Ok I'm a bit confused about the effect of the carb-up on CKD. I know it's used to full muscle glycogen and boost hormones and whatnot. But isn't it kind of counter intuitive if you are supposed to be in a ketosis most of the time? How long does it take for your body to switch back to ketosis after a 24hr carb refeed for example? I mean I know that most people find it hard to continue lifting on keto without any refeeds because muscle glycogen depletes. But then the 24-36hr refeed kicks you out of ketosis and isn't it supposed to take some days to get back in to ketosis so to speak? Or does your body just jump straight back to ketosis quicker?
blackflag halp! Tell us how it is.
I really need to read Lyle's book on this...
It will take 2 days or so.I only did carb load like once every 2 weeks or slightly shorter if my body felt like I needed it. All I can say is that I very strictly followed Keto during the week at 2,500-2,700 cals per day. When I carb loaded it was for 36 hours and I just ate tons of carbs. Like 1,200 grams in 36 hours. I didn't even keep fat low for the first evening. I ate pizza, ice cream etc. Then the 2nd day I still ate a lot of sugar but tried to keep fat a lot lower. Chicken breast, ben and jerry's frozen greek yogurt, rice, mashed potatoes, bagels.
It just worked for me. DO NOT EAT FRUCTOSE. No Fruit. It will fill liver glycogen and it will take longer to get back in Ketosis. Lyle has suggested 1 banana before your last workout before the carbup then you should finish the workout and start your carbload with simple carbs.
It didn't seem to matter that it takes awhile to get back in ketosis. You could speed it up with HIIT. Lyle also believes now that Ketosis is a side effect of low carb and not necessarily the disired state. Not sure why he shifted his ideas.
Have you tried carb cycling? I'm doing it now with a coach and it is working amazing for me. 21 lbs down in 2 months. 20-14% bf so far. I can't give you the whole diet because that would probably get me in trouble with my coach but here are the ideas.
Monday - 300g carbs Chest day .
Tuesday - 200g carbs back day
Wed - 100g carbs shoulders
Thurs - 300g carbs leg day
Friday - 100g carbs arms
Saturday 50g carbs
Sunday 0g carbs
lower carb days raise up the fat but still eat less cals than the high carb days. So like 300g day I eat 2,638 47g fat, 282g carbs, 259g protein.
0g carb days are like 99g fat and 2,000 cals.
He has me doing these rep ranges 15,8,5,8. Pretty much 4 exercises per day but sometimes I do more.