS?!?!!?!?

What PLANET is this


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I had cinnamon roll last night and while good it is clearly not on PB&J and cookie dough level IMO. Going back today for another box!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Repost for the new page.

I thought i would post this here since i figured some of you guys might have experience with this.

So my right wrist started hurting monday night. I dont know what caused it but it just started hurting for some reason when I began driving and now it hurts whenever I move my hand and wrist too much. Most of the pain comes from the right side of wrist. its not swollen or bruised, it looks perfectly normal.

 the only thing that comes to mind is maybe I did something wrong when I worked out earlier in the day but why would the pain start like six hours later? any ideas on what it could be and how I can heal it as quickly as possible? I want avoid missing too many workout days. I already tried putting a cold pack on it and wrapping it but it hasnt really helped much so far. Thanks.

Where exactly does it hurt and what positions aggravate it the most?
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