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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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LOL, just found it.

edit: holy shit


There's this guy who does a guest post every thursday or so on this blog:http://suppversity.blogspot.com/2013/04/adelfo-cerame-prelude-to-off-season-if.html
that's also a pretty ripped bodybuilder despite being in a wheelchair. It's interesting sometimes to read about what he eats and does.
He's there at the link I posted, Adelfo Cerame.
Was abroad for 1.5 weeks (6 weeks into training, so I just used it as deloading/whatever as I had no access to a gym) and am really looking forward to getting back to the gym tomorrow.


There's plenty of powerlifters that aren't fat, you're feeding into stereotypes. Also, you seem overly worried about gaining any small amount of fat. Maybe you should just focus on staying skinny?

If you want to get muscular, eat and lift. If you want to be skinny, expend more calories than you take in. It's that simple.

As a novice you should be able, for a time, to gain muscle and burn fat. Also SS got to be too much for you because you worried too much about gaining any fat. (And probably other reasons I'll refrain from mentioning).

It really seems like you just wanna stay skinny. Or you want a "NOW" result. I hate to tell you, but this isn't some overnight shit. It's a lifestyle and a constant life's work. If you can't handle that, quit now.

I don't need a "NOW" result, I did SS for 1.5 years, I'm not a complete noob. I know how much work it is because I did it before. Which you can read in my original post. In the end I got strong and chunky but then really struggled with trying to follow a cutting plan without ruining my lifts. Now it's all gone anyway and I was merely wondering how to approach a more careful bulking process this time around, without Rippetoe's 4,000-calories-a-day, 3x-squatting-a-week insanity.

If there's a program better suited for me, I'd be glad to hear about it. I have no problem with putting in work. But it seems the veterans in this thread have been unquestionably worshipping SS for years and anyone who is looking for some alternative ideas is a clueless noob who's too weak anyway.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I don't need a "NOW" result, I did SS for 1.5 years, I'm not a complete noob. I know how much work it is because I did it before. Which you can read in my original post. In the end I got strong and chunky but then really struggled with trying to follow a cutting plan without ruining my lifts. Now it's all gone anyway and I was merely wondering how to approach a more careful bulking process this time around, without Rippetoe's 4,000-calories-a-day, 3x-squatting-a-week insanity.

If there's a program better suited for me, I'd be glad to hear about it. I have no problem with putting in work. But it seems the veterans in this thread have been unquestionably worshipping SS for years and anyone who is looking for some alternative ideas is a clueless noob who's too weak anyway.

1.5 years ain't shit, you're still a noob especially since you "fell off." Also, I never did SS so that shit ain't gonna work here. Pick something and stick with it whether it's being a skinny bastard or a beast. Quitting because you're not getting 100% perfect results is going to get you nowhere fast and you may as well have spent your time watching TV.

Nutrition wise, you don't NEED to down 4k calories (but if you're one of those mythical "hardgainers" you might want to), just eat sensibly and with a good amount of protein and carbs (preferably carbs on days you work out and especially after working out). Routine/program wise, SS or any other linear progression should work for you, you just need to be smart about what you're shoving in your mouth.

When I started I made up my own program that was WAY too high in volume, but it worked for me until I transitioned to 5/3/1. So there's that. Ultimately it comes down to figuring out what works for you. Don't wanna gain weight? It's not the workout/training program's fault entirely, it's what you're shoving in your face, change it.


1.5 years ain't shit, you're still a noob especially since you "fell off." Also, I never did SS so that shit ain't gonna work here. Pick something and stick with it whether it's being a skinny bastard or a beast. Quitting because you're not getting 100% perfect results is going to get you nowhere fast and you may as well have spent your time watching TV.

Nutrition wise, you don't NEED to down 4k calories (but if you're one of those mythical "hardgainers" you might want to), just eat sensibly and with a good amount of protein and carbs (preferably carbs on days you work out and especially after working out). Routine/program wise, SS or any other linear progression should work for you, you just need to be smart about what you're shoving in your mouth.

When I started I made up my own program that was WAY too high in volume, but it worked for me until I transitioned to 5/3/1. So there's that. Ultimately it comes down to figuring out what works for you. Don't wanna gain weight? It's not the workout/training program's fault entirely, it's what you're shoving in your face, change it.

I didn't quit because I "wasn't getting 100% perfect results", but because I got very sick for a long time, like I mentioned originally. I appreciate all your advice anyway. I'll do SS again for a while to get a baseline of strength back and then go from there. Thanks.


I don't need a "NOW" result, I did SS for 1.5 years, I'm not a complete noob. I know how much work it is because I did it before. Which you can read in my original post. In the end I got strong and chunky but then really struggled with trying to follow a cutting plan without ruining my lifts. Now it's all gone anyway and I was merely wondering how to approach a more careful bulking process this time around, without Rippetoe's 4,000-calories-a-day, 3x-squatting-a-week insanity.

If there's a program better suited for me, I'd be glad to hear about it. I have no problem with putting in work. But it seems the veterans in this thread have been unquestionably worshipping SS for years and anyone who is looking for some alternative ideas is a clueless noob who's too weak anyway.

I don't know much about SS but were you really downing 4k cals per day? That is what was giving you the chunky look. Try doing SS again (if you liked it enough) and eat just above maintenance, or hell, eat AT maintenance.

As far as cutting and keeping your lifts up, it shouldn't be hard. You don't lose your strength the moment you go on a cut. Keep lifting heavy and keep your macros in check, your strength could/will actually increase on a slow cut. It has for me, at least.


My friend just linked me this program:


What do you guys think of it?

It's basically a cutting program. What are your goals? It's too by the numbers for me personally and doesn't promote sustainability, meaning staying on it for years. When I mean by the numbers, that eating plan is all sorts of boring and limiting.

holy shit these "tips"...

It's BB.com lol. Home of the broscientists.


Had a bad OHP workout this morning. Something's going on. All of my lifts have suddenly become difficult. I'm still on a 2050k/cal diet, getting good sleep, and eating before workouts, but for some reason I feel like I'm becoming weaker. Maybe it's because I'm working at my aunt's nursery three days a week and working one day of landscaping on top of bartending, but it's not that demanding.

Why the hell are my lifts waning?

The Chef

What a dumbass.

Just got back from the gym and had a pretty entertaining afternoon. This guy in clearly great shape(About 5'9 - 180lbs) is squatting 315lbs and has to bail on it twice. When I say bail I mean bail at almost full height dropping the bar all the way to the ground. After the second attempt I tell him Ill spot him if he promises not to drop the bar on my fricken head to which he assures me he wont. He proceeds to add another 10lbs to each side and I calmly try to explain if he couldn't go down 3 inches without bailing he might want to lessen the weight not add to it. He tells me the only reason he failed the previous attempts was because he breathed out against the weight belt instead of holding his breath....

Fair enough. I get behind him and sure enough he starts to go down and immediately ditches the weight forcing me the leap back like Spiderman to avoid getting hit. I'm so pissed I just walk out of the squat room.

Later on I see him take a pair of 80lbs Dumbbells into the aerobics room to do lunges. Nevermind that the room is packed with about 10-13 High School girls doing some routine in there and the fact that there is about 2,000 sq ft. of open gym space available to him. Well apparently the girls were uncomfortable with him in there and ask him to leave. He takes his weight and uses it to slam open the double hinged doors(which are all glass) completely smashing the window out. The gym absolutely stops in its tracks everyone, starring at this nut bag. The best part is he continues to work out like nothing happened until escorted off the property.

Roids + Rage = Entertainment

Hahahaha this is amazing.
I probably would have been scared for my life if I was there.


Up to 270 on the deadlifts. 3 sets of 5. I actually feel like I can go higher, but my grip is fucking me. Need to get that up.
It's basically a cutting program. What are your goals? It's too by the numbers for me personally and doesn't promote sustainability, meaning staying on it for years. When I mean by the numbers, that eating plan is all sorts of boring and limiting.

It's BB.com lol. Home of the broscientists.

I'm not using it, I just do p90x. He just wanted to show me what he does.


Had a bad OHP workout this morning. Something's going on. All of my lifts have suddenly become difficult. I'm still on a 2050k/cal diet, getting good sleep, and eating before workouts, but for some reason I feel like I'm becoming weaker. Maybe it's because I'm working at my aunt's nursery three days a week and working one day of landscaping on top of bartending, but it's not that demanding.

Why the hell are my lifts waning?

Perhaps the caloric deficit is simply catching up with you. Eventually something is going to give. It happens.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
It's okay to go without your daily creatine boost for a week or two, right?

Creatine boost?

Anyway, not taking creatine at all is perfectly fine. It ain't that serious.

Had a bad OHP workout this morning. Something's going on. All of my lifts have suddenly become difficult. I'm still on a 2050k/cal diet, getting good sleep, and eating before workouts, but for some reason I feel like I'm becoming weaker. Maybe it's because I'm working at my aunt's nursery three days a week and working one day of landscaping on top of bartending, but it's not that demanding.

Why the hell are my lifts waning?

Something has changed even if you don't realize it, be it diet, sleep (quality), stress, work etc.

I'd sit down and really evaluate what's going on. Perhaps just hit the required reps for a bit or take a good deload the next chance you get.

Perhaps the caloric deficit is simply catching up with you. Eventually something is going to give. It happens.

This too, depending on how long you've been doing it and if you've been continuing to increase your training max too.


Had a bad OHP workout this morning. Something's going on. All of my lifts have suddenly become difficult. I'm still on a 2050k/cal diet, getting good sleep, and eating before workouts, but for some reason I feel like I'm becoming weaker. Maybe it's because I'm working at my aunt's nursery three days a week and working one day of landscaping on top of bartending, but it's not that demanding.

Why the hell are my lifts waning?

When's the last time you took a break?


When's the last time you took a break?

A month ago. I took a week off and did nothing.

I'm thinking it could have been a mixture of things the past week:

-More hours at work. (I'm working 60+ hours again, not including the freelance work I'm doing and calls I take at the Fire Department) It's not difficult, but I guess it weighs on me.
-My continued cut. I've been eating much cleaner so I'm only eating 50g of carbs/day than the 150g/day.
-The earlier times I've been to the gym. Normally I go in the evenings, but most days the past week I've been going early in the morning when I'm not awake.
-I'm doing a lot more superset pullups, chins, and dips than I used to.

I'm going to follow Shogun's advice and just hit the reps I need. I did that today. I'll likely do it Wednesday when I have DLs. Next cycle, I'll deload.


Eh? Are you deloading every cycle or skipping deloads one in a while?

Oh no, I'm deloading each fourth week of a cycle. I'm talking about lowering the amount I lift for a whole cycle. Like taking 5lbs off of my OHP to work on my form and get clean reps, etc for one cycle.


2050 calories. Man, some of you guys eat so little even on a cut lol.

Mully, you seem to have a very active job, have you calculated your TDEE? Not just your maintenance. You may be way too low on caloric intake.
whats the best way to gain mass? will gomad work if i cant digest milk? which protien is the best beef vs pork vs salmon vs lamb vs chicken??
A month ago. I took a week off and did nothing.

I'm thinking it could have been a mixture of things the past week:

-More hours at work. (I'm working 60+ hours again, not including the freelance work I'm doing and calls I take at the Fire Department) It's not difficult, but I guess it weighs on me.
-My continued cut. I've been eating much cleaner so I'm only eating 50g of carbs/day than the 150g/day.
-The earlier times I've been to the gym. Normally I go in the evenings, but most days the past week I've been going early in the morning when I'm not awake.
-I'm doing a lot more superset pullups, chins, and dips than I used to.

I'm going to follow Shogun's advice and just hit the reps I need. I did that today. I'll likely do it Wednesday when I have DLs. Next cycle, I'll deload.

This is a bit OT, but what gym do you go? and are you answering calls for buffalo volunteer FD?

I'll second the advice in this thread and just deoad if you're feeling like you can't hit the min reps for your program.
whats the best way to gain mass? will gomad work if i cant digest milk? which protien is the best beef vs pork vs salmon vs lamb vs chicken??

per the op regarding milk:
f you are unhappy with the idea of drinking all that sugar and/or are lactose intolerant, you might want to bulk with two dozen eggs a day (2DEAD). The macronutrient profile is very low-carb friendly. Plus, the acronym 2DEAD just sounds badass. If you are having trouble eating that many cooked eggs and aren’t concerned about salmonella, you can release your inner Rocky and drink them raw. The
cholesterol in eggs probably won't be a problem for you either.
Two dozen eggs are roughly 1,848 calories, 126g fat, 12g carbohydrates and 150g protein.
A dozen eggs are about 924 calories, 63g fat, 6g carbohydrates and 75g protein.

Still, exercise good judgment with whatever bulking diet you choose. Failing that, ask for advice in this thread. With either GOMAD or 2DEAD, start slow and pace your intake throughout the day. If neither option is appealing remember that many people can add muscle by eating 300 – 1,000 calories worth of the good food they already eat. A little measured increase can go a long way.

I feel like this is pretty sound advice and eggs have been a good alternative for me.

also, I like beef the best but that is just because hamburgers and steaks are awesome


Retro Fitness in Farmingdale, NY. I volunteer at the Massapequa FD West End house Company 2.

I'll see if I can find a TDEE calculator on here.


Found a couple. Most have me within a range of 3500-4000k/calories a day.

Yeah most put me at like 3000....I really don't think that's accurate for me.


Retro Fitness in Farmingdale, NY. I volunteer at the Massapequa FD West End house Company 2.

I'll see if I can find a TDEE calculator on here.


Found a couple. Most have me within a range of 3500-4000k/calories a day.

See lol.

You gotta mess around though. They're not perfect. Just weigh yourself weekly. If you're losing weight you've hit the sweet spot. Readjust for every five pounds of weight loss.

I think Blackflag cuts at 3000 or 3500. When you're active your TDEE is much higher. You can't go off BMR, which is basically the amount of calories you need to be totally sedentary and have normal bodily functions.

Yeah most put me at like 3000....I really don't think that's accurate for me.

It just means you cut at 2500. You subtract 500 from your TDEE for weight loss.


See lol.

You gotta mess around though. They're not perfect. Just weigh yourself weekly. If you're losing weight you've hit the sweet spot. Readjust for every five pounds of weight loss.

I think Blackflag cuts at 3000 or 3500. When you're active your TDEE is much higher. You can't go off BMR, which is basically the amount of calories you need to be totally sedentary and have normal bodily functions.

It just means you cut at 2500. You subtract 500 from your TDEE for weight loss.

Except I was gaining on 2500 ;)
what are good preworkout and postworkout supplements?
ive been taking whey post and neurocore pre.

should i incorporate creatine? and what are some good pre workout stuff
Retro Fitness in Farmingdale, NY. I volunteer at the Massapequa FD West End house Company 2.

I'll see if I can find a TDEE calculator on here.


Found a couple. Most have me within a range of 3500-4000k/calories a day.

Shit, for some reason I though you were another buffalo poster. Probably because of the wing posts during the superbowl.


Probably some water, some fat and a little muscle. It was 10 pounds over 3 months.


Yeah. Trial and error is sometimes needed. That's why I recommended that Mully weight himself, but if he's talking about very poor gym performance, he may be way below maintenance, given his activity levels and active job.



Yeah. Trial and error is sometimes needed. That's why I recommended that Mully weight himself, but if he's talking about very poor gym performance, he may be way below maintenance, given his activity levels and active job.

I was overweight and then obese for a long time (like from when I was 7-16)

Then I lost weight by running and cutting out mostly sugar (no calorie counting), gained some back when I was 22-24, and then started strength training a little over a year ago.

Dunno if my bmr is shot from the ups and downs, or I'm more susceptible to put on weight due to my past.

I actually don't mind the lower calories (I usually eat a little over 1800 a day). When you stick to all clean foods you can eat a decent amount.



Yeah. Trial and error is sometimes needed. That's why I recommended that Mully weight himself, but if he's talking about very poor gym performance, he may be way below maintenance, given his activity levels and active job.

I weigh myself daily, normally I'm around 201-203lbs at 5'10". I'm losing weight slowly. I was around 218 when I started, but restarted after I stalled at 206 six weeks ago. Ever since then, I've been just trying to eat clean and not worry about calories. Once or twice a week, I'll plug my food in to see how much I'm eating on average each day while falling asleep. It's around 2050-2500k/cal/day.

I gain weight very easily. I start to gain weight around 2800-3000k/cal a day and really pack it in around the suggested amount of calories.


I weigh myself daily, normally I'm around 201-203lbs at 5'10". I'm losing weight slowly. I was around 218 when I started, but restarted after I stalled at 206 six weeks ago. Ever since then, I've been just trying to eat clean and not worry about calories. Once or twice a week, I'll plug my food in to see how much I'm eating on average each day while falling asleep. It's around 2050-2500k/cal/day.

I gain weight very easily. I start to gain weight around 2800-3000k/cal a day and really pack it in around the suggested amount of calories.

How long have you been cutting?
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