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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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So I'm reading through this article and it says this:

"Eat Junk Food 10% of The Time. You can eat 4 junk meals/week if you eat 6x/day. This actually helps fat loss. Eat out so you can't overdo it."

Is this bro science or is this legit?


I talked to him and he says he is way too obssesed with this activity and that it was consuming his life.

I kind of understand. Before I started going to the gym, my life was all piano and videogames ,now I am just waiting for 8:00 P.M. to see what I am going to do at the gym, it's addicting and it can truly distract you from other things, if you let it..

but damn, why must living with passion be a bad thing? :'( I mean, this is something good, this is an investment for the future, it's about a healthy body and many other positive things, like the meaning of discipline.

I hope he wakes up.... I never thought that a friend saying " I don't want to lift anything anymore" would make me feel this emotional.

either he wakes up or I get over it, whatever.

ok that's a better explanation. I can understand that. I thought you were saying he was inundated with gym speak, etc. from others while at the gym.

I'm obsessed with the gym too but I get obsessed with any hobby I start.
So I'm reading through this article and it says this:

"Eat Junk Food 10% of The Time. You can eat 4 junk meals/week if you eat 6x/day. This actually helps fat loss. Eat out so you can't overdo it."

Is this bro science or is this legit?

It is more of the 90/10 rule. If you are doing something right 90% of the time, the other 10% won't fuck up your progress.

I have no idea of it helping your fat loss but it certainly won't hurt you. Within moderation of course.


ok that's a better explanation. I can understand that. I thought you were saying he was inundated with gym speak, etc. from others while at the gym.

I'm obsessed with the gym too but I get obsessed with any hobby I start.

Same. I can perseverate on my hobby pretty bad

Just seeing all you guys eat puts me to shame :__(


Gotta eat big to get big. I can put down a lot of food.

I found a GNC with cookie dough but the guy would only let me do one purchase. I had to dive in sitting in the parking lot. My gooooodddd I missed this flavor.


was this a dirty bulk? the way you say it sounds like you put on alot of mass that isnt quite muscle

Nope, ate according to macros and it was whole foods. It was a calculated 1 lb a week, standard bodybuilding stuff I guess. Just when you put on 20lbs it's not all going to be muscle unfortunately that's science and gaining weight = gaining fat. This is the guy that wrote me my diet, i think getting fat is the key to getting jacked ha.



Ugh, getting told that SS and the whole squat/deadlift/compound movement "thing is a fad." Yeah, a fad. That's why these exercises date back to the biggest and best strong men for years and years. Bleh, some people..

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
this is something good, this is an investment for the future, it's about a healthy body and many other positive things, like the meaning of discipline.

All of which his life can certainly have even if he chooses not to lift weights any more. It isn't as though he's said he'll be sitting on the couch and never getting exercise again. If he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in a gym, then so be it... Not really a big deal, and you've got no business judging him over it.


Reposting for this page. I feel like I'm the only dude in the world whose trying to not have his legs get bigger :/
Question- In my continuing quest to even out my bod (Read- shrink my thighs/butt), I've encountered issues in maintaining core/back/trap development. Thinking about incorporating Trap Bar Deadlifts... How much will that impact posterior development?


Nope, ate according to macros and it was whole foods. It was a calculated 1 lb a week, standard bodybuilding stuff I guess. Just when you put on 20lbs it's not all going to be muscle unfortunately that's science and gaining weight = gaining fat.

im trying to imagine what you look like right now based off myself, i'm 5'8 and hit 180 before but not quite on a bulking scheme. Sounds like youre gonna be pretty thick on the cut though, good luck man!

EDIT: i see the pic of the dude youre following, pretty thick haha. what are you trying to get down to ?


Hi all, been browsing this thread for a while. Before an introduction, what's the best app to use to record weights, sets, etc? One with a metric option, because lbs is a foreign concept to me and the weights at my gym are all metric. I'm terrible for remembering weights and I'm using pen and paper at the moment.

I'm 41 yo male, currently 107kg (235lbs) 183cm (6 foot exactly). I'm around 30% body fat. I've always been reasonably strong and large framed, but six months ago I moved to mostly desk work and I realised that I had turned into a sack of shit - not feeling strong or particularly healthy and energised.

I just started back at the gym after maybe seven years absence. I didn't do much free weight compounds before, pretty much only bench press, but I did get some good gains, especially my legs (leg press), which I always seem to be able to throw more resistance to and to progress steadily.

Anyhoo, I've been doing SS for a few weeks now - my aims are strength (day to day strength, strong core, strong ligaments and tendons), a bit of muscle for both function and aesthetics, fat reduction and raising my energy levels. I'm loving squats and dead-lifts at the moment, although I suspect my attitude may change when I start adding serious weight.

I realise it's difficult to lose fat and put on muscle at the same time, but I'm hoping newbie gains (and perhaps muscle memory) can get me along some of the way. I've been throwing in some HIIT as well as the weights and so far it seems to be going well - my legs are certainly more muscular and the levels of fat on my thighs have dropped off a lot, but my weight hasn't moved much. My waist is always the last place to start shrinking, but I hope that starts going down soon. My energy levels are already up, so that's one goal taken care of.

If my lifts plateau soon it probably means I'm not eating enough to add muscle, but I'll stick at it to try and maintain as much muscle as I can while I get down to 15-20% body fat and then re-assess. I'm not interested in IF right now, but I'm certainly reading up on it.

Edit: Also, a guy put a step-box into the (only) squat rack and did jumping exercises in there for 45 minutes. Why.

I don't know what it is with squat racks and lifting-pads (I don't know the name of the areas where you do dead-lifts and such). They seem to be magnets for people who have no intention of using them for their intended purpose, although the personal trainers at my gym tend to encourage such such douchebaggery from what I can tell when I see them walking around with new clients, setting out new routines for them.

I had one guy last week using both our racks at the same time, as well as the assisted pullup machine - I asked him politely to stick to one rack but he camped in the other one while I did my whole routine for the day - mostly many, many sets of high rep bench press.


Nope, ate according to macros and it was whole foods. It was a calculated 1 lb a week, standard bodybuilding stuff I guess. Just when you put on 20lbs it's not all going to be muscle unfortunately that's science and gaining weight = gaining fat. This is the guy that wrote me my diet, i think getting fat is the key to getting jacked ha.


Looks like he ate clen and tren'd hard.


EDIT: i see the pic of the dude youre following, pretty thick haha. what are you trying to get down to ?

Yea, I def won't look like that. He's been lifting for a bit longer than me and always been a bit bigger. I'll probably go down to 180lbs then back up to 190lbs, keep repeating it and hopefully being leaner at the top. I'd cut more but I'm training more for strength and don't think I should be 170lbs.

Looks like he ate clen and tren'd hard.

He didn't eat any different on his bulk / cut, just less food at certain times. His training changed though, more volume then walking on off days. And no no tren, clen, bronkaid, or whatever everyone is using now adays. There's always magic with before and after shots though, first shot was probably after eating a bit and just randomly took a pic. Second picture is always antiquated, like pump lighting.
Reposting for this page. I feel like I'm the only dude in the world whose trying to not have his legs get bigger :/

I've been told that the part of the motion your legs make is more akin to a squat than a deadlift, but I've never done the movement consistently. If it's true, then I imagine it would not be ideal for avoiding ass development.


Lol I think its the second best- heated up its pretty good.

Question- In my continuing quest to even out my bod (Read- shrink my thighs/butt), I've encountered issues in maintaining core/back/trap development. Thinking about incorporating Trap Bar Deadlifts... How much will that impact posterior development?

Haha ok, I wasn't sure. Most people don't like them. I think they are pretty good microwaved for 10 sec.

No idea about the trap bar


Heh, don't discredit being soft vs a really good pump and good lighting. I know I look like shit vs when I eat my 250grams of carbs post workout vs when I wakeup. Although with how easy it is to use steroids, I understand the speculation but yea no steroids. I could post some of our other friends who use steroids and it's pretty obvious. Someone who is 5'8 180lbs ripped is big and believable but someone who is 5'8 250lbs and jacked is def on something.


Heh, don't discredit being soft vs a really good pump and good lighting. I know I look like shit vs when I eat my 250grams of carbs post workout vs when I wakeup. Although with how easy it is to use steroids, I understand the speculation but yea no steroids. I could post some of our other friends who use steroids and it's pretty obvious. Someone who is 5'8 180lbs ripped is big and believable but someone who is 5'8 250lbs and jacked is def on something.

All that is true, it just looks to me like he gained significant mass in 20 weeks while cutting. I have to take his word for it but I've seen enough tren transformations and that's what it looks like. Looks can be deceiving though.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
While that might be the case, if someone ends up talking about the gym 24/7 then they can get sick of it. It's like when you have something tasty but then you eat it all day every day and after a while you can't stand the sight of it.

What he should do is just go to the gym and not talk about it or read about it all the time. It should just be a part of someone's day; some people make it such a big focus of their lives, like they have nothing else going on.

I love talking about, reading about, thinking about and being in the gym as much as possible. I even think about how my sets are going to go at work, in the car, and at all other times of the day. Get at me bruh.


All that is true, it just looks to me like he gained significant mass in 20 weeks while cutting. I have to take his word for it but I've seen enough tren transformations and that's what it looks like. Looks can be deceiving though.

I see your point, a healthy amount of skepticism is needed in the fitness world. I only have known one person that has cycled tren, the rest just use steroids, but he started skinny and ended skinny.


'sup Fitness thread, I have a question about protein bars/shakes.

I'm 33 years old, 5' 10", 160lbs, and for the past four months I've been whipping my ass back into shape. I've always been rather fit - having skated on and off for nearly 20 years, but after breaking my ankle a little over a year ago I had to give up skating and just ended up sitting around on my ass for about thirteen months. I finally got sick of it in January and went out and bought some running shoes, some weights, and have been working out whenever I can find the time (full-time job/part-time student/father of a four year old) ever since.

But now I've gotten to the point where I think I need to change something up. Basically I'm no longer losing body fat, but I'm also no longer building muscle, and I'm suspecting my diet is to blame. I've been using the MyFitnessPal ap in order to track calories, and it currently keeps me under 1700 calories a day - which I've only just come to realize is probably what's been preventing me from building muscle. My wife even commented the other day that if I lost any more weight I'd risk looking scrawny.

But then at the same time I still have a bit of a spare tire around my waist which is driving me crazy, so I don't know what to do. I'm trying to think of the best way to loose that remaining 5-10lbs of fat while still taking in enough calories to build up muscle. Up until now I haven't taken any kind of dietary supplement, but now I'm thinking something like adding protein bars/shakes to my diet may be the answer, as they'd give me the calories and protein I need to build the muscle, which would then in turn help me burn away my remaining body fat.

Does this sound right, or am I on the wrong track here?


'sup Fitness thread, I have a question about protein bars/shakes.

I'm 33 years old, 5' 10", 160lbs, and for the past four months I've been whipping my ass back into shape. I've always been rather fit - having skated on and off for nearly 20 years, but after breaking my ankle a little over a year ago I had to give up skating and just ended up sitting around on my ass for about thirteen months. I finally got sick of it in January and went out and bought some running shoes, some weights, and have been working out whenever I can find the time (full-time job/part-time student/father of a four year old) ever since.

But now I've gotten to the point where I think I need to change something up. Basically I'm no longer losing body fat, but I'm also no longer building muscle, and I'm suspecting my diet is to blame. I've been using the MyFitnessPal ap in order to track calories, and it currently keeps me under 1700 calories a day - which I've only just come to realize is probably what's been preventing me from building muscle. My wife even commented the other day that if I lost any more weight I'd risk looking scrawny.

But then at the same time I still have a bit of a spare tire around my waist which is driving me crazy, so I don't know what to do. I'm trying to think of the best way to loose that remaining 5-10lbs of fat while still taking in enough calories to build up muscle. Up until now I haven't taken any kind of dietary supplement, but now I'm thinking something like adding protein bars/shakes to my diet may be the answer, as they'd give me the calories and protein I need to build the muscle, which would then in turn help me burn away my remaining body fat.

Does this sound right, or am I on the wrong track here?

It wouldn't be any different than eating chicken breasts. It just depends on what you want to do. You are eating way to little though to gain any significant muscle. myfitnesspal is great for tracking what you eat but it shouldn't be used to tell you how many calories you need.

The OP here should help with that. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=121703981


'sup Fitness thread, I have a question about protein bars/shakes.

I'm 33 years old, 5' 10", 160lbs, and for the past four months I've been whipping my ass back into shape. I've always been rather fit - having skated on and off for nearly 20 years, but after breaking my ankle a little over a year ago I had to give up skating and just ended up sitting around on my ass for about thirteen months. I finally got sick of it in January and went out and bought some running shoes, some weights, and have been working out whenever I can find the time (full-time job/part-time student/father of a four year old) ever since.

But now I've gotten to the point where I think I need to change something up. Basically I'm no longer losing body fat, but I'm also no longer building muscle, and I'm suspecting my diet is to blame. I've been using the MyFitnessPal ap in order to track calories, and it currently keeps me under 1700 calories a day - which I've only just come to realize is probably what's been preventing me from building muscle. My wife even commented the other day that if I lost any more weight I'd risk looking scrawny.

But then at the same time I still have a bit of a spare tire around my waist which is driving me crazy, so I don't know what to do. I'm trying to think of the best way to loose that remaining 5-10lbs of fat while still taking in enough calories to build up muscle. Up until now I haven't taken any kind of dietary supplement, but now I'm thinking something like adding protein bars/shakes to my diet may be the answer, as they'd give me the calories and protein I need to build the muscle, which would then in turn help me burn away my remaining body fat.

Does this sound right, or am I on the wrong track here?

Yeah you're on the wrong track.

Protein shakes and quest bars (seriously, quest is the only decent protein bar) are to just help you hit your macros. They won't magically help you build muscle and lose fat. You could eat tuna and chicken and have the same results.

You also can't spot reduce fat. So if you want to lose the belly, it's going to be through diet. You might be skinny fat, so building some muscle can't hurt. It's not like lifting some heavy weights is going to make you bulk up in fat and muscle instantly.


Hi all, been browsing this thread for a while. Before an introduction, what's the best app to use to record weights, sets, etc? One with a metric option, because lbs is a foreign concept to me and the weights at my gym are all metric. I'm terrible for remembering weights and I'm using pen and paper at the moment.

For my part I use Fitocracy, I have seen that some other members here use it and there is a GAF-group there. I also use the metric system, so if you choose Kg on fitocracy, the weights of the other members are automatically converted to kilos (and the other way around for people using pounds I guess).
So I'm reading through this article and it says this:

"Eat Junk Food 10% of The Time. You can eat 4 junk meals/week if you eat 6x/day. This actually helps fat loss. Eat out so you can't overdo it."

Is this bro science or is this legit?
its legit. Read up on carb nite solution. Its kinda the same concept with different details. One night a week you can eat anything in sight and its to keep your metabolism from adjusting to the other six days and slowing down and stalling your progress. It was designed to preserve as much muscle as possible, avoid calorie counting (except counting carbs) and losing fat. I've lost 13 lbs in about 3 months and I never count calories and I haven't lost any strength. I've gotten stronger actually. I also go absolutely insane on Saturday night. Like 8000 calories insane. Like 36 dark chocolate peanut butter cups in one sitting worth 2400 calories and that's just a snack. I eat those every Saturday night. I love this diet.


Yeah you're on the wrong track.

Protein shakes and quest bars (seriously, quest is the only decent protein bar) are to just help you hit your macros. They won't magically help you build muscle and lose fat. You could eat tuna and chicken and have the same results.

You also can't spot reduce fat. So if you want to lose the belly, it's going to be through diet. You might be skinny fat, so building some muscle can't hurt. It's not like lifting some heavy weights is going to make you bulk up in fat and muscle instantly.

I'm not trying to spot reduce fat, I have a body fat percentage of 15 and my belly fat is simply the only place left where I have any - as it often is with men. As I stated in my post, I have been lifting weights - mainly all compound exercises, and I've put on a lot of muscle doing so. It's just that this past month or so I've hit a wall in terms of both fat loss and muscle gain and I only just realized it was due to a lack of calories in my diet, so I'm simply looking for the best way to increase calories in a way that both helps me loose those last couple of pounds without hindering my muscle gains.

If protein bars/shakes are just like eating a chicken breast as you and the poster above you have stated, then that sounds exactly like the kind of thing I'm looking for, no?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My numbers continue to decline slightly. :( Only managed 335x5 for my last set of squats today. Bonus about dropping weight is I can crank out pull ups like a machine! Muscle ups require little effort also.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hi all, been browsing this thread for a while. Before an introduction, what's the best app to use to record weights, sets, etc? One with a metric option, because lbs is a foreign concept to me and the weights at my gym are all metric. I'm terrible for remembering weights and I'm using pen and paper at the moment.

I'm 41 yo male, currently 107kg (235lbs) 183cm (6 foot exactly). I'm around 30% body fat. I've always been reasonably strong and large framed, but six months ago I moved to mostly desk work and I realised that I had turned into a sack of shit - not feeling strong or particularly healthy and energised.

I just started back at the gym after maybe seven years absence. I didn't do much free weight compounds before, pretty much only bench press, but I did get some good gains, especially my legs (leg press), which I always seem to be able to throw more resistance to and to progress steadily.

Anyhoo, I've been doing SS for a few weeks now - my aims are strength (day to day strength, strong core, strong ligaments and tendons), a bit of muscle for both function and aesthetics, fat reduction and raising my energy levels. I'm loving squats and dead-lifts at the moment, although I suspect my attitude may change when I start adding serious weight.

I realise it's difficult to lose fat and put on muscle at the same time, but I'm hoping newbie gains (and perhaps muscle memory) can get me along some of the way. I've been throwing in some HIIT as well as the weights and so far it seems to be going well - my legs are certainly more muscular and the levels of fat on my thighs have dropped off a lot, but my weight hasn't moved much. My waist is always the last place to start shrinking, but I hope that starts going down soon. My energy levels are already up, so that's one goal taken care of.

If my lifts plateau soon it probably means I'm not eating enough to add muscle, but I'll stick at it to try and maintain as much muscle as I can while I get down to 15-20% body fat and then re-assess. I'm not interested in IF right now, but I'm certainly reading up on it.

I don't know what it is with squat racks and lifting-pads (I don't know the name of the areas where you do dead-lifts and such). They seem to be magnets for people who have no intention of using them for their intended purpose, although the personal trainers at my gym tend to encourage such such douchebaggery from what I can tell when I see them walking around with new clients, setting out new routines for them.

I had one guy last week using both our racks at the same time, as well as the assisted pullup machine - I asked him politely to stick to one rack but he camped in the other one while I did my whole routine for the day - mostly many, many sets of high rep bench press.

Sounds like once you start seeing some diminished gains, you might benefit from a couple weeks of keto, maybe more. Most people use it more long-term so if you're alright with losing some of that strength, you can get rid of a LOT of weight with it.


So this week I'm gauging my 1RM since it's my first week back in a real gym. For 5/3/1 purposes, should I bother with the 90% calculation? The point was to adjust for people's BS, but I'm marking down what weights I managed to get 1-2 reps at this very moment.

First day doing deadlifts in years, only back work I've been able to do is heavy Smith Machine rows (rofl)... personal record beating my college max. Fuck yes. Getting hyped.
dang I went to GNC tonight to use that coupon and they said they didn't have a different price for a full box it was just normal cost x12 on quest bars.

I even had him scan the upc on the box and it came out to be $1 more than buying them individually. I still got a box with the coupon because it was still a good deal but shit.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So this week I'm gauging my 1RM since it's my first week back in a real gym. For 5/3/1 purposes, should I bother with the 90% calculation? The point was to adjust for people's BS, but I'm marking down what weights I managed to get 1-2 reps at this very moment.

First day doing deadlifts in years, only back work I've been able to do is heavy Smith Machine rows (rofl)... personal record beating my college max. Fuck yes. Getting hyped.

Read the book. Use 90-85%
Gentlemen, this is NOT what your deadlift should look like.


Other than the bad deadlift form, it looked like his buddy broke an ammonia capsule under his nose before his lift. The hell, I just looked this up on google and apparently a lot of power lifters do this? In highschool my trainer broke one under my nose when I had a concussion, but that's the only experience I have. Has anyone here tried it?


Other than the bad deadlift form, it looked like his buddy broke an ammonia capsule under his nose before his lift. The hell, I just looked this up on google and apparently a lot of power lifters do this? In highschool my trainer broke one under my nose when I had a concussion, but that's the only experience I have. Has anyone here tried it?

Never tried it myself. It's mainly for competitions like you said, I wouldn't do it unless going for a max effort. I think I want to give powerlifting a try sometime within the next year.


Here's the parking lot I've been pushing my car in, I've made it 1/2th of the way across, gonna try the full length so if you all don't see me posting in awhile just know I died doing what I hate....cardio.

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