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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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As I mentioned in the previous thread, I started doing SS in January, as well as kickboxing 2-3 times a week, cleaned up my diet, and was really starting to see some progress....Then I screwed up my back (nothing major) at kickboxing practice through a freak accident, and have been out of commission for the last 3 and a half weeks. My back has felt good since Monday, and I think I'll hit the gym tomorrow and get back on track! I'm pretty excited!

Before starting SS in January and kickboxing back in November I was doing pretty much next to no exercise (basketball once a week only). I didn't even realize how much I was enjoying SS and kickboxing until I hurt my back--the last 3 weeks without exercise have sucked! My sleep schedule got out of wack, I have been low energy and having trouble concentrating, etc. Now it kind of hit me how important exercise has been for improving both my physical and mental health.

Anyhow, can't wait to get back in the gym tomorrow!
As I mentioned in the previous thread, I started doing SS in January, as well as kickboxing 2-3 times a week, cleaned up my diet, and was really starting to see some progress....Then I screwed up my back (nothing major) at kickboxing practice through a freak accident, and have been out of commission for the last 3 and a half weeks. My back has felt good since Monday, and I think I'll hit the gym tomorrow and get back on track! I'm pretty excited!

Before starting SS in January and kickboxing back in November I was doing pretty much next to no exercise (basketball once a week only). I didn't even realize how much I was enjoying SS and kickboxing until I hurt my back--the last 3 weeks without exercise have sucked! My sleep schedule got out of wack, I have been low energy and having trouble concentrating, etc. Now it kind of hit me how important exercise has been for improving both my physical and mental health.

Anyhow, can't wait to get back in the gym tomorrow!

That's good man. Hope you don't screw up your back again. I've been wanting to take kick boxing lessons at Powerhouse but I don't have the time to go when they do it.


It's not a huge stretch. Selling those machines as an improvement is a big part of why so many gyms are such garbage today. You don't have to believe everyone should do SS to realize that machines are a detriment to overall fitness culture. We'd be better off without them wasting real-estate.

I believe this is an image/education issue. You can't just plop machines in a gym room and let people to their own devices.

Take a novice who walks into a gym and they see a bare bench with a power bar and plates and a machine, and they'll walk over to the machine out of ignorance and intimidation.

That's not the machine's fault.

But if that machine facilitates someone getting started on fitness and then wondering afterward what that free weight bench is all about, then I'm all for it.


So guys, Stronglifts says Barbell Rows instead of Power Cleans but Rippetoe says they should be included in your routine. So what is your take?


So guys, Stronglifts says Barbell Rows instead of Power Cleans but Rippetoe says they should be included in your routine. So what is your take?

Rip used to do BB rows in his routine, then he dropped them. If I recall correctly, with a bit of my own opinion dashed in, the reason was because power cleans will be, honestly, the only movement in your routine that will develop power. Power directly translates into any sport activity and power movements will give you a bit of endurance training in a program that lacks any sort of metabolic condition. In addition, they're pretty much a full body movement, which is the point of the program to begin with.

BB rows are great as an accessory exercise, but do have them built into a program with only three lifts a day, and all those lifts being full body movements, isn't very wise. The power clean is better for strength, better for aesthetic gains, better for conditioning, better for power... while BB rows, well, they'll kinda help your deadilft. Which won't need help, 'cause you'll be doing novice training.

BB rows are fine if you're on some sort advance novice program, like GSLP for mass gain, down the road. But for just starting out, PCs. The reason stronglifts has BB rows involved in them is because the guy is trying to sell a program and can't actually coach, so he used an easy movement to keep himself safe. He's a less smart Greg Glassman and an even seedier salesman, which should be impossible. Don't do stronglifts, do starting strength.


Kinda OT!

Getting a upper arm tattoo

(not my arm)

this kind of area


What are peoples experiences with this and how arm growth effects the tattoo? Stretching?


I would like to start powercleans (hell I'd like to start Oly lifting) but there's nobody within a hundred miles that I'd trust as a coach.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So guys, Stronglifts says Barbell Rows instead of Power Cleans but Rippetoe says they should be included in your routine. So what is your take?

I love barbell rows, never really liked power cleans much. Rip is shown in a video saying not to substitute BB rows for power cleans, and if you want to know why, pull 500+ then ask him.

Well, I pull 500+ and I still love BB rows, and never do power cleans.

Gonna have to find a way to go back to 4x a week lifting even if it means cutting into family time. I really hate not lifting as much as I used to.

Also, had a great day at work, finally established myself with the inmates ("won" the challenge they were presenting me). Now I'm off to sleep to dream about lifting.

Actually found the quote, I had it "off" a bit.

Ripptoe said:
My opinion about barbell rows is as follows: fuck barbell rows. Really. Fuck them. Stop wasting time worrying about barbell rows and get your deadlift up to 500. By then you'll have your own opinion and you won't have to worry about mine.


Rip used to do BB rows in his routine, then he dropped them. If I recall correctly, with a bit of my own opinion dashed in, the reason was because power cleans will be, honestly, the only movement in your routine that will develop power. Power directly translates into any sport activity and power movements will give you a bit of endurance training in a program that lacks any sort of metabolic condition. In addition, they're pretty much a full body movement, which is the point of the program to begin with.

BB rows are great as an accessory exercise, but do have them built into a program with only three lifts a day, and all those lifts being full body movements, isn't very wise. The power clean is better for strength, better for aesthetic gains, better for conditioning, better for power... while BB rows, well, they'll kinda help your deadilft. Which won't need help, 'cause you'll be doing novice training.

BB rows are fine if you're on some sort advance novice program, like GSLP for mass gain, down the road. But for just starting out, PCs. The reason stronglifts has BB rows involved in them is because the guy is trying to sell a program and can't actually coach, so he used an easy movement to keep himself safe. He's a less smart Greg Glassman and an even seedier salesman, which should be impossible. Don't do stronglifts, do starting strength.

Will do. After reading the sample, I don't think I want to give him money.


Love/hate relationship with power cleans. I'm not great at them, for one thing. But they are the only really explosive barbell move i do other than snatches and it's a cool change of pace. When I hit a heavy one just right feelsgoodman.

How big of a difference is dumbbell rows from barbell rows if the goal is getting my back even more huge-ified? I only do DB. Maybe i should switch it up.


Having a social life is the hardest part of a cut. So hard to turn down food and beer when everyone around you is indulging themselves.


I hear you, bro. Even worse is being with family, but then I've documented that case quite a bit.

Was at a wedding yesterday. Had a couple carrots and some hummus. No food tastes as good as being jacked.

Maybe it's more mind games on my part, but I feel like my friends all look "fine" and eat whatever they want, whenever they want, and have inconsistent gym schedules that involve fuckarounditis. You guys ever get that?


Maybe it's more mind games on my part, but I feel like my friends all look "fine" and eat whatever they want, whenever they want, and have inconsistent gym schedules that involve fuckarounditis. You guys ever get that?

Are your friends still in their 20s? Once people hit their 30s you'll be able to tell who actually do the right things vs those who don't


Are your friends still in their 20s? Once people hit their 30s you'll be able to tell who actually do the right things vs those who don't

Yeah we're all 24-26

That's what I was actually thinking. If I stay consistent, I should look damn good when I'm 30.


Also, had a great day at work, finally established myself with the inmates ("won" the challenge they were presenting me).

Any info you can share?

Also, no gym for the officers where you work?

edit: Found a new exercise for me...wearing baby while I do household chores...extra 15-16 pounds vacuuming, cleaning...was quite a work out.


Junior Member
Are your friends still in their 20s? Once people hit their 30s you'll be able to tell who actually do the right things vs those who don't

Or just wait til summer time and it's pool/beach weather. All my friends that consider themselves "skinny" are really just "skinny fat."


Seriously. He's a beast. 405lbs like it's nothing and after having worked out his legs for like 2 hours. Damn.

Kai Greene is my new (only) workout god. He's so damned focused and meticulous about what he does, and he talks about it with such intelligence that it's impossible to watch videos about him and not come away inspired and eager to do one's best.
So I have some Dumbells and a Treadmill at home, I was kind of scouring Youtube for quick weight routines I could do and came across this:


Has anyone come across this guy before? 7 minute routines seem amazing but I am wondering if this guy is legit. I don't have enough knowledge to know but would anyone care to have a look at his stuff and see if it seems like its practical? Following his advice you could do:

Bodybuilding Training Split #1:
Day 1: Chest, Biceps, Triceps
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: Back, Shoulders, Abs
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Start Over

And that would literally take just 7 or 21 minutes depending on the day, which is actually pretty quick. Throwing in Cario 2/3 days a week seems like it could actually be a fairly practical timesaving workout.

I dont have very long most evenings to fit in a workout due to a very long commute so im tempted to give it a shot, anything I should be wary of?


Kai Greene is my new (only) workout god. He's so damned focused and meticulous about what he does, and he talks about it with such intelligence that it's impossible to watch videos about him and not come away inspired and eager to do one's best.

yeah but he fucked a grapefruit.



Well, he did kind of ruin gyms in a way, with machines, isolation routines, splits, encouraging steroid use, lifting without concern for performance and shady supplements, but he was still a big part of making weight training what it is today.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Any info you can share?

Also, no gym for the officers where you work?

edit: Found a new exercise for me...wearing baby while I do household chores...extra 15-16 pounds vacuuming, cleaning...was quite a work out.

They were just testing me to see if I'd be a bitch or actually do my job. Needless to say, we came to an understanding. At least, for now.

Yeah, there's a gym here, but it sucks.

Love/hate relationship with power cleans. I'm not great at them, for one thing. But they are the only really explosive barbell move i do other than snatches and it's a cool change of pace. When I hit a heavy one just right feelsgoodman.

How big of a difference is dumbbell rows from barbell rows if the goal is getting my back even more huge-ified? I only do DB. Maybe i should switch it up.

Dunno, but my back is getting so big my uniform work shirts actually ride up on my traps, it's pretty ridiculous. I do a very large amount of back work compared to "pushing" work though and BB rows are a huge part of that.


That's what I'm eating tonight as I watch the walking dead. I'll add just a bit of teriyaki sauce.

Gonna do max effort deads tomorrow.


That's what I'm eating tonight as I watch the walking dead. I'll add just a bit of teriyaki sauce.

Gonna do max effort deads tomorrow.

Teriyaki and maybe some garlic chili paste...

Oh well...tonight's dinner (and tomorrow's) will actually be seared and roasted pork tenderloin, quinoa, and steamed broccoli, so I'm not far off.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
How much are you rowing now Shogun?

Right now 155lbs for 100 reps in 10 sets of 10. Same day I do 100 pullups in 10 sets of 10. I also do a shit load of other "back" work including band pull aparts, face pulls, band rows, etc (all prehab work).

This is a typical day when I'm doing back work to offset bench/ohp. This day I subbed some other back work (but didn't list it) because my arms were over fatigued. It should be noted I don't list prehab or warm up sets anymore on fitocracy. I only list the main work and main accessory lifts. https://www.fitocracy.com/entry/19824716/

Gonna work to break this back up into 4x a week though instead of 2x a week (routine).

Really not a fan of just working out twice a week, but I need to find a way to make my schedule work with this god awful drive.

Strained adductor.



Sucks man.

Shoguns gains always make me feel so paltry in comparison! Dem awesome genes man.

What a beast.

I really am beginning to feel like I got some really good genes for lifting, especially the being stocky part and the ability to gain muscle apparently at a decent pace.


I'm starting to get very anxious when I sit around, I feel like doing pushups or pullups or some shit. Basically any time I'm not working out I feel is wasted, I have an addiction to them weights.



Before you laugh you may enjoy looking up weider versus Hoffman, and understanding what weider did to weight lifting culture. It would also be good for you to look up the influence of weider in bodybuilding and its split from the amateur athletics union and his part in that. It would also be good for you to look into full body versus isolation split exercising, the rise of steroids, their relative effectiveness both natural and assisted and their promotion in magazines. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that weider has had a large impact on te current ocean of crap ad-drenched misinformation out there.

Report back with your insights.


the piano man
it's incredible how arnold's body refuses to look small or unmuscled, no matter the pose in a picture, or how many clothes he is wearing, I always think "that guy is huge", lol


the piano man
that doesn't happen with, say, Sylvester Stallone, he's alright and muscled but his body doesn't seem to remind everyone every single moment that he's huge like Arnold's.

ACE 1991

Is it a sign that I'm doing something wrong if I'm not able to add 5lbs every workout doing Strong Lifts? Doing the 3x5 squat (72.5kg) I seem to only be able to add weight every other workout; same with my bench (60kg) OHP (40kg) and deadlight (90kg).


good credit (by proxy)
Is part of the reason that a low-carb ketogenic diet doesn't cause more weight loss than a non-ketogenic low-carb diet because gluconeogenesis often uses glycerol molecules, necessarily breaking up triglycerides into free fatty acids?
It's not a huge stretch. Selling those machines as an improvement is a big part of why so many gyms are such garbage today. You don't have to believe everyone should do SS to realize that machines are a detriment to overall fitness culture. We'd be better off without them wasting real-estate.

Machines definitely have there place in a gym. I'm a personal trainer and about 75% of my clients fall into one of the following categories: A) are extremely overweight B) have prior injuries that hinder them from doing certain things. C) are extremely uncoordinated, very very clumsy people who trip over their own feet, putting them in the squat rack would be a recipe for disaster

Machines are great for these people, they make resistance training possible for people who it may otherwise have been impossible for.

Now with that said, I think there should be more gyms that are all free weights with no machines, where chalk isn't banned, etc etc.
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