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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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ugh tonight was the first time I ever had to go home from the gym early. Both of my arm joints just started being in extreme pain after I did three shoulder workouts and one set of pull ups; barely did any pull ups and didn't get to do deadlift :[

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Looking beefaroni Swolegun, surprised your bench isn't higher with that OHP.

Thanks man, and yeah, I agree with the OHP/Bench thing. I have a feeling my OHP technique is nailed, but my bench needs work. Also I lacross balled my pecs and there was a shitload of bad tissue there. I literally felt my muscle "giving" like it was bunched together with glue and it was coming "unbound." That may help, guess we will see later.

Mr. Shogun! Welcome back. We are now at full strength again!

The king has returned. I no longer have to deal out hard truths by myself.


welcome back bud

Thanks guys! Glad to be back, doubt they will let me change my name to my preferred new name, so we will see. Glad to be back.

ugh tonight was the first time I ever had to go home from the gym early. Both of my arm joints just started being in extreme pain after I did three shoulder workouts and one set of pull ups; barely did any pull ups and didn't get to do deadlift :[

Your first mistake was not doing deadlifts first.

Nelo Ice

Hey Despire, quick question Greyskull so I have deadlifts tomorrow so since it's only 1 set do I also do AMRAP? And I'm guessing next week I alternate so I do OHP on M/W then bench on wed and same for rows/chin ups right? Also think I may consider getting the book depending on how long I stay on Greyskull. Also when does the sale end? Sorry for all the questions but thanks again for all the help!.


Hey Despire, quick question Greyskull so I have deadlifts tomorrow so since it's only 1 set do I also do AMRAP? And I'm guessing next week I alternate so I do OHP on M/W then bench on wed and same for rows/chin ups right? Also think I may consider getting the book depending on how long I stay on Greyskull. Also when does the sale end? Sorry for all the questions but thanks again for all the help!.

Yes, that one DL set is also AMRAP (don't forget to warm-up first).

Nelo Ice

Yes, that one DL set is also AMRAP (don't forget to warm-up first).

Thanks, just wanted to make sure. I'll lower the weight accordingly. Also for warmup I usually do the bar for 5 reps then 135 lbs so I can get my form right. Unless I should be warming up with cleans which I'm still uncomfortable with form wise.


Hey Despire, quick question Greyskull so I have deadlifts tomorrow so since it's only 1 set do I also do AMRAP? And I'm guessing next week I alternate so I do OHP on M/W then bench on wed and same for rows/chin ups right? Also think I may consider getting the book depending on how long I stay on Greyskull. Also when does the sale end? Sorry for all the questions but thanks again for all the help!.

I'm guessing that should be "F"? Anyway you alternate like in SS.

For example:

M OHP + Chins
W Bench + Rows
F OHP + Chins

M Bench + Rows
W OHP + Chins
F Bench + Rows


Thanks, just wanted to make sure. I'll lower the weight accordingly. Also for warmup I usually do the bar for 5 reps then 135 lbs so I can get my form right. Unless I should be warming up with cleans which I'm still uncomfortable with form wise.

No need to be warming up with cleans if you don't want to. It's just an option.

Seriously, get the book, it's very good :) It's like 14 bucks with the sale now. I think the sale ends on friday at midnight.


Oh, sure, you can totally also throw in 2-3 HIIT sessions onto your rest days or after your workout (no more than 15 minutes though, you don't want to stress those muscles of yours) as well to further increase your metabolism and encourage fat loss in lieu for muscle growth.

So you know, HIIT is pretty poor for fat loss. The added 'metabolism boost' is negligible, and HIIT impairs recovery, leading to poorer lifting performance. If fat loss is the goal, low intensity cardio, like brisk walking, cycling, etc. is far superior. Lyle Mcdonald has a good article that compares steady state cardio vs HIIT here - http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/stead-state-versus-intervals-finally-a-conclusion.html

And then too, cardio is pretty shitty for fat loss in general, anyway. Dieting is far superior.


Nelo Ice

I'm guessing that should be "F"? Anyway you alternate like in SS.

For example:

M OHP + Chins
W Bench + Rows
F OHP + Chins

M Bench + Rows
W OHP + Chins
F Bench + Rows


No need to be warming up with cleans if you don't want to. It's just an option.

Seriously, get the book, it's very good :) It's like 14 bucks with the sale now. I think the sale ends on friday at midnight.

Ahh ic, I did bench and chins on monday. Then have Rows and OHP tomorrow. Guess I'll just continue with that this week and then start with that first routine you just posted. Also tried checking out with code to see the price and the book came out to like $20.


Damn this world.

Took some aspirin while deyhdrated after work and have been going through some shit.
Docs couldn't figure anything out so i spent a long time reading and stuff, I think it's aspirin induced asthma.

Yesterday after I finished 180x20 on the squats which I thought would be light my chest was tight and I couldn't breathe.
I recovered in the leg extension machine then walked the two miles home while ringing the house 50 times in the hopes that I could get help before I wandered in the woods to die.
Luckily before it got to that the symptoms subsided and I made it home.

I bought red light bulbs and shine them on me in my room and they help and I breath into a lunch bag. I really need to schedule a doctor appointment though, damn this world, it's so expensive.

Anyway, I suppose for now, the journey ends...


Ahh ic, I did bench and chins on monday. Then have Rows and OHP tomorrow. Guess I'll just continue with that this week and then start with that first routine you just posted. Also tried checking out with code to see the price and the book came out to like $20.

Ah, sorry. I remembered that the ebook was 20 bucks normally, but it was 30. Well anyway 20 dollars isn't bad because the book has loads of content. I definately recommend it since it explains the program, gives suggestions about accessory work, lays out many alternate templates, explains the lifts, lays out possible progression models for chins etc...

And I'm not sure if it matters how you pair the OHP/Bench with Chins/Rows. I've just seen that people often do Bench + Rows and then OHP + Chins. That's how I do/did them and seems to be working.

Nelo Ice

Ah, sorry. I remembered that the ebook was 20 bucks normally, but it was 30. Well anyway 20 dollars isn't bad because the book has loads of content. I definately recommend it since it explains the program, gives suggestions about accessory work, lays out many alternate templates, explains the lifts, lays out possible progression models for chins etc...

And I'm not sure if it matters how you pair the OHP/Bench with Chins/Rows. I've just seen that people often do Bench + Rows and then OHP + Chins. That's how I do/did them and seems to be working.
Alright I'll probably end up getting the book, just wish I had an ereader. Got the physical copy of SS just so I wouldn't have to sit there and read it on my desktop. For some reason I can sit and read GAF and other stuff online but not comics or books lol.


Hi all!

My first post in the fitness thread! I just started doing SS seriously. I've been an on-and-off weightlifter, but now, I'm going to try to take things seriously. Drinking at least a half gallon of whole milk a day!

A simple question to ask first: In the SS program, when it talks about workouts A and B, is it supposed to work like so: I'll do workout A twice on one week, and then workout B twice on the following week? Or is it workout A on every Monday and Friday?

Nice to meet you all!


Hi all!

My first post in the fitness thread! I just started doing SS seriously. I've been an on-and-off weightlifter, but now, I'm going to try to take things seriously. Drinking at least a half gallon of whole milk a day!

A simple question to ask first: In the SS program, when it talks about workouts A and B, is it supposed to work like so: I'll do workout A twice on one week, and then workout B twice on the following week? Or is it workout A on every Monday and Friday?

Nice to meet you all!

The former:






Welcome TopDreg! Friendly and helpful bunch in here.

Here is a question I have, how heavy are Olympic barbells without any weights attached to them?


the piano man
what do you guys do leading up to your work sets on your compounds?

how do you warm up? do you do anything other than warm-up sets?

I broke the 45 kg barrier on OHP recently and the only change I made was doind 5x5 handstand push-ups as warmup. I missed only one rep of my 5x3, it sure needs polish as a whole but it is there, it's within my reach.

I personally like to up my heartrate running 10 minutes on the treadmill but that works for me. You guys have to change the pieces of your puzzles, change the lead-up into the work sets, that would be my first advice.

other than that, do some assitance exercises to improve deltoids/tricep strenght maybe?


Shogun, welcome back! :-D

be careful in with those Off topic forum muscle/health threads, they are traps ;(


Day 2 of PT. will it be more stretching!? Probably. Glad I'm not paying.

Also, for the final 2 month push of my cut, I'm gonna see how I do skipping breakfast and eating between 12-8. My work schedule is more solid now so I figured I'd try

Except Sunday. I enjoy my family breakfast.
Not really. I know there are some good YouTube videos out there. My advice is focus on exploding up and go up as high on your chest as you can. A few months of doing this and you'll just know you're ready to transition to the dip. Also, heavy weighted dips are great.

Is any form of swinging the legs for momentum permitted?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Shogun returns, and I end up putting my best gym sesh in a long time. Unlimited power. Coincidence? I think NOT.

Welcome back brother! You mentioned you changed your workout quite a bit - did you change your diet, or are you still eating McDonalds right after?


So I slept through my alarm today and missed my chance for morning deadlift day, I'm so ashamed :(

Thankfully I don't have a class after 3:50 so I can resume deadlift day later!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
dat feeling when you're feeling yourself too much on bench and can't get those last couple of reps up and you got no spotter

cats be like


I'm fortunate my brother got into the gym too, I always have a spotter and can try things harder without fear of injury. Well besides Fit-GAF's poltergeist.


I will be competing in the NASA Christmas power lifting competition (might just do a push/pull meet) and next month I'm looking at maybe going for a 600lb deadlift. I did 530lbs for 10 singles the other day in preparation.
I'm happy to hear you've made the decision to compete. I know you were frustrated with a stagnant deadlift, and look what you are striving for now! When is the competition exactly?


Here is a question I have, how heavy are Olympic barbells without any weights attached to them?

Unfortunately it depends. Most of the American ones with long ends are 45 lbs, however, you'll also see ones with shorter ends (sometimes used at the bench press) that are 35 lbs. There are also other weights. If you are at a gym, best thing is to ask.


Ok PT went pretty good this time. Some new stretches but he agreed when I said I don't want to give up any powerlifting movements and he'd help me get back on track to rebuild my strength. He said sometimes your strength can exceed the load your back can handle.

He told me to start doing light, slow, dumbbell cleans to rebuild strength in my back. Even had me doing Australian pull-ups for my shoulder
Welcome TopDreg! Friendly and helpful bunch in here.

Here is a question I have, how heavy are Olympic barbells without any weights attached to them?

Also, if for some reason no one that works at the facility knows the weight, you can always stand it on its end on a scale. I've trained at a few campus gyms where the one person on-hand had no idea and had to just weigh them myself using this method.
Unfortunately it depends. Most of the American ones with long ends are 45 lbs, however, you'll also see ones with shorter ends (sometimes used at the bench press) that are 35 lbs. There are also other weights. If you are at a gym, best thing is to ask.

or just step on the gym scale with it, easiest way to find out the exact weight of any bar without relying on someone's clouded guesstimate

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
This is also a good way to see if your gym has shitty plates.
Most of my plates at home are second-hand and in fact are in mixed metrics (some lbs, some kgs). In an effort to reduce imbalances and imprecision in progression, I decided to weigh them all individually to work out what was what. Of course the end result was that they were so variable and deviated so much from their specified weights that I now have four pages of spreadsheets on the walls in my training area detailing what combinations of plates are required to produce what weights whilst also maintaining balance.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Random: the mocha cappuccino ON gold whey is bizarrely delicious. Like, I would drink this and assume it's terrible for me because it tastes so good.

Random 2: got ten Quest bars at GNC for $10 yesterday. Buy x get x free deal + a $10 off $20 coupon that I found through Google, woop woop. Finally got to try the cookie dough one and it's a'ight... Kind of chemical-y tasting (which is, of course, nonsensical) but as far as supplement bars go, this is a remarkable achievement. Banana nut and apple pie are definitely leagues above all the other flavors for me, and everything else has ranged from mediocre to lousy.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'm happy to hear you've made the decision to compete. I know you were frustrated with a stagnant deadlift, and look what you are striving for now! When is the competition exactly?

Yeah, so long as the prison cooperates with my schedule (they should I have over 2 weeks of vacation time and the slot is open) I'll be going. It's Dec 21st in Flora Illinois.

Shogun returns, and I end up putting my best gym sesh in a long time. Unlimited power. Coincidence? I think NOT.

Welcome back brother! You mentioned you changed your workout quite a bit - did you change your diet, or are you still eating McDonalds right after?

I eat like complete shit on workout days (soda, junk food, etc). I eat pretty strict on off days (low carb, lots of water, lower calories) which is 4 days out of the 7. (I only lift 3 days a week).

Alien(Brolic), welcome back!!!

Check it out. We cleaned the place up for you. Got a brand new OP.

I see! Thanks!

what do you guys do leading up to your work sets on your compounds?

how do you warm up? do you do anything other than warm-up sets?

I broke the 45 kg barrier on OHP recently and the only change I made was doind 5x5 handstand push-ups as warmup. I missed only one rep of my 5x3, it sure needs polish as a whole but it is there, it's within my reach.

I personally like to up my heartrate running 10 minutes on the treadmill but that works for me. You guys have to change the pieces of your puzzles, change the lead-up into the work sets, that would be my first advice.

other than that, do some assitance exercises to improve deltoids/tricep strenght maybe?


Shogun, welcome back! :-D

be careful in with those Off topic forum muscle/health threads, they are traps ;(

Yeah, I won't be posting in OT anymore aside from here. As for warm ups for me it's completely by feel. If something feels "too heavy" I keep warming up.

I know I am late but how did Shogun get banned?

I think one of the mods thought one of my posts was spinning a conspiracy, when it was just a matter of speech. Either way, I'm done posting in OT.
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