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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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powerlifting dude was mirin' my form on squats today saying I should try powerlifting. I want to give it a go next year, but my deadlift right now is asscheeks. I don't push myself nearly hard enough, I shouldn't be afraid to fail, but I stick with what I'm comfortable with sometimes. I don't go any higher than 305 on bench press because I know I can do that for at least 5 reps no problem when pyramiding up. I'm neurotic as fuck when it comes to deadlifting, I just sort of get into a holding pattern pacing around the weight when I get ready for a relatively big pull. I've never even attempted to squat more than 405, just because I prefer doing weights in at least sets of 5. I need to step my game up.

Have you ever considered running Smolov's for squats?


Words from Shogun

"Hey, to you and blackflag. When I hurt myself about a year ago on deads/squats (low back) I came back with very low weight and extremely high reps and progressed slowly until there was no instability. Now I'm 100%."


What do you guys think of Cliff bars? I eat one practically every day seems like.

Also Xenergy energy drinks? I love those :p

Don't know about the drink, but you'd be better served paying extra for Quest bars (or something Quest-ish ^_^) over anything Cliff. Not that they're not tasty, but the builder bars are soy protein and the regular bars aren't really all the nutritionally great either.


lol no shit? If only the amount of money I funnel into bettering myself had a little more value!

How the fuck is this guy 6'2", 165 and he's complaining about maintaining weight and his metabolism? His skeleton must weight like 20 lbs. I weighed myself this morning, and I was 168 lbs at 5'7" and I don't feel obese at all. Gonna start bulking hard in September.


Have you ever considered running Smolov's for squats?

Yea, Actually I plan on running it starting next month. Seeing Ben Rice, do it is pretty inspiring, and I know a chic that's just finished running it.

But I have to wonder if the frequency will make my body more acclimated to the weight and perhaps have less DOMS, or if there is any other way to mitigate it. I did legs today, and I'm not really looking forward to just how sore I will be 2 days from now.


Words from Shogun

"Hey, to you and blackflag. When I hurt myself about a year ago on deads/squats (low back) I came back with very low weight and extremely high reps and progressed slowly until there was no instability. Now I'm 100%."

I wonder if it's against the rules for someone to post on behalf of Alien, like he never even left lol


Neo Member
hey guys, I'm currently cutting right now and noticed some of my lifts going down. I'm 5'8, weigh ~157lbs. My bench went from 205 3 reps to 195 2 reps, dead lifts 275 3-4 reps to 275 1 rep, squats 275 1 rep to 225 3 reps. I'm not taking any supplements at all, but does anyone have any tips to try maintaining my previous lifts? Also any suggestions for protein?


Would someone who has access to shogun please ask him what elbow and wrist wraps he uses? I'm looking for some and I'd like to hear his opinion



hey guys, I'm currently cutting right now and noticed some of my lifts going down. I'm 5'8, weigh ~157lbs. My bench went from 205 3 reps to 195 2 reps, dead lifts 275 3-4 reps to 275 1 rep, squats 275 1 rep to 225 3 reps. I'm not taking any supplements at all, but does anyone have any tips to try maintaining my previous lifts? Also any suggestions for protein?

How long have you been cutting?

Take your cut slow, do a deficit of about 500 calories. Keep your protein intake high. Keep trying to lift heavy. Introduce creatine?

I actually gained strength during my 3 month cut, hope you're not depriving yourself of food, your bench going down 10 pounds AND losing reps sounds like you lost a lot tbh.

Squat 325 2/2/2 3rd Strike I am out!
Press 120 GO
Power Cleans 135 5x1 OK (just to practice technique)
Pull Ups 3/3/3

So my squat is not only not getting stronger, it's regressing. My form felt all kinds of improvised lol. I slept and ate the right things so this means I am seriously overtraining. Time to deload and start over the advanced beginner SS :O

Front Squat 215x5x3
Bench 195x3x5 2nd
Power Cleans 185x5x3
Dips Bodyweigth 3xfailure


Alright Fitgaf, it's time to start planning:

I've been doing 5/3/1 with a bodybuilding style routine throug my cut for months now, since like March/Aprilish. That's meant minimum reps on each day on my final sets, resulting in a final 1RM of DL - 425 Bench 255, OHP - Hopefully 175, and Squat hopefully 335. Now it's time to switch to a bulk come late August/Early September and switch to a version of 5/3/1 where I do my may reps, and switch back to Boring but Big in place of isolation.

My thought is though since I'm upping volume and changing thr routine, I should drop the weight a bit for maximum gains, but I don't know if that's a good idea or by how much. I could just press forward at a caloric surplus, but perhaps getting more reps on those final sets at a slightly lower weight will be better for the overall bulk. Strength still matters, but more size is my number one goal on this bulk, while minimizing fat gains.

Any input is greatly appreciated GAF.

Progress pics coming in 2 weeks! Killed some progress this past week, but we shall see if I can recover!

Reposting hoping I was just overlooked!


Gold Member
Beast GAF in full force, good balance for that Zyzz thread.

Cutting question. To get over my stall I had my RMR measured professionally, and will get my thyroid measured today - I suspect I have been a bit overly eager. My measured RMR is 2088kcal/day and my BMR calculated from that is 1984kcal/day. I am 210lbs.

So what would be my goal calorie intake per day to cut sustainably without stalling?

Nelo Ice

So I was right. Randoms did help me way too much on bench since one random didn't help me until I needed it after the 3rd rep while benching a plate last night. After they had to go so I found another guy and he helped me way too much where I wasn't even really lifting, just like last week. But besides that killed it and finally got 185 lb squats for 3x5. Along with a 195 lb deadlift for 1x5. Having the proper sleep and eating all those carbs yesterday definitely helped.


I did a bulk and unmodiified 5/3/1 BBB last fall and added on about 8 lbs of mass. However I was definitely aiming for strength over size. I think you should stick to the plan.

My biggest concern is the "reset" part before adding so much volume and whether that's a good idea or not.
hey guys, I'm currently cutting right now and noticed some of my lifts going down. I'm 5'8, weigh ~157lbs. My bench went from 205 3 reps to 195 2 reps, dead lifts 275 3-4 reps to 275 1 rep, squats 275 1 rep to 225 3 reps. I'm not taking any supplements at all, but does anyone have any tips to try maintaining my previous lifts? Also any suggestions for protein?

Keep the weight on the bar and drop the volume, you were doing pretty low reps already so I would say you were probably too heavy to begin with but I don't know your routine. But you can drop volume by like 50% and maintain your muscle while you cut as long as you keep the weight the same and eat more protein to keep yourself fueled.

Protein is not a complicated subject - eat as much meat, eggs, and fish as you can afford, and a scoop or two's worth of shakes a day if the budget gets tight. Fat-free cottage cheese is your friend too.

Start taking fish oils and creatine.


Beast GAF in full force, good balance for that Zyzz thread.

Cutting question. To get over my stall I had my RMR measured professionally, and will get my thyroid measured today - I suspect I have been a bit overly eager. My measured RMR is 2088kcal/day and my BMR calculated from that is 1984kcal/day. I am 210lbs.

So what would be my goal calorie intake per day to cut sustainably without stalling?

Start with 2,376 or so is what I would do.


Words from Shogun

"Hey, to you and blackflag. When I hurt myself about a year ago on deads/squats (low back) I came back with very low weight and extremely high reps and progressed slowly until there was no instability. Now I'm 100%."

Awesome. Definitely going to do this. I been thinking about doing this for awhile. Just hard to change that mindset. Gonna do it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
After watching Sho murder that deadlift I'm inspired. Shit-ass Sunday workout means I'm out for blood tonight.

Some piece of shit trashed the gym last time I was there and left shit EVERYWHERE and solidified (somewhat) grease where his head was on every bench. Place was out of wipes, too - so it was a negative visit.

Got high hopes for tonight. New PR OHP? Fuck it, let's shoot for a new PR OHP!

Thank you Shogun for your inspiration!
Beast GAF in full force, good balance for that Zyzz thread.

Cutting question. To get over my stall I had my RMR measured professionally, and will get my thyroid measured today - I suspect I have been a bit overly eager. My measured RMR is 2088kcal/day and my BMR calculated from that is 1984kcal/day. I am 210lbs.

So what would be my goal calorie intake per day to cut sustainably without stalling?

I have no idea how potential thyroid issues might affect you, but a 10% calorie deficit sounds like a good start (if it's working after 4 weeks, you can increaes it to 15%).
So 2000 calories a day*1.3 (I assume this is your TDEE, might be wrong)*0.90=2340 cals.


Gold Member

Start with 2,376 or so is what I would do.

I have no idea how potential thyroid issues might affect you, but a 10% calorie deficit sounds like a good start (if it's working after 4 weeks, you can increaes it to 15%).
So 2000 calories a day*1.3 (I assume this is your TDEE, might be wrong)*0.90=2340 cals.

wow that sounds like a lot, not sure I have had that much on a continuous basis for a whi... oops?
wow that sounds like a lot, not sure I have had that much on a continuous basis for a whi... oops?

It is a lot yeah, but it really comes down to your activity levels.
If you go to the gym 3-4x a week, and aren't completely sedentary otherwise, you'll need calories on-top of your BMR, and that amount is then subtracted for your cut.

If you notice not weight loss, then the activity level multiplier is too high, and you just need to lower it (I'm currently going with 1.2, as I'm completely sedentary aside from my gym visits).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm debating trying a 50 or 55lb muscle up tonight. Depends how my shoulder feels. Also, not sure if I should jump up 5 or 10 pounds.
So not to sound dumb, but you times 1.2/1.3 by your RMR and then eat at that or above that?

Or below that if you want to cut.
The multiplier represents your energy expenditure above your basic energy expenditure, so you gotta experiment around a bit to find a multiplier that is representative of your activity levels.


Or below that if you want to cut.
The multiplier represents your energy expenditure above your basic energy expenditure, so you gotta experiment around a bit to find a multiplier that is representative of your activity levels.

Ok I'm doing the right thing then eating at 2000 a day :)

My wife has been having some anxiety though. Her weight loss is slowing and she's annoyed she's bigger than last year (I think she's 115, was 110 or so last year). She's keeping her calories at around 1200 a day, 100g of protein. She can't do too much cardio or else she breaks into hives, so everything has to be low impact. She's really been dwelling on it recently. She also thinks her new birth control isn't helping.


Anyone else here suffering from scoliosis?

Chiropractor said I had it when I was a teenager, don't think it's too big of an issue for me except my posture used to be pretty poor and it's still something I have to think about. I have to keep reminding myself to stand or situp straight. Getting stronger has helped though with posture.
1200 calories sounds awfully low.

At 115lbs, 5'6'', and going to the gym thrice a week, her BMR would be 1271 calories, and her TDEE around 1748 calories, then 1200 calories would be a massive 30% calorific deficit.

Give the following site a go with her weight, height, activity level, and see what's up:



1200 calories sounds awfully low.

At 115lbs, 5'6'', and going to the gym thrice a week, her BMR would be 1271 calories, and her TDEE around 1748 calories, then 1200 calories would be a massive 30% calorific deficit.

Give the following site a go with her weight, height, activity level, and see what's up:


We used this site


And took the RMR and x it by 1.2 which gave us a little over 1,500 calories.


Chiropractor said I had it when I was a teenager, don't think it's too big of an issue for me except my posture used to be pretty poor and it's still something I have to think about. I have to keep reminding myself to stand or situp straight. Getting stronger has helped though with posture.

Well...if you got scoliosis you should see it in the mirror. For me my left and right breast musces are very different as is my latisimus (right strong, left barely there) and my lower back muscles...let's not even talk about them. :(
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