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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Guys... I need ya'lls help

Situation- the GF needs a workout routine.

I bought her this

And she ran the routine for like 4 weeks, but she swears she was bulking up and that the "heavy lifting" made her feel bulkier.

She just wants to straight up slim down, isn't against doing weights but just not "heavy weights," and wants to do some cardio.

4-5 times a week is what she has in mind.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If she just wants to slim down, have her alter her diet, count calories, and do cardio like, every other day.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Guys... I need ya'lls help

Situation- the GF needs a workout routine.

I bought her this

And she ran the routine for like 4 weeks, but she swears she was bulking up and that the "heavy lifting" made her feel bulkier.

She just wants to straight up slim down, isn't against doing weights but just not "heavy weights," and wants to do some cardio.

4-5 times a week is what she has in mind.

That bitch stole my last name.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh and don't have her lift anything beyond her own weight resistance.


If she just wants to slim down, have her alter her diet, count calories, and do cardio like, every other day.

^^ Group exercise

Thx bros. She already does cardio 4 times a week, and honestly, is in pretty great shape (very slim, etc).

Was hoping for some form of weightlifting routine that isn't "heavy" lol. Sorry, I know its a tough assignment to crack.


Thx bros. She already does cardio 4 times a week, and honestly, is in pretty great shape (very slim, etc).

Was hoping for some form of weightlifting routine that isn't "heavy" lol. Sorry, I know its a tough assignment to crack.

Body Pump or some other similar lifting class. Any growth will be minimal at best, but I feel it does help with strength.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Woman can lift as heavy as they want to. They're not going to transform into the Rock.


A lot of women I've talked to have told me they don't lift because they don't want to lose their boobs, oddly enough

The stupidity of women when it comes to lifting never ceases to amaze me. Doesn't matter how much evidence they get to the contrary, most would rather curl 2lb pink dumbbells endlessly.


Hey GAF.

I am a distance runner and a cyclist (23+ mile rides). Currently after my ride/run I make a fruit smoothie with a little honey and greek yogurt mixed in for recovery. I believe I consume too many carbs overall and am cutting down. Typically if I know I am going for a long ride I will eat a cliff bar to carry me over my at least 1h and 1/2 of cycling.

My question is in regards that recovery smoothie. Is there a powder supplement you would suggest to help me recover from my long rides? My weeks consist of 5K+ distance runs and those rides, and I expect to continue to increase my distance. Should I be doing anything different for my pre-fuel?

Thanks all!

I am an cyclist too I ride a bit more than you (300km- 400km a week) I use Endura Optimizer as post ride recovery drink, I know this Australia band but maybe you can import it I did call them once cause I was going overseas and there did tell me you shouldn't have any trouble (but you might). I suggest try and buy one cause it isn't that $$ or try and something like this product.
I'd recommend a protein supplement, along with some carbs. Pre and post workout are important for endurance athletes, and I'd cut down on carbs outside of your workout instead. Try some whey powder mixed in chocolate milk after, and a light carb snack before, like a clif bar haha

I am an cyclist too I ride a bit more than you (300km- 400km a week) I use Endura Optimizer as post ride recovery drink, I know this Australia band but maybe you can import it I did call them once cause I was going overseas and there did tell me you shouldn't have any trouble (but you might). I suggest try and buy one cause it isn't that $$ or try and something like this product.

Okay sounds like Clif bar pre-ride is the route to go. I'll look into the endura. Thanks!
Question... Why does the 5/3/1 periodisation bible and the bb 5/3/1 advocate as much as 20 reps for the accessory work? Wouldn't that go past the rep range that is most effectively going to promote sarcoplasmic or myofibrillar hypertrophy and enter the realm of muscular endurance? I understand there's significant overlap not only between hypertrophy and endurance but also the different types of hypertrophy, just wondering if the logic for such high rep ranges is ever stated or someone has a good idea on why.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this to set me straight?


good credit (by proxy)
I've tried to get this information before, but I think if I ask it in a different way people might be better equipped to respond:

For those who are currently doing, have have done a ketogenic diet with cheat days, after a cheat day/s, how long does it take you to become ketoadapted again, so you aren't feeling the "low carb flu"?

Usually at the beginning of the diet it take 2 to 4 weeks of feeling like crap before the body gets used to using ketones for energy and you feel good again(or even great). Once your body is used to using ketones, does the "low carb flu" last only a day or two after a cheat day? It seems like it must or else the people who do cheat days once a week would be in a constant state of "low carb flu", since they are not giving themselves 2-4 weeks between cheat days.

I doubt there has been a study done on this so any anecdoctal evidence I can find from people with experience is helpful.


stubbornness is a better word. but it applies to men as well, just not as much.

I don't think its stubborness, as much as a pervasive misinformation that gets reinforced in a lot of places that they trust- ie magazines, friends who are skinny, etc., etc..

Its basically the exact same thing as broscience, and seeing a jack3d dude at the gym just basically doing curls or getting the new Mens Health and scoping a new KILLER ROUTINE and getting that kind of reinforcement. Wouldn't say its exclusive to women, just a different kind of misinformation.


I've tried to get this information before, but I think if I ask it in a different way people might be better equipped to respond:

People tend to talk about this stuff more in the Weight Loss thread. Haven't seen them in a while though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've tried to get this information before, but I think if I ask it in a different way people might be better equipped to respond:

For those who are currently doing, have have done a ketogenic diet with cheat days, after a cheat day/s, how long does it take you to become ketoadapted again, so you aren't feeling the "low carb flu"?

Usually at the beginning of the diet it take 2 to 4 weeks of feeling like crap before the body gets used to using ketones for energy and you feel good again(or even great). Once your body is used to using ketones, does the "low carb flu" last only a day or two after a cheat day? It seems like it must or else the people who do cheat days once a week would be in a constant state of "low carb flu", since they are not giving themselves 2-4 weeks between cheat days.

I doubt there has been a study done on this so any anecdoctal evidence I can find from people with experience is helpful.

I'd go to the weight loss thread really. With me, if I fuck up (which has happened) it takes me under 24 hours to go back to "trace" keto. About 2 full days if not more to moderate. But that's just with a SMALL amount of carbs above what I should have, not a full blown cheat day. I'm not a supporter of cheat days at all, but for some people they need it.



Perhaps a bit too much of a blanket statement, but when someone is presented with evidence, science, and proof of things and still insists that "lifting will make me bulky", despite everything proving that to be false, that is my definition of stupidity.


good credit (by proxy)
I'd go to the weight loss thread really. With me, if I fuck up (which has happened) it takes me under 24 hours to go back to "trace" keto. About 2 full days if not more to moderate. But that's just with a SMALL amount of carbs above what I should have, not a full blown cheat day. I'm not a supporter of cheat days at all, but for some people they need it.

I'm more interested in the low carb flu symptoms than ketones in urine, UNLESS ketones in urine necessarily mean that you're ketoadapted.

I'll repost in the weight loss thread too and see if I can glean some info.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm more interested in the low carb flu symptoms than ketones in urine, UNLESS ketones in urine necessarily mean that you're ketoadapted.

I'll repost in the weight loss thread too and see if I can glean some info.

Welllllllll I don't get any low carb flu symptoms aside from runny shit for the first day or two. Actually it usually starts on the second day so...any kind of cheat or fuckup on my part might trigger one irregular bowel movement, but rarely two or more.


After my 12 hour day I made it through my workout. My bench felt REALLY weak but CG and incline were strong. I even got the most dips I've ever had (10,10, 9)

I dunno what it is with bench. I think there are still mental issues with it. It's frustrating that it feels so much weaker compared to my other core lifts.


After my 12 hour day I made it through my workout. My bench felt REALLY weak but CG and incline were strong. I even got the most dips I've ever had (10,10, 9)

I dunno what it is with bench. I think there are still mental issues with it. It's frustrating that it feels so much weaker compared to my other core lifts.

Well at least it's the least "core" of the core lifts?

I'd wager it's mental, it has the most chance of embarrassment and such with failure after all.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
After my 12 hour day I made it through my workout. My bench felt REALLY weak but CG and incline were strong. I even got the most dips I've ever had (10,10, 9)

I dunno what it is with bench. I think there are still mental issues with it. It's frustrating that it feels so much weaker compared to my other core lifts.

If you got "stronger later" that indicates a poor warmup to me.
Don't let it get to ya either way man.


Well at least it's the least "core" of the core lifts?

I'd wager it's mental, it has the most chance of embarrassment and such with failure after all.

I can agree with you there. I feel like a monster when squatting, deadlifting and OHPing. I feel embarrassed when benching.

If you got "stronger later" that indicates a poor warmup to me.
Don't let it get to ya either way man.

I thought about this on my drive home. I went from 45-135-165-185. I need a middle ground in there during warmup. Too big of a jump. Maybe a 95.


Have you considered putting your heaviest sets in the center? For my bench I do warmup, low weight, high weight, high weight, medium weight, burnout.

Also, I swear weighted dips are the magic for a better bench.


Have you considered putting your heaviest sets in the center? For my bench I do warmup, low weight, high weight, high weight, medium weight, burnout.

Also, I swear weighted dips are the magic for a better bench.

I believe he's on 5/3/1.

Also, I need to get on some weighted dips damnit. lol


Have you considered putting your heaviest sets in the center? For my bench I do warmup, low weight, high weight, high weight, medium weight, burnout.

Also, I swear weighted dips are the magic for a better bench.

Weighted dips have your triceps ready to commit war crimes, benching is light work after.


Have you considered putting your heaviest sets in the center? For my bench I do warmup, low weight, high weight, high weight, medium weight, burnout.

Also, I swear weighted dips are the magic for a better bench.

Haven't tried that. But I do agree with the dips part. That and CGBP. I only started doing dips like...6 or 7 weeks ago I think. Today was the first day I almost got 3 sets of 10.


I believe he's on 5/3/1.

Also, I need to get on some weighted dips damnit. lol

Oh I see.

Weighted dips are great if you don't have shoulder problems. I'm almost at two plates and I think I might stop adding weight because I don't want to fuck anything up.


Oh I see.

Weighted dips are great if you don't have shoulder problems. I'm almost at two plates and I think I might stop adding weight because I don't want to fuck anything up.

Have you been noticing some pain in your shoulders or do you have a history of shoulder injuries?


Have you been noticing some pain in your shoulders or do you have a history of shoulder injuries?

No notable shoulder injuries, I'm just not a fan of putting that much weight on my shoulders. Delts are a small muscle and past a certain weight I just wouldn't feel comfortable putting that much pressure on them.

Demon Ice

Can someone post a youtube video of the dips they're referring to when talking about chest workouts? Much appreciated, because I feel like my bench is weak relative to everything else I do too.


Guys, I'm on a bulk but in the last week I've cheated more than I probably should. How important is it to eat a strict, clean diet when you're bulking? I was under the impression it was ok to go a little more dirty compared to when I'm cutting.


Have you been noticing some pain in your shoulders or do you have a history of shoulder injuries?

I have shoulder impingement syndrome in my right side and the dips don't bother my shoulder as long as I don't lean too far forward.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Guys, I'm on a bulk but in the last week I've cheated more than I probably should. How important is it to eat a strict, clean diet when you're bulking? I was under the impression it was ok to go a little more dirty compared to when I'm cutting.
It all depends on how much fat you want to gain. If your only concern is building muscle with no regard for fat gain then eat whatever the hell you want!


It all depends on how much fat you want to gain. If your only concern is building muscle with no regard for fat gain then eat whatever the hell you want!

I just want to make sure I'll still be gaining that muscle. I don't plan on cheating as much from here on out. My wife's birthday was yesterday and we had a huge cake staring me down.
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