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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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First time doing glute bridges, pretty good exercise. Hopefully this and some other deadlift accessory work can make my numbers go up.

Arnold is on Fitocracy now.



I like what it says when you hover the mouse over his super hero badge.

They should just start him off at level 100.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Oh shit, free shipping at Elite FTS. THink I'm gonna get that 75lb weighted vest!


I calculated my supposed 1RM and took 10% off. Though I didn't do it just like Wendler said though I apparently should have. I just took the weight I can do now and how many reps and used the formula. I didn't take 80% off my supposed 1RM and try that for reps. Most of the online calculators gave roughly the same number so I figured it was ok.

It's my 1st cycle..

And I think the calculated 1RM was way off the charts. I thought it sounded like too much and this just proves it. Even though I took 10% off like Wendler said.

So what should I do now? Should I take 10% of the weight I lifted today for 1 rep and treat it as a new training max starting from next cycle? What about other lifts? I got 3 reps with the OHP but I haven't done bench or squats yet. Is it safe to assume that their maxes are as much off as the DL max is?

I guess the smart thing to do is calculate new maxes for all lifts based on what I do this week, take 10% off of them and start over? I could off course just continue but I think the smart thing to do is deload now and enjoy longer gains..?

Yeah, that's what I would do. See what you hit this week for rep maxes using what you've got now, if you only hit prescribed reps I would personally take 80% of that not 90% and roll with that. (that's how I did my current template).

You make me feel better...33 here. Definitely tougher for me to hit the gym > 3 times a week with a baby now. So I cut out the cardio.

Looking forward for the weather to break so I can just take baby on walks.

Lately I've been doing house chores while wearing her with my baby bjorn...haha.

I'm gonna take walks with that vest I linked above. ;)

Thanks guys! I'll load up on fish oil and start some prehab. Whatever that is after I research it. ;)

For me prehab is stretching of the lower body (hams, groin quads and extended warm ups) and for upper body, facepulls, shoulder dislocations lots of back/rear delt work, band pulls, etc and extended warm ups. Some people go a bit crazy with the prehab, I just make sure I have a 2:1 or more ratio on back to chest (also superset a pull with every push in addition to other work). It's kept my shoulders healthy as hell and I used to get pretty naggy shoulders.

Yeah, it got me interesting too. Do a google search and I found one of these pictures.


For some reason, I found it amusing.

Edit: Hmmm, image link didn't work.

What I posted to Cooter, mostly shoulder prehab for me, the pic you posted is what I would call "going a little crazy."


Neither did this vest, bought it anyway.

It's going to be glorious. Way better than throwing weights in a backpack/ruck sack. And I'll be able to condition/cardio walking my dog pretty efficiently.

I bought a vest too, but its only 40 lbs and not from elite efs. Planning to do a lot of dog walking with it and hill sprints.
Do you guys think I should continue to lift if I have minor scoliosis? (bit of a rib hump on the left side of my back) I'm worried all this lifting + having this condition is going to worsen things for my when I get older. Hopefully I'm just being paranoid?

One of the biggest, strongest dudes I know is a former marine and he's got minor scoliosis, it's up towards his neck though but it hasn't slowed him down. Consult with your doctor/PT, you may have to adjust a few things but you can definitely do all the lifting you can stomach.

Cold kicked my ass over the weekend but I'm ready to get back into it, went for a jog tonight and Thursday is squat day and the start of a new 5/3/1 round.

You make me feel better...33 here. Definitely tougher for me to hit the gym > 3 times a week with a baby now. So I cut out the cardio.

Oh the feels...I know them so well...The jog I mentioned just now included pushing HBKid in the stroller for the whole half hour.

Or rather making my wife do it. That's an option too.


good credit (by proxy)
Oh shit, free shipping at Elite FTS. THink I'm gonna get that 75lb weighted vest!

LOL, dat extra gravity Goku training.

If I was a pro power lifter without another job I'd wear a weighted full body suit 24 hours a day and gradually increase weight every 3 months or so.


LOL, dat extra gravity Goku training.

If I was a pro power lifter without another job I'd wear a weighted full body suit 24 hours a day and gradually increase weight every 3 months or so.

And absolutely destroy your joints, along with any hope of enjoying much of your later years.


And absolutely destroy your joints, along with any hope of enjoying much of your later years.

seriously. I have a 80-something lb x-vest. That is rough on your joints on long walks. Forget about doing hill sprints like someone said - that's just crazy talk

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
No thanks! I believe that a fully loaded soldier is expected to carry like 100+ lbs of gear isn't he?

Sometimes more depending on kit and if they are humping a ruck too. (Not the norm though). Norm is around 40-70 lbs.

That said, I'm done with that shit. This vest is for nothing more than walking at the moment. And even then, I'm working up to 75lbs. I'll probably reduce it to 35 and gradually increase to 75.


Sometimes more depending on kit and if they are humping a ruck too. (Not the norm though). Norm is around 40-70 lbs.

That said, I'm done with that shit. This vest is for nothing more than walking at the moment. And even then, I'm working up to 75lbs. I'll probably reduce it to 35 and gradually increase to 75.

That's what I would recommend. Right around 60 it transitions from hard to just really uncomfortable

A better workout IMO is carrying a sandbag. While I was doing that I made some quick and noticeable gains. Never got that with the vest


I played basketball with a 25lb vest one time. took it off and could seemingly jump higher and run faster. but I was so tired and sore the next day I never did it again. probably will have to in order to get in shape quicker.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
That's what I would recommend. Right around 60 it transitions from hard to just really uncomfortable

A better workout IMO is carrying a sandbag. While I was doing that I made some quick and noticeable gains. Never got that with the vest

I plan to use it with farmer carries as well down the road. A weighted vest or ruck marches will condition the shit out of you. The only reason I want a vest instead of a new ruck is because th vest centers the weight.

I played basketball with a 25lb vest one time. took it off and could seemingly jump higher and run faster. but I was so tired and sore the next day I never did it again. probably will have to in order to get in shape quicker.

It's definitely something that will work the shit out of damn near all of your body.


Forgot my belt and chalk on 5/3/1 Deadlift day. Never again. My grip went on the final set; I was only able to hold the bar until my fifth rep at 260 before it slipped.


I had five more reps in me.

When I was going through the bad period of my life last year(short version, I was trapped in an 800 square foot apartment with no job, no car, in a state where I had no family or friends, the only human I interacted with was the food delivery guy, and all my money was in my ex-fiancee's account [still us, but I've been able to actually work some]) the last bit of food I had that could last me till the next deliver (which would turn out to be 4 days later) was a mustard container and a several cup bag of spinach.

So, I ate the whole bag in one day. When I pooped, it looked like boiled and buttered collard greens. It was a bad experience.

Then, I lived off mustard. A spoonful can make you think you're full for only a few calories.

2012 was a bad year.

Damn. The 2013 Veezy is doing better?


So I checked my weight again today (for some reason... maybe I was feeling wistful...i digress) and I admit I have been consistently lying to all of you; I actually gained 10 pounds in the last 3 months. BOOM. Feels good. Although I think I haven't been bulking to my full potential (I'm scared) because I still feel hungry most days and I haven't lost any definition. Oh well.


I played basketball with a 25lb vest one time. took it off and could seemingly jump higher and run faster. but I was so tired and sore the next day I never did it again. probably will have to in order to get in shape quicker.

I'd never wear a vest and play basketball with it on, maybe doing some drills but playing would put too much pressure onto your knees and lower back. If you want to play with weights on, use very light ankle weights.


I'd never wear a vest and play basketball with it on, maybe doing some drills but playing would put too much pressure onto your knees and lower back. If you want to play with weights on, use very light ankle weights.

well it's not like I would have played with it on that much. just once or twice a week in pickup games. I'm not gonna be running for 3 hours with it on lol.


well it's not like I would have played with it on that much. just once or twice a week in pickup games. I'm not gonna be running for 3 hours with it on lol.

Still, you're putting additional weight on your knees, even if it's just 10lbs that's more sheering force when you change directions than your body is used to.

I have bad knees, I evaluate everything I do on the court based on how it would affect my knees. And a weight vest + pickup game has torn meniscus written all over it.


Still, you're putting additional weight on your knees, even if it's just 10lbs that's more sheering force when you change directions than your body is used to.

I have bad knees, I evaluate everything I do on the court based on how it would affect my knees. And a weight vest + pickup game has torn meniscus written all over it.
Ah I see. Well the only issue with my legs is that one of them is broken. My knees are better than Adrian petersons haha
TRX is pretty meh. There are a handful of cool things you can do with it, but overall it's not really worth owning. It's probably great for the guys in the military but for most people I don't really see the benefit.


Pretty proud of my fiancé. She pulled 120 on deads today for a 2x5 and said it felt easy. So she finally broke past her body weight.


I played basketball with a 25lb vest one time. took it off and could seemingly jump higher and run faster. but I was so tired and sore the next day I never did it again. probably will have to in order to get in shape quicker.

It's because you were jumping higher and running faster compared to the vest, not compared to other instances of non-vest. You were slower than you were in other instances where you never wore the vest at all.

They've studied baseball bat swing speeds when players use that baseball bat weight donut v. when they don't for warmups. The "conventional wisdom" is that the weight ring helps bat speed. Logic would suggest tiring yourself with a heavier bat reduces your ability to swing fast, period. Logic won.


Damn. The 2013 Veezy is doing better?

I damn well hope so. Just waiting on my money and my stuff. I'm sure I'll get it someday. Gotta keep pushing on.

I realized I was getting shit back together when my new lifting shoes came in. I felt like eating an entire large pizza and doing deadlifts.

Quick FYI, the Rouge brand lifting shoes, order them about a half size smaller than your running/tennis/sneaker shoes.


I got tired of just doing one rep maxes and did my first boring but big 5/3/1 template. I think I'll stick to this for at least half a year and will hopefully see gains. Will probably add in ab workout after the routine, and it's hard to keep my workout to only 4 or so exercises.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I got tired of just doing one rep maxes and did my first boring but big 5/3/1 template. I think I'll stick to this for at least half a year and will hopefully see gains. Will probably add in ab workout after the routine, and it's hard to keep my workout to only 4 or so exercises.

If you're doing BBB you should only be doing 3 exercises.

ACE 1991

Wall of text incoming, I copy and pasted a post I made on reddit.com/r/fitness since I would love your input:

After next week I will have completed 12 weeks of Strong Lifts and I have for the most part been pretty satisfied with the changes in my body. I've gained about 15 pounds (145-160) and have a generally more filled out look than before I started lifting and eating 3000 calories/150g of protein everyday. All in all these past few months have really awakened a love of lifting within me; I look forward to each and every workout. However, my lifts themselves are rather disheartening in comparison with the progress that most males seem to make during this 12 week linear progression program. Here are my current stats: 72.5kg Squat (I switched to 3x5 for this exercise after stalling and deloading at 62.5kg a few weeks ago and I've been stuck at 72.5kg for 3 lifting days now) 40kg OHP 95kg Deadlift 60kg Bench Press 47.5kg Barbell Row
I should note that I took about two weeks off in mid-February to get settled in to my host destination as a study abroad student in Australia. At this point I'm starting to think the limiting factor here is perhaps my diet over the past month and a half, as I'm stuck on a university meal plan with generally terrible food, but at least the meals frequently consist of some beef or chicken dish so I can hit my daily protein intake. I also have been supplementing the meal plan food by drinking one protein shake a day and by making my own breakfast of 3 eggs + cottage cheese + greek yogurt + 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter which gives me around 50g of protein and 550-600 calories. Do I really just need to start cramming more food in my mouth to increase my numbers? I get 8 hours of sleep most days. (I can't wait until I'm home for the summer where I will have complete control over diet, and I'm living in a house with a full kitchen for my senior year of college) It's a little frustrating that it seems like I have to pay attention so religiously to my diet when pretty much every other guy I look at who lifts drinks their protein shake and doesn't give a shit about what they eat and still gets big.
While I could obviously take this program farther, I started Strong Lifts to get a good understanding of basic barbell lifts and to get my body used to lifting heavy week in and week out, but my goals (like the majority of guys who get into lifting) are to put on muscle and not strength, so I'm hoping to switch to a hypertrophy-focused program as SL does not meet my fitness goals in the long run. Sorry for the wall of text!

Given where I'm at, is there a specific hypertrophy program that I should move to next? My arms and calves are getting disproportionately skinny to the rest of my body so I really want to give them some real attention, as Strong Lifts does not.


If you're doing BBB you should only be doing 3 exercises.
Boring But Big sets done at an appropriate resistance level make me glad I only have a few movements to do in a day. Squat 5/3/1, squat 5x10 and good mornings 5x10 and I'm spent. And those good mornings are done at kiddie weights. Though as I'll explain I also have some ab work at the end.

I got tired of just doing one rep maxes and did my first boring but big 5/3/1 template. I think I'll stick to this for at least half a year and will hopefully see gains. Will probably add in ab workout after the routine, and it's hard to keep my workout to only 4 or so exercises.
Wendler recommends a circuit done 2-4 rounds up to 4 times a week:

Jim Wendler said:
  • Weighted Sit-ups - 25 or 45lbs plate held behind head for 10 reps
  • Hanging Leg Raises - 10 reps
  • Abdominal Wheel - 15 reps
  • Side Bends - 100lbs DB for 20 reps/side

I'm not awesome enough to pull that off after a BBB squat day, so I keep things at a lukewarm pace with low rep sets of hanging leg raises. I believe the point is that whatever you believe an ab workout is, train for strength. The above circuit was done by a budding powerlifter. Scale accordingly. I'd rather do 5 or 10 sets of 5 rep hanging leg raises working the abdominals with great fury and intensity than swinging my legs for 5x10 hanging leg raises or doing 6x100 sets of crunches. I don't even write down the ab work I do, I just do what I believe it takes to keep my squat and deadlift numbers moving in the right direction.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
That dude is huge beyond the understanding of even webster's dictionary. We are not worthy.

Also, is that white kid wearing a fucking doo rag?


good credit (by proxy)
And absolutely destroy your joints, along with any hope of enjoying much of your later years.

If having a littler extra weight on you absolutely destroys your joints, then they're already absolutely destroying their joints by being professional powerlifters, at least the heavy guys.


If you're doing BBB you should only be doing 3 exercises.

I know, but I'm coming off switching from my previous routine which was 8 exercises a workout and got me really solid gains. So this is more a mental block/ego thing that is making it difficult to adjust to the change so far. Thanks for the advice guys.


good credit (by proxy)
Google image search shows him looking way smaller before. Maybe he just went nuts during the off season. He seems way leaner and way larger out of nowhere.

Also, what's wrong with white guys wearing a doorag? I mean, I'm not a fan of doorags at all, but for those that are, why can't they be white?
Google image search shows him looking way smaller before. Maybe he just went nuts during the off season. He seems way leaner and way larger out of nowhere.

Also, what's wrong with white guys wearing a doorag? I mean, I'm not a fan of doorags at all, but for those that are, why can't they be white?

No one should be wearing a doorag, regardless of color.

With the final week of my 4 week chest program being today, I am looking towards the future. I think I will start my "cut" next week. I say "cut" because I want to lose a bit of fat but am not going to aggressively lean down. I like my size and mass too much.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
No one should be wearing a doorag, regardless of color.

With the final week of my 4 week chest program being today, I am looking towards the future. I think I will start my "cut" next week. I say "cut" because I want to lose a bit of fat but am not going to aggressively lean down. I like my size and mass too much.

Jazzy Lahoria disagrees. He's a man of men.

Question: do you guys take any pre workout energy supplements? I always feel so beat after work and my commute that when I finally hit the weights I don't feel 100%.

I know a guy who takes caffeine pills, but Id rather not. Same thing with coffee.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Question: do you guys take any pre workout energy supplements? I always feel so beat after work and my commute that when I finally hit the weights I don't feel 100%.

I know a guy who takes caffeine pills, but Id rather not. Same thing with coffee.

I drink an energy drink, but even it's not helping with my current schedule. Working nights is putting a serious hurt on my squats.

Squats seem to be the barometer to which I can tell if I'm doing well or not. If they go up, I'm doing great, if they go down, something is off and needs to be tweaked. This exercise is always the first to show it for me and always the most dramatic change.

On that note, bumped up to 3x a week starting this week. Took squats light today since I'll also be doing more squats later in the week. Gonna ease into the assistance and see how 3x a week works out for me.

I also am 100% sure my nutrition is "off" now since I'm working 8+ hours a day. I'm used to eating whenever I want, and now that doesn't happen, so I think my calories have taken a hit.
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