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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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See the beginner's programme in the OP, is it good for ectomorph people such as myself?

Oh, sure, you can totally also throw in 2-3 HIIT sessions onto your rest days or after your workout (no more than 15 minutes though, you don't want to stress those muscles of yours) as well to further increase your metabolism and encourage fat loss in lieu for muscle growth.


Oh, sure, you can totally also throw in 2-3 HIIT sessions onto your rest days or after your workout (no more than 15 minutes though, you don't want to stress those muscles of yours) as well to further increase your metabolism and encourage fat loss in lieu for muscle growth.
Hang on, what are you saying? I'm very interested to know what you mean.
Killed it in the gym. Straps have made a huge difference in my trap workout. My arms have been getting neglect but if I keep this up, my back and traps will be where I want them to be.
Oh, sure, you can totally also throw in 2-3 HIIT sessions onto your rest days or after your workout (no more than 15 minutes though, you don't want to stress those muscles of yours) as well to further increase your metabolism and encourage fat loss in lieu for muscle growth.

Hang on, what are you saying? I'm very interested to know what you mean.

Here's my translation:

1) He's saying the routine in the OP is just fine for you
2) He's suggesting, if you're interested in doing cardio, you can try high-intensity interval training (HIIT). He's right in saying that no more than 15 minutes; in fact, 10-15 minutes is the max you should ever be capable of if you're honestly doing a high-intensity routine. If you can do HIIT for more than 15 minutes, you're probably not pushing yourself to a high enough intensity.
3) You can read a bit about HIIT here. Of course, people here can help answer your questions about it as well.
4) He's suggesting that HIIT, done after you weight train or on days you aren't weight training, will be helpful to reduce body fat and minimize muscle loss as compared to low-intensity cardio, such as jogging for 30+ minutes.
I would just stick to planks, as they will help you in your squats - which will then help you build up that core strength.

Other than that, you could try some weighted crench (hold a plate against your chest and do some crunches, but make sure you're just contracting with your abdominal muscles and not activating any other muscles such as hip or lower back).

3sets to failure, always focusing on contracting your abdominal muscles - not lifting your head/body.


I would just stick to planks, as they will help you in your squats - which will then help you build up that core strength.

Other than that, you could try some weighted crench (hold a plate against your chest and do some crunches, but make sure you're just contracting with your abdominal muscles and not activating any other muscles such as hip or lower back).

3sets to failure, always focusing on contracting your abdominal muscles - not lifting your head/body.
Would it be 3 sets for planks as well?
Yeah, don't really worry about ab-work - it's just an optional because so many people have a hard time believing just how much squats and deadlifts do for your abs (which is a lot).
Yes to your question, hold the plank until you can't - do that three times.



Personal bests on all three of my lifts today at the gym:

220 Squat
190 Bench
250 DL

Form was starting to suffer a bit on the last sets, but managed to power through. Feels good, man. I think I need to eat more, though.

Doing SS, feeling as though I'm nearing the end of beginner gains. I'm just curious, but does it turn into you not being able to increase weights regularly and lots of resetting? I mean, I have yet to do a reset, but it doesn't seem possible to consistently add weight each workout.

Also, I'm a really tall guy, so much so that one of the trainers at the gym recommended I use risers under the barbell when I'm doing DLs so I don't have to bend over/down quite so far. It only brings the bar off the ground by about two inches, but it allows my back to be nice and straight. Is that cheating?
Went to target and found a 3 pack of bands (small, medium and large) on clearance. How can I use the large on for shoulder external rotations? Hook it on a doorknob?

Stretch 1: lay flat on your belly and prop yourself up on your elbows (not your forearms) keep your belly on the floor

Stretch 2: lay on your back. Bend one leg and cross the other leg over top of it. Put one arm through your legs and the other around the side and grab the leg that's bent and pull the cross leg towards your chest (sorry trying to describe it best I can)

Stretch 3: lay in a doorway. Put one leg up on the door Frame and point your toes up. Do not bend the other leg, lay it flat. Try to get to a point where the leg on the doorframe is straight up

Awesome, thanks. It's weird because squatting heavy feels fine if the form is on point.
Doing SS, feeling as though I'm nearing the end of beginner gains. I'm just curious, but does it turn into you not being able to increase weights regularly and lots of resetting? I mean, I have yet to do a reset, but it doesn't seem possible to consistently add weight each workout.

That's what happens, yes. If you're still squatting heavy three times a week you can also try an advanced novice type program where you're only squatting heavy two times a week.

Also, I'm a really tall guy, so much so that one of the trainers at the gym recommended I use risers under the barbell when I'm doing DLs so I don't have to bend over/down quite so far. It only brings the bar off the ground by about two inches, but it allows my back to be nice and straight. Is that cheating?

Ofcourse it is. Do you also do half-squats so you don't have to bend your knees so much? Pulling from a higher position changes the exercise from a deadlift into some sort of a rack pull, and a higher position is not going to teach you lower back control.

Congrats on the PR's btw. :)

Personal bests on all three of my lifts today at the gym:

220 Squat
190 Bench
250 DL

EPIC! Your bench is insane for those numbers! Nice!

Form was starting to suffer a bit on the last sets, but managed to power through. Feels good, man. I think I need to eat more, though.

Doing SS, feeling as though I'm nearing the end of beginner gains. I'm just curious, but does it turn into you not being able to increase weights regularly and lots of resetting? I mean, I have yet to do a reset, but it doesn't seem possible to consistently add weight each workout.

There are still some things that you can do before moving out of linear gains. The first thing you must do is prevent stalling. You can do the following in order:
1. Deadlift once a week, on Wednesday.
2. Decrease weight increases to 2.5lb by using micro-plates. You can easily "make" your own by buying 2" inside diameter washers

Once you fail 3 attempts, a reset is in order. You must go ahead and reset. If you are approaching your second reset, I would recommend moving on to the advance novice SS program.

Also, I'm a really tall guy, so much so that one of the trainers at the gym recommended I use risers under the barbell when I'm doing DLs so I don't have to bend over/down quite so far. It only brings the bar off the ground by about two inches, but it allows my back to be nice and straight. Is that cheating?
I would like to see your starting position before doing any changes. What's your height? Different body symmetries will involve different starting positions. The only 2 conditions for a proper Deadlift start are the following:

1. Scapula a little bit in front of the knees.
2. Lumbar extension


The difference in body symmetries will mean that the angle between your quads and your hips, and the angle between the floor and your shins. As long as you fulfill the two conditions, the Deadlift start is ok. If you increase the starting height of the bar, yes, it's cheating, since you are doing less range of motion than otherwise and you might be activating muscle chains not normally activated during a proper Deadlift. 2 inches from the ground is fucking world. I would not do it before checking a video of your Deadlift.
Sup guys, new poster here. I heard this is the place for gains. Anyone wanna recommend me a split? I hear crossfit is cool.

Hi bro! Look, there is no need to go to a gym to get ripped. I heard like you just need to do 200 pushups at home and eat some carnitine to look like brad pitt in fight kl00b


I think I'm going to try switching up the 3x5 week and 3x3 week in 5/3/1 and not go for reps on the 3x5 week, going forward. Seems like a good way to space out the effort.



Thanks for the reply and kind words, BronzeWolf!

Ok, I will continue down the path in terms of weight increases and see how I do. My gym didn't even have 2.5 lb plates, so I actually ordered both those and some1.25 lb plates that I carry around with me. Haven't had to use the 1.25's yet, but I'm sure that's coming!

I'm 6'7", so when the bar is on the ground it is quite a reach down for me. I can get a nice straight back when it's on the ground, but the compromise is that I need to lower my hips quite significantly to get there. I wasn't sure if that was correct as whenever I'm watching Rip's vids on coaching the DL, he seems to correct a lot of people on having their hips too low - granted none of the people are crazy tall. Maybe this is my inexperience talking, but I also have to use significantly more leg strength to get the bar off the ground in that position, although maybe that's the whole point?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the reply and kind words, BronzeWolf!

Ok, I will continue down the path in terms of weight increases and see how I do. My gym didn't even have 2.5 lb plates, so I actually ordered both those and some1.25 lb plates that I carry around with me. Haven't had to use the 1.25's yet, but I'm sure that's coming!

I'm 6'7", so when the bar is on the ground it is quite a reach down for me. I can get a nice straight back when it's on the ground, but the compromise is that I need to lower my hips quite significantly to get there. I wasn't sure if that was correct as whenever I'm watching Rip's vids on coaching the DL, he seems to correct a lot of people on having their hips too low - granted none of the people are crazy tall. Maybe this is my inexperience talking, but I also have to use significantly more leg strength to get the bar off the ground in that position, although maybe that's the whole point?

I too am 6'7" and I have to go very low. You deal with it the best you can. There's a lot you can do to stay not-hurt doing DLs as a manster-sized dude but yeah. It's not the easiest.


Also I measured my arms, 18" kinda surprised me, considering I've not been working on them. Making 22" my goal.

OK, at that height, I could see you having trouble pulling the bar without going to low and sacrificing lumbar extension but it really depends on your proportions. Could you take a picture/video of your Deadlift? That should help clarify shit, and maybe raising the bar a little bit couldn't hurt. Yet I wouldn't be adding 2" no way jose

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ok, so seriously now. I've been gone for a few months. In that time I've ditched 5/3/1 (crazy, I know). I'm doing Iron Sport Method now and I've gone from spinning my wheels to making insane progress, especially in my deadlift.

Here's the break down.

I'm 225lbs now. When I'm not bloated I can see my abs (under my fat and nestled under my man boobs).

Lifts are as follows.

Bench 370


Squat still 425 (experimenting with front squats at the moment to help deadlift).


Deadlift 575


And OHP 265.


Iron sport has added 5lbs to my bench, 20lbs to my OHP and 30lbs to my deadlift in the about 2-3 months I've been doing it.

Also, this month is my 3 year total training the power lifts. I think I've made great strides but I'm looking forward to the next year. I will be competing in the NASA Christmas power lifting competition (might just do a push/pull meet) and next month I'm looking at maybe going for a 600lb deadlift. I did 530lbs for 10 singles the other day in preparation.

So that's what I've been up to. Missed you guys, glad to be back. Oh and I go by Brolic Gaoler right now, I'm gonna try to get it changed here, but that's where it is everywhere else.

Keep being awesome!



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Major milestone tonight.

Squat-408(48lb bar)x5

4 plates is damn intimidating!


Ok, so seriously now. I've been gone for a few months. In that time I've ditched 5/3/1 (crazy, I know). I'm doing Iron Sport Method now and I've gone from spinning my wheels to making insane progress, especially in my deadlift.

Here's the break down.

I'm 225lbs now. When I'm not bloated I can see my abs (under my fat and nestled under my man boobs).

Lifts are as follows.

Bench 370


Squat still 425 (experimenting with front squats at the moment to help deadlift).


Deadlift 575


And OHP 265.


Iron sport has added 5lbs to my bench, 20lbs to my OHP and 30lbs to my deadlift in the about 2-3 months I've been doing it.

Also, this month is my 3 year total training the power lifts. I think I've made great strides but I'm looking forward to the next year. I will be competing in the NASA Christmas power lifting competition (might just do a push/pull meet) and next month I'm looking at maybe going for a 600lb deadlift. I did 530lbs for 10 singles the other day in preparation.

So that's what I've been up to. Missed you guys, glad to be back. Oh and I go by Brolic Gaoler right now, I'm gonna try to get it changed here, but that's where it is everywhere else.

Keep being awesome!


The king has returned. I no longer have to deal out hard truths by myself.


Had to do both depletion workouts today since I'm on vacay and don't feel like paying for two day passes. It was hard as hell to say the least.


Thanks to this thread, I just ordered some Quest bars (cinnamon roll flavour).

I don't use protein shakes (just eggs, chicken, tuna), so I look forward to these Quest bars with trepidation!

Also, for Godlike experience, I should heat them in the microwave for ~40secs right?

Nelo Ice

Thanks to this thread, I just ordered some Quest bars (cinnamon roll flavour).

I don't use protein shakes (just eggs, chicken, tuna), so I look forward to these Quest bars with trepidation!

Also, for Godlike experience, I should heat them in the microwave for ~40secs right?
10 seconds and you're good to go.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I was doing my usual 4 or 5 muscle ups straight in to 10 pull ups today in between squats and I had my music bumpin. My wife told me that another group of people were talking to each other. One guy told another to go do pull ups where I was doing them after I finished. The guy said, no way I'm doing pull ups after that guy. This is the same guy that wouldn't let his gf go to a bachelorette party alone so he went with her. Haha. Maybe a tad insecure...
I was doing my usual 4 or 5 muscle ups straight in to 10 pull ups today in between squats and I had my music bumpin. My wife told me that another group of people were talking to each other. One guy told another to go do pull ups where I was doing them after I finished. The guy said, no way I'm doing pull ups after that guy. This is the same guy that wouldn't let his gf go to a bachelorette party alone so he went with her. Haha. Maybe a tad insecure...

Hey cooter, do you have any good tutorial on how to do a muscle up? I am looking for something odd to do on the gym on the days that I don't dip/chin up or pullup


Ok, so seriously now. I've been gone for a few months. In that time I've ditched 5/3/1 (crazy, I know). I'm doing Iron Sport Method now and I've gone from spinning my wheels to making insane progress, especially in my deadlift.

Here's the break down.

I'm 225lbs now. When I'm not bloated I can see my abs (under my fat and nestled under my man boobs).

Lifts are as follows.

Bench 370


Squat still 425 (experimenting with front squats at the moment to help deadlift).


Deadlift 575


And OHP 265.


Iron sport has added 5lbs to my bench, 20lbs to my OHP and 30lbs to my deadlift in the about 2-3 months I've been doing it.

Also, this month is my 3 year total training the power lifts. I think I've made great strides but I'm looking forward to the next year. I will be competing in the NASA Christmas power lifting competition (might just do a push/pull meet) and next month I'm looking at maybe going for a 600lb deadlift. I did 530lbs for 10 singles the other day in preparation.

So that's what I've been up to. Missed you guys, glad to be back. Oh and I go by Brolic Gaoler right now, I'm gonna try to get it changed here, but that's where it is everywhere else.

Keep being awesome!



welcome back bud


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hey cooter, do you have any good tutorial on how to do a muscle up? I am looking for something odd to do on the gym on the days that I don't dip/chin up or pullup
Not really. I know there are some good YouTube videos out there. My advice is focus on exploding up and go up as high on your chest as you can. A few months of doing this and you'll just know you're ready to transition to the dip. Also, heavy weighted dips are great.


I would like to see your starting position before doing any changes. What's your height? Different body symmetries will involve different starting positions. The only 2 conditions for a proper Deadlift start are the following:

1. Scapula a little bit in front of the knees.
2. Lumbar extension


I would add a 3rd condition, and that is that the bar has to be over the middle of the foot before even grabbing it. That ensures that the bar's vertical path will be as close as possible to the lifter's center of gravity, and it also ensures that the lifter is not so close to the bar that he'll push it away with his shins when he leans down to grab it.
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