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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I try not to use chalk until over hand and mixed grip fails. I guess it really doesn't matter. I don't feel chalk is necessary for me until I get a little over 400. At that point the chalk and the belt make an appearance.

I like chalk (or substitute) doing anything. Bench, press, squatting, etc, makes you feel like you are really spreading the bar.


Homeland Security Fail
If I'm looking to gain weight (125 now), what should I look for in a protein powder? Or does it not really matter? I searched in the thread, but didn't really come across anything.

J. Bravo

If I'm looking to gain weight (125 now), what should I look for in a protein powder? Or does it not really matter? I searched in the thread, but didn't really come across anything.

try IDS SmartGainer. Ever since I started doing a serving of that plus 5mg of creatine every day, i've gained 5 or so pounds in the last couple weeks. still got a 6 pack too.

the smart gainer tastes really good too. I've got strawberry banana right now, but I'm gonna try vanilla cinnamon next. http://www.massnutrition.com/p-1631-smart-gainer-10lb.aspx is probably where i'll order it from.

so tonight i was not planning on playing ball. i tweaked my left hip flexor last night, and a blister on my foot opened up and was bugging me to no end, so i figured i'd just deadlift after work and gtfo. nope. played ball for 2 hours and then lifted lol. got 380 for 3, would have done 3 or 4 more but i was too fatigured/dehydrated. my left ring toe started crampin something fierce. next time i'll make sure to take my tampon out before deadlifting though.


If I'm looking to gain weight (125 now), what should I look for in a protein powder? Or does it not really matter? I searched in the thread, but didn't really come across anything.

I used muscle milk during my bulk up phase, it was pretty good. But overall, you just really need to up everything including calories, good fats, good carbs, and protein.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
ate under 2000(1600 - 1700) calories 3 of the last 4 days for a total loss of around 6 pounds.(I was 253.8 on Saturday and I was 247.6lb yesterday) Did not eat that low purposely though. I busted my ass trying to fill my 2016 calorie quota, but since Ive been doing exams this week I've literally been living in my College's library going on 2 days now after tonight, just straight studying, doing an exam, and going back to the library to either sleep or study some more and with the only clean food I can really eat being at home I've been stuck munching on almonds and drinking my lone protein shake. I went to the gym yesterday morning and actually made PR's on all my lifts so hopefully that means I'm not losing any muscle from this(yet). As soon as I finally get settled back home tomorrow I'm gonna be wolfing down some grub. I'll probably end up eating like 2400 calories in chicken and egg whites.

Also anyone have any ideas for foods that are low in fat and carbs? I'm pretty much just stuck on fish, chicken breasts, and egg whites. I didn't realize vegetables like broccoli have a lot of carbs as well :/

Why do you want to go both low fat and low carb? I've never heard of a scenario where that isn't a terribly bad idea, but I'll try to keep an open mind.


Why do you want to go both low fat and low carb? I've never heard of a scenario where that isn't a terribly bad idea, but I'll try to keep an open mind.

It's for a diet program Im experimenting with. I only do low carb, low fat two days a week. It's supposed to make me catabolic, so I burn a lot of fat.


I just watched this video of a chick in part because the title said she's a fitness coach. It was basically a music video of this chick showcasing her amazing body, just really scantily clad montage of her doing some exercises(I guess?).

The video got me feeling some type of way

The girls name is Brittany Renner, and the video is nsfw

woah. I came for the fitness advice, stayed for dat everything.


I just watched this video of a chick in part because the title said she's a fitness coach. It was basically a music video of this chick showcasing her amazing body, just really scantily clad montage of her doing some exercises(I guess?).

The video got me feeling some type of way

The girls name is Brittany Renner, and the video is nsfw

dem camera angles
woah. I came for the fitness advice, stayed for dat everything.


Went to the nutrionists. She was very nice, and pretty forward. Even told me I can feel free to not do what she says since I have a lot of expierence.

Her suggestion was to try downing my protein and upping my carbs. She said given my workout schedule, 180-200g of carbs a day is too low and an average of 200g of protein is too high. To shoot for 300g or so of carbs and 150g of protein.

I'm definitely willing to give it a try for a month.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Went to the nutrionists. She was very nice, and pretty forward. Even told me I can feel free to not do what she says since I have a lot of expierence.

Her suggestion was to dry downing my protein and upping my carbs. She said given my workout schedule, 180-200g of carbs a day is too low and an average of 200g of protein is too high. To shoot for 300g or so of carbs and 150g of protein.

I'm definitely willing to give it a try for a month.

No shit. Well hell, enjoy. :)
So I think I'm going to be hitting up the gym 6 times a week now and do some sort of Push/Pull/Legs routine. Really want to see where I can get with this.


No shit. Well hell, enjoy. :)

Since I've been on a steady incline of weight I'm keeping an open mind. It can't get worse, right? :p

She said all that excess protein (sometimes 220g a day) could be storing as fat and that I don't need much more than 140-160, which I tend to agree with.

We laid out a pretty solid eating schedule.

It will be nice to eat a couple cups of whole wheat pasta post workout ;)


Homeland Security Fail
try IDS SmartGainer. Ever since I started doing a serving of that plus 5mg of creatine every day, i've gained 5 or so pounds in the last couple weeks. still got a 6 pack too.

the smart gainer tastes really good too. I've got strawberry banana right now, but I'm gonna try vanilla cinnamon next. http://www.massnutrition.com/p-1631-smart-gainer-10lb.aspx is probably where i'll order it from.

so tonight i was not planning on playing ball. i tweaked my left hip flexor last night, and a blister on my foot opened up and was bugging me to no end, so i figured i'd just deadlift after work and gtfo. nope. played ball for 2 hours and then lifted lol. got 380 for 3, would have done 3 or 4 more but i was too fatigured/dehydrated. my left ring toe started crampin something fierce. next time i'll make sure to take my tampon out before deadlifting though.

I used muscle milk during my bulk up phase, it was pretty good. But overall, you just really need to up everything including calories, good fats, good carbs, and protein.

Thank you fellas for your advice.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Since I've been on a steady incline of weight I'm keeping an open mind. It can't get worse, right? :p

She said all that excess protein (sometimes 220g a day) could be storing as fat and that I don't need much more than 140-160, which I tend to agree with.

We laid out a pretty solid eating schedule.

It will be nice to eat a couple cups of whole wheat pasta post workout ;)
I'd rather have an excess of protein than carbs. I'm highly skeptical of any advice anyone gives when it concerns nutrition. Good luck though Sean.
Fatness |OT6| Obeying gravity, Beefaroni madness, and Cellulite Shaming

fix'd. Gravity is a law, you're just obeying the law!

6x280 DL today, I think lowering my hips a bit did help. Maybe I have short arms. How do you tell if you have short arms? I mean I'm no t-rex but I've never really given a lot of thought to my own biomechanics.

Related: for people who like 5/3/1 but want to cut I've found at least for me it's just best to warm up to the big weight, kill it for as many reps as you can (with good form of course), then do your BBB stuff and accessories for 3 sets instead of 5. My strength has more or less held and since I switched to this way about a month ago, I've been feeling less beat up and haven't had any problems with strains or injuries.

Her suggestion was to try downing my protein and upping my carbs. She said given my workout schedule, 180-200g of carbs a day is too low and an average of 200g of protein is too high. To shoot for 300g or so of carbs and 150g of protein.

I'd rather have an excess of protein than carbs. I'm highly skeptical of any advice anyone gives when it concerns nutrition. Good luck though Sean.

In a nutshell: "While the pathway exists for protein to be stored as fat, and folks will continue to claim that ‘excess protein just turns to fat’, it’s really just not going to happen under any sort of real-world situation." You're probably better off switching fat for carbs if anything, or even moving the carbs you are eating to be around workouts, but it depends on your goals. Still cutting?


Well I'm just starting to get back into lifting. After high school I basically stopped doing all physical activities and the only reason I didn't become huge is because of my metabolism. But I got a very attractive GF two years ago and she started doing crossfit so I felt inspired/challenged to do it as well so I can get in shape with her.

So I went from 7 years or so of limited physical activity to crossfit 12 months ago. Needless to say I hurled more times that month then I did my entire life. But I stuck it out for myself and for my girl. The box I was in was very good, always focusing and teaching proper form. I stopped going at the end of October because 1) it's extremely expensive ($170/mo) and 2) I felt I learned what I needed from them to start going at it on my own.

I signed up for 24 Hour Fitness as I wanted to focus more on lifting heavy shit for at least 12 months and just get bigger/stronger. Unfortunately the gym near my home was nothing but terrible experiences. They only had 4 bench racks and 2 squat racks. It was ridiculous. No space for deadlifts/power cleans. I had to wait for 20 minutes just to do some squats. So that really discouraged me and I didn't go back. I just want to go in, do my shit, and go home. I signed up for another gym that was opening December 1st, and so far they've been good.

I picked up Starting Strength and am basically following its workout regime for now:

Mon Weds Fri rotation
5x5 Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift
5x5 Squat, Push Press, Power Clean

Since I didn't workout for a whole month I lost a lot. I'm pretty much relearning everything and building up my lifts to get them back where they were before. In January of this year I clocked in at 143 pounds. I was able to reach all the way to 196 but because of failure in November I dropped down to 185.

So I'm trying to get back into it, but it's hard. I really want lifting and getting bigger/stronger to become a part of my lifestyle but I'm just so lazy. I dread going to the gym but when I'm there I feel great and come home feeling great. I don't know how big I even want to get, I just don't want to be skinny anymore. I'm 6'4" for reference.

I didn't expect this post to be so long...I guess I just needed to get everything on my chest. I wish I was like you guys, so strong and awesome, confident and shit. I'm always getting looks at the gym from bigger dudes - yeah I'm skinny and weaker then you, just fuck off. At least I know how to break parallel when I squat. I'm not there to compete with anyone but the fucking barbell that doesn't want to get off the floor.

You guys are an inspiration. Thanks for reading.

Pete Rock

I wish I was like you guys, so strong and awesome, confident and shit.
Eh, everyone's stuck in their own reality tunnel, so don't assume too much about other people other than what they've stated. Even then, it's filtered through your reality tunnel so don't take assumptions too seriously.

I remember 2 years ago when I started out, thinking "if only I could look like that guy", now I feel "that guy" looks at me and thinks the same thing. However, both statements only exist(ed) in my mind and I find it better to eliminate that kind of thinking altogether as it is completely useless and only serves a negative purpose by engaging your ego one way or another.

I'm always getting looks at the gym from bigger dudes - yeah I'm skinny and weaker then you, just fuck off.
Get in your zone, that's all that matters as far as productivity.

I'm not there to compete with anyone but the fucking barbell that doesn't want to get off the floor.
There ya go!

Scooped some of that Liquid Grip recommended a few pages back, good idea as I have not messed with chalk, but the guys who do use it at my gym end up somehow spraying it all over the platform and leaving it on all the bars without cleaning them, pretty awful really. I don't want to be that guy!

I always have more reps in me on DL but once the sweat builds up on my hands it is a sonofabitch to maintain, and I've been doing a lot of extra grip work for at least a year now. Wrists and forearms are a lot stronger and larger and I feel fine up to about 10 reps, then it starts to get slippery. Hopefully this is the solution I'm looking for, as I have never wanted to use straps and I don't want to (ab)use hook grip when I'm only at ~270lbs.

I would recommend anyone considering Yoga to jump in, it is so incredibly helpful. Nothing in my weekly class but busted old ladies and inflexible dudes, but again, I don't go there for eye candy I go there to learn and execute proper form. There are a lot of parallels to weight training in terms of the poses being nearly useless or almost counter-productive in regards to conditioning and progress if they are not executed properly, and a lot of the physical and mental cues readily crossover.

Anyone have experience with the Rumble Roller? I am going to scoop one as I feel it would be a lot more beneficial than the basic foam roller I have now which is nice on the IT band initially but the effectiveness has sort of stalled out now that I'm used to it.


Junior Member
Are seated shoulder presses better for your back than standing? I can't help but feel my back arches excessively when I lift 'heavier' weights for shoulder press (mind you, my heavy is probably very light compared to most here, lol).
was able to hit 310 on deadlifts today, can't wait till sunday when I go for 315 which was my end of the year goal. Unfortunately I was only able to do 5/5/2 on bench with 210.

Does anyone else feel like they do worse on bench press when they have a spotter? I feel like Batman in The Dark Knight Rises when he can't jump over the gap as long as he knows he has the rope to save him. It was only when he lost the rope and had the fear of death that he was able to accomplish the jump. Does this make sense to anyone else?

J. Bravo

Are seated shoulder presses better for your back than standing? I can't help but feel my back arches excessively when I lift 'heavier' weights for shoulder press (mind you, my heavy is probably very light compared to most here, lol).

I think seated shoulder presses put a lot more pressure on your lower back actually


the piano man
I'd like to share here what is perhaps my favorite "before/after" so far. it's 16 months apart, the left is August 2012 and right is December 2013 some days ago.


(damn is the quality through photobucket that bad? it looks very blurry on my screen..)

August 2012: I was trying to get rid of my belly (which looked like this in May 2012, three months back) so I went jogging, doing basic bodyweight stuff like pushups, crunches and situps, a bit of pullups as well, was doing 3 chinups and I remember thinking I had the most badass routine ever. No gym membership whatsoever, everything outdoors. I wasn't dieting at all, I always ate what I wanted, I just went jogging at 9.5 mph for 45 minutes almost every day so i burned way more than I was consuming, whatever it was.

December 2013: eating well, training better and more intensive, lots of free weight exercises with barbell, dumbbell, some cable (not much thought) having both strength and volume goals.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'd like to share here what is perhaps my favorite "before/after" so far. it's 16 months apart, the left is August 2012 and right is December 2013 some days ago.


(damn is the quality through photobucket that bad? it looks very blurry on my screen..)

August 2012: I was trying to get rid of my belly (which looked like this in May 2012, three months back) so I went jogging, doing basic bodyweight stuff like pushups, crunches and situps, a bit of pullups as well, was doing 3 chinups and I remember thinking I had the most badass routine ever. No gym membership whatsoever, everything outdoors. I wasn't dieting at all, I always ate what I wanted, I just went jogging at 9.5 mph for 45 minutes almost every day so i burned way more than I was consuming, whatever it was.

December 2013: eating well, training better and more intensive, lots of free weight exercises with barbell, dumbbell, some cable (not much thought) having both strength and volume goals.
I'm not convinced that is even the same person. I'll need more evidence and then I will reevaluate.


was able to hit 310 on deadlifts today, can't wait till sunday when I go for 315 which was my end of the year goal. Unfortunately I was only able to do 5/5/2 on bench with 210.

Does anyone else feel like they do worse on bench press when they have a spotter? I feel like Batman in The Dark Knight Rises when he can't jump over the gap as long as he knows he has the rope to save him. It was only when he lost the rope and had the fear of death that he was able to accomplish the jump. Does this make sense to anyone else?

I'll be going for 315 this Saturday. Let's do this together.

I'd like to share here what is perhaps my favorite "before/after" so far. it's 16 months apart, the left is August 2012 and right is December 2013 some days ago.


(damn is the quality through photobucket that bad? it looks very blurry on my screen..)

August 2012: I was trying to get rid of my belly (which looked like this in May 2012, three months back) so I went jogging, doing basic bodyweight stuff like pushups, crunches and situps, a bit of pullups as well, was doing 3 chinups and I remember thinking I had the most badass routine ever. No gym membership whatsoever, everything outdoors. I wasn't dieting at all, I always ate what I wanted, I just went jogging at 9.5 mph for 45 minutes almost every day so i burned way more than I was consuming, whatever it was.

December 2013: eating well, training better and more intensive, lots of free weight exercises with barbell, dumbbell, some cable (not much thought) having both strength and volume goals.

Fantastic. Keep it up!!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Good shit sphinx.

Sean that sounds reasonable, but watch th mirror close.

Went to do deadlifts today and a kid asked to workout with me ( maybe 18-19) years old. It out a damper on my outlin for th day, but it felt good to help him out.


Good shit sphinx.

Sean that sounds reasonable, but watch th mirror close.

Went to do deadlifts today and a kid asked to workout with me ( maybe 18-19) years old. It out a damper on my outlin for th day, but it felt good to help him out.

Yeah I'm supposed to report back January 16th. We'll see what happens.

Dinner tonight will be one piece of salmon with 2 cups whole wheat pasta and 4 cups broccoli.
I'd like to share here what is perhaps my favorite "before/after" so far. it's 16 months apart, the left is August 2012 and right is December 2013 some days ago.


(damn is the quality through photobucket that bad? it looks very blurry on my screen..)

August 2012: I was trying to get rid of my belly (which looked like this in May 2012, three months back) so I went jogging, doing basic bodyweight stuff like pushups, crunches and situps, a bit of pullups as well, was doing 3 chinups and I remember thinking I had the most badass routine ever. No gym membership whatsoever, everything outdoors. I wasn't dieting at all, I always ate what I wanted, I just went jogging at 9.5 mph for 45 minutes almost every day so i burned way more than I was consuming, whatever it was.

December 2013: eating well, training better and more intensive, lots of free weight exercises with barbell, dumbbell, some cable (not much thought) having both strength and volume goals.

not the same person ;-)

I'll be going for 315 this Saturday. Let's do this together.

Fantastic. Keep it up!!



the piano man
thanks for the nice comments. the comparison is just for shitz&giggles as is not even fair, I wasn't properly training mid 2012 and the after pic is directly post chest workout.

I just wanted to use the pic at my thinest and pair it with the one at my bulkiest.

I'm not convinced that is even the same person. I'll need more evidence and then I will reevaluate.

not the same person ;-)

lol, I showed this to my parents and siblings in our facebook group (we live all apart and see each other once or twice a year) and my brother and sister were like "WTF happened here? we don't recognize you there..."

I am not sure the comments are positive... I think I crossed the line...to the dark side a couple of months ago hahahah. I mean, between the before and the after is a middle point around february/März 2013 were I looked "in shape" without looking so skinny/scrawny and I think that point is what people (or society) consider nice aesthetics... I already got 2 friends telling me "you looked better before"... :/.. that I look too buff now (in their words, not that I think that's the case) .

it's sad as I like me, I guess I just have to cut the fat and see what happens but damn I need summer days to truly convince myself and get my ass moving around and burning calories.... it's gonna be a hard, difficult phase til April/May.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
6x280 DL today, I think lowering my hips a bit did help. Maybe I have short arms. How do you tell if you have short arms? I mean I'm no t-rex but I've never really given a lot of thought to my own biomechanics.

Here's a couple of articles from EliteFTS on the subject, obviously not the be all and end all but worth considering.




fix'd. Gravity is a law, you're just obeying the law!

6x280 DL today, I think lowering my hips a bit did help. Maybe I have short arms. How do you tell if you have short arms? I mean I'm no t-rex but I've never really given a lot of thought to my own biomechanics.

Measure your wingspan

If your wingspan is the same as your height I'd consider you to have short arms. But then again I have long as fuck arms, so I may not be the best to judge.

J. Bravo

like I said, I'm not the best to judge.

I'm 6'0 and my wingspan is 6'7. So anyone I see with a wing span equal to their height or lower I automatically consider having short arms relative to mine.

well most nba players have arms short compared to yours lol
lucky bastard


well most nba players have arms short compared to yours lol
lucky bastard

If only I realized that long arms gave you an inherent advantage playing ball at a young age. :( I would have actually tried to get good. Now it's just wasted length. Makes all my lifts other than deadlift harder than they should be.


I'd like to share here what is perhaps my favorite "before/after" so far. it's 16 months apart, the left is August 2012 and right is December 2013 some days ago.


(damn is the quality through photobucket that bad? it looks very blurry on my screen..)

August 2012: I was trying to get rid of my belly (which looked like this in May 2012, three months back) so I went jogging, doing basic bodyweight stuff like pushups, crunches and situps, a bit of pullups as well, was doing 3 chinups and I remember thinking I had the most badass routine ever. No gym membership whatsoever, everything outdoors. I wasn't dieting at all, I always ate what I wanted, I just went jogging at 9.5 mph for 45 minutes almost every day so i burned way more than I was consuming, whatever it was.

December 2013: eating well, training better and more intensive, lots of free weight exercises with barbell, dumbbell, some cable (not much thought) having both strength and volume goals.

That's quite the upgrade. Even dat beard.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Is slight lower back rounding on heavy deads okay? I don't feel any back pain, and didn't even know it was an issue, but had someone observe my form from the side and he said that while my upper back had zero rounding my lower back rounded ever so slightly.

Either way, today I did 245x5 on deads (with a somewhat injured back), which is not only a PR, but it puts me in the intermediate tier for my weight class! My PR in deads a few weeks ago was 255x1. I expect to hit 300x1 by year's end. ;)

Madcow's 5x5 is such an awesome program.

J. Bravo

If only I realized that long arms gave you an inherent advantage playing ball at a young age. :( I would have actually tried to get good. Now it's just wasted length. Makes all my lifts other than deadlift harder than they should be.
and here I am trying to get better at basketball with 6' wingspan at 6' tall lol.
Is slight lower back rounding on heavy deads okay? I don't feel any back pain, and didn't even know it was an issue, but had someone observe my form from the side and he said that while my upper back had zero rounding my lower back rounded ever so slightly.

Either way, today I did 245x5 on deads (with a somewhat injured back), which is not only a PR, but it puts me in the intermediate tier for my weight class! My PR in deads a few weeks ago was 255x1. I expect to hit 300x1 by year's end. ;)

Madcow's 5x5 is such an awesome program.
should be the opposite. Upper back is allowed to round, lower back should not.


Is slight lower back rounding on heavy deads okay? I don't feel any back pain, and didn't even know it was an issue, but had someone observe my form from the side and he said that while my upper back had zero rounding my lower back rounded ever so slightly.

Either way, today I did 245x5 on deads (with a somewhat injured back), which is not only a PR, but it puts me in the intermediate tier for my weight class! My PR in deads a few weeks ago was 255x1. I expect to hit 300x1 by year's end. ;)

Madcow's 5x5 is such an awesome program.

lower back should not be rounded. Keep working on the form and if it's too tough drop the weight. Ego means nothing to a broken/injured back, especially when you already have an injured back.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
lower back should not be rounded. Keep working on the form and if it's too tough drop the weight. Ego means nothing to a broken/injured back, especially when you already have an injured back.

Agreed. Although I think I'm gonna take a video next time. I think my lower back naturally protrudes out a bit more than most people's. It's always been that way. Like, when I sit down, it'll sorta stick out. Ever since I was a kid. I dunno.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Solid day on OHP. 185x6 and 200x4.

People are starting to come over and poke my arms now saying stuff like, damn dude, what's your secret? Four more weeks of this bulk to go. I think I've got another 2lbs of muscle and 10 in fat left in me to gain!


Solid day on OHP. 185x6 and 200x4.

People are starting to come over and poke my arms now saying stuff like, damn dude, what's your secret? Four more weeks of this bulk to go. I think I've got another 2lbs of muscle and 10 in fat left in me to gain!

OHP as in standing military press? If so.....


Measure your wingspan

If your wingspan is the same as your height I'd consider you to have short arms. But then again I have long as fuck arms, so I may not be the best to judge.

Heh it's pretty much 1:1, 70" tall and ~70" wingspan so I guess I'm average.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Solid day on OHP. 185x6 and 200x4.

People are starting to come over and poke my arms now saying stuff like, damn dude, what's your secret? Four more weeks of this bulk to go. I think I've got another 2lbs of muscle and 10 in fat left in me to gain!

You can lift over your head more than what you weigh. That's insane.

I think I'll set that as my end goal to this whole weight lifting thing.
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