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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Is it a sign that I'm doing something wrong if I'm not able to add 5lbs every workout doing Strong Lifts? Doing the 3x5 squat (72.5kg) I seem to only be able to add weight every other workout; same with my bench (60kg) OHP (40kg) and deadlight (90kg).

Try eating more. I'm doing starting strength and upping my daily intake of calories was a revelation. I'm adding weight every time now at 4,000 calories a day.

I will say though that for upper body exercises like OHP and bench that 5lb increases per workout is unsustainable past early beginner gains. If you can micro load them then increases by 2.5lbs should be doable.


Thanks for the tips in the OP, I've not done squatting before but will add it to my regimine.
I've been wanting to ask about some stomach excersises, and noticed the videos linked in the OP, will watch them when I get back home.

Here's my current entry if anyone can provide tips-

*Age: 26 Years old

*Height: Within the 160 cm range (haven't checked my height in a while but I'd say I am under 170 cm)

*Weight: Currently at 95 KG

*Goal: Lose as much weight as possible by June or July. I don't have a target weight to reach, however I have a 'belly' which I really wanna get rid of.

*Current Training Schedule: Whenever I'm not stressed out from work, I spend 1 hour of walking+working out at the gym. Otherwise I do 50-100 pushups. Gonna add more workouts if I'm unable to go to gym based on what was posted in the OP.

*Current Training Equipment Available: Non at my house but I use the machines available at gyms such as the bike and walking machines

*Comments: As stated, my goal is to lose as much weight as possible. I'm avoiding eating much aside from veggies and some meat at times. I did this one time long ago, and managed to lose 10 KG, granted i don't expect it to work again this time, but if I can hold out on eating a lot it might help eventually.
I also am planning on having only 1 'meaty' meal per month, but if I shouldn't THEn I won't have it.


Machines definitely have there place in a gym. I'm a personal trainer and about 75% of my clients fall into one of the following categories: A) are extremely overweight B) have prior injuries that hinder them from doing certain things. C) are extremely uncoordinated, very very clumsy people who trip over their own feet, putting them in the squat rack would be a recipe for disaster

Machines are great for these people, they make resistance training possible for people who it may otherwise have been impossible for.

Now with that said, I think there should be more gyms that are all free weights with no machines, where chalk isn't banned, etc etc.

In no way do I believe machines don't have a place, just that their prevalence over free weights is detrimental. Most gyms have 3/4 of the available space dedicated to machines with a corner for free weights, when it should be the reverse.
Question, does anyone use the foam padding when doing squats?

I used the bar for a few weeks, swapped because of the comfort (probably not very "bro" of me) and when I went back to just the bar today it felt uncomfortable at higher weights that I was used to with the padding.

I'm guessing I need to build up a tolerance with just the bar by lowering the weight and working my way back up again(?), because my form was correct and all that.

I'm hitting 70Kg with the padding and about 55 - 60 without.


"You'll have your own opinion about some exercise you don't do, after you haven't done it for a long period of time."

C'mon Rippetoe, that's beyond stupid.

Actually, what he said is "don't do this movement I don't like if you're a novice. The day you start putting up real numbers, you'll know enough to see if you should do it then" and, when it comes to the debate behind aesthetics and strength gains, its EXACTLY the proper answer.

There's plenty of movements that most people who pay attention to what works for a novice and what doesn't agree is best. JP, Rip, Wendler, etc. pretty much agree those movements are deads, bench, press, and back squat. Rip is big on the power clean and everybody else that pays attention has always made adjustments to their program to incorporate PCs.

However, as one progresses, different things will be important to them. Goals will change. Bodies will change. If you're deadlifting 400-500 pounds, you pretty much know what will work for you. You may not be an expert or a coach, but nobody is going to give Alien a 40 paragraph dissertation on the benefits of doing heavy rack pulls versus rows. Because, ya know, rows fucking work for him.

Despite all the love for compound movements, LP programming, and have for machines, some people like to bang out some shit on the hammer strength shit. And that's fine, if they've trained enough to know what works, and it's programmed properly for them and their goals. However, if you're just some young buck walking into the gym for the first time saying "dude, I needs them pythons, bout to get my curl on" you should probably listen to wiser people.

Machines definitely have there place in a gym. I'm a personal trainer and about 75% of my clients fall into one of the following categories: A) are extremely overweight B) have prior injuries that hinder them from doing certain things. C) are extremely uncoordinated, very very clumsy people who trip over their own feet, putting them in the squat rack would be a recipe for disaster

Machines are great for these people, they make resistance training possible for people who it may otherwise have been impossible for.

Now with that said, I think there should be more gyms that are all free weights with no machines, where chalk isn't banned, etc etc.

This. Trying to tech somebody to air squat and watching it look like a shitty ballet performance is.... just sad. Not "making fun of them sad" but "wow, we've got a lot of work, huh" sad. However, they'll be sure to tell you what they saw on Dr. Oz about eating and working out. 'Cause, obviously, it's working for them.

I'm so glad I'm getting out of the industry.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Question, does anyone use the foam padding when doing squats?

I used the bar for a few weeks, swapped because of the comfort (probably not very "bro" of me) and when I went back to just the bar today it felt uncomfortable at higher weights that I was used to with the padding.

I'm guessing I need to build up a tolerance with just the bar by lowering the weight and working my way back up again(?), because my form was correct and all that.

I'm hitting 70Kg with the padding and about 55 - 60 without.

If the bar was uncomfortable your form was probably less correct than you think
or you need to harden up ;)
. Even when I was skin and bones I was able to tighten my upper back enough to suitably pad and support the bar during either high bar or low bar squats. Make sure your scapulae are fully retracted, your traps and rear delts are tight and your head is back to engage the spinal erectors along the neck. Unless your good-morning-ing the weight as you come back up or have the bar in the wrong spot there shouldn't be an issue.

You shouldn't use the pad because it shifts the bar off your centre of gravity, decreases force transfer between yourself and the bar and impedes overall tightness and support of the bar. Basically, you will be weaker and face a higher chance of losing control of the bar or having it shift out of position, which means a higher chance of injury.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Is part of the reason that a low-carb ketogenic diet doesn't cause more weight loss than a non-ketogenic low-carb diet because gluconeogenesis often uses glycerol molecules, necessarily breaking up triglycerides into free fatty acids?

When you say weight loss, are you referring to fat loss specifically? Either would seem to be a difficult thing to quantify. I'm going to say yes/maybe, but I'm not especially informed on the subject. My guess is that on a caloric deficit with macro ratios as close as the ones you're comparing the body's autonomous processes are going to work towards the same end result. Do you have any links to studies or meta-analyses of low carb as opposed to ketogenic diets, or is this more of an anecdotal/community wisdom thing? What about when the diet is supplemented with medium-chain triglycerides and a higher proportion of protein and/or cards can be consumed?

EDIT: Sorry for the DP.


Question, does anyone use the foam padding when doing squats?

I used the bar for a few weeks, swapped because of the comfort (probably not very "bro" of me) and when I went back to just the bar today it felt uncomfortable at higher weights that I was used to with the padding.

I'm guessing I need to build up a tolerance with just the bar by lowering the weight and working my way back up again(?), because my form was correct and all that.

I'm hitting 70Kg with the padding and about 55 - 60 without.

Yeah no barbell tampons, it's just a bad habit and it's not very stable. Are you doing high bar? I found high bar to be uncomfortable too at heavy weights until I developed some muscle in my traps and back in general. Low bar was much more comfortable though so that is an option if you're not doing it already.
This workout routine is....interesting.

Stuntsman workout

I think I'll try it when I feel like breaking my neck.

Was gonna post that the other day. The stuff in the gym could go wrong easily ie jumping onto the erg seat could earn you a sore face.
They're having fun and aren't potentially hurting anyone except themselves I guess though

The second section is very impressive though. Quite jealous.


Was gonna post that the other day. The stuff in the gym could go wrong easily ie jumping onto the erg seat could earn you a sore face.
They're having fun and aren't potentially hurting anyone except themselves I guess though

The second section is very impressive though. Quite jealous.

While they were just fooling around in the gym area. I pretty sure we've all seen our share on people using equipment in "unique" ways.

For some reason, I really liked the burpee-handstand move at 2:00. A lot of clips in this video could be created into "Doing Crossfit" gifs.


On my way to work this morning, I was listening to news radio and someone came on saying if you had $200 to start a home gym the first thing you should buy is... a stability ball.

That angried up the blood enough to keep me going without my morning espresso.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
On my way to work this morning, I was listening to news radio and someone came on saying if you had $200 to start a home gym the first thing you should buy is... a stability ball.

That angried up the blood enough to keep me going without my morning espresso.

I hope your beard reached down and turned the radio off.

Now off to bed dreaming of stability and core work and my imminent shakeweight/bosu ball combo pack purchase.


Day 20 of low carb cut, office worker brings in a dozen Crumbs cupcakes "because Mondays aren't fun".

I have a strong will for not touching them, and I hate myself because they look soooooo gooooood.


Junior Member
I like rows but power cleans are infinitely more badass. I think my back has gotten pretty solid just from doing snatches/cleans almost every day and pull-ups a couple times a week.


On my way to work this morning, I was listening to news radio and someone came on saying if you had $200 to start a home gym the first thing you should buy is... a stability ball.

That angried up the blood enough to keep me going without my morning espresso.

Regarding home gyms. I made some calculations yesterday about the cost of having a home gym or going to a commercial gym (in Finland). This interests me because I'm probably buying a house with my GF in two or three years and getting a home gym is one of the things I'd really like. Even more after making this calculation:

> Commercial gym is ~50€ per month per person
> That makes it 1200€ per year for the two of us
> 1200€ per year for 10 years is 12 000€
> Typical length of a house mortgage is 20-25 years = 24 000 - 30 000&#8364; gym payments in that time (<- Holy shit!)
> Getting my own equipment costs 1500&#8364; even if I buy most of the stuff brand new and the sturdiest power rack I can find
> Results: home gym pays for itself in about a year

Now I'm definitely getting my own gym. And jesus christ how much money one can save by having his own equipment..


Question, does anyone use the foam padding when doing squats?

I used the bar for a few weeks, swapped because of the comfort (probably not very "bro" of me) and when I went back to just the bar today it felt uncomfortable at higher weights that I was used to with the padding.

I'm guessing I need to build up a tolerance with just the bar by lowering the weight and working my way back up again(?), because my form was correct and all that.

I'm hitting 70Kg with the padding and about 55 - 60 without.
Just the bar for me. Yesterday I noticed I had a scab right where the bar sits when I'm squatting. So I might try padding it next time.


Regarding home gyms. I made some calculations yesterday about the cost of having a home gym or going to a commercial gym (in Finland). This interests me because I'm probably buying a house with my GF in two or three years and getting a home gym is one of the things I'd really like. Even more after making this calculation:

> Commercial gym is ~50€ per month per person
> That makes it 1200€ per year for the two of us
> 1200€ per year for 10 years is 12 000€
> Typical length of a house mortgage is 20-25 years = 24 000 - 30 000€ gym payments in that time
> Getting my own equipment costs 1500€ even if I buy most of the stuff brand new and the sturdiest power rack I can find
> Results: home gym pays for itself in about a year

Now I'm definitely getting my own gym. And jesus christ how much money one can save by having his own equipment..
Yeah, generally the issue with setting up a true home gym is some combination of space and money. Dropping the funds for a power rack, bench, bar, plates, collars, and whatever accessories you need all at once is a bit daunting.


Yeah, generally the issue with setting up a true home gym is some combination of space and money. Dropping the funds for a power rack, bench, bar, plates, collars, and whatever accessories you need all at once is a bit daunting.

But it saves so much money in the long run that I would have no problems getting the money together. The bigger problem might the finding a house that would have a suitable garage/basement/room in the area we would like.


But it saves so much money in the long run that I would have no problems getting the money together. The bigger problem might the finding a house that would have a suitable garage/basement/room in the area we would like.

Oh, no argument there. You're absolutely right. The issue would be the initial budgeting. After that, you're strigity straight.

Keep an eye on Rogue Fitness. After the Crossfit Games (ugh) they have a lot of the shit used during the games for sale on the cheep. (well, cheep for them)


Yeah, generally the issue with setting up a true home gym is some combination of space and money. Dropping the funds for a power rack, bench, bar, plates, collars, and whatever accessories you need all at once is a bit daunting.
Space is definitely the deciding factor, with money being close behind. Going to a corporate chain gym was a great idea for me when it was $300 for 2 years with the alternative at home being a selection of standard weights on carpet. I took the time to buy equipment and build up something respectable. I have most everything the Crossfit gym down the street has now save for plylometric platforms and wall balls. I would charge my friends for the convenience were it not hard enough already to get anyone else off their ass to train with me.

The one thing I like about the Rogue equipment is that it's the Acura or Lexus of fitness. That brand holds it's value well, so as long as you don't beat it up you'll get most of your money back out of it on Craigslist. At least that's the case here in the Seattle area. Rogue stuff priced too cheap disappears in hours. Most used equipment is still priced at 80-100% of the website's asking price on Craigslist. The deal is "save on shipping," lol.


Oh, no argument there. You're absolutely right. The issue would be the initial budgeting. After that, you're strigity straight.

Keep an eye on Rogue Fitness. After the Crossfit Games (ugh) they have a lot of the shit used during the games for sale on the cheep. (well, cheep for them)

But I live in Finland :'(

But anyway I'm thinking of just taking 2000&#8364; more mortgage for buying the stuff when we eventually move into our own house (and hopefully have room for the equipment).


Space is definitely the deciding factor, with money being close behind. Going to a corporate chain gym was a great idea for me when it was $300 for 2 years with the alternative at home being a selection of standard weights on carpet. I took the time to buy equipment and build up something respectable. I have most everything the Crossfit gym down the street has now save for plylometric platforms and wall balls. I would charge my friends for the convenience were it not hard enough already to get anyone else off their ass to train with me.

The one thing I like about the Rogue equipment is that it's the Acura or Lexus of fitness. That brand holds it's value well, so as long as you don't beat it up you'll get most of your money back out of it on Craigslist. At least that's the case here in the Seattle area. Rogue stuff priced too cheap disappears in hours. Most used equipment is still priced at 80-100% of the website's asking price on Craigslist. The deal is "save on shipping," lol.

Most of that stuff is lifetime warranty, so unless you do the ever famous "Drop 95# from over head because it's bumper plates who gives a shit" one too many times, it'll last for fucking ever.

That being said, their product is incredibly expensive by any measure, with the exception of their lifting shoes.

Just the bar for me. Yesterday I noticed I had a scab right where the bar sits when I'm squatting. So I might try padding it next time.

Just noticed this. Even guys rocking tanks don't get scabs from the bar. It's mainly downward pressure, so it shouldn't be breaking the skin. Are you sure it's from squats?


Junior Member
Most of that stuff is lifetime warranty, so unless you do the ever famous "Drop 95# from over head because it's bumper plates who gives a shit" one too many times, it'll last for fucking ever.

That being said, their product is incredibly expensive by any measure, with the exception of their lifting shoes.

Just noticed this. Even guys rocking tanks don't get scabs from the bar. It's mainly downward pressure, so it shouldn't be breaking the skin. Are you sure it's from squats?

Rogue is made in 'Merica, so that's probably why it's more expensive than most. And maybe he's using a bar with really aggressive knurling. There's a couple bars at my gym that have super rough middle knurling.


That being said, their product is incredibly expensive by any measure, with the exception of their lifting shoes.
Which is why I encourage people to buy their product used when possible! I've bought the Gorilla plates new, which was expensive, and received a bar as a gift but other than that I've found my whole Rogue collection off Craigslist.

Rogue is made in 'Merica, so that's probably why it's more expensive than most.
I'm not even sure that's the case. Hi-temp is slightly cheaper last I checked and their bumpers are identical save for the label. I just now checked a few comparable items on Elitefts and was surprised that Rouge was cheaper. I thought Rogue would cost more to be honest. Huh.


Here's a testament to continued fitness.

I'm having lunch in my office (chicken salad). A couple of co-workers are chatting next to me. One of them has a son who is training to run the 1500 km and the other one is trying to get back into running.

They're just comparing notes. The one who is running says that he's taking it easy since it's been a while that he's consistently run. He points out that it's not as easy as when he was younger. He comments that it easier for young guys to get fit.

He mentions that I'm a prime example of that assertion. He says that a guy like me in my 20's has no problem getting fit.

Then, I kinda make this face.

He asks me how old I am? I replied if he really wanted to know. He starts guessing that I'm about 25, maybe 30 at the most.

I tell him that I'm 39.


Yeah, generally the issue with setting up a true home gym is some combination of space and money. Dropping the funds for a power rack, bench, bar, plates, collars, and whatever accessories you need all at once is a bit daunting.

I got so lucky on my set, but you're absolutely right. The main thing I want now is to get a dumbbell rack and to start getting those.
[edit] needed to read more of the thread.

Anybody have recommendations on decently priced stuff to do SS with that is not used? I never have any luck with craig's list.


Here's a testament to continued fitness.

I'm having lunch in my office (chicken salad). A couple of co-workers are chatting next to me. One of them has a son who is training to run the 1500 km and the other one is trying to get back into running.

They're just comparing notes. The one who is running says that he's taking it easy since it's been a while that he's consistently run. He points out that it's not as easy as when he was younger. He comments that it easier for young guys to get fit.

He mentions that I'm a prime example of that assertion. He says that a guy like me in my 20's has no problem getting fit.

Then, I kinda make this face.

He asks me how old I am? I replied if he really wanted to know. He starts guessing that I'm about 25, maybe 30 at the most.

I tell him that I'm 39.

Well done. Then again, did he respond with "you got the asian genes maaaan!"




Even if those plates are that light, they clearly have their students attempt to move weight far beyond their capability with god awful form...


Because Crossfit (done really wrong), that's why.

Another thing I've noticed about this video. Those rubber plates probably weight about 5 lbs each and the bar is definitely not the standard 45. Do some of these facilities use these types of weight to positively reinforce their clients into thinking they're doing more weight?

They do bounce quite well, though.

The box I used to go to had bars to accomodate people of all abilities, sizes etc. 15/25/35/45lb bars. Lighter balls are crucial when learning olympic lifts such as snatches.


Asians have to work harder to gain muscle!!!

That's a negative for us!


God: OK, now I'll work on the Asians. Let's see what haven't I played with in the options settings. Oh yeah, age. I'll set you guys to slow.

Asians: Yay!!!

God: OK, slow aging and development.

Asians: Wait a sec, development?

God: Oh yeah, you guys won't get age as fast and you won't get taller or bigger in general.

Asians: But that's not right.

God: Hmmm, ok, tell you what, I make you guys smarter. Is that fine?

Asians: Cool!!!

God: Good, bigger brains and smaller penises, it is.

Asians: What?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Just got back from the doc, and I'm required to wear a wrist splint for two weeks. Lame. Also got a cortisone shot right into my wrist which made me feel a little woozy.

It's for the better though as my wrist has been inflamed since December of last year and I never got anything done about it. Thankfully there are no broken bones or fractures, and I've at least been able to do pull-ups without pain, but I can't do many other exercises without pain, like push-ups and handstands. I guess for the next two weeks I'm really gonna focus on running and squats.

Injuries, fuck yeah!


Junior Member
Even if those plates are that light, they clearly have their students attempt to move weight far beyond their capability with god awful form...

Not that any of those people should be doing strongman type shit but axle cleans (what they were attempting to do) are supposed to look similar to that. Clean the bar with a mixed grip up to your gut, then shoulder it.


Just got back from the doc, and I'm required to wear a wrist splint for two weeks. Lame. Also got a cortisone shot right into my wrist which made me feel a little woozy.

It's for the better though as my wrist has been inflamed since December of last year and I never got anything done about it. Thankfully there are no broken bones or fractures, and I've at least been able to do pull-ups without pain, but I can't do many other exercises without pain, like push-ups and handstands. I guess for the next two weeks I'm really gonna focus on running and squats.

Injuries, fuck yeah!

Good thing you're taking care of your injury. Heal up right and come back stronger.
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