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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Back to that Rip article:

Yesterday i did my 3rd Crossfit workout since having done 5/3/1 for ~6 months. The workout was:

10 Front Squats @ 85#
20 push ups
10 Overhead Squats @ 85#
20 push ups

Repeat. Do as many as possible in 15 minutes. I got a few push ups shy of 4 rounds. Most people were getting 2 or 3 rounds. This isnt because I'm a good crossfitter, it's because the squats were light weight for me due to strength training.

On the flip side, when I came back to crossfit after doing Starting Strength a couple of years back the workouts DESTROYED me because I had like 0 endurance and I was 30 pounds heavier. I was strong as hell but couldnt run, do push ups very well or anything for more than a couple of minutes.

So 5/3/1 was a much better balance for me. We included things like pushing a prowler, lifting atlas stones, general conditioning.

I think it's a good path. Starting Strength first to get your newb gains, good form, learn your way around the major lifts and get comfortable. Focus on just getting STRONG. 5/3/1 was a great next step for me. Mix that with some conditioning work for sure. In the warm weather I really like to do some crossfit. I feel lighter and more "fit" when I do, and I can kill the weights because of my strength work.


Do you guys get bruised front delts from front squats? Just started off with 60kg and it was really quite challenging to get the balance right.


muntersaur said:
I really do not like Rippetoe. Beyond the obvious that squats, deadlifts and bench press can be trained consistently to make someone strong, there is not much to that article.
A thing only seems difficult until we understand it. Once we understand it seems so simple, doesn't it?

There wasn't much to the article, but it's the wake up call many novices need. It's Rip's battle cry at this point. He's said as much many times before and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.


Gold Member
6'2, 235.

I try to consume at least around 200 g a day.

you're pretty much my size, except with a much more favourable fat % I think :D

Mind sharing how you get up to 200g? I struggle to get even close to 150g a day, and I do three Optimum Nutrition pure whey with no carbs shakes a day


I really do not like Rippetoe. Beyond the obvious that squats, deadlifts and bench press can be trained consistently to make someone strong, there is not much to that article.

If you read this thread for more than a day or two, you'll see that what Rippetoe said needs to be said, and re-said constantly. He's not really talking to advanced lifters, he's talking to your average gym goer that doesn't have much of a plan other than lifting some stuff without being on a plan.
you're pretty much my size, except with a much more favourable fat % I think :D

Mind sharing how you get up to 200g? I struggle to get even close to 150g a day, and I do three Optimum Nutrition pure whey shakes a day with no carbs



I'm pretty sure that I calculated the amount of protein in the sirloin/beef wrong. That's too much. Should be around 40g. More or less. Change the various meats/poultry/seafood to whatever I might be eating that day. Don't eat bread anymore but I do partake in a healthy amount of rice and rice noodles. Cottage cheese or Greek Yogurt is also thrown in there depending on my mood.


you're pretty much my size, except with a much more favourable fat % I think :D

Mind sharing how you get up to 200g? I struggle to get even close to 150g a day, and I do three Optimum Nutrition pure whey with no carbs shakes a day

Do you just eat no protein? With 3 shakes you should be hitting like 300+ grams a day easily.


If you read this thread for more than a day or two, you'll see that what Rippetoe said needs to be said, and re-said constantly. He's not really talking to advanced lifters, he's talking to your average gym goer that doesn't have much of a plan other than lifting some stuff without being on a plan.

Yeah, I think he was exaggerating slightly for effect. Only slightly though. You can get a big back doing Kroc rows, but that's volume assistance to a deadlift or variation that you can incrementally load and control.


Gold Member


I'm pretty sure that I calculated the amount of protein in the sirloin/beef wrong. That's too much. Should be around 40g. More or less. Change the various meats/poultry/seafood to whatever I might be eating that day. Don't eat bread anymore but I do partake in a healthy amount of rice and rice noodles. Cottage cheese or Greek Yogurt is also thrown in there depending on my mood.

Goddam. Yeah that's more meat than I eat on a daily basis most certainly. Incredible that you fit all of that into 2300kcal, really good choices and planning.

petrie said:
Do you just eat no protein? With 3 shakes you should be hitting like 300+ grams a day easily.

nah, each portion is supposed to be 24g protein. I haven't found a more calorie efficient way to achieve the same. Usually I do two shakes with 1.5 portions, to 3 portions in total i.e. 72g protein and 333 kcal.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm 185 and used to make sure I consumed 225g of protein daily but have dropped that amount to around 150 theses last 4 months. Not only have I not lost strength but I have picked some up. This obviously has altered my view of the amount of protein needed. I think anything above 75% of body weight is plenty. Of course if your goal is to bulk up and maximize gains I'd still keep it above 1g per pound.


Is it possible to pull or aggravate an ass muscle? My left cheek sort of hurts/stings when I walk.

Kind started happening since widening my squat stance.
I don't know why you're trying to prove a point with a hypothetical woman and hypothetical numbers all over the place. All I'm saying is, if a person tracks what they eat, and also tracks their exercise, they can eat back their calories burned from exercise and still lose weight, if they'd still be in a caloric deficit for the day.

This woman isn't hypothetical, I have not 1 but 2 clients who fit this description almost exactly.

You can could technically eat as much as you want on any given day as long as your total caloric deficit is consistent from week to week, and is at your required goal (in this case, -7000 per week). I'm just pointing out that odds of hitting it in most cases isn't good if you're eating more to balance out activity level. You need all those extra calories burned to help you reach your deficit goals more often than not.


Bull on a Donut
How many carbs should I be getting on a cut at 5'11", 160 pounds? I've been told around 300g, yet I can't for the life of me hit that eating clean lol. A bowl of broccoli or a salad is what, 20-30 carbs? Wish it was as easy as eating 2 half chicken breasts and BAM, 50-60g of protein lol.


How many carbs should I be getting on a cut at 5'11", 160 pounds? I've been told around 300g, yet I can't for the life of me hit that eating clean lol. A bowl of broccoli or a salad is what, 20-30 carbs? Wish it was as easy as eating 2 half chicken breasts and BAM, 50-60g of protein lol.

So have some single grain stuff like rice or oatmeal...


Falling edge wins!!!

My rehband elbow sleeves came in too so I can try them out. I can't decide if they're a good fit or not. They're tight but not uncomfortably tight if that make sense.

I took some pictures....

So it's compressed but I get paranoid is it compressed enough. I guess two ways of looking at it. I'm not getting any smaller, right? ;) and someone here mentioned if I wash it, it will shrink a little. What do you guys think?

Can Alien or anyone else help me out here? :)

After havin it on for a little there are red marks on my arms. I'm assuming that means its compressed enough, right?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
How many carbs should I be getting on a cut at 5'11", 160 pounds? I've been told around 300g, yet I can't for the life of me hit that eating clean lol. A bowl of broccoli or a salad is what, 20-30 carbs? Wish it was as easy as eating 2 half chicken breasts and BAM, 50-60g of protein lol.

At 5'11 and 160 I question why you want to cut but that's your decision. As little as possible is the answer to your question. Maybe shoot for under 50 grams.


I'm awful at calculating my protein intake, there was a period where I wasn't even drinking any shakes and I was still making strength gains. I've been drinking more lately, about 3-4 a day now.


This woman isn't hypothetical, I have not 1 but 2 clients who fit this description almost exactly.

You can could technically eat as much as you want on any given day as long as your total caloric deficit is consistent from week to week, and is at your required goal (in this case, -7000 per week). I'm just pointing out that odds of hitting it in most cases isn't good if you're eating more to balance out activity level. You need all those extra calories burned to help you reach your deficit goals more often than not.
Sounds like you're assuming failure. I think most of us assume success instead. We don't need that more often than not.


How many carbs should I be getting on a cut at 5'11", 160 pounds? I've been told around 300g, yet I can't for the life of me hit that eating clean lol. A bowl of broccoli or a salad is what, 20-30 carbs? Wish it was as easy as eating 2 half chicken breasts and BAM, 50-60g of protein lol.

Why are you cutting at 5'11, 160? 160 would usually be quite light for that weight already. Have you considered maintaining your weight and getting your strength up?

OG Kush

Chin ups are meant to be one of the best exercises for biceps, but whenever I do them i always feel it much more in my back than my biceps. Never get that burn that I get from doing curls. Is this alright?
Can Alien or anyone else help me out here? :)

After havin it on for a little there are red marks on my arms. I'm assuming that means its compressed enough, right?

Can't help you there, sorry dood.

And man, BB Rows are so fantastic. Trap gains, here I come.

Sitting @ 234 lbs. Did 8 reps @ 165 for OHP. So far, so good. A bit worried that I'm losing weight too fast but I think it is fine.

We will see here in a few weeks.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Chin ups are meant to be one of the best exercises for biceps, but whenever I do them i always feel it much more in my back than my biceps. Never get that burn that I get from doing curls. Is this alright?
The primary muscle being worked is your back. This is true for all variations of pull ups.


Chinups do involve biceps more than pullups.

Pullups hit back more than chinups.

Shogun posted quite a few sources showing this isn't the case. The difference in bicep targeting is insignificant between the 2.

The back targeting is different, but similar in degree as well.

OG Kush

Ah ok, IceCreamFitness (the youtube channel) recommended chin ups as a good exercise for biceps. Yes I know their primarily back, but I thought I would start incorporating them more for my back and bis.


the piano man
Shogun posted quite a few sources showing this isn't the case. The difference in bicep targeting is insignificant between the 2.

The back targeting is different, but similar in degree as well.

this is interesting and I am curious. Do you (or anyone) know why are pull-ups several times harder than Chin-ups?

I can do 3x10 chin-ups ,maybe one more set in a good day, full ROM, good form.

but Pull-ups, damn, 3x6 and and I am beaten. The last 1 or 2 reps my body curves like a worm ;( , shit form

Is it mainly the difference in grip, close vs. wide?


this is interesting and I am curious. Do you (or anyone) know why are pull-ups several times harder than Chin-ups?

I can do 3x10 chin-ups ,maybe one more set in a good day, full ROM, good form.

but Pull-ups, damn, 3x6 and and I am beaten. The last 1 or 2 reps my body curves like a worm ;( , shit form

Is it mainly the difference in grip, close vs. wide?

Yes, but let's look at this from a slightly different point of view. We've established that chin-ups use more bicep reinforcement than pull-ups.

Now, let's take the body away from the pull-up bar and put you back on the ground. Then, let's put a barbell in your hands and you grip it with a regular curl grip. If you held the bar over your head, then it should resemble your chin-up position. Let's put some weight on that bar and let's assume that you can get 10 reps out of it.

Now, switch to a reverse curl grip and you notice that it's significantly harder to get those 10 reps because different muscles are being incorporated into this motion.

The same partially applies to pull-ups and chin-ups


the piano man
Yes, but let's look at this from a slightly different point of view. We've established that chin-ups use more bicep reinforcement than pull-ups.

Now, let's take the body away from the pull-up bar and put you back on the ground. Then, let's put a barbell in your hands and you grip it with a regular curl grip. If you held the bar over your head, then it should resemble your chin-up position. Let's put some weight on that bar and let's assume that you can get 10 reps out of it.

Now, switch to a reverse curl grip and you notice that it's significantly harder to get those 10 reps because different muscles are being incorporated into this motion.

The same partially applies to pull-ups and chin-ups

This makes sense, Thanks! I wished I could do more of the Pull-ups, they feel more intense.

and yeah, Kyaw, WTF? You know you only eat trash ;( do you eat meat at all???

(I lol'd)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So I spoke with the main CS person from EFTS today and they are making "good" on the situation. My vest STILL isn't here, but they are going to hook me up (even though that wasn't the intent of the discourse). Between Ronda (the main CS rep) and Dave (the big man himself) being accessible as they are EFTS really is a good company to do business with it seems, even if my last two expensive orders have gotten borked in shipping.

Alright, thanks for answering. At least someone who has the decency to try and help me out.

Yeah, you can fuck off with this shit right here. Until I see a check in my mailbox endorsed from you I and no one else in here owes you shit.

You know you're not paying anyone in this thread for advice, right? There is an OP that contains all of the information a beginner should need that you chose to disregard (without providing a reason, I might add). You might find that people are more willing to help you out if you maintain a positive and inquiring mindset instead of a curt and demanding one.

This right here.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My heavy squatting brothers! I have a question. I don't use a belt normally but today I am going to attempt 405 once. Should I consider using one?
The BodyTech powder that Vitamin Shoppe had BOGOHO is... a step down from body fortress. I'll see if it is any better with milk, but with water it is definitely a lot different than ON/EAS/Body Fortress.

OG Kush

When is it best to use a belt? Wondering if all those times I did deadlifts with weights that only allowed 1 rep if I should've used a belt..?
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