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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Those calculations look fine, so I guess it could be the birth control affecting the metabolism or something else. I don't think a 5lbs increase is anything she should worry about as it could have been mostly in the form of muscles.

Her stomach area has definitely gotten bigger but she's not flabby if that makes sense. She keeps pointing it out to me and I feel bad agreeing but I phrased it in a way that maybe all the squatting and deadlifting has pushed her core area out? Or is that completely impossible?


the piano man
bloated bellies are sometimes due to irritation caused by spicy meals, sour beverages, etc. In that sense, maybe your wife is right and her new birth control ist irritating her digestive system. It's a possibility.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If she changed birth control that can play havoc on a lot of internal shit. It may be the cause.

ACE 1991

While I'm still probably 4 months away from switching to a different routine, is Hypertrophy Specific Training a good one for someone who wants to get unto straight body building after linear progression?


No. 1.2 or 1.3 is very low. I'd go 1.5 or 1.6 then subtract 500 for cut. Add 500 for bulk

The multiplier for light exercise (1-3 times a week in the gym) is 1.375. I track all of my calorie burning, and despite being in the gym at least 3 times a week as well as outside cardio 3 times a week, I know I don't burn enough justify using the light exercise multiplier over the sedentary multiplier.

If she changed birth control that can play havoc on a lot of internal shit. It may be the cause.

I asked my gyno about that the last time, and she said (normal) modern birth control doesn't really do that anymore.


The multiplier for light exercise (1-3 times a week in the gym) is 1.375. I track all of my calorie burning, and despite being in the gym at least 3 times a week as well as outside cardio 3 times a week, I know I don't burn enough justify using the light exercise multiplier over the sedentary multiplier.

I asked my gyno about that the last time, and she said (normal) modern birth control doesn't really do that anymore.


Weight gain is a listed side effect. I know her headaches have really picked up too

Thanks for the input guys. So blackflag you think I should be eating more than 2000 a day? 5'8, 200 pounds. You're much more of an expert than me.

I'm definitely drenched in sweat after a good workout, just figured I wasn't burning that much.
Her stomach area has definitely gotten bigger but she's not flabby if that makes sense. She keeps pointing it out to me and I feel bad agreeing but I phrased it in a way that maybe all the squatting and deadlifting has pushed her core area out? Or is that completely impossible?

Is it possible it's just a lot of bloating from medication?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I asked my gyno about that the last time, and she said (normal) modern birth control doesn't really do that anymore.

Really? That's awesome, because MAN in the 90s my friends had some issues.


Well...if you got scoliosis you should see it in the mirror. For me my left and right breast musces are very different as is my latisimus (right strong, left barely there) and my lower back muscles...let's not even talk about them. :(

True, if you put it that way then I still have it. My right traps are smaller than left and same with pecs. Sucks. I don't know if I should do some isolation exercises to try to target that side more than the other to balance it out. I guess most people wouldn't notice it at first glance but I see myself every day so it's very noticeable and I'm pretty self conscious about that kind of thing.


The multiplier for light exercise (1-3 times a week in the gym) is 1.375. I track all of my calorie burning, and despite being in the gym at least 3 times a week as well as outside cardio 3 times a week, I know I don't burn enough justify using the light exercise multiplier over the sedentary multiplier.

I asked my gyno about that the last time, and she said (normal) modern birth control doesn't really do that anymore.

Calculating it is a good place to start but if that doesn't work you have to modify which sounds like what you are doing.

I can lift 4 times a week and sit on my ass the rest of the day. Never do cardio, and I've lost 21 pounds in 2 months and I'm already pretty lean.

We are all different, the calculators are just a good place to start.

The reason people doing SS or something similar first is because if you can lose weight at that calorie amount you have much more room to afjust later when you hit a plateau.
Yeah, activity levels is pretty individual.
I used to go with 1.5 before, but I think I either got an energy efficient body (or slow metabolism) or was overestimating my activity - and that was at 4 heavy lifting sessions a week, in addition to HIIT sessions.
That with a 10-15% ish calorie deficit was more of a maintenance thing than anything, so now I'm going with a 1.2 multiplier, and a 20% calorie deficit.


I reset all of my lifts to do a SS-style linear progression. I was kind of stuck on bench before at the same weight, doing reps of 5. But now that I've reset and doing sets of 5 at a much lower weight, my pecks are feeling the "burn," so to speak, more than when I was doing the same heigher weight over and over again. Is this weird?
Looks like I finally need to deload and probably reset too... My bench and squat have both stalled and OHP hasn't improved much either. Today I managed to squat only 6 x 265lb when month ago I did 7 reps with the same weight. And I thought my improved deadlift would transfer over to my squat... not too happy, shiiiit.


Ok I'm a bit confused about the effect of the carb-up on CKD. I know it's used to full muscle glycogen and boost hormones and whatnot. But isn't it kind of counter intuitive if you are supposed to be in a ketosis most of the time? How long does it take for your body to switch back to ketosis after a 24hr carb refeed for example? I mean I know that most people find it hard to continue lifting on keto without any refeeds because muscle glycogen depletes. But then the 24-36hr refeed kicks you out of ketosis and isn't it supposed to take some days to get back in to ketosis so to speak? Or does your body just jump straight back to ketosis quicker?

blackflag halp! Tell us how it is.

I really need to read Lyle's book on this...


True, if you put it that way then I still have it. My right traps are smaller than left and same with pecs. Sucks. I don't know if I should do some isolation exercises to try to target that side more than the other to balance it out. I guess most people wouldn't notice it at first glance but I see myself every day so it's very noticeable and I'm pretty self conscious about that kind of thing.

Well, I see it myself, but I also suffer from it in terms of severe tension in the shortened muscle areas. I also notice clearly that I could be stronger if both sides would be more on par. Afterall, weightlifiting is just phsyics as well and esepcially for the bench where my shoulders are not on the same height and angle I notice that it hinders my success. Well, whatever, can't change it anway. I'm only doing dumbell bench now btw.


Ok I'm a bit confused about the effect of the carb-up on CKD. I know it's used to full muscle glycogen and boost hormones and whatnot. But isn't it kind of counter intuitive if you are supposed to be in a ketosis most of the time? How long does it take for your body to switch back to ketosis after a 24hr carb refeed for example? I mean I know that most people find it hard to continue lifting on keto without any refeeds because muscle glycogen depletes. But then the 24-36hr refeed kicks you out of ketosis and isn't it supposed to take some days to get back in to ketosis so to speak? Or does your body just jump straight back to ketosis quicker?

blackflag halp! Tell us how it is.

I really need to read Lyle's book on this...

You can hasten ketosis by performing a depletion workout.
What I did on Keto was to just throw in a HIIT session on friday's work-out, just to completely deplete the glucose in my muscles, and then another HIIT session on saturday with a lower than usual carb intake to kickstart ketosis again.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just wanted to say HIIT is fuckin shit fuck HIIT I hate HIIT

HIIT session happening tongiht :(


Ok I'm a bit confused about the effect of the carb-up on CKD. I know it's used to full muscle glycogen and boost hormones and whatnot. But isn't it kind of counter intuitive if you are supposed to be in a ketosis most of the time? How long does it take for your body to switch back to ketosis after a 24hr carb refeed for example? I mean I know that most people find it hard to continue lifting on keto without any refeeds because muscle glycogen depletes. But then the 24-36hr refeed kicks you out of ketosis and isn't it supposed to take some days to get back in to ketosis so to speak? Or does your body just jump straight back to ketosis quicker?

blackflag halp! Tell us how it is.

I really need to read Lyle's book on this...

It will take 2 days or so.I only did carb load like once every 2 weeks or slightly shorter if my body felt like I needed it. All I can say is that I very strictly followed Keto during the week at 2,500-2,700 cals per day. When I carb loaded it was for 36 hours and I just ate tons of carbs. Like 1,200 grams in 36 hours. I didn't even keep fat low for the first evening. I ate pizza, ice cream etc. Then the 2nd day I still ate a lot of sugar but tried to keep fat a lot lower. Chicken breast, ben and jerry's frozen greek yogurt, rice, mashed potatoes, bagels.

It just worked for me. DO NOT EAT FRUCTOSE. No Fruit. It will fill liver glycogen and it will take longer to get back in Ketosis. Lyle has suggested 1 banana before your last workout before the carbup then you should finish the workout and start your carbload with simple carbs.

It didn't seem to matter that it takes awhile to get back in ketosis. You could speed it up with HIIT. Lyle also believes now that Ketosis is a side effect of low carb and not necessarily the disired state. Not sure why he shifted his ideas.


Have you tried carb cycling? I'm doing it now with a coach and it is working amazing for me. 21 lbs down in 2 months. 20-14% bf so far. I can't give you the whole diet because that would probably get me in trouble with my coach but here are the ideas.

Monday - 300g carbs Chest day .
Tuesday - 200g carbs back day
Wed - 100g carbs shoulders
Thurs - 300g carbs leg day
Friday - 100g carbs arms
Saturday 50g carbs
Sunday 0g carbs

lower carb days raise up the fat but still eat less cals than the high carb days. So like 300g day I eat 2,638 47g fat, 282g carbs, 259g protein.
0g carb days are like 99g fat and 2,000 cals.

He has me doing these rep ranges 15,8,5,8. Pretty much 4 exercises per day but sometimes I do more.


I know but I don't think I'd want to modify my training too much just to deplete my glycogen. I'm also interested if blackflag did anything of the sort since as far as I know he did SS.

Nope I never did depletion workout. but I also mostly only carbed up when I felt depleted instead of weekly. I figured that made more sense than artificially depleting myself just so I could carb load.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Nope I never did depletion workout. but I also mostly only carbed up when I felt depleted instead of weekly. I figured that made more sense than artificially depleting myself just so I could carb load.

That was how I used to do it. Ate when I felt like dying.


Well, I see it myself, but I also suffer from it in terms of severe tension in the shortened muscle areas. I also notice clearly that I could be stronger if both sides would be more on par. Afterall, weightlifiting is just phsyics as well and esepcially for the bench where my shoulders are not on the same height and angle I notice that it hinders my success. Well, whatever, can't change it anway. I'm only doing dumbell bench now btw.

I look at it as a hindrance but it's not something that I'm going to make excuses for. I just have to work harder. I do barbell bench press, my chest has definitely grown, and I've grown all over. No worries here.


About 4 weeks ago I decided that I needed to start squatting again and doing strength work. I have had a history of disc-related back problems. I have had set backs in the past and have tried to rehab the back many different ways but nothing seemed to have helped other than resting and literally doing nothing.

Well 4 weeks ago I decided to squat and started out very lite. I started at 105x5x3 and have gone up 5lbs with every workout. I started very conservatively, without a belt and holding my Vasalva as tight and hard as possible. I tried to maintain as perfect form as I could.

I am happy to report that I am making slow and steady progress. Today, on lunch break, I squatted 170x5x3 and my back hasn't felt this good in a long time. I am wearing a belt for any weight above 135lbs and the belt has been a lifesaver. I am also seeing the chiropractor 1x a week and I think that is helping quite a bit. I am starting to feel a lot stronger under the bar and getting much more confidence. When I started out I was so hesitant but now I feel like I can actually squat with a certain degree of confidence. I am hoping to get back to where I was previously. I am not sure if my back is "healing "or not but I can tell you that I feel stronger. I am also steadily gaining weight and my friends have commented that I "look bigger." I hope I continue to make progress and the back holds up!


It will take 2 days or so.I only did carb load like once every 2 weeks or slightly shorter if my body felt like I needed it. All I can say is that I very strictly followed Keto during the week at 2,500-2,700 cals per day. When I carb loaded it was for 36 hours and I just ate tons of carbs. Like 1,200 grams in 36 hours. I didn't even keep fat low for the first evening. I ate pizza, ice cream etc. Then the 2nd day I still ate a lot of sugar but tried to keep fat a lot lower. Chicken breast, ben and jerry's frozen greek yogurt, rice, mashed potatoes, bagels.

It just worked for me. DO NOT EAT FRUCTOSE. No Fruit. It will fill liver glycogen and it will take longer to get back in Ketosis. Lyle has suggested 1 banana before your last workout before the carbup then you should finish the workout and start your carbload with simple carbs.

It didn't seem to matter that it takes awhile to get back in ketosis. You could speed it up with HIIT. Lyle also believes now that Ketosis is a side effect of low carb and not necessarily the disired state. Not sure why he shifted his ideas.


Have you tried carb cycling? I'm doing it now with a coach and it is working amazing for me. 21 lbs down in 2 months. 20-14% bf so far. I can't give you the whole diet because that would probably get me in trouble with my coach but here are the ideas.

Monday - 300g carbs Chest day .
Tuesday - 200g carbs back day
Wed - 100g carbs shoulders
Thurs - 300g carbs leg day
Friday - 100g carbs arms
Saturday 50g carbs
Sunday 0g carbs

lower carb days raise up the fat but still eat less cals than the high carb days. So like 300g day I eat 2,638 47g fat, 282g carbs, 259g protein.
0g carb days are like 99g fat and 2,000 cals.

He has me doing these rep ranges 15,8,5,8. Pretty much 4 exercises per day but sometimes I do more.

Thanks for the info. I've actually done basic IF/Leangains carb cycling but nothing more serious than that. Your schedule looks pretty interesting but I'm not sure how I'd fit it with my workout routine (3x week, Mon/Wed/Fri).


Gold Member
can't believe how hard this shit was before we had these calculators for planning, youtube to check form, and apps that would keep tracking progress.

speaking of which, this app is amazing, it has finally provided me documented progression on my accessory work:


nothing makes you push harder than the 'achievement unlocked' sound you hear when you keep the trajectory going up


Bought some j crew v necks and the one got stretched to hell after half a day of wearing. Sticking to express, gap, banana republic and target mossimo. Express stretches a little but probably has the best fit. Gap, the same. Banana republic is good, just pricey and a little tight in the chest. Mossimos can be great but some don't fit like others



Deadlifts, man


Gold Member
The below chart shows why I can't seem to mix lifting and keto. The chart shows me starting ULC in mid June (30-40g carbs / day). I kept the same calories as earlier (2000kcal) and did a weekly carb load.

Initially, water weight drops off. Then, massive stall and weight starts to increase.

End of July I decide that this is it and up carbs to 200g or more a day and up calories to 2500kcal.




What's the deal with C3G (Cyanidin 3-Glucoside) which is praised to the heavens by T-nation?

The examine.com page is still in the making, but it seems that there may be some potential in C3G. Even so I like to remain skeptical when anyone tries selling a supplement I'm unfamiliar with, doubly so when T-Nation is selling it.

Not at $80. My suspicions are doubled again!


Actually, you know what? Screw those guys. This isn't the first time they've pulled this shit and it isn't even the most egregious offense. Even if it's legit it's not $160/month legit. Can't you tren for cheaper than that?
$160 a month actually :p
180 pills per pack, and you're meant to take 12 pills a day for maximum effect.

The comments are pretty hilarious:

"John Romaniello commented that I look bigger and leaner, and John doesn't even know that I'm on Indigo-3G!"

I hate to be 'that guy' who keeps on raving about something, but I honestly would take up a second mortgage to make sure that I never run out of this stuff. It keeps getting better and better. The only downside is that I'm changing too fast and people are starting to 'talk.'"

One of the powerlifters at my gym walked by while I was doing military presses and asked if he could borrow my arms for his bench press.
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