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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

Looks like my dinner.

I used to do it for years. Like anything, with repetition comes comfort. It's not bad. I still use it for CGBP.

I use it for OHP. I don't use it for bench ONLY because I don't bench in the cage often, if I did, I'd use it for bench too.

The plan is for me to go on a bulk for a good while, how long would it take to add like 40lbs of muscle?

A long fucking time and a lot of blood sweat and tears unless of course you don't go natty.

And by "not natty" I mean taking "Vitamin C."

And by Vitamin C I mean Granulated Cooter.

GAF, I need your help.

I was doing really well, losing flab, getting ripped. Ran into girl problems and now work problems and my gym routine has fallen apart in the last 3 months. I'm off with stress right now. I need to get my head and body sorted.

How do I get out of this rut?

By getting your ass in the gym.

Yeah, it came out wrong. I was thinking of beginners as the dozens of soccer moms and regular joes lifting 20-30lbs as the beginners, that's why i said i was not on that group.

I started in may of last year, so it's still all new to me. I'm mostly a lurker in this thread, but there's a lot of people in here who are very serious about this.

It's just funny because it looks like most of you guys are really interested in bodybuilding, as opposed to "men's health cover boy body", which is actually the opposite of most guys i know in real life.

I've been doing this for 3 years and I'm getting there strength wise, but I'd still consider myself barely out of "beginner."

I look back at my posts from just a year ago and shake my head.

Never stop learning.

There's been an influx of strong dudes at my gym. They train differently though so it's hard to really get a handle on exactly how powerful they are. Guy did 225 8 times in a push press over his head. Being that I do a strict OHP with as little movement as possible I have no idea where I compare to these guys who are swinging and using momentum to get their lifts up. They are built like a house though so I know they are strong.

Depends, they could simply be body builders in which case it's a crap shoot.

The gym I'm in now is mostly body builders. A lot of them are strong as shit, but most of them are also admittedly on steroids. They are cool as shit though, being around strong people is incredibly motivating.

I'm glad I got out of Gold's and into this gym. The motivation to get huge and strong INCREASES EXPONENTIALLY when surrounded by fucking beasts. Also, oddly enough these guys like how I train. Shit, the owner added me as an admin on their facebook page last night and asked me to start uploading videos. Check some of these guys out!



Here's the page.



Also, those guys you see on the cover of Men's Health didn't get to where they are by starting out with lots of small isolation exercises. They had to squat and deadlift for years to become strong, and THEN start fine-tuning.

I wouldn't be surprised if many of the guys in Fitness magazines have never deadlifted or squatted heavy. These guys do tons of PEDs even though they aren't huge.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, so I joined L.A. Fitness the other day and signed up for two months. Now that I'm at the gym, I can actually use weights (omg!) and was planning on trying out some of the beginner routines in the op, like Starting Strength. But after looking it over:

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 1 set of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans - 5 sets of 3
Abdominal work

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 1 set of 5
Bent Over Rows - 3 set of 5
Arm work, if desired

This routine will get you great gains, provided you are eating well.

I have to ask:


You're telling me that with so few exercises per workout, that people will actually see major improvements?


Okay, so I joined L.A. Fitness the other day and signed up for two months. Now that I'm at the gym, I can actually use weights (omg!) and was planning on trying out some of the beginner routines in the op, like Starting Strength. But after looking it over:

I have to ask:


You're telling me that with so few exercises per workout, that people will actually see major improvements?


Remember you are adding weight to each lift every workout.

It's the best way you could ever invest time at the gym as a novice.

Biggest mistake novices make when starting out is doing a ton of different exercises of every muscle.

With this program you are forcing yourself to get strong with the 4 main compound lifts (Squat, Bench press overhead press and deadlift).

It's a full body workout that is time-tested and warranted to work, provided you do it correctly (you add weight to every lift every workout and you don't add or change anything) and eat, eat and then eat more.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Okay, so I joined L.A. Fitness the other day and signed up for two months. Now that I'm at the gym, I can actually use weights (omg!) and was planning on trying out some of the beginner routines in the op, like Starting Strength. But after looking it over:

I have to ask:


You're telling me that with so few exercises per workout, that people will actually see major improvements?

You figured it out man, the OT has been a joke for the last 6 OTs.

Well, that's a wrap fellas, joke's over.
Okay, so I joined L.A. Fitness the other day and signed up for two months. Now that I'm at the gym, I can actually use weights (omg!) and was planning on trying out some of the beginner routines in the op, like Starting Strength. But after looking it over:

I have to ask:


You're telling me that with so few exercises per workout, that people will actually see major improvements?

Yes. A strong effort at a few exercises is infinitely better for getting bigger and stronger than the circuit of machines and dumbbell moves that the average gym-goer uses. Conventional wisdom for health and fitness are generally crap; the only exceptions are really "veggies are good for you" and "eating tons of sugar is bad for you."

Doing those moves and following the progression plan (with good diet and sleep), people make big progress. "Exercise" and "training" are not the same thing. Doing a circuit of stuff at the gym because you've been told exercise is good for you so you feel an obligation to sweat: exercise. Following a long-term plan to get better at things: training. Ss is training.
Guy did 225 8 times in a push press over his head. Being that I do a strict OHP with as little movement as possible I have no idea where I compare to these guys who are swinging and using momentum to get their lifts up. They are built like a house though so I know they are strong.

Push press can add a lot to your OHP. My OHP max is around 155-160lb but I can push press at least 210lb.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
How effective would you say it is at complementing ohp? Like if a person stalled at ohp would some push press training carry over at all?

I'm not nearly strong enough at ohp to need it yet, just curious.

I weight 225, OHP 265 and I've never done a push press.

Nail the shit out of your shoulders, upper back, abs and triceps to build a strong OHP.

The trick with push press is driving your legs hard. Strict OHP is brute upper body strength and core stability.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

Remember you are adding weight to each lift every workout.

It's the best way you could ever invest time at the gym as a novice.

Biggest mistake novices make when starting out is doing a ton of different exercises of every muscle.

With this program you are forcing yourself to get strong with the 4 main compound lifts (Squat, Bench press overhead press and deadlift).

It's a full body workout that is time-tested and warranted to work, provided you do it correctly (you add weight to every lift every workout and you don't add or change anything) and eat, eat and then eat more.

Yes. A strong effort at a few exercises is infinitely better for getting bigger and stronger than the circuit of machines and dumbbell moves that the average gym-goer uses. Conventional wisdom for health and fitness are generally crap; the only exceptions are really "veggies are good for you" and "eating tons of sugar is bad for you."

Doing those moves and following the progression plan (with good diet and sleep), people make big progress. "Exercise" and "training" are not the same thing. Doing a circuit of stuff at the gym because you've been told exercise is good for you so you feel an obligation to sweat: exercise. Following a long-term plan to get better at things: training. Ss is training.

Thanks. I just wanted to make sure, cause it sounds like the kind of things you see on infomercials at 2 AM (like those diet pills that say you can eat anything you want and never gain any weight). It just seemed too good and easy to be true.


Thanks. I just wanted to make sure, cause it sounds like the kind of things you see on infomercials at 2 AM (like those diet pills that say you can eat anything you want and never gain any weight). It just seemed too good and easy to be true.

Haha, if only. These exercises are very, very taxing, both physically and mentally.
I wouldn't be surprised if many of the guys in Fitness magazines have never deadlifted or squatted heavy. These guys do tons of PEDs even though they aren't huge.

There's that too. Not just on the magazines, but on the gym there's lots of guys taking injections and stuff. It's really accessible these days for everyone who likes to play russian roulette with their health.
Thanks. I just wanted to make sure, cause it sounds like the kind of things you see on infomercials at 2 AM (like those diet pills that say you can eat anything you want and never gain any weight). It just seemed too good and easy to be true.

Have you ever done any of the heavy compounds before? Because it will only seem too good to be true for a few workouts and then it will seem quite hard.

Nelo Ice

Thanks. I just wanted to make sure, cause it sounds like the kind of things you see on infomercials at 2 AM (like those diet pills that say you can eat anything you want and never gain any weight). It just seemed too good and easy to be true.
Wait till you start squatting heavy, you'll feel the pain!.

At risk of posting it too much, here is how I do it.

Here's my last two maxes.


First Shogun your a beast. And 2nd so you just go straight up and into lockout?. When I first tried OHP I was doing that based on watching Omar Isuf vid about it. Started doing the hip thrust thing after watching the SS vid on their site.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Wait till you start squatting heavy, you'll feel the pain!.

First Shogun your a beast. And 2nd so you just go straight up and into lockout?. When I first tried OHP I was doing that based on watching Omar Isuf vid about it. Started doing the hip thrust thing after watching the SS vid on their site.

I'm not a beast, yet. I'll be competing end of the year, then we will see if I'm a "beast" or not.

Second, here are my cues as I run them down for OHP.

Hands thumbs length out from smooth of the bar.

Thumbless grip, rotate hands around to rack.

Load glutes/legs with weight of bar while popping my lats and tightening back to "rack" the bar while unracking it from the squat rack keeping it on my collar bone.

Walk it away from the rack, deep breath, tighten glutes push hips forward just enough to have the bar clear RIGHT INFRONT of my face (I've actually busted myself in the jaw I go so close).

Take the bar explosively straight up, pull my head through and lock it out.

Bring back down slowly and controlled so as not to guillotine my head off in glorious fashion.

Final step, and this is important.

Rack the weight as loudly as possible, turn around to the awe of your spectators and bask in pussy/cock (depending on preference).

You can see how I run it down like this as you watch the video.

For me, nothing is cooler than a strong as shit OHP and deadlift. These two lifts are just primal as hell.
I'm not a beast, yet. I'll be competing end of the year, then we will see if I'm a "beast" or not.

Second, here are my cues as I run them down for OHP.

Hands thumbs length out from smooth of the bar.

Thumbless grip, rotate hands around to rack.

Load glutes/legs with weight of bar while popping my lats and tightening back to "rack" the bar while unracking it from the squat rack keeping it on my collar bone.

Walk it away from the rack, deep breath, tighten glutes push hips forward just enough to have the bar clear RIGHT INFRONT of my face (I've actually busted myself in the jaw I go so close).

Take the bar explosively straight up, pull my head through and lock it out.

Bring back down slowly and controlled so as not to guillotine my head off in glorious fashion.

Final step, and this is important.

Rack the weight as loudly as possible, turn around to the awe of your spectators and bask in pussy/cock (depending on preference).

You can see how I run it down like this as you watch the video.

For me, nothing is cooler than a strong as shit OHP and deadlift. These two lifts are just primal as hell.

Thank you, I will try out that breakdown on Monday.


Thanks. I just wanted to make sure, cause it sounds like the kind of things you see on infomercials at 2 AM (like those diet pills that say you can eat anything you want and never gain any weight). It just seemed too good and easy to be true.

Easy?. Maybe the first 3 weeks or so. You are adding weight to the bar every workout. If you start at 95lb and add 10lb per session to your squat, then you'll be squatting 225lb 3x5 in about two months. That's basically the opposite of easy.

If only Starting Strength were easy.

It's very good, it's simple.

But it's not easy. You'll see.

You will see ;)


For me, nothing is cooler than a strong as shit OHP and deadlift. These two lifts are just primal as hell.

I am a fan of all the core lifts. But nothing beats a monster OHP. There's something truly inspiring and mindblowing about someone lifting an object heavier than the lifter over his head.

A super heavy bench is really cool too, but sometimes I wish that the OHP were a part of Powerlifting. Or at least that we got the Clean and Press back into Olympic lifting.


I said goddamn.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Have you ever done any of the heavy compounds before? Because it will only seem too good to be true for a few workouts and then it will seem quite hard.

Wait till you start squatting heavy, you'll feel the pain!.

I actually did some heavy squatting yesterday. I didn't mean that they're easy easy, but rather, easier than what you would think would be required to gain muscle (such as lifting as often as possible for long periods of time).

Nelo Ice

I'm not a beast, yet. I'll be competing end of the year, then we will see if I'm a "beast" or not.

Second, here are my cues as I run them down for OHP.

Hands thumbs length out from smooth of the bar.

Thumbless grip, rotate hands around to rack.

Load glutes/legs with weight of bar while popping my lats and tightening back to "rack" the bar while unracking it from the squat rack keeping it on my collar bone.

Walk it away from the rack, deep breath, tighten glutes push hips forward just enough to have the bar clear RIGHT INFRONT of my face (I've actually busted myself in the jaw I go so close).

Take the bar explosively straight up, pull my head through and lock it out.

Bring back down slowly and controlled so as not to guillotine my head off in glorious fashion.

Final step, and this is important.

Rack the weight as loudly as possible, turn around to the awe of your spectators and bask in pussy/cock (depending on preference).

You can see how I run it down like this as you watch the video.

For me, nothing is cooler than a strong as shit OHP and deadlift. These two lifts are just primal as hell.

Hmm, I'll try that on Monday thanks for the tips.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Easy?. Maybe the first 3 weeks or so. You are adding weight to the bar every workout. If you start at 95lb and add 10lb per session to your squat, then you'll be squatting 225lb 3x5 in about two months. That's basically the opposite of easy.

Haha. When you put it like that...

Should I incorporate any body weight exercises as well, or will that be counter productive?
I actually did some heavy squatting yesterday. I didn't mean that they're easy easy, but rather, easier than what you would think would be required to gain muscle (such as lifting as often as possible for long periods of time).

With the pace of added weight prescribed this IS "as often as possible" in the physiological sense if not in an all-my-free-time one.

Edit: to the post right before me: people can usually safely add abs (one exercise for 3 sets, not a billion movements) and bicep curls without fucking up their progress. Other than that no.
I am a fan of all the core lifts. But nothing beats a monster OHP. There's something truly inspiring and mindblowing about someone lifting an object heavier than the lifter over his head.

A super heavy bench is really cool too, but sometimes I wish that the OHP were a part of Powerlifting. Or at least that we got the Clean and Press back into Olympic lifting.


I said goddamn.

Yep, completely agree. I believe this is the biggest OHP ever, 228 kilograms, by the beast Serge Reding: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JmCOjnsKi4
Coolest lift ever.

Edit: Found this one of 230kg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTYyi-AnWhY

Oblivion said:
I didn't mean that they're easy easy, but rather, easier than what you would think would be required to gain muscle (such as lifting as often as possible for long periods of time).

Muscle is built when your recovering; or eating and sleeping. These parts are as important as the workout itself.


Just had 2 double cheeseburgers from five guys as my post workout meal. I had such a weird workout, on one hand I had very little energy yet I actually went up in weight on several lifts, it's just that it took forever for me to finish sets. I don't think I got enough calories this week, and my carb up yesterday didn't go that great since I was on vacay, I ended up eating some garbage (Pizza/ice cream) and I guess it came back at me today.

I put up 355x5 times on decline, 315x7 on incline and had a lot more in the gas tank as far as chest is concerned. And a little bit of bad news, I won't be able to squat heavy for a long time, I tweaked my knee badly and will probably need an MRI soon if it doesn't get any better. I was feeling myself a bit, and decided to have a 30 yard race against my brother-in-laws remote controlled car. I took one bad step at the end and a sharp pain shot up my back and my knee has been tender ever since :(


Brian Burke punched my mom
I wonder if there's anyone left in the world who can press 500lb. Probably not?

Well the cheat press was shit canned for a reason. As for pressing how they did I'm sure quite a few can do that today if they bothered to train for it because now it's strictly jerk (Oly) or push press (strongman)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well the cheat press was shit canned for a reason. As for pressing how they did I'm sure quite a few can do that today if they bothered to train for it because now it's strictly jerk (Oly) or push press (strongman)

The crazy thing is when I watch judging for powerlifting meets and how inconsistent the judging really is, it takes all credibility for why the press was removed away. I mean have you seen the latest world record squat?


Shit's higher than giraffe pussy.


Brian Burke punched my mom
The crazy thing is when I watch judging for powerlifting meets and how inconsistent the judging really is, it takes all credibility for why the press was removed away. I mean have you seen the latest world record squat?


Shit's higher than giraffe pussy.

LOL ya some are pretty bad.

Well Olympic judging and PL judging are totally different things. How some of those squats pass with three white lights I don't know...it's truly pathetic and why it will never be an Olympic sport and rightfully so.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
LOL ya some are pretty bad.

Well Olympic judging and PL judging are totally different things. How some of those squats pass with three white lights I don't know...it's truly pathetic and why it will never be an Olympic sport and rightfully so.

It's gonna take someone to really set the judging/rules straight. But by all accounts you're right, it will never happen.

Did you ever see his bench video? Dude clearly has shit stuffed down his shirt and Louie Simmons is adamant that he doesn't.

Shit's as political as anything else.



Brian Burke punched my mom
Dumb question here but what does stuffing your shirt do to lifting?

Reduces the ROM so it's easier to perform the lift, in this case the bench press. Another reason to arch your back, although a nice arch is good for some leg drive, some are absolutely ridiculous in their arching making it look like a circus act.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
It's gonna take someone to really set the judging/rules straight. But by all accounts you're right, it will never happen.

Did you ever see his bench video? Dude clearly has shit stuffed down his shirt and Louie Simmons is adamant that he doesn't.

Shit's as political as anything else.

Not a fan of multi-ply lifting in general. Obviously the guys who do it train hard and a re as strong as shit but when it results in completely different forms to raw lifting, questionable lifts getting passed and a 3005lb total with an 820lb dead it ends up looking like a sideshow.

Dumb question here but what does stuffing your shirt do to lifting?
In the case of the bench it reduces the ROM because instead of having to touch the bar to your body you only have to go down far enough to reach whatever it is you've got stuffed inside your clothes. Basically makes the lift more like a board press.


Reduces the ROM so it's easier to perform the lift, in this case the bench press. Another reason to arch your back, although a nice arch is good for some leg drive, some are absolutely ridiculous in their arching making it look like a circus act.

In the case of the bench it reduces the ROM because instead of having to touch the bar to your body you only have to go down far enough to reach whatever it is you've got stuffed inside your clothes. Basically makes the lift more like a board press.

Oh wow, that sounds really dirty. Thanks for the info.
Week 3 of the Magnusson/Ortmayer for Deadlift program, complete. I thought that Week 5 is the off week from DL, but it turns out it is Week 4. Feeling real good so far. Went hard on DL and traps, traps, traps. Now it is time for dinner. Hello Steak N' Shake.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
ok guys I need some help in choosing the best weight gaining protein shake supplement (powder preferred) and appropriate exercises because I've been trying to bulk up for a little while to no avail. I have a fast metabolism so no matter how much I eat, I wont gain pounds as easy as others. Im thin built with little muscle definition and weigh about 125-130lbs. (yeah my weight fluctuates...a lot).

Anyways, I hardly have that much fat on me. However, I wanna take advantage of this and build more muscle and bulk up...in every area. But I dont know where to start on...i.e..diet/protein powder shakes/etc and which exercises I should start during the week. So yeah....

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
ok guys I need some help in choosing the best weight gaining protein shake supplement (powder preferred) and appropriate exercises because I've been trying to bulk up for a little while to no avail. I have a fast metabolism so no matter how much I eat, I wont gain pounds as easy as others. Im thin built with little muscle definition and weigh about 125-130lbs. (yeah my weight fluctuates...a lot).

Anyways, I hardly have that much fat on me. However, I wanna take advantage of this and build more muscle and bulk up...in every area. But I dont know where to start on...i.e..diet/protein powder shakes/etc and which exercises I should start during the week. So yeah....
Any protein powder, plus lots of milk, eggs, meat, tuna. You could buy the most expensive stuff available but if the rest of your diet isn't up to snuff you'll have a tough time putting on weight. As for exercises, do Starting Strength or a similar program. Check the OP of this thread for more details.
Reassure me, please! I worked out on a Saturday/Monday/Wednesday schedule this week (starting strength), and work has been such that I probably won't have time to lift again until Monday. Will I see losses? Or should I just suck it up and try to find time tomorrow (Sunday)?

I'm incredibly neurotic.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
How wide should arms be for deads?
As close to your legs as possible without getting in the way. The more perpendicular to the floor they are the longer they reach which = shorter pull.
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