I swear, you guys are your Quest bars! I'll pry em out of your hands if I have to.

I take it you're kinda annoyed by all teh quest bar talk also?
I swear, you guys are your Quest bars! I'll pry em out of your hands if I have to.
.5-1lb a week is plenty acceptable, but this if FitGAF people go for 3lbs/wk here.Thanks! I can't wait to start bulking. Quick question, I'm trying to use this calculator to calculate how much I should be eating to bulk: If I'm lifting 3x a week for 50-60 minutes and cycling 20 miles once a week, would this fall under moderate or lightly active? (BMRx1.55 vs. 1.375)
I'm thinking shooting for .5lb/week should be a good bulking target for me, given that I put on fat pretty easily. Do you guys shoot for 1lb/week on bulks?
Hell yeah! They say you cannot make a better tasting bar in the kitchen. I say they haven't tried!![]()
I take it you're kinda annoyed by all teh quest bar talk also?
Hell yeah! They say you cannot make a better tasting bar in the kitchen. I say they haven't tried!
Hell yeah! They say you cannot make a better tasting bar in the kitchen. I say they haven't tried!
Craze got pulled off bodybuilding.com, apparently it has some really suspect amphetamines in it. I didn't know that the creator of craze also was also behind superdrol. Apparently he also he put a mislabled weight loss pill on the market under another name which had dnp in it. DNP was used in the 30's for weight loss, but many people died of hyperthermia.
Heh funny you guys are talking about pre workouts.
I was in GNC to scoop a box of white chocolate quest (god tier, btw) and the guy was pushing pre workout on me.
No thanks I drink coffee. He kept pushing and handed me a sample of "pump fuel insanity"
Oh well I'll try it. If it kills me I leave my stock of quest bars to Petrie.
The only pre-workout you need (throw in BCAA and Creatine for a wholesome pre-workout):
Petrie lol. I'm just giving you guys a hard time.What we say is you can't make a better tasting bar with the same nutritional profile for those costs.
If you can show me a recipe with the same fiber, protein, and lack of sugar that I can make for around $1 a bar, sign me up. I'm a type 1 diabetic and keeping my carbs down is super important, meaning bars with oatmeal and such defeat the purpose. I would love to be proven wrong but nobody has done so.
Petrie lol. I'm just giving you guys a hard time.
If you don't want the carbs, flax meal is about the only thing you can replace oats with that's affordable. And I'm not sure if you'd really enjoy the texture of them.Oh I don't take offense, I truly would love a recipe for such a bar. When bulking I've made my own bars with various recipes from this thread, but they've always used oats as a main ingredient which drives the carbs way high.
I'm a cheapass at heart, so homemade would be fantastic.
If you don't want the carbs, flax meal is about the only thing you can replace oats with that's affordable. And I'm not sure if you'd really enjoy the texture of them.
I have never made any protein bars with flax, but I would imagine you can actually make a tasty granola like bar with it.
I'll buy some shit at the store today and see what I can cook up.
No creatine either
So a few friends and I tried yoga for the first time about an hour ago. It was a lot more intense than I expected. I actually felt like throwing up. Sweat everywhere. I haven't felt like this from weightlifting in years. I just found it really tiring keeping my body in those positions for so long. God, it was awful.
Also I think I saw a gaffer there. In the gym, not the yoga class.
How on earth would you identify I gaffer? Were they on their phone browsing it?
How on earth would you identify I gaffer? Were they on their phone browsing it?
No. People post pictures in this thread all the time.
No. People post pictures in this thread all the time.
No shit? Who was it? Where do you live? Let's solve this mystery!
Front Squat 205x3x3 GO
Bench 195x3x5 5/4/asshole touched the bar
Power Cleans 185x5x3 1/2/2/2/0 I realized I am landing wrong, I will go 90% and fix my landing
Dips Bodyweigth 3xfailure 7/7/7 also realized my shoulders were not breaking my elbows, time to start again
The only reason I get annoyed by the constant Quest talk is that I can't get them here. I'm jelly.![]()
The only pre-workout you need (throw in BCAA and Creatine for a wholesome pre-workout):
Honestly BCAA is kinda dumb. I took it forever and it's so expensive and it's an utter waste unless you train fasted.
And doesn't ever mix, at least not any of the shit I ever bought.And it tastes like shit.
This. Just aim for .5-2 lbs/wk. Eat comfortably, eat healthy for the most part, and enjoy yourself. You can be strict with macros, but it's not too important unless you're planning to cut for a comp after your bulk.Same here
Also regarding the bulking issue and how fast to put on weight. I've been reading on this stuff because I don't want to get fat on my bulk like last time. Anyway Lyle used to recommend ~1lbs/week for men as a good pace. Half of that muscle and half would be fat. Since then he has changed his view and recommends ~1-2lbs/month as a good pace for men afaik.
So a few friends and I tried yoga for the first time about an hour ago. It was a lot more intense than I expected. I actually felt like throwing up. Sweat everywhere. I haven't felt like this from weightlifting in years. I just found it really tiring keeping my body in those positions for so long. God, it was awful.
Also I think I saw a gaffer there. In the gym, not the yoga class.
Don't know if this belongs here, but I'll give it a shot:
Started jogging, and my achilles area is quite sore immediately after starting, during the entire jog, and right after. The soreness is generally manageable at other times. Just got back from a jog and during the first ~2 miles my right leg was on pins and needles from about halfway down the calf through the foot. For some reason it (mostly) cleared up for the duration of the jog.
I'm assuming it's due to the sudden load and that my body will adapt, but is there any indication other than obvious, excruciating pain that I should stop? I know achilles injuries have brutal recovery periods, and I'm trying to figure out at which point the soreness goes beyond "healthy" and verges into dangerous territory.
Oh man, what a miserable OHP session I just had. Was hoping to get at least 2-3 reps (on my 1+ day) with 67,5 kg (148 lb) but failed my first rep. I changed the weight to 65kg and only managed to do one single rep. I was like what the hell is going on, the last time I hit 5 reps with 65 kg. It was only after that I realized that I had 70 kg on the bar and my first attempt at 67,5kg was actually 72,5 kg. Phew, not regressing as much as I thought but I haven't made any progress in a month either which is a bummer.. I definitely need my deload next week...
So a few friends and I tried yoga for the first time about an hour ago. It was a lot more intense than I expected. I actually felt like throwing up. Sweat everywhere. I haven't felt like this from weightlifting in years. I just found it really tiring keeping my body in those positions for so long. God, it was awful.
Also I think I saw a gaffer there. In the gym, not the yoga class.
That was awesome, was pretty nervous but I did it all and I am aching a bit so I guess I did it right
In regards to the Monday/Wednesday/Friday Routine for noobs, is it cool to do cardio such as swimming on the other days? (If I'm feeling up to the challenge, that is) When I used to swim it really cleared the crap out my lungs from when I had previously quit smoking, but I don't wanna fuck up the routine..