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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I did it...two plate club baby!

I broke my back and ankle back in June this year and today I beat my bench press PR from before my accident. This is after not working out from the end of June to the second week of September.

225 x 2 after a PR of 215 x 5. I've been feeling bummed about having to cut out squats/deadlifts/bent over rows and the like from my routine (for now), but this has made me happy.

Currently at about 190 pounds, 6'1"; not sure about BF % (based on image charts online I would estimate about 17%). I want to end up at around 210-215 maybe 12% BF.

Is 40%/30%/30% about right for calories from carbs/fat/protein if I'm bulking? I don't mind somewhat slower progress if it means less fat buildup. Might cut carbs down a bit.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Goddamn it! Why does this mass building crap have to be so complicated? D:

Now I'm scared that I might be eating too much and creating fat cells. I'm 5'11" and currently 140 lbs. As I've mentioned a few days ago, I'm trying to eat around ~3,000 calories per day. That shouldn't be too much for me to have to worry about such a thing is it?

Fit2Fat2Fit guy probably made plenty of new fat cells. You'll be fine.

EDIT: Beaten like an ohp pr.
Cutting phase is still proceeding as planned.

Found some older photos of me, which helped me make a comparison:


And some recent pics:

I apologise, if this is off-topic:

I went out to the city last saturday, and my former drinking buddies failed to recognise me. I guess that's a good thing. Also, been noticing people stareing at me alot recently, which I'm not sure if it's suppose to be stroking my ego or not.


it's been two weeks since I last squatted heavy. Woke up this morning and I actually forgot that I was injured....so I guess I'm exiting snap city. I think I'll only leg press or hack squat today though just to be on the safe side.


I went out to the city last saturday, and my former drinking buddies failed to recognise me. I guess that's a good thing. Also, been noticing people stareing at me alot recently, which I'm not sure if it's suppose to be stroking my ego or not.
They wanna stroke somethin' amirite.

But dude, that cut is going fast. Good job.

Btw, now all your clothes don't fit I'm guessing? #menswearproblems

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Cutting phase is still proceeding as planned.

Found some older photos of me, which helped me make a comparison:

And some recent pics:

I apologise, if this is off-topic:

I went out to the city last saturday, and my former drinking buddies failed to recognise me. I guess that's a good thing. Also, been noticing people stareing at me alot recently, which I'm not sure if it's suppose to be stroking my ego or not.

I'm gonna be bluntly honest. You look the same, but this isn't a "bad" thing. Progress takes time. There's no reason to get in a rush if you do you will only burn out, spin your wheels and quit.

As for people "staring" it might be in your head. People tend to think this when they are looking for it n

Stay the course you'll get there.
I'm gonna be bluntly honest. You look the same, but this isn't a "bad" thing. Progress takes time. There's no reason to get in a rush if you do you will only burn out, spin your wheels and quit.

As for people "staring" it might be in your head. People tend to think this when they are looking for it n

Stay the course you'll get there.

Thank you. I appreciate your honesty, and youre probably right. Honestly I appreciate the brutal critisism rather than compliments.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thank you. I appreciate your honesty, and youre probably right. Honestly I appreciate the brutal critisism rather than compliments.

Np bud. I'm the same way. Far too often people get in the mentality if saying how much progress you've made when in actually you look the same if not worse. I'd rather get criticized so I know what to fix. As for people looking at you. You will know when someone actually says something to you (without fishing for it). Then there's no disputing it.

Stay the course. Do you, lift heavy and often and eat well. You'll grow, it just takes time. It took me till my 4th year lifting before people started really saying stuff about me with any regularity and I'm not even that big. Well as big as I wanna be.

JLholdsworth basically said I was small. But compared to him a black bear is small lol.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Is it too late to start voting for the Fit-GAF Awards?

Most Inspirational Figure

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'd vote for Petrie. He's done some great shit given the biological handicap he's been dealt.

And with that, I'm off to work gents. Have a great night!

Petrie's story is really awesome. I'm guilty of enjoying the shit he gets into in other threads too :p

MVP Award goes to:

"Anyone who started and is still going"

Because seriously. This is the long haul. Will see you all for years and years to come.
Different strokes for different folks.

when matt ogus videos leaked earlier this year of his muscle worship sessions, I was embarrassed for him. They were very tame, mostly him just shirtless looking at a webcam and calling his worshippers disparaging words for gays. It came across as really fetishy and super corny. He used the money he was making with an ok build and got himself a condo. Unfortunately for him, he wanted to leave all that behind and recorded footage surfaced years after creating a really prolific youtube channel and following. I don't even think theirs anything inherently wrong with muscleworship stuff. You're more or less getting paid for someone else to worship you. That said, it goes against my principles and I wouldn't even entertain the thought, but then I'm not starving or desperate like some people.
As someone who had done it, it really isn't all that bad. You generally have pretty good control over what you put out there and what you let people ask of you. I stopped doing it mostly because, like you said, it didn't sit right with me. I want to be people to be inspired and motivated by my achievements, not lustful.

But yeah, it's a huge deal within the gay community.. It's even popped in my relationships pretty often. Just about every relationship I've had has boiled down into some amount of this nonsense and it is pretty off putting. Don't get me started on how casual flings turned out either, but that's not really for this thread.
Can anyone link me to good, cheap weightlifting gloves? My DL is at 340 now, and I'm fairly certain that the smoothness of the bar is compromising my ability to get five reps. The subtle sliding that happens as I ascend is a nightmare on my grip strength.

J. Bravo

Can anyone link me to good, cheap weightlifting gloves? My DL is at 340 now, and I'm fairly certain that the smoothness of the bar is compromising my ability to get five reps. The subtle sliding that happens as I ascend is a nightmare on my grip strength.

i'd use chalk before gloves. liquid chalk works very well and doesn't make a mess.


the piano man
Is it too late to start voting for the Fit-GAF Awards?

Most Inspirational Figure

all-time or 2013?

I'd vote for everyone I remember, since those are the fitgaffers that have somehow left an impression on me.

i'd use chalk before gloves. liquid chalk works very well and doesn't make a mess.

I second this, do it.

I used to lift with gloves and I can tell you your grip will also suck with them. It will feel slippery/smooth with gloves too.

if you absolutely want to use gloves, then only dumbbell and with easier, simple stuff.

for main compounds, do not use them,
I've never heard Petrie's story. Did he post it in this thread or a previous one? I'm in the mood for some inspiration. Unrelated, but I officially enjoy front squats more than back squats. Still following 5/3/1 with front squats as an accessory movement (added them about 6 weeks ago). Just hit 3x5x175lbs which I'm proud of. Long, long way to go but I'm enjoying the ride.
Np bud. I'm the same way. Far too often people get in the mentality if saying how much progress you've made when in actually you look the same if not worse. I'd rather get criticized so I know what to fix. As for people looking at you. You will know when someone actually says something to you (without fishing for it). Then there's no disputing it.

Stay the course. Do you, lift heavy and often and eat well. You'll grow, it just takes time. It took me till my 4th year lifting before people started really saying stuff about me with any regularity and I'm not even that big. Well as big as I wanna be.

JLholdsworth basically said I was small. But compared to him a black bear is small lol.

Hey man, I'm driven by anger, remorse and hatred. Its gonna take alot more than that to make me quit the weightlifting game.

But you're right. I got caught up in the narcassistic cloud 9 there for a second.

In general It lits me up with motivation when someone tells me I'm doing shit. Being exposed to emotional abuse and anger for years has made me this way. I get bored way too fast if I get showered with compliments, and it kinda irritates me when people give me praise.

When I deadlifted 3 plate for the first time some weeks ago I growled "I hate you". My gym buddy thought I was remarking the weight of 140 kg. I wasn't. It's best if he doesn't know what keeps my furnace burning.

Nelo Ice

Petrie's story is really awesome. I'm guilty of enjoying the shit he gets into in other threads too :p

MVP Award goes to:

"Anyone who started and is still going"

Because seriously. This is the long haul. Will see you all for years and years to come.

Yup, have been lifting since June and won't stop!. It's so nice seeing progress and now I wish I took before pics. With that said I looked at older pics of me just this year before I started lifting and damn I was scrawny. Was also skinny fat and the only thing fitness thing I did was P90X. I've also had a massive boost in confidence since I started lifting.

all-time or 2013?

I'd vote for everyone I remember, since those are the fitgaffers that have somehow left an impression on me.

I second this, do it.

I used to lift with gloves and I can tell you your grip will also suck with them. It will feel slippery/smooth with gloves too.

if you absolutely want to use gloves, then only dumbbell and with easier, simple stuff.

for main compounds, do not use them,

Speaking of liquid chalk what's a good cheap one I can pick up off Amazon?.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Did front squarts followed by RDLs felt good and got to 400+ for a few reps, far cry from 230kg for reps but the erectors felt good today even with a sore back after work. Trying some weighted chinups to improve these pathetic biceps.


Yesterday I did some single hand rows but instead of doing them putting my knee on the bench, I actually just put my hand on the bench and separate my legs quite a bit and having them bent and just keeping my back stretched and damn it felt like I was getting better results than by doing the typical pose. It was a bit stressing on the legs though.

Anyone else does it like that? Is it common?


Junior Member
Bought a year gym membership and I've started going to the gym about 3 times a week. Doing basically the Starting Strength workout except I'm doing 3 sets of 8-10 reps. I assume that's alright? It's going well so far, hope to keep everyone here updated!


Bought a year gym membership and I've started going to the gym about 3 times a week. Doing basically the Starting Strength workout except I'm doing 3 sets of 8-10 reps. I assume that's alright? It's going well so far, hope to keep everyone here updated!

Don't fuck with the program. Rip , the author of the program, knows what he's doing.

If you do want to modify it add some arm work and abs after the main workout. You can do 3 sets 8-10 for those accessory movements. Stuff like tricep extensions, curls, skull crushers, hanging leg raises.

But 5 is the sweet spot for this program.
Bought a year gym membership and I've started going to the gym about 3 times a week. Doing basically the Starting Strength workout except I'm doing 3 sets of 8-10 reps. I assume that's alright? It's going well so far, hope to keep everyone here updated!

Noooope. Rep range matters big-time. Your strength progress will stall far sooner with a higher rep range because the pace at which the program asks you to add weight is just that demanding. If you're doing higher rep ranges you aren't actually doing starting strength at all.


I need to go on a diet. I've basically been drinking every night for 2 weeks and haven't been cycling due to very cold temps and snow. I've also been eating like a monster. I'm 5'5', floating between 165-170lbs. I'd like to get back to around 150. I just get so bored with dieting and counting calories that once I get to the weight I want, I basically just stop and spend the next few months gaining it back.

So what I'm looking for is a good dietary plan that will help me drop weight but also still leave me with enough energy to ride my bike 30-50 miles per week.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I need to go on a diet. I've basically been drinking every night for 2 weeks and haven't been cycling due to very cold temps and snow. I've also been eating like a monster. I'm 5'5', floating between 165-170lbs. I'd like to get back to around 150. I just get so bored with dieting and counting calories that once I get to the weight I want, I basically just stop and spend the next few months gaining it back.

So what I'm looking for is a good dietary plan that will help me drop weight but also still leave me with enough energy to ride my bike 30-50 miles per week.

Have you ever tried and stuck with a keto diet? Keeps you from counting calories, and counting calories makes me tap out SO FAST. It's a mental thing.


Saw this on reddit.

Diet of the World Champion bodybuilder, Phil Heath

7 AM


8 egg whites

8 oz top sirloin steak

Lawry's Steak Rub seasoning

1 1/2 cups oatmeal

1 serving Vitakic

300 mg Co[Q.sub.10]

500 mg vitamin C

500 mg fish oil

TOTALS: 745 calories, 101g protein, 38 carbs, 21g fat


"Because it's first thing in the morning, which is a key time for gaining mass, I use two protein sources: eggs and steak. Eggs are absorbed fairly quickly and they're easy for the body to assimilate. Combining them with a slower-digesting protein source, such as sirloin, gives a timed-release effect."


"Phil gets a good serving of slow-digesting carbs with oatmeal. Research shows that when athletes eat slow carbs for breakfast they have more energy and burn more fat throughout the day and during workouts. This helps build mass, while keeping bodyfat low."

9 AM


12 oz sirloin steak

Lawry's Steak Rub seasoning

1 1/2 cups white rice

1,500 mg glucosamine

TOTALS: 939 calories, 104 g protein, 80 g carbs, 22 g fat


"Beef can't be beat in terms of its strength-supporting creatine content. Creatine plays a vital role in the regeneration of ATP [adenosine triphosphate, i.e., energy], which fuels muscle contraction, so we load up on natural sources before training."


"Phil takes glucosamine to help with joint recovery. A lot of bodybuilders think this is an 'old man's' supplement. But the truth is, when you train hard and intensely, your body needs all the help it can get to keep your joints running smoothly."

11:30 AM


12 oz ground turkey, 93% lean

1 tbsp grape seed oil

1 tsp chili powder

1 tsp onion powder

1 tsp basil

12 oz potato, baked

2 tbsp ketchup

TOTALS: 903 calories, 59 g protein, 82 g carbs, 38 g fat


"We change things up slightly, using protein sources like ground turkey instead of steak, and sometimes throw in one or two whole eggs. The additional calories and fat from the eggs can help trigger new growth. Plus, this type of occasional change keeps Phil sane while eating clean during the offseason."


"Getting your protein from a variety of sources--such as turkey, eggs, beef, chicken and dairy--is important because each type of protein has a different amino acid makeup, as well as different kinds of fats. These critical nutrients aid muscle growth."

12:40 PM


1-2 scoops naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series

1 serving naNOX9 Hardcore

1 scoop NQP-47

TOTALS: 275 calories, 33 g protein, 32 g carbs, 0 g fat


"I use all three, but I don't take the full dose of naNO Vapor. I'll use one or two scoops rather than the recommended three because I don't need the stimulants. I want to increase blood flow as much as possible before training, and the extra arginine really helps."


"Nitric oxide boosters are important before workouts, not just because the better pump makes you look bigger in the gym. That pump stretches the membranes of the muscles and that signals the muscles to grow bigger."

1 PM


2 scoops IntraVol (intraworkout)

TOTALS: 160 calories, 0 g protein, 40 g carbs, 0 g fat


"Branched-chain amino acids help give me energy to push out those last few reps, and they keep my muscles full."


"BCAAs grow muscle. A study we conducted with the Weider Research Group and presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that trained guys taking BCAAs during workouts added almost 10 pounds of muscle in eight weeks."

2 PM


Step Mill, three or four days per week, 30 minutes per session, moderate intensity


"When I first met Phil, he was doing cardio too often in the offseason, mostly out of boredom. If you're doing too much offseason, you're not going to grow. Now we do cardio three or four times a week, immediately after weights, and because it's short, it doesn't hinder his gains in anyway."


"The StepMill is a good choice for cardio due to its resistance component. Each step is essentially one rep of a one-leg squat. This means it can actually help to add muscle to the legs and glutes while burning off bodyfat."

2:30 PM


1 serving Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series

1 serving Nitro Isolate 65 Pro Series

500 mg vitamin C

500 mg fish oil

TOTALS: 620 calories, 65 g protein, 86 g carbs, 1 g fat


"I split these up--drinking the protein shake first, and then the creatine 15-20 minutes later. Splitting it up doesn't disturb digestion or my appetite, so I'm able to eat my next whole meal when I'm supposed to. If I drink them together, the last thing I want to do is eat the next meal."


"The postworkout meal is the most critical meal of the day. This is the one time of day when the muscles are like sponges. Creatine, sugars and amino acids are literally sucked up by the muscles, so get these nutrients into your body within 30 minutes after workouts."

3:30 PM


12 oz chicken, boneless, skinless

2 tbsp honey barbecue sauce

12 oz yam, baked

1 tsp cinnamon

1 serving Vitakic

TOTALS: 990 calories, 111 g protein, 102 g carbs, 12 g fat


"We don't limit seasonings and condiments, such as teriyaki and barbecue sauces, offseason--they help get the food down, which means more calories for growth."


"As important as the postworkout meal is, this one is also critical for maximizing muscle growth. It's important to eat this whole-food meal about an hour after your postworkout shake to keep muscle protein synthesis elevated longer. It means you are building up muscle for a longer time, which leads to more muscle growth."



10 0z teriyaki chicken

1 1/2 cups white rice

3 12-oz diet Cokes

1 Philadelphia roll

1 cream salmon roll (tempura fried)

2 large pieces tempura-fried shrimp

2 pieces hamachi yellowtail sushi

6 pieces hamachi yellowtail sushi

6 pieces sake salmon sushi

Mixed salad

Note: This is a restaurant meal.

TOTALS: 2,407 calories, 130 g protein, 288 g carbs, 78 g fat


"Don't try this at home! Cheat meals like this are only used when trying to push through plateaus. We'll do this every few days, usually before an intense training day, to help spur new muscle growth."


"Remember, this is the offseason; it's time for growth, not fat loss. Fats from fried tempura and cream cheese will actually keep testosterone levels elevated, and that leads to more muscle growth."

8 PM


12 oz sirloin steak

1 tsp hit chili sauce

1 1/2 cups white rice

1,500 mg glucosamine

TOTALS: 942 calories, 104 g protein, 80 g carbs, 22 g fat


"This meal is one that I can easily find at most restaurants. I usually eat out more with my family in the offseason, and I'm not concerned if I end up taking in an extra ounce or two--I can get away with it right now."


"Most guys would be worried about the faster digestion of white rice, but it does have an anabolic effect due to the insulin boost. Insulin helps muscle grow. So in the offseason, Phil is more concerned with insulin's growing capabilities than its fat-storing capabilities."

10:30 PM


12 oz tilapia

1 tbsp grape seed oil

Lawry's Lemon Pepper seasoning

Broccoll, Unlimited*

500 mg vitamin C

500 mg fish oil

Nutrient values based on 2 cups

TOTALS: 617 calories, 95 g protein, 12 g carbs, 23 g fat


"This is a great alternative to beef--quick and easy to digest. It's a lighter protein source that won't cause bloat, so it's perfect before bedtime."


"No real need to calculate broccoli intake, especially in the 'growing' season. It provides so few carbs, with good fiber. Plus it contains a phytochemical that can help keep estrogen levels down, which can help to maximize testosterone levels."

1 AM

MEAL 8 (optional)

10 oz ground sirloin, 95% lean

Lawry's Steak Rub seasoning

Steamed mixed vegetables, unlimited*

Nutrient values based on 2 cups

TOTALS: 796 calories, 108 g protein, 41 g carbs, 22 g fat


"If Phil is up late or he's still hungry, we add in another meal. The extra calories and protein aren't going to hurt--they're going to keep him anabolic. If he's out at night and misses a meal, we'll add more to this meal to make up for the lost calories."


"Even though Phil is in mass-gain mode, he still curbs carbs later at night. That's because insulin sensitivity is a bit lower at night, which means if you eat a high-carb meal at night, you may need more insulin released than earlier in the day. That could lead to more fat storage."




CARBS * 881

FAT * 239

in grams


"These are some big numbers on all accounts. But remember, Phil is 270 pounds of pure muscle. It takes a lot of protein and carbs (over 3 g per pound for each), as well as calories (35 per pound) not only to maintain this kind of freaky mass but also to continue making gains in lean muscle mass."

"I drink about a gallon of water a day in the offseason. When you're eating a lot of carbs, you don't need to pound gallons and gallons of water."

"My offseason diet is more structured than in years past. Before, I would switch items in my meals at random; now, I only stick to the plan. Even if the change is simple, it can make a drastic difference in my physique."

"My highest offseason weight was 276 pounds. That was in 2008, and I wasn't as lean-looking as I am now at just six pounds lighter. Eating starchy carbs like potatoes instead of brown rice has helped me grow while staying lean, and I don't feel as bloated."

Estimation on the amount of gear he takes:

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th week:


SUSTANON (or OMNADREN) 250 mg - every other day

TESTOSTERON UNDECANOATE - 1000 mg (4ml shot, 250 mg/ml injections) - every Sunday

TRENBOLONE ACETATE 400 mg per week

DECA-DURABOLIN (Nandrolone Decanoate) 900 mg per week

OXANDROLONE (tablets) 60 mg/day (20 mg every 8 hours)

TURINABOL (tablets) 60 mg/day (20 mg every 8 hours)


2 mg ARIMIDEX (Anastrozole) per day

50 mg CLOMID (Clomiphene Citrate) - every day 25 mg in the morning + 25 mg 12 hours later


Growth Hormone - 4 IU's ON EMPTY STOMACH and as many times a day as possible (up to 12 IU's a day)

Insulin - HUMALOG, 20 units 1 hour before every training, as scheduled


T3 (Triiodothyronine) - 25 mcg per day (12.5 mcg morning + 12.5 mcg 12 hours later in the evening), first 2 weeks, than 37.5 mcg per day (25 mcg morning + 12.5 mcg 12 hours later in the evening) week #3 + week #4 T4 (Thyroxine)- 50 mcg per day (25 mcg in the morning + 25 mcg 12 hours later) first 2 weeks, than 100 mcg per day (50 mcg in the morning + 50 mcg 12 hours later) week #3 + week #4

XYREM - every night before sleep - 4.5 grams

5th, 6th, 7th, 8th week:


TESTOSTERONE Propionate 100 mg - every day

TESTOSTERON ENANTHATE 200 mg - every other day

TRENBOLONE Acetate 400 mg per week, week #5 + week #6

PRIMOBOLAN (Methelnolone) 600 mg per week, week #7 + week #8

EQUIPOSE (Boldenone) 600 mg per week

WINSTROL (Stanozolol) (tablets) 60 mg every day (20 mg every 8 hours)

OXYMETHOLONE (tablets) 150 mg per day (50 mg every 8 hours)


2-3 mg ARIMIDEX (Anastrozole) per day (1 mg in the morning, 1mg 12 hours later)


Growth Hormone - 3-4 IU's ON EMPTY STOMACH and as many times a day as possible (12 to 16 units per day)

Insulin - HUMALOG, 15-20 units 1 hour before every training, as scheduled (depending on condition)


T3 (Triiodothyronine) - 50 mcg per day (25 mcg morning + 25 mcg 12 hours later in the evening), first 2 weeks, than 75 mcg per day (37.5 mcg morning + 37.5 mcg 12 hours later in the evening) week #3 + week #4 T4 (Thyroxine)- 150 mcg per day (75 mcg in the morning + 75 mcg 12 hours later) first 2 weeks, than 200 mcg per day (100 mcg in the morning + 100 mcg 12 hours later) week #3 + week #4

XYREM - every night before sleeping 4.5 grams

9th, 10th, 11th, 12th week



MASTERON (Drostanolon Propionate) 600 mg per week

OXANDROLONE (tablets) 60 mg every day (20 mg every 8 hours)

PRIMOBOLAN (Methelnolone) 600 mg per week, week #9 + week #10

HALOTESTIN (Fluoxymesterone) (tablets) 30 mg/day (10 mg every 8 hours)

PROVIRON (Mesterolone)(tablets) 150 mg/day (50 mg every 8 hours)

WINSTROL (Stanozolol) (injections) 50mg every day on week #9, 100mg every day on week #10, 150 mg every day on week #11...


3 mg ARIMIDEX (Anastrozole) per day (1 mg in the morning, 1mg 12 hours later)


Growth Hormone - 3-4 IU's ON EMPTY STOMACH and as many times a day as possible (12 to 16 units per day)

Insulin - HUMALOG, 10 - 20 units 1 hour before every training, DEPENDING ON CONDITION



XYREM - every night before sleeping 4.5 grams

(Source: Blackstone lab discussions)


Holy shit snacks.


Have you ever tried and stuck with a keto diet? Keeps you from counting calories, and counting calories makes me tap out SO FAST. It's a mental thing.

It seems like just as much work and mentally fatiguing as just counting calories. Actually, it seems like more work and much more complicated to do basically the same job as "Stop eating so many carbs, eat veggies once in a while fatty".


ate under 2000(1600 - 1700) calories 3 of the last 4 days for a total loss of around 6 pounds.(I was 253.8 on Saturday and I was 247.6lb yesterday) Did not eat that low purposely though. I busted my ass trying to fill my 2016 calorie quota, but since Ive been doing exams this week I've literally been living in my College's library going on 2 days now after tonight, just straight studying, doing an exam, and going back to the library to either sleep or study some more and with the only clean food I can really eat being at home I've been stuck munching on almonds and drinking my lone protein shake. I went to the gym yesterday morning and actually made PR's on all my lifts so hopefully that means I'm not losing any muscle from this(yet). As soon as I finally get settled back home tomorrow I'm gonna be wolfing down some grub. I'll probably end up eating like 2400 calories in chicken and egg whites.

Also anyone have any ideas for foods that are low in fat and carbs? I'm pretty much just stuck on fish, chicken breasts, and egg whites. I didn't realize vegetables like broccoli have a lot of carbs as well :/
Yes. Save mixed grip, hook grip, straps and chalk for when you absolutely need them, i.e. when your grip is stopping you from completing reps. For example, unless you're practising another grip, warm-ups should be done double overhand (if possible), even if your work sets won't.

I see no reason to leave chalk out.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I see no reason to leave chalk out.
I try not to use chalk until over hand and mixed grip fails. I guess it really doesn't matter. I don't feel chalk is necessary for me until I get a little over 400. At that point the chalk and the belt make an appearance.


Any of you guys do yoga on your off days? I tried regular and hot yoga once, and am thinking of making yoga part of my regular routine on off days.

I promise this is only 35 percent because of the chicks.


Any of you guys do yoga on your off days? I tried regular and hot yoga once, and am thinking of making yoga part of my regular routine on off days.

I promise this is only 35 percent because of the chicks.

Yoga is no joke though, who would think you would sweat so hard simply from stretching. I may give it a try some time as I'm actually going to make it a point to increase my mobility substantially this coming year.
Hey guys, I've posted in the fit thread before but I need some help.

I'm a former D1 track and field athlete. This summer, the summer going in to my senior year, I needed to get microfracture surgery on my knee and won't be able to run this year. I'm finally back to being able to do explosive lifts, and I need help with a program. I've been lifting for a couple years, but always just followed whatever program our trainers had us on, which they had to work around practices and competition and stuff.

Since my squat and clean gains are probably completely destroyed, I figured I'd get back in to things with starting strength? How will I know when to move on to a different program? What program should I move on to?

Thanks for whatever help you can give me


I just watched this video of a chick in part because the title said she's a fitness coach. It was basically a music video of this chick showcasing her amazing body, just really scantily clad montage of her doing some exercises(I guess?).

The video got me feeling some type of way

The girls name is Brittany Renner, and the video is nsfw
Hey guys, I've posted in the fit thread before but I need some help.

I'm a former D1 track and field athlete. This summer, the summer going in to my senior year, I needed to get microfracture surgery on my knee and won't be able to run this year. I'm finally back to being able to do explosive lifts, and I need help with a program. I've been lifting for a couple years, but always just followed whatever program our trainers had us on, which they had to work around practices and competition and stuff.

Since my squat and clean gains are probably completely destroyed, I figured I'd get back in to things with starting strength? How will I know when to move on to a different program? What program should I move on to?

Thanks for whatever help you can give me

The official starting strength rule for when to move on is, when you can no longer keep up with the prescribed pace of weight increases.


Yoga is no joke though, who would think you would sweat so hard simply from stretching. I may give it a try some time as I'm actually going to make it a point to increase my mobility substantially this coming year.

Yea, the classes I went to made me as tired as any of my regular gym workouts do. I'm not so sure with the hot yoga though. I felt like I was on the brink of passing out for roughly half of the class, and I am still not sure of the benefits of it vs regular.


Deadlift, hitting PR's (255)
Squat, now stalls.. (225)
Bench, no movement since the forever (190)

No clue how to get the bench going..
I'm doing dips, chins, pull ups. I'm pushing a sled every second workout..

Guess I have to do more incline stuff and reset?


Yea, the classes I went to made me as tired as any of my regular gym workouts do. I'm not so sure with the hot yoga though. I felt like I was on the brink of passing out for roughly half of the class, and I am still not sure of the benefits of it vs regular.
I don't subscribe to hot yoga. That's just asking for dehydration and heat stroke. Regular yoga works just as well.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I see no reason to leave chalk out.
Fair enough. I don't chalk up until I'm near my work sets (for barbell work) but I don't think it makes a major difference either way; you're unlikely to prematurely fatigue your grip by not using chalk for your lighter warmups but it's probably not going to impede your grip strength development if you do. Personally I think I use it more like a psychological thing: when the weight starts to get heavier, the chalk (and belt) come out, making it feel lighter than it would in comparison to the previous unaided reps.
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