Fack. Some moronic old man got his finger caught in between the pin and 300 lbs of plates on a Nautilus leg press machine yesterday. We're talking 60 or so, wearing jeans and work boots on the weight floor.
I was closest and the only person who saw, so I ran over and tried to push the sled off his fingers.. only to find out he somehow jammed his fingers in between the plates, not UNDER them. He shouts at me and says "lift up the plates you idiot" as I'm going to risk chopping my fingers off.
15 minutes later, three guys are having to lift each plate up individually and pin them in stacks of 10 (30 plates...), while I'm half-assed on the press seat with half back support, in full leg press mode, having to keep the weight stack at full extension. In the middle of this, the old man's equally dumb friend knocks into me to get me out of the way so he can "see what's going on here", which is colossally stupid.
Eventually we get him unstuck, and he doesn't even have the politeness to say thanks. He does, though, sit there in the chair between the sled for two more minutes, which means I can't move.
His moron friend goes downstairs to bitch about how the machine is too dangerous and always broken and he "knew someone would get seriously hurt because NYSC has dangerous machines and doesn't do anything about it." It's this kind of bullshit that has Planet Fitness ditching everything remotely dangerous.
Welp, now half of my back feels like total shit the next day. On the bright side, I hit 165x4 on OHP? Ugh.