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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Guys, I'm on a bulk but in the last week I've cheated more than I probably should. How important is it to eat a strict, clean diet when you're bulking? I was under the impression it was ok to go a little more dirty compared to when I'm cutting.

If you wanna do a dreamers bulk then it doesn't matter, you'll get fatter than if you didn't indulge too much. But when you want to do a lean bulk, you want to mitigate spilling over as much as possible. There isn't really such a thing as "clean" eating and "dirty" eating per se. It all comes down to macronutrients and how they fit into your needs. If you wanna have a double double from in-n-out then that's just fine, but you'd have to be wary of the amount of fats in your meal and allocate the rest of your fats for the rest of the day accordingly, also calories.


No issues with the press or the bench press?

I have to do incline press on the smith machine as it's strict, if I try free weights my shoulder hurts a little bit. There's no problem with flat or decline though, and for shoulder press I have to use a neutral grip. It sucks, but I've found a workaround and luckily my shoulders had a lot of mass before it happened.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I just want to make sure I'll still be gaining that muscle. I don't plan on cheating as much from here on out. My wife's birthday was yesterday and we had a huge cake staring me down.
Eat a surplus of calories with plenty of protein and you will gain muscle. Don't sweat that part!


It was only like 2 decent sized pieces of cake and I could've had some today too but I back off. On days when I'm cheating, I usually even it out by dumping out other stuff that I would normally eat.


Saw some Crossfit guys at my globo gym. One of the them was in ridiculous shape. He wasn't big, just ripped and athletic.

I also like that they focus on mobility, they're stretching routine was pretty thorough.


Saw some Crossfit guys at my globo gym. One of the them was in ridiculous shape. He wasn't big, just ripped and athletic.

I also like that they focus on mobility, they're stretching routine was pretty thorough.

What was their routine? Oh and what did the other guy look like?


What was their routine? Oh and what did the other guy look like?

Eight pack abs. Reminded my of Hugh Jackman with better legs.

They were doing their WOD--Workout of the day, which involved a lot of Olympic lifts--Clean and jerks, snatches, hang cleans, power cleans.


So after talking to my lifting buddy over some blops tonight he made a good point. My 1rm was 205 last time I tested it on bench. I was doing 90% of that tonight so 5 reps sounds about right. Plus an improper warmup.


I found a gym about 10 minutes away with bumper plates and a deadlift stage! That's the good news. Bad news? They don't allow chalk. Seriously? You have all the shit set up for oly lifts and you won't let me use chalk?

I'm half tempted to just drive to iron sport once a week. It's only 35 min away.


I found a gym about 10 minutes away with bumper plates and a deadlift stage! That's the good news. Bad news? They don't allow chalk. Seriously? You have all the shit set up for oly lifts and you won't let me use chalk?

I'm half tempted to just drive to iron sport once a week. It's only 35 min away.

Maybe use liquid chalk? They might not notice, and it's less messy.


This was totally not on the diet, but had to get something for my dog last night at Walmart and wife and I were craving ice cream something fierce. They had some ice cream in pints from 2nd Street Creamery and it looked good so she got the Strawberry Rhubarb Pie and I got the Limerick Cherry Chocolate. It's super premium ice cream so it has more milk fat in it.. Really good stuff, recommend checking it out if you're bulking or on a cut and have a moment of weakness.

I recommend actually getting the strawberry one as the chunks of pie crust in it were awesome. The ingredients in the ice cream were all really solid and I believe no artificial flavors.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Gonna check bench 1RM this morning. I have a feeling it's gonna be as unimpressive as my squat is. Low end I'd expect 370, high end 385-390. Also, still dropping weight/fat. Every day I look thinner, lol.


Gonna check bench 1RM this morning. I have a feeling it's gonna be as unimpressive as my squat is. Low end I'd expect 370, high end 385-390. Also, still dropping weight/fat. Every day I look thinner, lol.

Haha a bench in that range is definitely not unimpressive. Let us know how it goes


Shit, I was happy to have 315 till an old elementary school friend posted a FB video of him benching 500. Dude looked like he barely weighed 200.


No, just him and 2 friends spotting without touching the bar on the side. Honestly it didn't even look like he lifted. I had no idea before that.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
How do you do it? Were you doing carb backloading?

I'm CBLing again, but again, not 100% from the program. Just not eating carbs until the evening and limiting them even then on "off" days. Plus I'm not a student sitting on my ass anymore. Since I got hired at the prison I keep on my feet quite a bit.


I'm CBLing again, but again, not 100% from the program. Just not eating carbs until the evening and limiting them even then on "off" days. Plus I'm not a student sitting on my ass anymore. Since I got hired at the prison I keep on my feet quite a bit.

I walked everywhere in college...lol


Yes, but you sat in your classes for hours. You probably also sat at home working on homework and you weren't in school 8 hours a day 5 days a week. ;)

Mind you I was a 20 something and like most 20 somethings your metabolism is thru the roof. Went to the gym there too and ran...

I really didn't have 8 hours of classes a day though. Probably didn't have more than 2-3 classes a day and most of those ran an hour.


I think my GF should start wearing a belt. She could definitely use the extra support it provides. Problem is that a normal powerlifting belt like I use don't really fit her well. Woman's hips and belt too wide etc.

So what kind of belt is the next best option?

The Chef

Shit, I was happy to have 315 till an old elementary school friend posted a FB video of him benching 500. Dude looked like he barely weighed 200.

Shoot I wanna see that.
I have been lifting for years and have always had a complete mental block when it comes to 225 bench. I cannot stand it. I want nothing more than to be able to rep it out 5-6 times.
Recently I put up 205 4 times but the second I slap 2 plates on I immediately think "nope" and sure enough I pop it off my chest and it goes absolutely no where.
I'm getting seriously pissed.


Gonna check bench 1RM this morning. I have a feeling it's gonna be as unimpressive as my squat is. Low end I'd expect 370, high end 385-390. Also, still dropping weight/fat. Every day I look thinner, lol.
Layne Norton's numbers from this morning's T-Nation article:

Layne is another amazing lifter with the physique to match. Layne's best lifts include a 617-pound squat, a 386-pound bench press, and a 700-pound deadlift, all done as a raw lifter in the 220-pound class.
And that guy is ripped at that weight!

You have little to be modest about, Shogun. Kick ass and keep us posted.
Weighing in at just under 234. Definitely see some changes in my body. So far, so good.

Gonna try for a 350 squat. I think I can get 6-8 reps.

Layne Norton's numbers from this morning's T-Nation article:

And that guy is ripped at that weight!

You have little to be modest about, Shogun. Kick ass and keep us posted.

He's only 220ish? God damn, I thought he was a lot bigger. Incredible stuff.

And yeah Shogun, bench pressing that is ridiculous. You can do it!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Anyone ever try quest bars? They are 160 cal, 20g of protein, 18g of fiber, and only 5 carbs. I'm on my phone so I won't link but just google it. Pretty damn amazing IMO!

OG Kush

I really want to get these quest bars but as a student they're just a bit too on the expensive side.. :/
Just a bit over £2 a bar here, can get half grilled chicken for £4, or even half a kilo of uncooked chicken for £4 so its obvious what the choice is going to be for me.


I really want to get these quest bars but as a student they're just a bit too on the expensive side.. :/
Just a bit over £2 a bar here, can get half grilled chicken for £4, or even half a kilo of uncooked chicken for £4 so its obvious what the choice is going to be for me.

Yeah they're more of a treat when you tire of constant chicken.


No shit? My apologies then. Must have missed some pages. :)

Quest bars have a pretty huge following in this thread, the weight loss thread, and even to some degree the Paleo thread.

Also the other fitness threads.

They're pretty good...a great option if you want a low carb/low sugar bar.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Absolutely disgusted with myself.

I've regressed a year's worth of progress on my bench (maybe). The only good thing is I weighed in at 229 today.

I may have made a mistake of jumping from 355 to 375. But that shouldn't have mattered. I should have gotten 375 no problem. Hopefully deadlift doesn't let me down tomorrow.

375 fail (this was the second attempt at 375)


355 good, but this was my max a year and a half ago.

Probably due to poor programming after my cut and the fact I'm still leaning out, plus I'm a bitch.

Layne Norton's numbers from this morning's T-Nation article:

And that guy is ripped at that weight!

You have little to be modest about, Shogun. Kick ass and keep us posted.

I still feel like a bitch. I need/want 400.


I think my GF should start wearing a belt. She could definitely use the extra support it provides. Problem is that a normal powerlifting belt like I use don't really fit her well. Woman's hips and belt too wide etc.

So what kind of belt is the next best option?

How small is she? I have this inzer belt and they fit me well. I'm only 5'4" btw (damn Vietnamese genes). I see several girls using these Inzer belts as well at my gym. Also remember that the belt is there to help engage your core, not necessarily as a support that prevents injuries.


I still feel like a bitch. I need/want 400.
Two brights spots here.
  • Congrats on being an advanced lifter dropping weight. There's still something to be said for maintaining numbers like that.
  • You hunger for PRs. Ergo, you'll put in your work and conquer.

i ate 9 yesterday
Nine Quest bars @ 18g/fiber EACH?

Trips to the restroom must be analogous to the Incredible Hulk bursting out the back of your ass.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Two brights spots here.
  • Congrats on being an advanced lifter dropping weight. There's still something to be said for maintaining numbers like that.
  • You hunger for PRs. Ergo, you'll put in your work and conquer.

I guess. I think the issue is I dropped my training max too low after the cut since I was faily weak in all areas after it and I was hitting cardio hard. I probably dropped it too low. I also neglected the tricep work that got me really strong in the first place when I went to that two day split. Then add in the weight loss (which indicates calorie deficit) and I'm pretty sure somewhere in there is the answer.

Bottom line is it was my fault and I need to fix it. My deadlift has been consistently strong, so hopefully tomorrow is a pickmeup.

Also, I need to remember I've only really been training for 2 years and 8 months. I gots time.


How small is she? I have this inzer belt and they fit me well. I'm only 5'4" btw (damn Vietnamese genes). I see several girls using these Inzer belts as well at my gym. Also remember that the belt is there to help engage your core, not necessarily as a support that prevents injuries.

Bad wording on my part.

And she has tried my belt which is basically the same size as you posted but she said it pressed her ribcage too much. It's not that she's small but when you have that hourglass figure a wide belt can be a bit hard to use.


My deadlift has been consistently strong, so hopefully tomorrow is a pickmeup.
The deadlift is a strange beast, seemingly resilient to weight cuts and body recompositions. It's kind of cool, actually.

Also, I need to remember I've only really been training for 2 years and 8 months. I gots time.
It's crazy to think of it like that. You are years out from hitting your prime. Are you going to continue on 5/3/1 or have you considered an alternative such as Westside?
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