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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
When is it best to use a belt? Wondering if all those times I did deadlifts with weights that only allowed 1 rep if I should've used a belt..?

When shit starts to get "heavy" without one. Aka when you need to.

A belt WILL make you lift more. Just use it properly.


Just did good mornings for the first time yesterday. If this wasn't a deload week I would have fucked up my lifts. I only did 4x10 with the bar and up to 20 on each side, and my hamstrings are destroyed today. I am definitely making them a part of my routine.


Anyone ever have trouble with weak fingers after workouts? Today my fingers on my left hand are especially useless. I couldn't even get them to cooperate enough to cut my fingernails on my right hand this morning.

I get weak hands after working out sometimes, but I think this is the worst it's been and I'm not really sure if this is normal or not. Seems like it's not.

OG Kush

See I'm 5 foot 7, weigh 61 kgs (135 lbs). my one rep max for deadlift 100kgs which is about 220 pounds. Thats fucking heavy for me.. still not sure whether I should be using a belt or not?


See I'm 5 foot 7, weigh 61 kgs (135 lbs). my one rep max for deadlift 100kgs which is about 220 pounds. Thats fucking heavy for me.. still not sure whether I should be using a belt or not?

if you're absolutely sure you've progressed as far as possible without one, then use it. it won't hurt, and will make you stronger.


See I'm 5 foot 7, weigh 61 kgs (135 lbs). my one rep max for deadlift 100kgs which is about 220 pounds. Thats fucking heavy for me.. still not sure whether I should be using a belt or not?

Wear one if you feel you're ready. I'd recommend you gain ten pounds at least though, as i'd guess that your lifts are limited by your muscle mass. If you start eating more, you'll see progress I bet.


OK, let's see.
Seated leg raises
Seated leg raises with kickback(You can also twist to the side during the kickback to isolate the obliques.)
Hanging leg raises
Basic Ab Wheel rollout

Most of these mainly hit the middle section of your abs. With some variations, you' be able to get side and lower work in there too.

Thanks mate I will keep these in mind it probably not the best time to doing hard press for time in the next few days and I have Para-cycling Nationals on the weekend so I want to be fresh for that.

OG Kush

Wear one if you feel you're ready. I'd recommend you gain ten pounds at least though, as i'd guess that your lifts are limited by your muscle mass. If you start eating more, you'll see progress I bet.

if you're absolutely sure you've progressed as far as possible without one, then use it. it won't hurt, and will make you stronger.

nah hell no I feel I'm just at the beginning of my lifting journey. Theres no way this is my peak I know for sure. Definietly need to bulk. I was just wondering in terms of more of safety, but if I'm not feeling in strain while doing these then I guess it must be ok. Thanks for the input guys though.


nah hell no I feel I'm just at the beginning of my lifting journey. Theres no way this is my peak I know for sure. Definietly need to bulk. I was just wondering in terms of more of safety, but if I'm not feeling in strain while doing these then I guess it must be ok. Thanks for the input guys though.

A belt is not for safety.


nah hell no I feel I'm just at the beginning of my lifting journey. Theres no way this is my peak I know for sure. Definietly need to bulk. I was just wondering in terms of more of safety, but if I'm not feeling in strain while doing these then I guess it must be ok. Thanks for the input guys though.

the only thing a belt is good for is holding your organs in your body while your muscles strain to push them out.


the only thing a belt is good for is holding your organs in your body while your muscles strain to push them out.

Well to be fair, some proprioceptive response from the belt and the additional spinal column stability probably don't hurt safety. No panacea though.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
what's the difference? I want something to keep my right knee warm and loose.

Knee sleeves give support and warmth. Knee wraps give support and act like a spring. Knee sleeves have minimal impact (if any) to your lifts (unless you're using EFTS or some other brand "heavy" or "super heavy" knee sleeves). Knee wraps have definite positive impact on your lifts. They (wraps) are also illegal in RAW competition.


lower back still feels out of sorts but I got thru my (PHAT) leg workout by just concentrating on squats, deadlifts to try to strengthen my back and cut out the assistance for the next couple of workouts.

Hopefully that works to my benefit


Knee sleeves give support and warmth. Knee wraps give support and act like a spring. Knee sleeves have minimal impact (if any) to your lifts (unless you're using EFTS or some other brand "heavy" or "super heavy" knee sleeves). Knee wraps have definite positive impact on your lifts. They (wraps) are also illegal in RAW competition.

ah okay good to know. any recommendations for a good sleeve? how do you know what size to get? I feel like this whole conversation was just had over the last couple pages lol.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
ah okay good to know. any recommendations for a good sleeve? how do you know what size to get? I feel like this whole conversation was just had over the last couple pages lol.

It was. I'd recommend Rehband from Jackal's gym. Expensive, but you get what you pay for. Hit up sean, he just went through the process.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That went better than I expected! Went down and got up with 4 plates pretty easy so I went heavier.

430lb squat at 183 this morning! Haven't felt this good leaving the gym in a long time!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I edited it out because the BB is 50lbs I've been told. So 430!

I might take a vid someday Alien but know if I do it's only because of you. I really don't care one way or the other. :)


Unless you weigh 150 I'd say get stronger.

Ok. I weigh around 145-150lb and can deadlift 4x5 at 185lb without too much trouble. I never did a 1RM but for it I assume it's close to 200lb. But are belts usually worn for safety reasons (to make sure the pressure in your body is high) or to help you progress in your lifts? What about knee/elbow straps? (I guess you answered that last question in your posts above)


Bull on a Donut
At 5'11 and 160 I question why you want to cut but that's your decision. As little as possible is the answer to your question. Maybe shoot for under 50 grams.

By "cut," I'd like to cut fat. I'm probably sitting at 18%-20% body fat and I'd really like to drop down to 12%. If I can maintain 160 and reduce fat, great, is that doable? How many carbs should I be getting to maintain 160 and reduce body fat? I'd like to get bigger later down the line, but I really don't want to bulk with this much body fat and go up to 20-24%. I'd much rather be lean.

I'm lifting M/W/F and doing cardio T/Th/Sat.

Just as an example, this is how my nutrition looks like so far today: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/reports/printable_diary/Anbokr?from=2013-04-16&to=2013-04-16. I know my breakfast was shit, but that's just a one time thing.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ok. I weigh around 145-150lb and can deadlift 4x5 at 185lb without too much trouble. I never did a 1RM but for it I assume it's close to 200lb. But are belts usually worn for safety reasons (to make sure the pressure in your body is high) or to help you progress in your lifts? What about knee/elbow straps?

Belts mostly allow you to lift more because you can increase internal pressure to stabilize your spine. This in turn tells your brain you're good to go. The moment you're unstable your CNS tells your brain "NOPE" and you're weak. Same shit happens with your grip. If you slip or your grip is weak everything feels weak even if you really aren't.

I edited it out because the BB is 50lbs I've been told. So 430!

I might take a vid someday Alien but know if I do it's only because of you. I really don't care one way or the other. :)

I'd just like us to get in the habit of posting videos of our 1RM or "new accomplishments' in this thread. Both to share and educate and to critique. We might not be able to work out together, but we can provide SOME kind of support/help to eachother. Video only assists that. Plus it can keep the "naysayers" at bay. I remember when I first started in this thread I got a few people thinking I was full of shit.

I posted my squat the other day. I'll be recording my bench tomorrow. Here's the squat. I probably took too many sets to get up to 425. But I'll still take that since Squat is definitely my weakest lift.



Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thanks Sean. It's a testament to consistency and hard work with a little bit of good genetics thrown in.

Ok Alien, video of 430 next Tuesday!

Sweet! Looking forward to it! But maxing out 2 weeks in a row may not be the best idea. Unless you don't think you maxed today, which is very possible.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I actually think I had more. Maybe try 440 next week?

If you think you had more you probably did. See how you feel the next 3 days and if you're good go for it. I was fucked up the last 3 days from just my 425 1RM lol.
(Which is sad because I used to squat so much more. )


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
If you think you had more you probably did. See how you feel the next 3 days and if you're good go for it. I was fucked up the last 3 days from just my 425 1RM lol.
(Which is sad because I used to squat so much more. )
Yeah but haven't you dropped a considerable amount of weight?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeah but haven't you dropped considerable amount of weight?

Yeah from near 250 down to 218 -220i think. Now back to 230 now and considerably leaner an more muscled than even when I was 218 -220 I'm still clawing back for that squat. I think I made errors in my squat programming too ( not enough quad work) after I stopped BBB squats.

I think pound for pound Cooter, Shogun, and MTP are probably the strongest dudes in FitGAF.

If MTP wasn't hurt and could lift as much as he probably wants to he'd be uncontested. There is no doubt in my mind. Dude is a beast even hurt and training whenever he gets a wild hair up his butt.

Cooter has always been diesel. He got hurt for a while there though. And I'm one of the heavier guys here. So I don't know if I really would come out in the "pound for pound" category. My squat is pitiful.
Hey GAF.

I am a distance runner and a cyclist (23+ mile rides). Currently after my ride/run I make a fruit smoothie with a little honey and greek yogurt mixed in for recovery. I believe I consume too many carbs overall and am cutting down. Typically if I know I am going for a long ride I will eat a cliff bar to carry me over my at least 1h and 1/2 of cycling.

My question is in regards that recovery smoothie. Is there a powder supplement you would suggest to help me recover from my long rides? My weeks consist of 5K+ distance runs and those rides, and I expect to continue to increase my distance. Should I be doing anything different for my pre-fuel?

Thanks all!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My ultimate goal is to weigh 180 with the following maxes:

BB bench- 360
Squat- 475
Dead - 550
OHP- 205
Weighted pull up- w/135


Hey GAF.

I am a distance runner and a cyclist (23+ mile rides). Currently after my ride/run I make a fruit smoothie with a little honey and greek yogurt mixed in for recovery. I believe I consume too many carbs overall and am cutting down. Typically if I know I am going for a long ride I will eat a cliff bar to carry me over my at least 1h and 1/2 of cycling.

My question is in regards that recovery smoothie. Is there a powder supplement you would suggest to help me recover from my long rides? My weeks consist of 5K+ distance runs and those rides, and I expect to continue to increase my distance. Should I be doing anything different for my pre-fuel?

Thanks all!

I'd recommend a protein supplement, along with some carbs. Pre and post workout are important for endurance athletes, and I'd cut down on carbs outside of your workout instead. Try some whey powder mixed in chocolate milk after, and a light carb snack before, like a clif bar haha
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