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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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So....bad? I don't feel like I'm denying myself anything, but if I'm potentially doing more harm than good, I'd like to know. A couple of years ago I was 175 with a 38'' waist, when traditionally it was 31''. I'm at 33'' right now. I've always had a light build, so maybe it was just all fat and no muscle?
I'm 5'10". Looking back on when I was 155 pounds I was small as hell. Running every day, little to no body fat. I was cut, but had little muscle. So I stopped my running and instead I walked and jogged, began weight lifting and ate like nothing else. Now I'm at 170 and still feel small. You seem just like I was before I decided to seriously gain muscle mass.

At 5'10" and 155 you should think about putting on some muscle by basic routines like the squat and other such lifts. It'll be a life changer.
I've also heard of "supergreen" shakes where instead of protein, they aim to give you several servings of fruit/vegetable vitamins. This sounds attractive to me, because whenever I do buy some fruits and veggies from a store, I end up never eating half of them, and they go bad. Still, not 100% which brand I should use, or if I should even use them to begin with.

I've got a really long road ahead of me, but I'm hoping to stick with it this time.

Buy frozen vegetables instead of fresh ones. i live with my gf and she doesn't eat any vegetables, so at first yeah i was buying all fresh veggies and it was stupid unless you buy tiny portions of them, go bad way too fast. just get them frozen, same nutritional value and you don't have to worry about the veggies going bad. works for some fruit too if you make smoothies and such.
I'm 5'10". Looking back on when I was 155 pounds I was small as hell. Running every day, little to no body fat. I was cut, but had little muscle. So I stopped my running and instead I walked and jogged, began weight lifting and ate like nothing else. Now I'm at 170 and still feel small. You seem just like I was before I decided to seriously gain muscle mass.

At 5'10" and 155 you should think about putting on some muscle by basic routines like the squat and other such lifts. It'll be a life changer.

I am the same way, but maybe he really enjoys running! Only he knows what his goals are

Nelo Ice

So just did greyskull today and it felt great! Was terrified of 185 lb squats on my last set for more than 5 reps but after the 5th rep I had a sudden burst of energy and got up to 8 reps.

Benched 140 lbs for 1x5 then went down since the last rep was ugly. 2nd set was135 lbs for 1x5 for the and finally 1x8 for 135 lbs for the last set. Chins up went up to 11 reps. Btw for weighted stuff do you guys bring your own stuff or use whatever your gym has? I go to a 24 super sport and the one I go to should have an elastic band I can use to add weight for chin ups on Friday but curious if there's any other method or if I have to buy my own equipment.


the piano man
shoulder day was good. some impressions

.- for the first time ever I tried 45 kgs /100 lbs 5x3 OHP but like when I first tried 42.5 kgs/93 lbs, I failed on the very last rep of the last set. This time was different, on my 2nd rep in the the last set the bar tilted a bit, I did a weird movement and that fucked up the end of the set. Even if I had hit it, I will stay in that weight next time, it was a bit overwhelming but I am happy that I am getting stronger, not long ago, I'd fail to do just 1 set x 5 of 40 kgs./88 lbs

.- the best post-workout pump is hands down on shoulder days, nothing activates beast mode like a good shoulder sessions. Look at the mirror an see some damn visible gains, Back days are frustating in that sense :p you never get to see anything.

.- random me pic today, just sharing


.- took a video and came back home to re-read the press chapter of SS and compare and I still have stuff to correct. the path of bar could be more vertical as it comes down and my elbows should apparently be more inward when I unrack. will check that next time and use the warm up sets to make sure those things are taken care of.

I lol'ed at the fingers... the anxiety and fear of lifting a weight you are trying for the first time :p


You should put the bar on the lower hook than the one you are unracking it from. The bar should be at your sternum or lower. Starting from a half press is going to mess things up as the weight gets heavier. A lowr position allows you to start with a better form.

Your lockout is kind of lacking, need to lock out your elbows more solidly.


the piano man
You should put the bar on the lower hook than the one you are unracking it from. The bar should be at your sternum or lower. Starting from a half press is going to mess things up as the weight gets heavier. A lowr position allows you to start with a better form.

Your lockout is kind of lacking, need to lock out your elbows more solidly.

yeah, I got the same advice with the squat, will do.


4 plates is feeling mighty comfortable on squats now. Still taxing but I need to push harder if I want to survive smolov this fall/winter.

Also I dont understand the need to stand in front of the squat rack for RDL's. why.png
Had a terrible workout today. At the beginning of the month I irritated my lower back by being stupid while Deadlifting. I took it easy for a couple of weeks and started squatting again two weeks ago. Squatting didn't give me any issues and I was back up to the same weight I was before. Tried deadlifiting 135 on friday though, didn't go so well. I felt fine during the workout and that night, but the next day my back started flaring up again. I guess I just don't want to be constantly worried about re-injuring myself.


Had a terrible workout today. At the beginning of the month I irritated my lower back by being stupid while Deadlifting. I took it easy for a couple of weeks and started squatting again two weeks ago. Squatting didn't give me any issues and I was back up to the same weight I was before. Tried deadlifiting 135 on friday though, didn't go so well. I felt fine during the workout and that night, but the next day my back started flaring up again. I guess I just don't want to be constantly worried about re-injuring myself.

I'd make a doctors appointment if its that bad :(


OHP might be the toughest compound to improve regularly, but it's also the one that I don't mind trying heavier weight in because of how easily you can just put the weight down/re-rack.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Uninspiring workout today. Blah. But I got through it and hit solid numbers. Also thought I looked like I was carrying a little more fat than usual. Must have been a worse eating weekend calorie wise than I originally estimated.

If I'm feeling good tomorrow I'm going to attempt 405x5 on my squats! Better tighten that belt up!


First Day back to lifting some metal in over 3 months. Doing All Pro's Beginners routine.

Squats 160lb
Calf Raises 160lb (I may bump these up a lot)
OHP 50 lb
Bench Press 110lb
Pendlay Row 110lb
SLDL 110lb
Bicep Curls 40lb

2 warmup sets and two work sets @ 8 reps.

I may need to do some adjustments. I feel like my row could be higher and my calf raises, maybe squats. First time doing SLDL's so i wasn't quite sure on the weight. Overall feels great. Now I'm enjoying my yummy 1k shake. Got to get them calories in!
234lbs 14% body fat, 10-12% body fat on the way fuckwithmeyouknowIgotit.
Santo niño, you are a monster.

Uninspiring workout today. Blah. But I got through it and hit solid numbers. Also thought I looked like I was carrying a little more fat than usual. Must have been a worse eating weekend calorie wise than I originally estimated.

If I'm feeling good tomorrow I'm going to attempt 405x5 on my squats! Better tighten that belt up!

That's what training is. Some days the workouts are a boring mess, but you do them cause it brings you closer to success.


he's Virgin Tight™
Signed up for a Planet Fitness that opened around here. Cheap... 24 hours (perfect for me). People are nice and I am going with a bud that's a personal trainer and he's training me for free (basically a brother so yeah :p). I let go a lot... I used to excercise before and though I've been generally "big" for half my life I was never the fat guy. Well... this year has brought a lot of changes to my life and I hit 270 pounds (I am 6'2). I have a big frame so I am not all fatty looking but the belly's there and pant size grew to 44. I signed up two months ago and I have been doing around 20 minutes of cardio and then either doing arms and chest or legs day. I have been doing mostly arms since my legs are quite strong and not that bad looking but I have wimpy arms :p. I haven't weighed myself, not interested for now, but I've made some lifestyle changes (cut soda usage like over 90%, trying to eat less carbs [bread and rice], etc). I don't want to get cut in 3 months but as long as I lose weight and look better over the course of a year Ill be more than happy. Maybe in a few months Ill ask for some training tips :p!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Uninspiring workout today. Blah. But I got through it and hit solid numbers. Also thought I looked like I was carrying a little more fat than usual. Must have been a worse eating weekend calorie wise than I originally estimated.

If I'm feeling good tomorrow I'm going to attempt 405x5 on my squats! Better tighten that belt up!

Don't you hate those days when you can swear you've gone up several percentages in body fat? You look at yourself and you're like, "How the fuck did I get so flabby?"

And then the very next day you're back to your "normal self." Repeat cycle.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Don't you hate those days when you can swear you've gone up several percentages in body fat? You look at yourself and you're like, "How the fuck did I get so flabby?"

And then the very next day you're back to your "normal self." Repeat cycle.
Yeah, they do suck. Although they are good for refocusing your nutritional discipline.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I didn't think I would complete my workout today. I was fearing the 5lb gain on the squats but it all worked out.

I really need to go get myself a squat rack, cleaning from the ground is getting harder.
A so-so day yet some gains, even while cutting

Squat 310 4/3/3 My leg "stamina" is just not there. I've got the strength, yet not enough "punch" to finish the 5 reps. Oh well, I guess, it's due to the cutting.
Bench Press182.7x3x5. Got to try my microplates, and they are really nice. This weight felt even easier than 180
Chin ups 3xfailure 7/6/6. 4 more reps than last week.

All in all satisfied, yet not smashing training


So just did greyskull today and it felt great! Was terrified of 185 lb squats on my last set for more than 5 reps but after the 5th rep I had a sudden burst of energy and got up to 8 reps.

Benched 140 lbs for 1x5 then went down since the last rep was ugly. 2nd set was135 lbs for 1x5 for the and finally 1x8 for 135 lbs for the last set. Chins up went up to 11 reps. Btw for weighted stuff do you guys bring your own stuff or use whatever your gym has? I go to a 24 super sport and the one I go to should have an elastic band I can use to add weight for chin ups on Friday but curious if there's any other method or if I have to buy my own equipment.

Glad you enjoyed it. Now just try to get those extra reps for as long as you can :)

As for weighed chins, people mostly use a dip belt. You don't have one of those in the gym?


When I start this diet next week and do the beginner's full body workout in the OP for 6-8 weeks, how much of a difference should I expect?

I have a bodyfat percentage of 15%.

My aim right now is to have a body similar to this guy:

A decent amount of muscle girls love yet doesn't look impossible to achieve.


I know everyone has different opinions but I don't think that guy has a decent amount of muscle, or much muscle at all.

I wouldn't expect a lot after 6-8 weeks besides increased strength. This is a marathon, not a sprint.


What do you guys do for a sore rotator cuff?

Not an injury but I don't want it to turn into one. I've been icing, heating and taking ibuprofen and I'm taking off until Friday. Any other tips?


I know everyone has different opinions but I don't think that guy has a decent amount of muscle, or much muscle at all.

I wouldn't expect a lot after 6-8 weeks besides increased strength. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
I don't expect a lot within that time limit, do think I'll notice a difference however. How long would you reckon it could take to see a bigger difference?

I think that guy has some muscle, particularly when looking at the guy's abs. This is just me trying to set a reasonable goal for myself. Since I know women and gay guys love him.


What do you guys do for a sore rotator cuff?

Not an injury but I don't want it to turn into one. I've been icing, heating and taking ibuprofen and I'm taking off until Friday. Any other tips?

The guys at dieselcrew.com have a ton of good stuff on shoulder injuries and some great advice to help prevent them. I'd give their stuff a read.

If you want to do some intensive work on your shoulder, I recommend checking out their 'Shoulder Rehab 101' routine. I used it while nursing a dislocated shoulder and it worked really well. -- http://www.dieselcrew.com/how-to-shoulder-rehab

Also, go buy a resistance band and start doing 100 band pull aparts every day. They really help to keep the shoulders strong. -- http://www.defrancostraining.com/ask_joe/archives/ask_joe_08-07-11.html#question03


Not that I've seen. I'll look around though.

One possibility is to take a dumbbell and place it between your legs for additional weight. The problem with this is that it's very hard/impossible when the dumbbells get heavier.

If loading isn't possible, you can always do body weight chins for more reps though.


I don't expect a lot within that time limit, do think I'll notice a difference however. How long would you reckon it could take to see a bigger difference?

I think that guy has some muscle, particularly when looking at the guy's abs. This is just me trying to set a reasonable goal for myself. Since I know women and gay guys love him.

There's no real answer for that. Some will have results earlier than others. I don't think I noticed a difference until half a year of training and when I hit the year and a half it made that difference seem small and I'm sure that will be pushed out by my two year in January.

There's really no rushing it. If you're committed, forget time restrictions. It's not like you have a competition coming up

The guys at dieselcrew.com have a ton of good stuff on shoulder injuries and some great advice to help prevent them. I'd give their stuff a read.

If you want to do some intensive work on your shoulder, I recommend checking out their 'Shoulder Rehab 101' routine. I used it while nursing a dislocated shoulder and it worked really well. -- http://www.dieselcrew.com/how-to-shoulder-rehab

Also, go buy a resistance band and start doing 100 band pull aparts every day. They really help to keep the shoulders strong. -- http://www.defrancostraining.com/ask_joe/archives/ask_joe_08-07-11.html#question03

Appreciate it. Ill read that over on my lunch break.

I'm sure target or Walmart sells bands, right?
When I start this diet next week and do the beginner's full body workout in the OP for 6-8 weeks, how much of a difference should I expect?

I have a bodyfat percentage of 15%.

My aim right now is to have a body similar to this guy:

A decent amount of muscle girls love yet doesn't look impossible to achieve.
You will feel better more than you'll look better. Id at 3 months minimum before you get any noticeable physical improvements unless you're in dreadful shape now, but 15% isnt that. You should already have some abs shape going on, at least somewhat at that low of a %. I would say an untrained guy isnt going to achieve the pic for at least a year, too many variables to really say though. Most people it would probably take longer because theyd need to size up to build a muscle base then work diligently on low body fat. Youre at a good place bc most peoplr start at over 20% even if they're 'skinny'. All i rly see is abs and those can be tricky as if u dont have them naturally at a low body fat youre gonna have to do more musclebuilding and cutting than asians and that guy in the pic have to lol

Starting at 15% is a hella good place to start aat if thats your goal though.


When I start this diet next week and do the beginner's full body workout in the OP for 6-8 weeks, how much of a difference should I expect?

I have a bodyfat percentage of 15%.

My aim right now is to have a body similar to this guy:

A decent amount of muscle girls love yet doesn't look impossible to achieve.

If you're a complete beginner then I imagine it will take you a month or so before you actually master all the lifts and get into the groove of things/diet.

I had been to the gym for a few months a year before and learned all the lifts and did my research. I'm not following the program in this thread, but within the first 2 months this year I had packed on enough mass to make a noticeable difference to people I interacted with. It has been 3 months now and I imagine if I'd shed off some fat I'd somewhat look like the guy in your picture.

I have no desire to become as big as most of the guys in this thread and currently my plan is to continue bulking until the end of the year and then do a cut for next summer. I think it would make more sense to change your mindset and get used to a long-term atleast 6 - 9 month plan like that too.


I've thought about it a couple of times, but I don't think I've ever had anything useful come out of my general practitioner as an adult.

At least to get some prescription grade ibuprofen (or you could just take 1800-2400mg a day of the regular small pills) and maybe a script for PT. remind me later when I have more time I can describe the stretches my PT gave me and they might help.


Mark, that's Darren Criss, right?

I'm sorry, I just don't see him being muscular. At all
I just wanted to set a reasonable goal for myself. People love his body even though he isn't that muscular.

You will feel better more than you'll look better. Id at 3 months minimum before you get any noticeable physical improvements unless you're in dreadful shape now, but 15% isnt that. You should already have some abs shape going on, at least somewhat at that low of a %. I would say an untrained guy isnt going to achieve the pic for at least a year, too many variables to really say though. Most people it would probably take longer because theyd need to size up to build a muscle base then work diligently on low body fat. All i rly see is abs and those can be tricky as if u dont have them naturally at a low body fat youre gonna have to do more musclebuilding and cutting than asians and that guy in the pic have to lol

Starting at 15% is a hella good place to start aat if thats your goal though.
I started seeing my abs after doing some workouts at the gym before, can only see them really vaguely.

Yeah, I think I'll see some difference in 3 months.

So you think I have a good base to start from?

If you're a complete beginner then I imagine it will take you a month or so before you actually master all the lifts and get into the groove of things/diet.

I had been to the gym for a few months a year before and learned all the lifts and did my research. I'm not following the program in this thread, but within the first 2 months this year I had packed on enough mass to make a noticeable difference to people I interacted with. It has been 3 months now and I imagine if I'd shed off some fat I'd somewhat look like the guy in your picture.

I have no desire to become as big as most of the guys in this thread and currently my plan is to continue bulking until the end of the year and then do a cut for next summer. I think it would make more sense to change your mindset and get used to a long-term atleast 6 - 9 month plan like that too.
I don't plan to look big either, I just want some noticeable muscle and visible abs, i.e. the lean look. I was planning to bulk until there was a good amount of muscle then go on a cutting diet. Will be bulking for more than 3 months though lol.


cable rotator pulls @ 8:00 min mark, I like doing those

Might find other useful information in the video too.

Thanks, added it to my favorites.

I just wanted to set a reasonable goal for myself. People love his body even though he isn't that muscular.

I started seeing my abs after doing some workouts at the gym before, can only see them really vaguely.

Yeah, I think I'll see some difference in 3 months.

So you think I have a good base to start from?

Oh I know a lot of people like him. My wife included, that's how I knew who he was.

You can get into strength training for any reason, but in my opinion it should be for you, not to achieve a body other people may or may not like. Aesthetics are always a nice bonus.

I'm not saying he has a bad body. I just don't see really any muscle there at all. But like I said, different people, different opinions.

I think this shot of Wendler is near perfect



Oh I know a lot of people like him. My wife included, that's how I knew who he was.

You can get into strength training for any reason, but in my opinion it should be for you, not to achieve a body other people may or may not like. Aesthetics are always a nice bonus.

I'm not saying he has a bad body. I just don't see really any muscle there at all. But like I said, different people, different opinions.

I think this shot of Wendler is near perfect

Jeez, it's going to take me years before I look like that!

Doing it for aesthetics wasn't my goal initially, but when I saw the potential and that people would actually be attracted to me, it gave me a reason. When I'm with someone, that goal will be more towards getting fitter and bigger.

EDIT: I think he has a good body, but as you said not much muscle either.
U are in a perfect place to start from if youre only 15% and your goal is that pic. Stick to that plan and diet and youll have no trouble achieving that goal. Eating too much and not lifting enough are the only things that can stop you, as it can be difficult to train and thread that line between enough food and going overboard and bringing some inevitable fat in, as most of us know. But with a dietician and that clear goal no one can stop you but yourself brother ur set to go

The motivating factor behind y we workout is 100% different for everyone, dont ever think youre working out for the wrong reason or motivation. U can only NOT workout for the 'wrong' reasons/motivations


I've personally never liked the powerlifter physique with the stocky, large core. A while back someone posted Parker Hurley in the muscle appreciate thread -- that one seems perfect to me.


Wendlers body is just about perfect in that picture. Abs lean but strong as a bull. That pic has always been one of the goal bodies I've set for myself. That will be my final form.


Jeez, it's going to take me years before I look like that!

Doing it for aesthetics wasn't my goal initially, but when I saw the potential and that people would actually be attracted to me, it gave me a reason. When I'm with someone, that goal will be more towards getting fitter and bigger.

EDIT: I think he has a good body, but as you said not much muscle either.

Hah yeah that body does take years. I started off kind of like that. I wanted better aesthetics but as time went on I got addicted to lifting and now I'd consider it my main hobby so it's possible to change.

I also started comparing myself to me and that's it. I want to become the best me I can be :)


I will post new BF% estimation pics later today so be ready guys. I need to have some estimation of where I am at now so I can decide how I continue my cut after the diet break.
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