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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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U are in a perfect place to start from if youre only 15% and your goal is that pic. Stick to that plan and diet and youll have no trouble achieving that goal. Eating too much and not lifting enough are the only things that can stop you, as it can be difficult to train and thread that line between enough food and going overboard and bringing some inevitable fat in, as most of us know. But with a dietician and that clear goal no one can stop you but yourself brother ur set to go

The motivating factor behind y we workout is 100% different for everyone, dont ever think youre working out for the wrong reason or motivation. U can only NOT workout for the 'wrong' reasons/motivations
I never realised 15% bodyfat was the best place to start :O. Thanks to the diet I've got and the workout in the OP, things are going to be good.


FITAdviceGaf Question: I've been on the Stronglifts 5x5 routine for 3.5 months now after LOOONG hiatus. I'm seeing those gains though, no doubt.

I'd like to get way more chin / pull ups and ab work into my routine, but I'm running out of time already as I'm limited to around an hour. Do you think moving to an SS variant would be beneficial or do you guys think I should stick with what I'm already on? If I go 3x5 that frees up my time to work on something else.
FITAdviceGaf Question: I've been on the Stronglifts 5x5 routine for 3.5 months now after LOOONG hiatus. I'm seeing those gains though, no doubt.

I'd like to get way more chin / pull ups and ab work into my routine, but I'm running out of time already as I'm limited to around an hour. Do you think moving to an SS variant would be beneficial or do you guys think I should stick with what I'm already on? If I go 3x5 that frees up my time to work on something else.
If youre doing the main compounds you need little accessory ab work really. Throw in some chins at home to do in your spare time. Just buy a doorframe pullup bar


hey anyone have some tips/experience about being nauseous when exercising ?

so I've been rowing (bought a Concept2) for the past couple of weeks now, coupled with eating more consciously and healthy (less bread, lots of water). I'm making great progress in endurance and weight loss.

I've mainly been focusing on longer distances (5K, 6K, 30 minutes and 10K), trying to train 6 days / week. Went from a 52 minutes for 10,000 meters at first to 42m:45s last Sunday :)

My goal for this year is to do a sub-40-minutes 10K, and continue to lose weight until I'm around 100 kg. (started out at 125 kg - 191 cm)

Now the main benchmark in rowing is the 2K, as it is the most grueling combination of a looong sprint with a hint of endurance. In order to perform really well there I probably have to start doing HIIT combined with other (non-rowing) sports/exercise. That is not my goal at the moment, but it might be in the future.

So I've been trying to set a decent 2K time today as a benchmark for the end of the year. Judging from my 500m and 1K times I should be able to do around 7:30, but I ended up being very nauseous at the end and had to basically stop resulting in a 7:50something :(

I had not eaten before todays race (woken up ~30 minutes before), drank some water before (not too much), and did a relaxed 500 meter warmup.

The only couple of times I experienced nausea before was when trying to sprint the last 1000 meters of very intense 10K races. Some of those I did before breakfast, some of those after lunch...

After googling around a bit, could it be low blood sugar? What is a good thing to eat in that case? A banana ? Don't want to eat too much because that might make it even worse ... All other explanations point to "too intense exercise" , but that kinda is the point of a 2K race hehe ...


If youre doing the main compounds you need little accessory ab work really. Throw in some chins at home to do in your spare time. Just buy a doorframe pullup bar

Let's assume that I have no money and don't have time at home....Do you think going from 5x5 to 3x5 will have an adverse affect on my gains?

edit: By adverse I mean "Really Terrible"


If I stuck with my diet while bulking for the next few months, how much fat would I gain during that time? I don't want my bf to go up much when I put on muscle.


Let's assume that I have no money and don't have time at home....Do you think going from 5x5 to 3x5 will have an adverse affect on my gains?

edit: By adverse I mean "Really Terrible"

You could have better results with a 3x5. I started on SL and moved to a 3x5 like 7 months in


If I stuck with my diet while bulking for the next few months, how much fat would I gain during that time? I don't want my bf to go up much when I put on muscle.

Again, another it depends question. Everyone is going to be different. There's not hard and fast answer here.

If you're following that diet you posted earlier you should be fine. It's not like you're gonna become a fatass eating chicken, yogurt, rice, etc ;)

As a beginner I'm going to give you the best advice right now. Just get out there, eat and follow the routine. Give it 100%. Don't get so bogged down in the small details. If you want to focus on something, focus on your form during compound lifts. It's easy to get overwhelmed in the beginning. So stop worrying about abs this and fat gain that. Just get out there :)


The date i wrote was something i thought was realistic, but you guys know better so that's why i asked it.

1) Age: 26 Gender: Male Height: 1.69meter
2) No specific reason. It's a goal i set for myself. I think it's my ideal weight being 65 at this length.
3) It's a 6.5 day a week. From 8am till 4pm. So that's no problem
4) I was thinking about just doing cardio in the beginning for the first 10kg/25 pound and from there going to other things. Is this a good idea?
5) What kind of diet should i follow?

The only reason to hold off on strength training would be if you passionately hate it. It has health and fitness benefits and there's not really any reason to wait to start experiencing them. In fact, the fat-burning power of hour-long treadmill sessions is greatly exaggerated most of the time.

Is there anyone here who can help me with a schedule and a diet plan? It would be great and i would really appreciate it.
Is there anyone here who can help me with a schedule and a diet plan? It would be great and i would really appreciate it.

What most people will suggest, and I agree with, is you read through the first few posts in this thread. There are very solid, well-tested Beginner routines listed in the first post. I'd read it all thoroughly, then post back here with specific questions related to those routines.

In regards to your goal, I think that is too much weight to expect to lose in that period of time. It's not impossible, but it is very demanding and I really, really suggest you start small and focus on the three major facets of physical health: 1) Eating well 2) Training through weight lifting/cardio/conditioning 3) Resting. If you successfully incorporate these three aspects of fitness into your life bit-by-bit, you'll feel better, look better, be healthier, and reduce your body fat % (which will help to achieve your goal of weight loss).

So, it's tough to just out right recommend you a diet plan without knowing a bit more about you, but general tips include the following:

-Reduce your consumption of sugar-added foods. The obvious ones are soda, processed food products (such as Twinkies), and candy, but there are many hidden sugar-laden foods that are commonly (and incorrectly) considered to be healthful; most cold cereals are basically dessert in flake form. Note, I suggest to "reduce" the consumption of these things, you don't necessarily have to eliminate them 100% forever, just make them an occasional treat and not a staple of your daily food intake.

The following 3 assume you keep your total calories at an appropriate level for your goal (which can be difficult to assess, but we can work on this later):

-You can always eat as many non-fried vegetables as you want.
-You can practically eat as much raw fruit as you want.
-You can practically eat as much meat, fish, dairy, eggs, and nuts/legumes as you want.

But, for now, focus on getting your training routine down. As I suggested, check out the Beginner routines in the OP and come back here with specific questions about them. They really are very solid overall weight training routines to which you can easily add whatever form of cardio you most prefer.

Now, unrelated to the above, I was hoping some Gaffers could give comments on my 5/3/1 routine and food intake routine that I started just last week. I'm assuming it's fine, but an extra look-over would be appreciated.

Age: 24
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 171 lbs, around 17-18% body fat
Goal: Weigh more, lift more, be bigger/stronger/healthier. No set weight maximum, but I'd bet that 200 is the most I could obtain at a healthy body fat %.
Comments: I've been lifting on/off for 5 years mostly doing SS with some extra isolation exercises. I fell off badly when I came to grad school two years ago, so I've lost a lot of strength since my peak, but also a lot of weight (was up to 185 lbs at my top).

5/3/1 (not including warm-ups, and this is week one, so following weeks will increase weight/decrease reps)
"A" Day
Squat: 2x5, 1x5+ (1x5+ means I'm doing one set for as many reps as I can; so far I'm hitting around 10-12 reps for the last set on all my lifts for week 1).
Barbell Lunges: 2x5, 1x5+
DB Side Bends: 2x5, 1x5+

"B" Day
Overhead Press: 2x5, 1x5+
Preacher Curls: 2x5, 1x5+
DB Shrugs: 2x5, 1x5+
10-minute HIIT (stationary bike)

"C" Day
Deadlifts: 2x5, 1x5+
Seated Rows: 2x5, 1x5+
Bent-over Rows: 2x5, 1x5+

"D" Day
Bench: 2x5, 1x5+
Tricep Pushdowns: 2x5, 1x5+
Seated Cable Pulldown: 2x5, 1x5+
10-minute HIIT (stationary bike)

I bike to/from my campus daily, which adds on about 2.5 hours of biking per week. I am a graduate student, so I am on-campus ~10+ hours/day 6-7 days a week and spend about 50% of my time seated and 50% of my time in my lab/on my feet. I do weeding and general yard work for about 2-4 hours/week.

As of a few weeks ago, I was eating around 1800-2200 calories a day, ~100-120g of protein and the rest carbs/fats. I cook 90% of my meals. Since starting 5/3/1 last week, I've upped my calorie intake to 2600-3000/day and am achieving ~180-220 g protein/day (so, around 1 g protein per lb of target body weight). Lots of veggies, fruits, lean meats, dairy, some protein powder, oatmeal, and beef. Easily more than 100 oz of water/day.

Any suggestions/comments would be very helpful and appreciated. I think I'm pretty solid here and now it's just a matter of sticking to the plan. I'm getting married in around 380 days, so if I lift 3 days a week, I'll have around 164 workouts to go between now and then. My plan is to bulk and lift like a madman between now and July-ish next year and if I'm feeling a bit too fatty-fat do some cutting before the wedding. If I'm feeling/looking good as-is, then I'll just keep on keepin' on.


Let's assume that I have no money and don't have time at home....Do you think going from 5x5 to 3x5 will have an adverse affect on my gains?

edit: By adverse I mean "Really Terrible"

As Sean said, you will probably have better results with 3x5. No reason really to do 5x5 in comparison to 3x5. Hell, one set can be all you need if you push yourself hard enough,


Bought some food at the shop, got whole grain rice instead of brown rice since there was none there, are they both the same thing?
Ok guys (and girls), I need educated guesses on my current BF%:

Front 1, unflexed
Front 2, unflexed

Sorry but there's no back pic, because I couldn't take one that would've been of good enough quality. Anyway, please give some estimations :)

Definetly sub20%.

It's kinda hard to tell though.

Bought some food at the shop, got whole grain rice instead of brown rice since there was none there, are they both the same thing?

FITAdviceGaf Question: I've been on the Stronglifts 5x5 routine for 3.5 months now after LOOONG hiatus. I'm seeing those gains though, no doubt.

I'd like to get way more chin / pull ups and ab work into my routine, but I'm running out of time already as I'm limited to around an hour. Do you think moving to an SS variant would be beneficial or do you guys think I should stick with what I'm already on? If I go 3x5 that frees up my time to work on something else.

The advanced beginner variant of ss actually includes pullups and chinups in the programming, though if stronglifts is still giving gains it may not be something you need to use yet . Go look at the ss wiki if you're curious.


Definetly sub20%.

It's kinda hard to tell though.

I'm terrible at estimating percentages but you're definitely slimmer from the pictures you posted before. Nice job

Thanks guys, I really really appreciate you taking time and giving me your thoughts. If anyone else wants to chime in with some kind of ballbark estimation I'd appreciate it :)

I know I'll be pretty small when I eventually get down to my goal, which is sub 12% BF, but I think it needs to be done. I think my body is rather terrible at partitioning nutrients as it is, so I want to have a good base from which to slowly bulk up. Last time I started too fat and just got that much fatter.


FITAdviceGaf Question: I've been on the Stronglifts 5x5 routine for 3.5 months now after LOOONG hiatus. I'm seeing those gains though, no doubt.

I'd like to get way more chin / pull ups and ab work into my routine, but I'm running out of time already as I'm limited to around an hour. Do you think moving to an SS variant would be beneficial or do you guys think I should stick with what I'm already on? If I go 3x5 that frees up my time to work on something else.

The biggest problem with StrongLifts is that 5x5 will burn you out really quickly. It's just too much volume on 3 compound lifts per session.

I'd switch to SS. 3x5 is just much more reasonable. You'll progress faster with less resets.


Thanks guys, I really really appreciate you taking time and giving me your thoughts. If anyone else wants to chime in with some kind of ballbark estimation I'd appreciate it :)

I know I'll be pretty small when I eventually get down to my goal, which is sub 12% BF, but I think it needs to be done. I think my body is rather terrible at partitioning nutrients as it is, so I want to have a good base from which to slowly bulk up. Last time I started too fat and just got that much fatter.
Tbh I'm terrible with body fat pictures, didnt know what to say and give you the wrong impression.
At least to get some prescription grade ibuprofen (or you could just take 1800-2400mg a day of the regular small pills) and maybe a script for PT. remind me later when I have more time I can describe the stretches my PT gave me and they might help.

That would definitely be helpful. I'm going to take is easy on the DLs for the next month or so and see how it goes. I was planning for my bulk to start late october and obviously it would be ideal to be DLing heavy while bulking.
When I start this diet next week and do the beginner's full body workout in the OP for 6-8 weeks, how much of a difference should I expect?

I have a bodyfat percentage of 15%.

My aim right now is to have a body similar to this guy:

A decent amount of muscle girls love yet doesn't look impossible to achieve.

What's your height and weight?


Went to target and found a 3 pack of bands (small, medium and large) on clearance. How can I use the large on for shoulder external rotations? Hook it on a doorknob?

That would definitely be helpful. I'm going to take is easy on the DLs for the next month or so and see how it goes. I was planning for my bulk to start late october and obviously it would be ideal to be DLing heavy while bulking.

Stretch 1: lay flat on your belly and prop yourself up on your elbows (not your forearms) keep your belly on the floor

Stretch 2: lay on your back. Bend one leg and cross the other leg over top of it. Put one arm through your legs and the other around the side and grab the leg that's bent and pull the cross leg towards your chest (sorry trying to describe it best I can)

Stretch 3: lay in a doorway. Put one leg up on the door Frame and point your toes up. Do not bend the other leg, lay it flat. Try to get to a point where the leg on the doorframe is straight up

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Stretch 1: lay flat on your belly and prop yourself up on your elbows (not your forearms) keep your belly on the floor

Stretch 2: lay on your back. Bend one leg and cross the other leg over top of it. Put one arm through your legs and the other around the side and grab the leg that's bent and pull the cross leg towards your chest (sorry trying to describe it best I can)

Stretch 3: lay in a doorway. Put one leg up on the door Frame and point your toes up. Do not bend the other leg, lay it flat. Try to get to a point where the leg on the doorframe is straight up

1 and 2 are shit I do in my sleep, heh. not 3 though!

In other news I've been fighting some serious gym apathy but pressing on. I don't feel the same fire I used to. I'm still improving numbers. Waiting on a little rest time. My right trapezius is hurting, so I took out shrugs to seemingly no effect - OHP didn't do it any favors though.


1 and 2 are shit I do in my sleep, heh. not 3 though!

In other news I've been fighting some serious gym apathy but pressing on. I don't feel the same fire I used to. I'm still improving numbers. Waiting on a little rest time. My right trapezius is hurting, so I took out shrugs to seemingly no effect - OHP didn't do it any favors though.

Maybe switch things up a little? You're expierenced enough now.

That's why I'm trying out that 4 week arm program from t nation starting Friday. It will have me do some things I've never tried (like resistance band push ups and decline tricep extensions). Should be fun and a different change of pace.


hey anyone have some tips/experience about being nauseous when exercising ?

so I've been rowing (bought a Concept2) for the past couple of weeks now, coupled with eating more consciously and healthy (less bread, lots of water). I'm making great progress in endurance and weight loss.

I've mainly been focusing on longer distances (5K, 6K, 30 minutes and 10K), trying to train 6 days / week. Went from a 52 minutes for 10,000 meters at first to 42m:45s last Sunday :)

My goal for this year is to do a sub-40-minutes 10K, and continue to lose weight until I'm around 100 kg. (started out at 125 kg - 191 cm)

Now the main benchmark in rowing is the 2K, as it is the most grueling combination of a looong sprint with a hint of endurance. In order to perform really well there I probably have to start doing HIIT combined with other (non-rowing) sports/exercise. That is not my goal at the moment, but it might be in the future.

So I've been trying to set a decent 2K time today as a benchmark for the end of the year. Judging from my 500m and 1K times I should be able to do around 7:30, but I ended up being very nauseous at the end and had to basically stop resulting in a 7:50something :(

I had not eaten before todays race (woken up ~30 minutes before), drank some water before (not too much), and did a relaxed 500 meter warmup.

The only couple of times I experienced nausea before was when trying to sprint the last 1000 meters of very intense 10K races. Some of those I did before breakfast, some of those after lunch...

After googling around a bit, could it be low blood sugar? What is a good thing to eat in that case? A banana ? Don't want to eat too much because that might make it even worse ... All other explanations point to "too intense exercise" , but that kinda is the point of a 2K race hehe ...

I don't have any insight other than to say that I suffer from the same affliction. It only happens with me in the mornings, so I wouldn't be surprised if it has to do with low blood sugar.

Fortunately, it's only a problem with me after really intense lifting or if I've taken a break and am coming back to it. I'll end up in the bathroom dry heaving near the end of my work out. I only get to that point maybe two or three times a year, so I haven't really done too much to look into it. I just suck it up for those infrequent times it happens.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe switch things up a little? You're expierenced enough now.

That's why I'm trying out that 4 week arm program from t nation starting Friday. It will have me do some things I've never tried (like resistance band push ups and decline tricep extensions). Should be fun and a different change of pace.

I am really excited about changing my program up in the near future, so I know that it's not just general gym apathy, this is my program feeling stale. Maybe 5/3/1 BBB would bore me too much too quick!

I'm excited for a changed program though. Just gonna keep on keeping on.


I'm 15% body fat and I can barely see my abs, when comparing myself to the pictures on that site, tbf they are far more muscled than me


I'm 15% body fat and I can barely see my abs :/

Wouldn't surprise me if you really weren't 15% bf, seems like measuring/calculating it is a crapshoot anyway and your results may greatly vary. Either that or you're just that untrained. Someone with muscles and bigger bf% is more likely to have abs showing than someone with no muscles but low bf%.

Either way it shouldn't really matter and it's really the wrong thing to focus on.
He could also be 15% but just don't have enough muscle to show for it.

Regardless, I would not worry about it and bust your ass of in the gym and eat eat eat.


Wouldn't surprise me if you really weren't 15% bf, seems like measuring/calculating it is a crapshoot anyway and your results may greatly vary. Either that or you're just that untrained. Someone with muscles and bigger bf% is more likely to have abs showing than someone with no muscles but low bf%.

Either way it shouldn't really matter and it's really the wrong thing to focus on.
My muscles are very small compared to others, particularly those guys on that website.

Nelo Ice

Wouldn't surprise me if you really weren't 15% bf, seems like measuring/calculating it is a crapshoot anyway and your results may greatly vary. Either that or you're just that untrained. Someone with muscles and bigger bf% is more likely to have abs showing than someone with no muscles but low bf%.

Either way it shouldn't really matter and it's really the wrong thing to focus on.

Wish more people knew about how inaccurate measuring/calculating bf% can be. My cousin really believes he's at 16% body fat after using that scale or whatever they used to check bf % at gnc. He's like 5'6 and 210 lbs and is at least at 30% body fat or more


Wish more people knew about how inaccurate measuring/calculating bf% can be. My cousin really believes he's at 16% body fat after using that scale or whatever they used to check bf % at gnc. He's like 5'6 and 210 lbs and is at least at 30% body fat or more
My percentage was taken using my height, weight and the circumference of my neck, arms, wrists, waist and hips.

Nelo Ice

My percentage was taken using my height, weight and the circumference of my neck, arms, wrists, waist and hips.
From what I've learned the bf tests and such can vary wildly so it's usually just best to look in the mirror. I think seeing other bf% pics help too but either way like FallinEdge said don't worry too much about much.
Any of you guys try Moringa before? I got some yesterday, and man, I had the best workout ever. I'm normally exhausted before, while, and after I work out, but I got some Moringa capsules yesterday at like 2:30 P.M. I took 2 of them about 3 hours before I worked out, and I literally had an energy surge that lasted way through the workout. It felt amazing being able to lift and still have energy after.
5'10", 71kg

That'd be around 156lb. I am your same height, and I would recommend you bulk up to 200lb and put some 40lb of muscle in you before cutting down

I'm 15% body fat and I can barely see my abs, when comparing myself to the pictures on that site, tbf they are far more muscled than me

With 15% you must see your abs. Maybe you are not 15%bf or you don't have any abs to speak of. Get squatting, that should hit 'em abs


That'd be around 156lb. I am your same height, and I would recommend you bulk up to 200lb and put some 40lb of muscle in you before cutting down

With 15% you must see your abs. Maybe you are not 15%bf or you don't have any abs to speak of. Get squatting, that should hit 'em abs
I thought 10% was the bf to see your abs, I can see my abs, very faint though. I don't have big muscles so I most likely wont see them as well.

I found this regarding body fat levels: http://anabolicminds.com/forum/weight-loss/86686-body-fat-pics.html


the piano man
abs also depend on how much you have worked on them.

I am 16.5% BF and I see the upper 4 pack if I flex and also every morning and that's eating like a pig for months (and sometimes sucking at it)

but I have worked on them both with compounds and isolation for a almost a year

a year ago I was 13% BF and yet they never appeared, nowhere near..

I have high hopes that I'll reap the rewards of the hard work after my first cut phase which should be between October and November.
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