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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Hey FitGAF,

What do you guys think of the P90x workout? I'm not really looking to gain muscle from this but lose quite a bit of fat.I started training a year and a bit back and think I'm sitting at around 20-25% body fat.


How effective is a low carb diet? I don't really get any time with exercising, and I'm about to take a new job that's a desk job. It's a bit of a contrast against my previous job, running around like a headless chicken and carrying tonnes of stock as a retail manager, and I'm getting out of shape.

If not then are there any good routines I could do at home? I don't really fancy running, and I've got limited space.


How many warm up sets are recommended prior to the 3 main DL sets? And what kind of weight? 50% of main sets?

What program are you following that requires 3 sets of DLs?

I generally do 3 warm up sets: 1(or 2)x5 @40%, 1x3 @60%, and 1x2 @85%. I'm using this SS warm up set calculator because I'm following SS. I think it would work in general for those lifts.
Instructions for that link: Follow the link. --> Select the "File" button in the left hand corner. --> From the drop-down menu select "Copy spreadsheet." --> Click "OK" on the Dialog Box. --> You can edit your own copy now and adjust the working set values.
How effective is a low carb diet? I don't really get any time with exercising, and I'm about to take a new job that's a desk job. It's a bit of a contrast against my previous job, running around like a headless chicken and carrying tonnes of stock as a retail manager, and I'm getting out of shape.

If not then are there any good routines I could do at home? I don't really fancy running, and I've got limited space.

Pretty effective from my personal experience thus far.

I'm currently on a high protein, low carb, low fat (+20% on training days) diet atm, and the effects are pretty noticeble. Although, I'm also fasting regularly everyday + lowered calorie deficit for the time being.

It's probably most effective when you're actively working out too, although you'll probably gain some decent results with the physical mobility at your workplace while on it.

Just my 2 cents

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How effective is a low carb diet? I don't really get any time with exercising, and I'm about to take a new job that's a desk job. It's a bit of a contrast against my previous job, running around like a headless chicken and carrying tonnes of stock as a retail manager, and I'm getting out of shape.

If not then are there any good routines I could do at home? I don't really fancy running, and I've got limited space.

If you are virtually inactive, keto diet will take you a LONG way. So go no carb!
I slept for 11 hours today. Seriously, I fell asleep at 9 pm and woke up at 8 am. Longest I have slept in years. Body still feels beat up lol.

I worked shoulders for the first time in months and it is a bit frustrating to see where I am at but it is expected. Doing 3x10 of db seated press @ 60 lbs just made me smh. Tried some OHP as well and managed 10 reps @ 165 lbs but really should be doing more based off of where I was at in the summer. Whatever, I will get back there eventually. Just going along.

It is funny though to see how much my diet changes on days I am off compared to days where I work. On my work days, there is a schedule of waking up, eating breakfast, going to the gym, eating more, etc. On my off days, I don't get enough to eat, I lounge around, etc. One thing I still need to fix after all these years.
How many warm up sets are recommended prior to the 3 main DL sets? And what kind of weight? 50% of main sets?

Feel it out, the point is to warm up your joints and cns more than check a box. I personally just start with 135x5 and go up 30 lbs and start dropping reps as i go up.


Homeland Security Fail
Is the GOMAD method only recommended if you are going to lift weights alongside it? I have been skinny my whole life. At the moment, I'm a college student, so I don't have much in the way of money. I have finally decided that I will hit the gym and get in shape. I have gone in the past, but usually after a few weeks I give up or stop going. Usually since I went with friends. This time, I'm going alone to make sure I stay focus and not rely on someone. But I also know jack squat when it comes to the gym environment. Any tips for a new comer? In terms of routines (how many days I should go, etc) and as well on how to stay focus. I think that will also be a problem early on (always has been).

I'm 26 (27 in a few short weeks), weight 126 at the moment. I want to gain weight and ideally, get toned. My buddy was telling me to forego the GOMAD method and buy protein shakes. Good idea?

Thanks guys.
Is the GOMAD method only recommended if you are going to lift weights alongside it? I have been skinny my whole life. At the moment, I'm a college student, so I don't have much in the way of money. I have finally decided that I will hit the gym and get in shape. I have gone in the past, but usually after a few weeks I give up or stop going. Usually since I went with friends. This time, I'm going alone to make sure I stay focus and not rely on someone. But I also know jack squat when it comes to the gym environment. Any tips for a new comer? In terms of routines (how many days I should go, etc) and as well on how to stay focus. I think that will also be a problem early on (always has been).

I'm 26 (27 in a few short weeks), weight 126 at the moment. I want to gain weight and ideally, get toned. My buddy was telling me to forego the GOMAD method and buy protein shakes. Good idea?

Thanks guys.

Do Starting Strength. It will give you a great foundation.

GOMAD is good to guarantee you are getting enough calories. It is not so much the protein but the amount of food you should eat.


I wouldn't do GOMAD. Let's just say that Rippetoe isn't very interested in aesthetics. All he cares about is that you are always lifting more weight. If that's also your only concern, then go for it.
Is the GOMAD method only recommended if you are going to lift weights alongside it? I have been skinny my whole life. At the moment, I'm a college student, so I don't have much in the way of money. I have finally decided that I will hit the gym and get in shape. I have gone in the past, but usually after a few weeks I give up or stop going. Usually since I went with friends. This time, I'm going alone to make sure I stay focus and not rely on someone. But I also know jack squat when it comes to the gym environment. Any tips for a new comer? In terms of routines (how many days I should go, etc) and as well on how to stay focus. I think that will also be a problem early on (always has been).

I'm 26 (27 in a few short weeks), weight 126 at the moment. I want to gain weight and ideally, get toned. My buddy was telling me to forego the GOMAD method and buy protein shakes. Good idea?

Thanks guys.
You dont need gomad at that weight, it will just make u skinny fat. At that weight you can easily gain plenty of weight just by diet, you honestly wouldnt even need shakes for a while. Change your diet and start a program from the op, you will be able to gain weight with just that and 3 solid meals a day with some healthy snacks like nuts and such in between

Gomad is cheap so its good in that respect butyou can get 6 pounds of chicken breast for around $13 at walmart and that doesnt come with extremely high fat and sugar content, u wont look "toned" from gomad.


Any tips for a new comer? In terms of routines (how many days I should go, etc) and as well on how to stay focus. I think that will also be a problem early on (always has been).

The others covered the diet stuff so I'll take a stab at the other question. Pick one of the two routines in the OP (I'm on my 33rd session for the 2nd routine) and learn proper form. I have an Evernote note compiling the YouTube videos I watched and found useful so maybe you will find it helpful. Down near the bottom of the note are videos on how to do the lifts and some tips on how to do the lifts more efficiently. Read the Starting Strength book if watching YouTube videos isn't your thing, I find doing both is helpful (especially when I was learning deadlifts).

It will be different for everyone but I stayed focus so far because I find lifting pretty fun and I have a bit more time during my senior year of college so why not go to the gym. Posting in FitnessGAF has been one of the best ways for me to stick with fitness, so much love, support, and inspiration here. Additionally, I watch fitness videos on YouTube; it's hard to explain but because I invested a lot of time into fitness related media, I have to make the most of it.


the piano man
Hey FitGAF,

What do you guys think of the P90x workout? I'm not really looking to gain muscle from this but lose quite a bit of fat.I started training a year and a bit back and think I'm sitting at around 20-25% body fat.

since someone is asking about p90x, I am going to say what I think.....

last year when I decided I wanted to do something with sport and fitness, I started to lurk both the fitness thread and the Beachbody Workout threads. Even though what I was doing at the time was more in line with what the other thread is all about, I decided to stick to this one.

The first thing about the OP in that thread that didn't click with me was the whole "USE YOUR DVD!" thing... and then after that, you get links to buy expensive programs with equipment and what not....sorry but no... I have plenty of proof in my archives that shows I got rid of flab and got a flat stomach and a "in shape" body in 3 months between May and August 2012 and quite frankly, all I needed was a park near me and the will to go out, do some serious cardio, couple that with some very damn simple moves like push-ups, crunches and situps and be honest and consistent with it.

if you want to get rid of flab, belly, or get "in shape", just eat accordingly and complement that by doing an intense cardio activity like running, sprinting, bicycle, hiking, swimming, inline skating, etc. think about what makes you happy and go for it. Make sure you end up completely covered in sweat.

you don't need any DVDs, yoga mats, bosu balls or any expensive shit.



Homeland Security Fail
The others covered the diet stuff so I'll take a stab at the other question. Pick one of the two routines in the OP (I'm on my 33rd session for the 2nd routine) and learn proper form. I have an Evernote note compiling the YouTube videos I watched and found useful so maybe you will find it helpful. Down near the bottom of the note are videos on how to do the lifts and some tips on how to do the lifts more efficiently. Read the Starting Strength book if watching YouTube videos isn't your thing, I find doing both is helpful (especially when I was learning deadlifts).

It will be different for everyone but I stayed focus so far because I find lifting pretty fun and I have a bit more time during my senior year of college so why not go to the gym. Posting in FitnessGAF has been one of the best ways for me to stick with fitness, so much love, support, and inspiration here. Additionally, I watch fitness videos on YouTube; it's hard to explain but because I invested a lot of time into fitness related media, I have to make the most of it.

Thank you for the links. Good stuff in there. Very useful. I will definitely be posting in this thread more.


Need some dieting advice

quick stats:

weight: 253.8lb
height: 6'0
goal weight: 190lb
BF: 35 ~ 38%

Been trying to get my fat ass to lean out and it seems that my body wants to do anything but. I've been reading up on these calorie calculators and they tell me that my extreme fat loss level is 2016 calories. I said ok, and adjusted and counted my calories accordingly so I only ate that amount. Problem is, that after a week of doing this I've yet to lose any weight. Knowing the way my body works and with the lowest male metabolism known to man, this probably isn't a fluke. Is it safe to go under the 2000 calorie mark and only lose fat? Asking this because when I first started to want to count calories I began using myfitnessapp, which recommended that I only eat 1700 calories per day, 300 lower than the extreme fat loss limit of the calorie counter I used, I decided against the myfitnessapp calorie goal simply because I was afraid if I followed it I would start losing muscle as well as fat because of what the calculators said. Now I'm in the position where I don't know anymore, since following the calorie calculators advice has not worked for me so far.


Need some dieting advice

quick stats:

weight: 253.8lb
height: 6'0
goal weight: 190lb
BF: 35 ~ 38%

Been trying to get my fat ass to lean out and it seems that my body wants to do anything but. I've been reading up on these calorie calculators and they tell me that my extreme fat loss level is 2016 calories. I said ok, and adjusted and counted my calories accordingly so I only ate that amount. Problem is, that after a week of doing this I've yet to lose any weight. Knowing the way my body works and with the lowest male metabolism known to man, this probably isn't a fluke. Is it safe to go under the 2000 calorie mark and only lose fat? Asking this because when I first started to want to count calories I began using myfitnessapp, which recommended that I only eat 1700 calories per day, 300 lower than the extreme fat loss limit of the calorie counter I used, I decided against the myfitnessapp calorie goal simply because I was afraid if I followed it I would start losing muscle as well as fat because of what the calculators said. Now I'm in the position where I don't know anymore, since following the calorie calculators advice has not worked for me so far.

You're wise to not go off the calories that mfp recommends. What's training regiment look like? Either way I'd stick with it for a while, but had it been me, I'd have slowly brough my calories down, but in the end it's a matter of calories in-calires out.


You're wise to not go off the calories that mfp recommends. What's training regiment look like? Either way I'd stick with it for a while, but had it been me, I'd have slowly brough my calories down, but in the end it's a matter of calories in-calires out.


Squat - 5x5
Rows - 5x5 + dropsets
Bench - 5x5 + dropsets

accessory work

champaigns - 3 x 20
superset with:
dips - 3 x10

T-curls - 3 x 12
elliptical - 5 - 10 min


Squat - 5x5
Military Press - 5x5 + dropsets
Deadlift - 5x5 + burnout set

accessory work

Barbell curls: 3 x 12
treadmill - highest incline, low velocity, 20min


Squat - 5x5
Rows - 5x5 + dropsets
Benchpress - 5x5 + dropsets

accessory work

champaigns - 3 x 20
superset with:
dips - 3 x10

T-curls - 3 x 12
elliptical - 5 - 10 min


Give it more time. Weigh yourself in the morning on an empty stomach so you're consistent.

yup, this is what I currently do. I've somehow stayed at the exact same weight for a week though :/

Thinking of doing a hybrid macro diet of keto monday - tuesday, IT 24hr fast wednesday, low carb, low fat, high protein thursday - friday, and high carb, low fat, med protein over the weekend.

Any advice you can give on raising metabolism? I think this might be my main issue, as I've always had chronically low metabolism for most of my life


I just want to say, if you see someone with bad form ,its good to tell them.

Trainer at the gym who had an amazing body and she was squatting like 3 plates. She showed me proper form. My back was rounded, hips were always stuck together, handle on my damn neck (ow). She put me back on track big time. Couldve snap my back up, and Ive been doing this for about a month or two!

Anyway, she saved my ass, lol.
Squatted 45 yay.


There's still nothing quite like the pump you get after doing sets of brocep curls. The feeling of your arms just about ready to pop is only superseded by the afterglow of a good deadlift set imo.
yup, this is what I currently do. I've somehow stayed at the exact same weight for a week though :/

Thinking of doing a hybrid macro diet of keto monday - tuesday, IT 24hr fast wednesday, low carb, low fat, high protein thursday - friday, and high carb, low fat, med protein over the weekend.

Any advice you can give on raising metabolism? I think this might be my main issue, as I've always had chronically low metabolism for most of my life

That all sounds needlessly complicated. just try to get 1-1.5g protein per pound of lean mass, from real food as much as possible, and for the rest eat whatever helps you adhere best. Obviously you wanna try and be healthy to get vitamins, fiber, and micronutrients etc. When you hit your daily calories you are done.

Weight training and some light cardio once or twice a week will boost your metabolism, very few people have actual metabolic problems. Just be patient and consistent and you will see results.


I just want to say, if you see someone with bad form ,its good to tell them.

I really wish it was that easy, I really do. Some people don't take criticism well and others won't listen to you unless you and your numbers are big. I think I'm qualified to help people with form due to the number of videos I watched (and knowing how to perform them properly for the most part), so I believe I know what good form looks like and how to correct bad form. Sadly I haven't hit 135 lbs on any of my lifts yet; others wouldn't want to listen to a weak Chinese boy lol.

And some people's ego are too big and are just wasting my time when I do help with form:
However....There was a muscular guy that was learning how to squat and he had 70lbs on each side and he was only quarter squatting with his knees caving in. I gave him tips, after he asked the previously mentioned guy to critique his form, but once I said he should learn with just the bar, he was: nope.avi no can do. A few reps later, the whole BB fell to one side :T

I hope I didn't interpret your post incorrectly because I spent a decent amount of time getting my thoughts straight for this post haha.
I really wish it was that easy, I really do. Some people don't take criticism well and others won't listen to you unless you and your numbers are big. I think I'm qualified to help people with form due to the number of videos I watched (and knowing how to perform them properly for the most part), so I believe I know what good form looks like and how to correct bad form. Sadly I haven't hit 135 lbs on any of my lifts yet; others wouldn't want to listen to a weak Chinese boy lol.

I totally follow this consensus, but I think it's just better to keep to oneself. I know it may sound unreasonable and perhaps unresponsible on the account that someone could injure themselves or not extract the maximum advantage out of the exercises, but many are not receptible to getting corrected in the gym.

it's like Mark Twain said, yo: "its easier to fool people than convince them that they have been fooled."

I regularly ask bystanders or gym buddies if they can evaluate/check my form. Better safe than sorry.


Ask others to check my form but rarely help others due to potential ego. Will help on some occasions tho, like a guy who was trying to pick dead dumbbells straight off the ground whilst lying down flat on the bench, stretching his arms and struggling to turn it into a dumbbell chest press......

Recently every other person I see bicep curling is terribly off. Sometimes cross fit level hilarity.


so, today was the day, I broke the 100kg/220lbs barrier on the Squat 5x3. I know is nothing compared to some strength achievements in the thread but I was looking forward to it so today is a good day.

my left knee was feeling bad the whole week but I said fuck it, warmed up the best I could and it was o.k for a first try. decent rom I think.

so gif time.


sorry for the heel going up :p, this was the first set and took some adjusment, It felt like the weight was pushing me forward. Will work on that,

Hey sphinx, nice job on the squats man! They looked pretty easy.

Your form looks pretty good, except that I feel that you are leaning forward too much on the way up, balancing the weight over the toes instead of the middle of your foot. Notice how at a certain point you even raise your heels, and you have to work so much harder to get the bar back into its vertical path. Just visualize yourself moving the barbell along a vertical path with everything balanced over the middle of your foot. That usually does the trick.

If you fix this, you'll be able to move much more weight very soon.


Hey sphinx, nice job on the squats man! They looked pretty easy.

Your form looks pretty good, except that I feel that you are leaning forward too much on the way up, balancing the weight over the toes instead of the middle of your foot. Notice how at a certain point you even raise your heels, and you have to work so much harder to get the bar back into its vertical path. Just visualize yourself moving the barbell along a vertical path with everything balanced over the middle of your foot. That usually does the trick.

If you fix this, you'll be able to move much more weight very soon.

It looks to me like part of that is using what look like sneakers without a flat bottom.

Get yourself some Chucks at least.
Cutting progress is going nice and steady.

Just weighed my myself after workout today and my weight has dropped from 85,1 kg (187 lbs)-> 84,3 kg (185,8 lbs).

First day on the upper/lower body split (Week: ABA) and god dayum my arms are burned out. Feels good man.

OHP 4x8 on 45 kg (100 lbs) felt good by the last set. Pushed me to my limits. I would've fainted if I atempted 4x8 52,5 kg (115 lbs) which I normally did on SS 3x5.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Weightloss progress is going nice and steady.

Just weighed my myself after workout today and my weight has dropped from 85,1 kg (187 lbs)-> 84,3 kg (185,8 lbs).

First day on the upper/lower body split (Week: ABA) and god dayum my arms are burned out. Feels good man.

OHP 4x8 on 45 kg (100 lbs) felt good by the last set. Pushed me to my limits. I would've fainted if I atempted 4x8 52,5 kg (115 lbs) which I normally did on SS 3x5.

Just remember...don't believe his lies (the scale)
Just remember...don't believe his lies (the scale)

not sure I follow the context, or that you're trying to convert me back into bulking dude

Well you got a point. The scale at the gym calculated my height to 170 cm (5.5'' - which I'm not - I'm 5.9'') and my BMI to be 29%.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I just mean not to put too much stock into a scale. Go by feeeeeling. However you feel is right on.


the piano man
Hey sphinx, nice job on the squats man! They looked pretty easy.

Your form looks pretty good, except that I feel that you are leaning forward too much on the way up, balancing the weight over the toes instead of the middle of your foot. Notice how at a certain point you even raise your heels, and you have to work so much harder to get the bar back into its vertical path. Just visualize yourself moving the barbell along a vertical path with everything balanced over the middle of your foot. That usually does the trick.

If you fix this, you'll be able to move much more weight very soon.

you are absolutely right, that happens sometimes when I am trying to break PRs on the squat, fortunately it's not something that happens consistently across all reps, all sets. Heel going up means the path wasn't vertical as a result of me not being able to control the weight and as such, those could be considered failed reps, reps 2 and specially 3 in this particualr set.

funny cause most of the time reps 2 and 3 in any given set are the best while the last reps are somewhat incomplete. In the gif, it seems to be exactly the opposite. I will work on that and record again on my next session.

all this is why I record me, to check range of motion and stuff like stability (or lack thereof),

It looks to me like part of that is using what look like sneakers without a flat bottom.

Get yourself some Chucks at least.

yep :p using sneakers, guilty as charged.

I haven't taken the time to go and check what exactly are the best shoes for strength training but christmas is around the corner and I'll go shopping and look for better gym wear in the next weeks.

thanks guys for taking your time to comment on the gif.


Need some dieting advice

quick stats:

weight: 253.8lb
height: 6'0
goal weight: 190lb
BF: 35 ~ 38%

Been trying to get my fat ass to lean out and it seems that my body wants to do anything but. I've been reading up on these calorie calculators and they tell me that my extreme fat loss level is 2016 calories. I said ok, and adjusted and counted my calories accordingly so I only ate that amount. Problem is, that after a week of doing this I've yet to lose any weight. Knowing the way my body works and with the lowest male metabolism known to man, this probably isn't a fluke. Is it safe to go under the 2000 calorie mark and only lose fat? Asking this because when I first started to want to count calories I began using myfitnessapp, which recommended that I only eat 1700 calories per day, 300 lower than the extreme fat loss limit of the calorie counter I used, I decided against the myfitnessapp calorie goal simply because I was afraid if I followed it I would start losing muscle as well as fat because of what the calculators said. Now I'm in the position where I don't know anymore, since following the calorie calculators advice has not worked for me so far.

Give it more time. I'm 6 ft and used to be 310 lbs. I did SS and ate 2,500 cals per day and lost 90. I'd say definitely don't go below 2k. If you need to go that low to lose weight at that weight, you likely have medical issues. You are probably getting noob gains offsetting fat loss.

Either way I'd wait 3 weeks total then reevaluate.


Can I throw in a mention to eat more vegetables to be less bloated?

Started eating 4 cups at lunch and usually 4 at dinner of dark green vegetables and I'm way less bloated.


the piano man
I was supposed to use the liquid chalk 2 days ago but it was only today that I found time to go and try it....

I decided to test the damn thing and try what has seemed impossible to me until now: go for pull-ups in pyramid form up to 7, total of 49 reps there and then break a PR on the Deadlift.


I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT, I have been SAVED, it's the single difference between failure and success. it dries instantly and when you hold handles or barbells, you are ONE with them. I am never ever having a back day without it again,

My calluses were also kept to a minimum. Without the liquid chalk, my hands would have turned into a sore and painful mess just by doing the pull-ups.

and there is NO MESS! not a single trace that I ever used anything! no white marks on the barbell. a single drop holds for 4 or 5 complete sets.

and it's cheap! I have to pay 7 euros to progress on deadlifting? fuck yeah, I pay that.

I can hardly wait til next time, I wonder how fast I'll progress there. It's my weakest MC so far precisely because of grip issues.

Everybody here should try this, it felt fantastic.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Finding some consistency lifted 3 times last week and twice in two days already this week.

Back up to 187.5lbs @ 9-10% bf dehydrated and bowels empty lol, I'd like to get back to 215 again.

This egg nog (480cal/500ml) and chocolate milk (340cal/500ml) is helping big time. Calories are between 4-5000 and it's still pretty slow to put on weight.

J. Bravo

I was supposed to use the liquid chalk 2 days ago but it was only today that I found time to go and try it....

I decided to test the damn thing and try what has seemed impossible to me until now: go for pull-ups in pyramid form up to 7, total of 49 reps there and then break a PR on the Deadlift.


I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT, I have been SAVED, it's the single difference between failure and success. it dries instantly and when you hold handles or barbells, you are ONE with them. I am never ever having a back day without it again,

My calluses were also kept to a minimum. Without the liquid chalk, my hands would have turned into a sore and painful mess just by doing the pull-ups.

and there is NO MESS! not a single trace that I ever used anything! no white marks on the barbell. a single drop holds for 4 or 5 complete sets.

and it's cheap! I have to pay 7 euros to progress on deadlifting? fuck yeah, I pay that.

I can hardly wait til next time, I wonder how fast I'll progress there. It's my weakest MC so far precisely because of grip issues.

Everybody here should try this, it felt fantastic.
my man! Chalk is so nice. I have been meaning to get some but I haven't failed a lift because of my grip yet. Seeing your post might push me over the edge haha.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Getting some weights for my farmer handles tomorrow. Still feeling beat up this week, but still managed 315x10 squat ( this is good for me) and 325x5 bench (taking it easy to recoup and push for 390+ bench next week).

Word of advice when training neck less is more and more will fuck you up. Bad.

Finding some consistency lifted 3 times last week and twice in two days already this week.

Back up to 187.5lbs @ 9-10% bf dehydrated and bowels empty lol, I'd like to get back to 215 again.

This egg nog (480cal/500ml) and chocolate milk (340cal/500ml) is helping big time. Calories are between 4-5000 and it's still pretty slow to put on weight.

Man, I feel bad for all the work you're doing that enables you to remain that lean. Are you planning to run your own company down the road so you're doing less labor?


I just had a random thought after reading sphinx's post:
I'm at DLing 120 lbs right now and I've been using hook grip for my working sets ever since 95 lbs. Will it be detrimental to my grip strength development if I continue doing this? Should I reserve hook grip until I'm DLing more than 200 lbs?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I just had a random thought after reading sphinx's post:
I'm at DLing 120 lbs right now and I've been using hook grip for my working sets ever since 95 lbs. Will it be detrimental to my grip strength development if I continue doing this? Should I reserve hook grip until I'm DLing more than 200 lbs?
Yes. Save mixed grip, hook grip, straps and chalk for when you absolutely need them, i.e. when your grip is stopping you from completing reps. For example, unless you're practising another grip, warm-ups should be done double overhand (if possible), even if your work sets won't.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Getting some weights for my farmer handles tomorrow. Still feeling beat up this week, but still managed 315x10 squat ( this is good for me) and 325x5 bench (taking it easy to recoup and push for 390+ bench next week).

Word of advice when training neck less is more and more will fuck you up. Bad.

Man, I feel bad for all the work you're doing that enables you to remain that lean. Are you planning to run your own company down the road so you're doing less labor?

It can be brutal sometimes, felt like -40c today, but the pay is good...I've been working labour since I was 17 so I'm pretty used to it by now. I will say weightlifting is not the same as working physical labour, at all, a different kind of strength and muscle adaptation is required. Gives me a unique conditioning that just lifting wouldn't accomplish so I like that aspect of my work.

I don't have my journeyman but I was thinking of doing a plumbing apprenticeship (9000hours) if I don't move to Halifax in the next year or two. I can put my current hours towards that and cut the apprenticeship down by a few thousand hours. If I do move I'd rather go to school so I never have to do labour work again! I'd love to do something involving nutrition and/or fitness that pays well.

Also DatBench! My shoulders have an impingement problem so no benching for me, ohp hurts too, yet seated db press doesn't affect it...I've been doing some stretches but gonna incorporate some external rotations and order some bands soon.
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