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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Just found this.
"61 push-ups in 1 minute! April Calderon set a new world record for medicine ball push-ups in 1 minute at Chicago's Millennium Park on September 14, 2012."


Actually, what he said is "don't do this movement I don't like if you're a novice. The day you start putting up real numbers, you'll know enough to see if you should do it then" and, when it comes to the debate behind aesthetics and strength gains, its EXACTLY the proper answer.

There's plenty of movements that most people who pay attention to what works for a novice and what doesn't agree is best. JP, Rip, Wendler, etc. pretty much agree those movements are deads, bench, press, and back squat. Rip is big on the power clean and everybody else that pays attention has always made adjustments to their program to incorporate PCs.

However, as one progresses, different things will be important to them. Goals will change. Bodies will change. If you're deadlifting 400-500 pounds, you pretty much know what will work for you. You may not be an expert or a coach, but nobody is going to give Alien a 40 paragraph dissertation on the benefits of doing heavy rack pulls versus rows. Because, ya know, rows fucking work for him.

Despite all the love for compound movements, LP programming, and have for machines, some people like to bang out some shit on the hammer strength shit. And that's fine, if they've trained enough to know what works, and it's programmed properly for them and their goals. However, if you're just some young buck walking into the gym for the first time saying "dude, I needs them pythons, bout to get my curl on" you should probably listen to wiser people.

This. Trying to tech somebody to air squat and watching it look like a shitty ballet performance is.... just sad. Not "making fun of them sad" but "wow, we've got a lot of work, huh" sad. However, they'll be sure to tell you what they saw on Dr. Oz about eating and working out. 'Cause, obviously, it's working for them.

I'm so glad I'm getting out of the industry.

Weren't you just promoted lol.


Because Crossfit (done really wrong), that's why.

Another thing I've noticed about this video. Those rubber plates probably weight about 5 lbs each and the bar is definitely not the standard 45. Do some of these facilities use these types of weight to positively reinforce their clients into thinking they're doing more weight?

They do bounce quite well, though.

I assumed it was so that the bar, on the ground, was standing at the same height as standard 45s. Total guess.


Squats just kicked my arse today. Eating yesterday was fucked up, was out all day with little food.

110kg, 1 set in - fuck, this is heavy. 2nd set - 3rd rep in, failed on the rack.

I haven't felt this kind of soreness in the quads in my life before, even doing 20 reps.
Gonna have to attempt the weight again on Friday.


Because Crossfit (done really wrong), that's why.

Another thing I've noticed about this video. Those rubber plates probably weight about 5 lbs each and the bar is definitely not the standard 45. Do some of these facilities use these types of weight to positively reinforce their clients into thinking they're doing more weight?

They do bounce quite well, though.

What in the heck did I just watch? I definitely hope that those girls weren't trying to pull 4 plates and then just dropping the bar and weights so close to their head. Oh wow.

Those had to weight less than 45 each, probably 5-10 pounds and that bar probably isn't a 45 lb bar.


Most of that stuff is lifetime warranty, so unless you do the ever famous "Drop 95# from over head because it's bumper plates who gives a shit" one too many times, it'll last for fucking ever.

That being said, their product is incredibly expensive by any measure, with the exception of their lifting shoes.

Just noticed this. Even guys rocking tanks don't get scabs from the bar. It's mainly downward pressure, so it shouldn't be breaking the skin. Are you sure it's from squats?
Yea I'm pretty sure its from squats, to my credit I've been using 405lbs for my working sets for as many reps as 7 and as few as 3. The little scabs weren't that noticeable pretty small and were right around the high bar mark.


No way! What are you going to be doing now? What made you want to make the change (other than the lazy people who live and die by the word of Dr. Oz)?

Moving from the PT to the management side of shit.

Seeing the way the dealing is done, the foundation of the gym industry, the difficulty in actually operating a non bullshit facility.... I've just lost my love for it. Like, I can't even bring myself to work out here, so I have to train at home till I can get a separate gym membership (non compete clause is pretty clear on that). I'm just so frustrated with the whole situation. I'd rather randomly have somebody pay me 50 bucks, sit down with them for an hour and explain what they should do, and still enjoy training than actually work for somebody. They lying bull shit, impossible goal setting, company mismanagement, backroom deals, I haven't even BEGUN to get into the safety issues... Fucking kills me. I really wanted to making a career out of this, but it's just not realistic.

I've already got a call center job lined up that pays five more dollars an hour, has overtime pay, insurance, and 401k benefits. I have another set of possible interviews lined up to be an apprentice lineman electrician with the City which is eight more per hour (with government benefits, plus being a journeyman electrician in five years), and if all else fails I can score high on the ASVAB, train my ass off, and work for the Navy. Real talk, six years as a submariner cook would make me hold my head higher than this job ever will.

Being a PT is great, it really is. But seeing behind close doors to see what people are told, how they're sold, etc. to get those clients just makes me sick. I've been keeping it limited on bitching about it so we can stay mostly on topic, but I will never work for another globo gym for the rest of my life because my integrity is just to high.

And this is coming from somebody who WOULD take a job at a Crossfit gym (some exclusions here), and you all know how I feel about that. So, yeah. Don't ever stop being a PT and make sure you know the clauses of your contract with them, 'cause they will try to fuck you if you quit.

Weren't you just promoted lol.

Yeah, I was. I'll go into some of the real dirty shit later, but short version is read the paperwork before you sign.


Definitely looks like a reset is in order for my 5/3/1 OHP sets. Today was my first day of new cycle, and I managed only 1 rep at 165 when the goal was 5. Need to look into exactly how to reset while on this program, as I know I've read it before, but can't recall exactly how much to drop and such.

Still, having my PR be near my bodyweight last cycle was awesome. I'll be OHP my weight in no time hopefully. I just don't know if I should continue this cycle or simply reset. Thoughts GAF?


So I took some Jack3d Micro before my workout today for the first time, after getting a solid 11 hour sleep.

I expected to really go beast mode on the bench press today, but I ended up having just another average few sets.

For some reason I get really nervous when I feel like everything's lined up perfectly for me to perform well in the gym (excellent night's sleep, took a pre workout, feeling good etc) because I feel like I should be doing better than I usually do when I go to the gym (feeling tired because of lack of sleep or whatever).

So because of these factors, I was actually nervous before doing my bench because all I could think about was "okay, what if you do the same amount of weight for the same reps, or even less?" I kind of jinx myself. I sat on the bench before my heavy set with my heart racing. Took a couple minutes to try and control my breathing (long deep breaths) and it didn't work. My nerves caused me to have a meh set and even not have that great control of the bar.

Sorry if this is confusing, but does anyone else feel this way sometimes? :\
Moving from the PT to the management side of shit.

Seeing the way the dealing is done, the foundation of the gym industry, the difficulty in actually operating a non bullshit facility.... I've just lost my love for it. Like, I can't even bring myself to work out here, so I have to train at home till I can get a separate gym membership (non compete clause is pretty clear on that). I'm just so frustrated with the whole situation. I'd rather randomly have somebody pay me 50 bucks, sit down with them for an hour and explain what they should do, and still enjoy training than actually work for somebody. They lying bull shit, impossible goal setting, company mismanagement, backroom deals, I haven't even BEGUN to get into the safety issues... Fucking kills me. I really wanted to making a career out of this, but it's just not realistic.

I've already got a call center job lined up that pays five more dollars an hour, has overtime pay, insurance, and 401k benefits. I have another set of possible interviews lined up to be an apprentice lineman electrician with the City which is eight more per hour (with government benefits, plus being a journeyman electrician in five years), and if all else fails I can score high on the ASVAB, train my ass off, and work for the Navy. Real talk, six years as a submariner cook would make me hold my head higher than this job ever will.

Being a PT is great, it really is. But seeing behind close doors to see what people are told, how they're sold, etc. to get those clients just makes me sick. I've been keeping it limited on bitching about it so we can stay mostly on topic, but I will never work for another globo gym for the rest of my life because my integrity is just to high.

And this is coming from somebody who WOULD take a job at a Crossfit gym (some exclusions here), and you all know how I feel about that. So, yeah. Don't ever stop being a PT and make sure you know the clauses of your contract with them, 'cause they will try to fuck you if you quit.

Yeah, I was. I'll go into some of the real dirty shit later, but short version is read the paperwork before you sign.

Damn sorry to hear that man. Where I'm at right now is a very small gym (membership is only $10 a month) but we see a ton people walking through the doors for such a small place. I haven't been here long enough to really get a good feel for it, but so far it's been great. They're constantly setting me up with good leads (and more than a few bad ones) and they're not too crazy about "Hit X goal this month or you're fired" like a lot of other gyms out there.

I've been there for under 3 months and I already have about 25 clients, and I've sold 9K in PT contracts this month. And I've never BSed people, and they've never pressured me to do so. But who knows, things may change.... Right now my biggest issue is having a few shitty clients who are just lazy as hell, don't show up half the time and then when they do give almost zero effort. It's like why are you wasting my time? Why are you wasting YOUR time?

Well good luck to you man, keep us posted on how things go.


So I took some Jack3d Micro before my workout today for the first time, after getting a solid 11 hour sleep.

I expected to really go beast mode on the bench press today, but I ended up having just another average few sets.

For some reason I get really nervous when I feel like everything's lined up perfectly for me to perform well in the gym (excellent night's sleep, took a pre workout, feeling good etc) because I feel like I should be doing better than I usually do when I go to the gym (feeling tired because of lack of sleep or whatever).

So because of these factors, I was actually nervous before doing my bench because all I could think about was "okay, what if you do the same amount of weight for the same reps, or even less?" I kind of jinx myself. I sat on the bench before my heavy set with my heart racing. Took a couple minutes to try and control my breathing (long deep breaths) and it didn't work. My nerves caused me to have a meh set and even not have that great control of the bar.

Sorry if this is confusing, but does anyone else feel this way sometimes? :\

I do sometimes. I've found as my sets get heavier that the prospect of lifting activates my fight or flight response. If I get 'fight', I'm good. If I get 'flight', then I'm not.

For what it's worth, it's not just the day before that gets you the good sets. It's the couple of days before (ex: you sleep three hours then ten hours, your lifting wouldn't be as good as 9 then 9).


So I took some Jack3d Micro before my workout today for the first time, after getting a solid 11 hour sleep.

I expected to really go beast mode on the bench press today, but I ended up having just another average few sets.

For some reason I get really nervous when I feel like everything's lined up perfectly for me to perform well in the gym (excellent night's sleep, took a pre workout, feeling good etc) because I feel like I should be doing better than I usually do when I go to the gym (feeling tired because of lack of sleep or whatever).

So because of these factors, I was actually nervous before doing my bench because all I could think about was "okay, what if you do the same amount of weight for the same reps, or even less?" I kind of jinx myself. I sat on the bench before my heavy set with my heart racing. Took a couple minutes to try and control my breathing (long deep breaths) and it didn't work. My nerves caused me to have a meh set and even not have that great control of the bar.

Sorry if this is confusing, but does anyone else feel this way sometimes? :

Sometimes I get psyched out on the way to the gym but when I'm there I let my mind go at ease. If you don't hit the desired reps, there's always next time, you know?
Definitely looks like a reset is in order for my 5/3/1 OHP sets. Today was my first day of new cycle, and I managed only 1 rep at 165 when the goal was 5. Need to look into exactly how to reset while on this program, as I know I've read it before, but can't recall exactly how much to drop and such.

Still, having my PR be near my bodyweight last cycle was awesome. I'll be OHP my weight in no time hopefully. I just don't know if I should continue this cycle or simply reset. Thoughts GAF?
So this is week 1? If so I'd continue it with the rest of your lifts with maybe last cycles numbers. Just so that all your lifts are on the same schedule.

To reset, drop 10% off your 5/3/1 1RM.


Definitely looks like a reset is in order for my 5/3/1 OHP sets. Today was my first day of new cycle, and I managed only 1 rep at 165 when the goal was 5. Need to look into exactly how to reset while on this program, as I know I've read it before, but can't recall exactly how much to drop and such.

Still, having my PR be near my bodyweight last cycle was awesome. I'll be OHP my weight in no time hopefully. I just don't know if I should continue this cycle or simply reset. Thoughts GAF?

Take 10% off your training max for that lift only and restart the cycle with this new max as a base. Given that you only got 1 rep in the first week of the cycle I'd go ahead with the reset ASAP.


So this is week 1? If so I'd continue it with the rest of your lifts with maybe last cycles numbers. Just so that all your lifts are on the same schedule.

To reset, drop 10% off your 5/3/1 1RM.

Take 10% off your training max for that lift only and restart the cycle with this new max as a base. Given that you only got 1 rep in the first week of the cycle I'd go ahead with the reset ASAP.

yeah I suppose I'll just drop it down next week so I don't get all out of sorts. Knew this was coming but thought I might be ok for one more cycle. Guess I was wrong!
So I'm in Canada and am looking for some good deals on protein powder. Obviously looking on amazon.com there are great deals to be had, but here the same stuff costs almost twice as much. Is the stuff they sell at Costco solid? I'm no professional, so does the higher priced stuff REALLY make a difference?


Stupid question, but how do you get cut rather than just bulky?

I have heard higher weights get you more bulk but lower weights and higher reps give more definition?

Cut: eat under maintenance
Bulk: eat over maintenance

lift heavy regardless of what you're doing.


That eating under maintenance is killing me. 1800 calories a day suuuuuucks.

do you eat back your calories from exercise? I do and it's fucking great. On off days I legit contemplate going to the gym just so I can burn more calories that I can eat. :|

on lifting/cardio days it's fine for me, though.


What do you do when you're squatting so low at a commercial gym that the signal to raise up is hitting the safety bars?
I had to drop about 40-50 lbs but I feel significantly better regarding my form.


What do you do when you're squatting so low at a commercial gym that the signal to raise up is hitting the safety bars?
I had to drop about 40-50 lbs but I feel significantly better regarding my form.

lower the safety bars a notch. you'll be able to tell when you used to hit the bars. imo it's not safe to have the barbell bump anything while it's loaded with plates.


NM. Figured it out.

What about this?

Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Row 5x5
Press 5x5
Shrug 5x5
CGBP 3x8
Incline curl 3x8
Ab work

Squat 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Row 5x5
Press 3x8
Incline curl 3x8
Skullcrusher 3x8
Ab work

Front Squat 5x10
Incline D Press 5x10
Barbell Row Or Pullup 5x10
Press or Seated Dumbbell press 5x10
Good Morning 3-5x10
Incline flyes 3x10
Side lateral raise 3x10
Face pull 3x10
Curl 3-5x10
BTH tricep extention 3x10
Ab work

It's not my routine btw.

Here's the video about it.


That eating under maintenance is killing me. 1800 calories a day suuuuuucks.

That Feel. I'm eating 17-1800. Most days I'm fine but every once in awhile arghhhhhh.

Doesn't help that this is what my daily diet is.

3lb grilled chicken or 2.5lb chicken and 50g protein powder
1lb steamed broccoli
28 almonds or 14g coconut oil


Junior Member
That Feel. I'm eating 17-1800. Most days I'm fine but every once in awhile arghhhhhh.

Doesn't help that this is what my daily diet is.

3lb grilled chicken or 2.5lb chicken and 50g protein powder
1lb steamed broccoli
28 almonds
14g coconut oil

Get rid of the almonds. Leangains turned me away from nuts and it's helped me cut tremendously.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Stupid question, but how do you get cut rather than just bulky?

I have heard higher weights get you more bulk but lower weights and higher reps give more definition?

It's entirely a function of bodyfat. You can't have more 'defined' or more 'bulky' muscles, only less muscle or more.


Junior Member
That eating under maintenance is killing me. 1800 calories a day suuuuuucks.

I seriously wouldn't beat myself up over calories. Hit the gym hard. Eat good. Don't eat a ton of carbs. Cut the fruit. Cut the nuts. Get rid of cheat days. And don't give a fuck about calories. It's worked very well with minimal frustration for me.



Ah okay, that seems reasonable. To be honest cutting is relatively new to me, I know only about keeping my protein up and my calories at a deficit lol.


Ah okay, that seems reasonable. To be honest cutting is relatively new to me, I know only about keeping my protein up and my calories at a deficit lol.

Because of how protein works, just remember that the less calories you eat, the more protein you need to consume to maintain strength/size. On a bulk, the opposite it true. It's a dance. Use a journal, count your macros.
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