What do you mean by this?No, when the gains stop you deload and build you way back up to where you were and then blast through the plateau. Then you repeat a couple times and THEN it's time to look into something more specialized.
What do you mean by this?No, when the gains stop you deload and build you way back up to where you were and then blast through the plateau. Then you repeat a couple times and THEN it's time to look into something more specialized.
What do you mean by this?
Ah...I understand now. Thanks everyone.Example) Get stuck at 300? Drop the weight back down to 250 and work your way back up. If everything goes well, you'll blast through 300 the next time you get there.
I think I'm prepared to update my top 5 quest bar list since the release of the new flavor. I know everyone is dying to know! lol
#1-Chocolate chip cookie dough
#2-PB Supreme
#3-White chocolate raspberry
#5-Apple pie
I think I'm prepared to update my top 5 quest bar list since the release of the new flavor. I know everyone is dying to know! lol
#1-Chocolate chip cookie dough
#2-PB Supreme
#3-White chocolate raspberry
#5-Apple pie
I think I'm prepared to update my top 5 quest bar list since the release of the new flavor. I know everyone is dying to know! lol
#1-Chocolate chip cookie dough
#2-PB Supreme
#3-White chocolate raspberry
#5-Apple pie
I forgot to mention that. I am eating a whole foods/ paleo style diet. Ive been doing it for about 6 months and love it. No garbage processed foods and I drink only water! So I got the diet part down pat![]()
You put the White Chocolate Raspberry in the microwave yet? The chocolate chunks melt and hnnnngg
I forgot to mention that. I am eating a whole foods/ paleo style diet. Ive been doing it for about 6 months and love it. No garbage processed foods and I drink only water! So I got the diet part down pat![]()
Better up your carbs too if you planning to lift a lot.
Why? I personally love carbs so I refuse to cut them out, but I'm pretty sure you can get all the energy you need from fats with only consuming minimal carbs.
Thank you. My wife thinks I have serious issues (which I don't deny) for putting so much thought and consideration into a top 5 list. Haha!Without having tried the white chocolate yet I can already say with high confidence that this list is factually and universally correct.
Also, Lemon Pie is the absolute worst Quest bar made by man.
Low carb can mess up your thyroid big time when lifting and cutting, depends on your individual thyroid balance. Happened to me.
Bodybuilders are bodybuilders, so if you want to gain strength and keep up with your activities then I would up the carbs.I see. I have lots of friends who swear by keto and have had amazing results while on that diet. I guess their thyroid balance is a-okay.
Also I don't think the person he was responding to is cutting. He is only 140 lbs at 5'10.
Like I said I love carbs so I refuse to cut them out. I also do a shit ton of cardio and find that carbs are great for energy when I'm doing long durations of cardio. But there is a significant community of bodybuilders who are on the keto diet.
Bodybuilders are bodybuilders, so if you want to gain strength and keep up with your activities then I would up the carbs.
Here read what Robb Wolf have to say about Athletic performance and low carb.
hats a round-about way of saying I think I know my stuff reasonably well. I have personally tinkered with a ketogenic approach, cyclic ketogenic, basic low-carb etc. As I mentioned in part 1, I found all of these options to be more or less up to the task of fueling some weight training, gymnastics and a bit of sprinting. But I have not found them up to snuff when we add in significant glycolytic based work like CrossFit, MMA, Brazilian jiu-jitsu etc.
If you're doing marathons or more intense workouts, then of course you should be eating more carbs.
I see. I have lots of friends who swear by keto and have had amazing results while on that diet. I guess their thyroid balance is a-okay.
Also I don't think the person he was responding to is cutting. He is only 140 lbs at 5'10.
Like I said I love carbs so I refuse to cut them out. I also do a shit ton of cardio and find that carbs are great for energy when I'm doing long durations of cardio. But there is a significant community of bodybuilders who are on the keto diet.
mmhh..... I confirmed mu suspicions, today I took my phone to the squat rack to record my 5x3, 90kgs high bar squats from behind and they aren't good enough.
last time when I did it, It honestly felt like I was going below or at least parallel... but nope, half of those 15 reps aren't even parallel. sad, because I always took pride on my ass almost kissing the floor :-(
How should I proceed in this case? common sense tells me to stay on 90 kgs, man up and get a decent ROM before attemtping 92.5 kgs but from what I've read here, I should add weight to the bar and "officially" fail.
if half of those reps are half reps, then I officially failed and should stay on that weight, right?
if half of those reps are half reps, then I officially failed and should stay on that weight, right?
Bodybuilders are bodybuilders, so if you want to gain strength and keep up with your activities then I would up the carbs.
Here read what Robb Wolf have to say about Athletic performance and low carb.
If it had only been one or two reps out of 15 it's not such a big deal. If half of them were high, then I would definitely repeat the weight making sure you go deep on every rep this time.
if you are a long dude like me then yeah parallel feels pretty much like ATG. I would take off a reasonable amount of weight and build from super deep again. I actually plan doing so next week myself.
It not BS, but I do agree to each to their own. Everybody is different and I understand that.IMO it's a bunch of BS. You can do strength training on Keto. I did for at least a year.
But I would use it as a last resort if you can't seem to drop weight any other way.
Better up your carbs too if you planning to lift a lot. I believe you already though about awesomeness of sweet potatoes/ yams.
Brown rice is ok, but it really up to you if you notice any bad effects.I eat a yam/sweet potato a day as it stands. What is your guys opinion on brown rice? I was thinking of adding it into my diet
If you're doing marathons or more intense workouts, then of course you should be eating more carbs.
I have been going Keto/LoCarb(with cheat meals on the weekends) while doing Crossfit for the last couple years with no issues. Hasn't effected my strength or energy performance.
Haha two and a half days of eating what I want and I go up 8 pounds.
People that say you can't do strength or endurance on keto are doing it wrong.
No you're not misunderstanding. It's been about a year. A few reasons but the main one is because I kept hurting myself. My gym wouldn't allow the weights to hit the ground so my downward movement was really hard on my lower back. Also the weights they had weren't round so that sucked too. Now they have bumper weights and dedicated DL area! I'm good to go!Cooter, you hadn't done DLs for a year? Any reason why (assuming I'm not misunderstanding).
Haha two and a half days of eating what I want and I go up 8 pounds.
No everybody is different.
Haha I'm waiting for this to happen after my cut.
but are those 8 pounds gainz or just shit&water? that's the big question :-D
YuupNew workout shirt. FITGAF approve?
New workout shirt. FITGAF approve?
Yes some people can't handle Keto very well but it's usually, not always, people that didn't follow directions and aren't getting nearly enough fat.
New workout shirt. FITGAF approve?
So I got a thyroid subfunction and I have to take 150 throxyin every day. I'm training since late 2009 now and I barely have success. Granted that I'm just not the athletic type, I'm sknnyfat through and through. I went from about 67kg with 22 to 25 bodyfat to about 77 kg with bodyfat around 15 to 17 I'd guess. Arms are still thin though, massive weakpoint. I have low testosterone as well. Is this connected to my subfunction? I had low Vitamin D3 as well and relatively low Iron but my doc doesn't want to give me any iron cause he says it's still ok.
I also suffer from a light form of socoliosis which makes working out harder and well, it looks like shit. Breasts are different, lower back is a massive difference...you get it.
woooooww! FINALLY a FIT-gaffer wearing a compression style shirt!!
wear it with pride, show 'em those delts