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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Barefoot takes some strong feet and if she wears heels most of the time I'm gonna guess flat footed training might be hard on her.
I'm not saying go buy Chuck Taylor's for her squat sessions. But the lower that sole the better. Sucks if she likes to run of the treadmill after workouts though cause a shoe that is best for squats will be the least comfortable to run in.

I actually find chuck taylor's comfortable to run with.


Hey guys, I figured I hadn't posted any pictures of me yet. Here's me today, 6'3, 190 lbs/ 191cm, 86kg:



If I would nitpick: legs are lagging a bit because of my knee injuries and my pecs are slow growers. In any case, I feel ready for summer now :p
(Back pictures are hard to do, lol)


Hey guys, I figured I hadn't posted any pictures of me yet. Here's me today, 6'3, 190 lbs/ 191cm, 86kg:


If I would nitpick: legs are lagging a bit because of my knee injuries and my pecs are slow growers. In any case, I feel ready for summer now :P
(Back pictures are hard to do, lol)[/QUOTE]

I'll be nitpicky and say that your chest, shoulders, and abs are lagging. but you look pretty good. def ready for summer.


Brian Burke punched my mom
If there isn't dirt in/on it, it's eating clean IMO.


Had a giant burger at the restaurant for lunch along with 6 beer at work. Just had a medium pizza for supper.

Haven't even lifted this week, work was tiring enough working in 6 inches of sinking mud, up and down ladders...

Negative Progress

Had a giant burger at the restaurant for lunch along with 6 beer at work. Just had a medium pizza for supper.

Haven't even lifted this week, work was tiring enough working in 6 inches of sinking mud, up and down ladders...

Negative Progress

Been an easy week for me as well. Deload week so not going all out in the gym is nice. Upped my calories a bit but ready to go back to the grind on Monday.

lol. Too many pointless exercises in that program.

I disagree. While there are lots of chest movements, I didn't find them to be pointless in any way. Plus, I learned a lot more about the benefits of decline and floor press.

true, it's all about dem macros



Improvement, got up 185lbs in OHP today, that's the most I've done in almost 5 months, prior to my shoulder problem I could do 225. Slow but steady, glad I opted to work out through the pain these few months, I would have missed out on all kinds of gains man, all kinds.


Not a pro by any means....wouldn't chest flys hit that area?

edit: found this chart...i guess i'm wrong


Great chart. I will definitely try the flys out. I saw a guy doing them today and he was only using a little bit of weight so it must be a harder workout..


I'll be nitpicky and say that your chest, shoulders, and abs are lagging. but you look pretty good. def ready for summer.

Thanks. Abs I have kind of given up on (in the way that I rarely hit them directly anymore), shoulders are growing, but the chest has been fucking stuck there for a long time...


Great chart. I will definitely try the flys out. I saw a guy doing them today and he was only using a little bit of weight so it must be a harder workout..

Yeah start light, it doesn't require heavyweights and you'll rarely see anyone using a weight heavier than 50s.


Thanks. Abs I have kind of given up on (in the way that I rarely hit them directly anymore), shoulders are growing, but the chest has been fucking stuck there for a long time...

doing abs once or twice a week can't hurt and will definitely help with definition. problem is that a lot of the time, abs show when you have super low body fat (like 8-10%). if you want to get a bigger chest, do more reps. I'm sure you know everything I'm telling you but find a chest specific program (like smolov jr or something hehe), and do it and you will have a giant chest in no time.

edit: oh yeah do dips as well. I'm at 3 sets of 15 no matter the day and I'm trying to figure out how to make them harder, but they are for sure helping my bench.


The chart may work for some people, but I've learned over the past year that as long as the chest is worked sufficiently along with a lot of dips, you'll see results.


doing abs once or twice a week can't hurt and will definitely help with definition. problem is that a lot of the time, abs show when you have super low body fat (like 8-10%). if you want to get a bigger chest, do more reps. I'm sure you know everything I'm telling you but find a chest specific program (like smolov jr or something hehe), and do it and you will have a giant chest in no time.

edit: oh yeah do dips as well. I'm at 3 sets of 15 no matter the day and I'm trying to figure out how to make them harder, but they are for sure helping my bench.

I've kinda tried everything for my chest, it's the part I train the most: BB and DB Bench, BB and DB Incline bench, weighted dips, flies, pec deck, cable cross, db squeeze press etc. My bench sucks though, so I think that is where I'll have to work.

Regarding abs, the thing is that I trained them a lot before and I find it difficult to find exercises that are heavy enough now. I still do some exercises but as you say fat percentage might have something to do with it (and water retention).


Steroid Distributor
That's why I have three pairs of shoes in my gym bag.

(Vibrams, minimalists for jogging outside, and cross trainers for cardio with resistance bands)

I think I teared up a bit reading this. I'm a shoe geek and have always found new reasons to buy more shoes. When I learned about shoes for squats and powerlifting I actually found a shoe that Nike made that was ultra low and sturdy. Even had a strap across the forefoot. But I have had foot issues since my teen years so I could never run in them.
Or run in Chucks. Tough ass feet man.

My opinion on focusing on different parts of a muscle fiber.
I agree the entire strand of the fibre will contract when put under tension. But the length that fiber is stretched when under tension will put different demands on that muscle fiber. By shortening the fiber as much as possible at max contraction you can engage or stimulate more of that fiber or at least in a different way then it will be stimulated when compared to different exercises.
If we are still thinking about chest development and we compare Barbell Bench Press and Incline Dumbbell fly (with a small wrist pronation at the peak of the movement) there is a very different way that the muscle fibers contract through each move.
You can compare muscle response by replicating how your arms would move in each exercise. Holding arms at the width you grasp the barbell, flex your chest muscles and extend your arms trying to maintain the distance your arms are separated. Now do the same for a chest fly move and when you bring your hands as close together as possible rotate your thumbs out just slightly.
I feel a significantly different type of contraction.

Now for sure you can throw out the "bioscience" term and that's fine. But I like bioscience.

If the question is whether you can actually isolate and build one part of a muscle outside of what your genetics will allow then my answer is NOPE. Stallone wouldn't have pec implants if genetics weren't such a bitch sometimes.


Steroid Distributor
edit: oh yeah do dips as well. I'm at 3 sets of 15 no matter the day and I'm trying to figure out how to make them harder, but they are for sure helping my bench.

Add weights with a weight belt or cross your legs behind you and hold a dumbbell between them.
Or have someone slap you in the face and call you name while you do them. That would for sure be more difficult.
lol, oh you guys.

I'm with you bro. I used to eat pretty bad but then I really looked into the quality of most of our food and it sufficiently freaked me out. It has royally killed my grocery budget but I'm about 80-90% organic now and looking back I can attribute a lot of weird health issues to my diet back then.


Hey guys, I figured I hadn't posted any pictures of me yet. Here's me today, 6'3, 190 lbs/ 191cm, 86kg:

If I would nitpick: legs are lagging a bit because of my knee injuries and my pecs are slow growers. In any case, I feel ready for summer now :p
(Back pictures are hard to do, lol)

Nice back :)

I hear ya with the pecs. I have "detailed" pecs but I want moar! :p

I'm with you bro. I used to eat pretty bad but then I really looked into the quality of most of our food and it sufficiently freaked me out. It has royally killed my grocery budget but I'm about 80-90% organic now and looking back I can attribute a lot of weird health issues to my diet back then.

There ya go. Same here, my grocery shopping bill has increased significantly. Grocery shopping is now a hobby of mine. I go to four (4) grocery stores every week. Central Market and Whole Foods for the finer foods and then regular grocery stores for the normal items. I'm a "foodie" when it comes to buying groceries, i.e. Salt

I threw away all my table salt and sea salt and bought some "healthy" salt. Celtic Grey Sea Salt from Brittany, France. Was like $9 :lol

Next I'm going to buy some Himalayan Pink Salt, course but in a grinder for $25


The pink salt L'Himalayen is a pure fossil marine salt which was formed more than 200 million years ago. Huge quantity of salt laid down progressively, in successive strata. The fossilized salt reachs sometimes dozen of meters deep. During the secondary era, deep dractures disrupted the earth's crust, several continents becoming individuals. Slowly, the Indian continent went toward the North-East, untill colliding with Eurasia to form the Himalaya. The salt of the old ocean was pushed back to the high plateaux (more than 3000 meters high up).
It comes from mineral water that enriches the salt and provides it with characteristics identified by its Himalayan origin, especially the amazing pink colour caused by the high natural iron content.

Unrefined, with additional iodine or other additives, L'Himalayen is totaly pure. Its delicate and subtle flavour, its natural crunch will enhance both your raw and cooked food.

I love eating healthy. I get so many compliments at work and from my family. People want me to be their personal chef :p

I would talk more about "designer food" in the Fitness thread but as you can tell it's not the appropriate place. Not much organic eaters in here and people who buy $10 salt lol


I've kinda tried everything for my chest, it's the part I train the most: BB and DB Bench, BB and DB Incline bench, weighted dips, flies, pec deck, cable cross, db squeeze press etc. My bench sucks though, so I think that is where I'll have to work.

Regarding abs, the thing is that I trained them a lot before and I find it difficult to find exercises that are heavy enough now. I still do some exercises but as you say fat percentage might have something to do with it (and water retention).
have you looked into any routines or plans? I Know someone posted a chest periodization routine that could work.

for abs, don't do heavy work, do volume work. p90x ab ripper is great.

basically you are wanting to do high volume stuff - so like 3-4 exercises for 3-5 sets of 10-12 reps each. I suggest finding a program to follow though.
Add weights with a weight belt or cross your legs behind you and hold a dumbbell between them.
Or have someone slap you in the face and call you name while you do them. That would for sure be more difficult.
my gym doesn't even have a stupid chain I can wrap around my waist. I could try the weight between the legs but I'm not confident my ankle can hold that up right now. the slapping....I could arrange it, I'm sure.


Steroid Distributor
my gym doesn't even have a stupid chain I can wrap around my waist. I could try the weight between the legs but I'm not confident my ankle can hold that up right now. the slapping....I could arrange it, I'm sure.

Hold it close to your knees. If it works for you then "hooray" if not...... You will be really good at bodyweight dips I guess.
Or you could make your own chain and bring it.


I think I'd rather stick with my cheap salt that contains iodine.

haha. A beautiful female coworker got me into it :p

I did read up on it. One negative thing is unrefined salt could contain bad minerals too.

Celtic sea salt comes from the northwest coast of France, where it is harvested after seawater evaporates from clay ponds built near the shoreline. Live minerals and trace elements provide natural gray Celtic sea salt with its less salty flavor and health benefits, such as enhanced digestion, resistance to infections and bad bacteria, and increased alkaline levels.

Celtic sea salt is "naturally air and sun-dried" and collected by hand with wooden tools to preserve its "living enzymes," according to Health Freedom Resources. Unlike table salt, which in processing is stripped of all minerals and trace elements except sodium and chloride, Celtic sea salt contains between 80 and 90 live elements found in sea water--and no chemicals or preservatives are added. Among the minerals and trace elements in Celtic sea salt are calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc and iodine. "The trace and ultratrace elements are found in the earth's crust and it is these that give the vital grayish color," says Regenerative Nutrition. "The slight moisture reflects the ability of the crystals to retain the salts and minerals in a form that the body can assimilate."

The primary threat of table salt is its sodium content--about 99 percent--which can generate high blood pressure, heart disease and the risk of strokes.


Oh lawwwwd. That chocolate chip cookie dough. My GNC finally had some.

So good. It might be better than pb&j. I'm not sure yet. I'll have to eat a couple more.

Gonna go to 5 GNC tomorrow. There's 5 here within 6 miles. Since I go through a box every 8-10 days its worth it to spend a few hundred with this coupon .
Nice back :)

I hear ya with the pecs. I have "detailed" pecs but I want moar! :p

There ya go. Same here, my grocery shopping bill has increased significantly. Grocery shopping is now a hobby of mine. I go to four (4) grocery stores every week. Central Market and Whole Foods for the finer foods and then regular grocery stores for the normal items. I'm a "foodie" when it comes to buying groceries, i.e. Salt

I threw away all my table salt and sea salt and bought some "healthy" salt. Celtic Grey Sea Salt from Brittany, France. Was like $9 :lol

Next I'm going to buy some Himalayan Pink Salt, course but in a grinder for $25


I love eating healthy. I get so many compliments at work and from my family. People want me to be their personal chef :p

I would talk more about "designer food" in the Fitness thread but as you can tell it's not the appropriate place. Not much organic eaters in here and people who buy $10 salt lol

Ha well I got a ways to go till I am at your level($10 Salt Damn!) but I focus most heavily on my meats, veg and dairy being organic. My seafood being wild caught and making 29 of my 32 meals a week at home.

I do the double grocery thing too. Costco + TJ's

We're some nerdy dudes bro.

Oh lawwwwd. That chocolate chip cookie dough. My GNC finally had some.

So good. It might be better than pb&j. I'm not sure yet. I'll have to eat a couple more.

Gonna go to 5 GNC tomorrow. There's 5 here within 6 miles. Since I go through a box every 8-10 days its worth it to spend a few hundred with this coupon .

I'm picking some up tomorrow. You guys have me sooo hyped.


Ha well I got a ways to go till I am at your level($10 Salt Damn!) but I focus most heavily on my meats, veg and dairy being organic. My seafood being wild caught and making 29 of my 32 meals a week at home.

I do the double grocery thing too. Costco + TJ's

We're some nerdy dudes bro.

I'm picking some up tomorrow. You guys have me sooo hyped.

I live with my mom so I'm able to spend money like that. At least I'm spending money on healthy things instead of like $100 aged tequila :p

I'm not big on meats but I hear you on vegetables. I try to eat a new vegetable every week. I eat my veggies raw, no cooking or additives. Just wash it under water and eat it.

Kale, I've tried every? type of Kale this year.

Organic Lacinato (Black, Dinosaur, etc.) Kale

Organic Red Kale

Organic Regular Kale

Purple Kale

The Lacinato kale was hardcore! Hard to eat raw. Red kale was good, tastes like regular kale. Regular kale was the easiest to eat raw. Purple kale tastes flowery.

I could go on.. I discovered Broccoli Rabe 3 weeks ago! Ever heard of it? Now I'm hooked. Very easy to eat raw

However, the worst veggie of the year is Dandelion Greens :vomit:

Organic Dandelion Greens:


Nice back :)

I hear ya with the pecs. I have "detailed" pecs but I want moar! :p

There ya go. Same here, my grocery shopping bill has increased significantly. Grocery shopping is now a hobby of mine. I go to four (4) grocery stores every week. Central Market and Whole Foods for the finer foods and then regular grocery stores for the normal items. I'm a "foodie" when it comes to buying groceries, i.e. Salt

I threw away all my table salt and sea salt and bought some "healthy" salt. Celtic Grey Sea Salt from Brittany, France. Was like $9 :lol

Next I'm going to buy some Himalayan Pink Salt, course but in a grinder for $25


I love eating healthy. I get so many compliments at work and from my family. People want me to be their personal chef :p

I would talk more about "designer food" in the Fitness thread but as you can tell it's not the appropriate place. Not much organic eaters in here and people who buy $10 salt lol

I've seen Himalayan pink sea salt for like 1.50 a pound at bulk barn. Be careful of being ripped off!


Cool guys.

I want to try fleur de sel. Looks good.

Yeah there's cheaper stuff out there. For instance, if you go to Trader Joe's it's like $3 a shaker? The above picture is from Central Market, a higher end grocery store. Thanks for the feedback.


I like dat Himalayan pink. Stuff tastes good. I got it in a grinder from Costco.

Must be nice.jpg

Whole Foods has like a 5oz shaker for only -$4 but I'm interested in the designer version from Central Market. I told myself I'd buy it when I get my raise, got my raise last week :partyhat:

Salt isle at Central Market

WF had dat rock. Came with it's own grinder board

Edit: I want to try Truffle & Salt. It's not a healthier version, but it sure is gourmet. Like $20/bottle



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So, I tried the quest bar and they are pretty damn good, didn't think it would live up to the hype but it did.
Yes sir! Went into my third GNC with my coupon today and they told me it wouldn't work because the code has already been punched in. I disputed and she ended up using some other code. Also got a free gold card so my box came out to 13 bucks! Sweetness!
So, Im comfortable enough to post some progress pics. After six weeks I look like I've made some gains. Muscles seem more defined and bigger, but not as solid as Id like. I also want to get bigger and Im worried Ill hit a plateau.

This is after six weeks of weightlifting and training.





Some days, (like today) my insecurities kick in and I feel like Ive made no gains. I look in the mirror and still feel small, skinny. I was doing dumbells presses today and increased the weights by 5 lbs. I was on my 3 set of 10 reps when my arms gave out on rep 6. I was so angry and upset with myself.

How do you guys stay motivated when you feel like strength wise your not progressing as you want to?

Also, can you guys point me in the direction of site or app that can plan out a routine with exercises by day. Literally something where I can plug in my objective and goals, my weight and height, the tools available to me (ie: barbell, dumbell) and give me a nice and neat little plan to follow. I feel like Im lacking a structured routine.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Read the OP. Starting Strength. Don't feel bad about missing a 5lb jump on dumbbells - that's a 10lb jump in total weight, dumbbells are harder than barbells and shoulder/overhead presses are the slowest lifts to make progress on and the first to stall.


Steroid Distributor
It's a marathon not a sprint man. We all tell ourselves that from time to time.

6 weeks feels like a long time when you are looking forward. But 6 months feels like a flash when you are looking back.

You won't always be stronger in your next workout. But if you find a way to get around the challenges you will always keep improving and moving forward.
You say you failed on a weight you wanted to do 10 reps of. You got 6 reps done. Well instead of being pissed. Rest for a bit and do another 6 reps. Now you did 12. And that's more weight lifted than last time. Right?

If you haven't read through the OP and about Starting Strength I suggest it as well.
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