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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Nelo Ice

Better make friends with the power rack I guess. I use weight im comfortable hitting for 5 or so reps without a spot. I should probably just ask anyone around as people are generally willing to help.

Every time I bench now I tend to ask someone nearby to spot me and most times they spot for all 3 sets. Though now that I'm more comfortable lifting heavy, I only ask for a spot on the last set when I'm goin for AMRAP.


Hit the 3 months mark today and I'm not all too happy with my visual gains. I'll just tell myself that the gains are mostly covered with fat and will just try to focus and work harder next month.

How normal is it that I usually get DOMS 2 days after working out? Like say if I do calfs on tuesday my legs would be fine on wednesday and then thursday and friday it's so bad that when I walk it looks like I've got a stick up my ass. It really sucks as I usually make sure to do stretches inbetween sets and after working out, yet it doesn't seem to help much. Do I just work them too hard?
Hit the 3 months mark today and I'm not all too happy with my visual gains. I'll just tell myself that the gains are mostly covered with fat and will just try to focus and work harder next month.

How normal is it that I usually get DOMS 2 days after working out? Like say if I do calfs on tuesday my legs would be fine on wednesday and then thursday and friday it's so bad that when I walk it looks like I've got a stick up my ass. It really sucks as I usually make sure to do stretches inbetween sets and after working out, yet it doesn't seem to help much. Do I just work them too hard?

2 days after is ALWAYS the worst for me, I believe its very common to have it that way

Nelo Ice

So today I encountered my first curl in the squat rack. After it was used this whole time for squats and other proper excercises, this guy comes in and starts curling away.


Random question but is there anything written about using dumbbells when doing your bench press exercises in SS?

Seems like it's all about barbell lifts, but wouldn't using dumbbells once in a while have its own benefits?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Random question but is there anything written about using dumbbells when doing your bench press exercises in SS?

Seems like it's all about barbell lifts, but wouldn't using dumbbells once in a while have its own benefits?

It helps with symmetry if you notice one side feeling stronger than the other. DBs are very useful.



It´s this routine, will change later on in september.

Any more thoughts? Is it a confirmation that i´m being misguided? Something else?

Before someone yells at you: stop what you're doing and start the routine in the first post of the thread. It's much simpler and much better. Here's a simple breakdown:

Day 1:
Workout A
- Squat (with a barbell, NOT the smith machine). Warm-up sets, then 3x5 for the work weight.
- Bench press (with barbell). Same set/rep-routine as above.
- Deadlift (with barbell). Warm-up sets, then one work set of 1x5.
- Go home and eat.

Day 2:
- rest
- eat a lot

Day 3:
Workout B
- Squat. Same routine as above, but add to the working weight.
- Overhead press (with barbell). Same routine.
- Power cleans (with barbell). 3x5 sets for the working weight instead of 5x3.
- Eat.

Day 4:
- rest and eat

Day 5:
- start over. Do workout A again, but add weight on all the lifts.

In addition to those lifts, you can do a few (a FEW, not many) extra exercises. Good ones are pull-ups, dips, rows, lying tricep extensions, leg raises and back extensions.

Summing up: Concentrate on the big lifts that work out most of the body in one go. Squat, deadlift, bench press and so on. They are more than enough as long as you do them correctly (never in the smith machine) AND make sure to add a little weight every time you do them. Do that, and you'll get much stronger than before, much faster. And remember to eat well, rest every other day, and get enough sleep.


Random question but is there anything written about using dumbbells when doing your bench press exercises in SS?

Seems like it's all about barbell lifts, but wouldn't using dumbbells once in a while have its own benefits?

You can't do dumbell bench press in SS. SS is a barbell program.

Once you are done with SS you can do whatever you like, but if you are doing it then don't mess with it.



Squat 210
Bench 150

Finished both, but barely. Last rep of each took everything I had. I also failed a 95 OHP this week. Little scared about Monday, but hopefully nothing a couple days of rest and lots of milk can't fix.

Chin ups were shit after that, which I guess should be expected after pushing my body that hard. Still frustrating though!

Nelo Ice

3rd day of Greyskull and first time I couldn't get to at least 8 on my AMRAP set for an exercise. Did 195 lb squats 2x5 then rested as long as I needed for the final set and only got to 6. Was surprised I could even get that much since it took all my energy to get that 6th rep.

Besides that rest of my workout went well but damn I was hoping I could do more.


the piano man
Well today was 65 kgs/143 lbs on bench and it went as good as it could have been, considering it was the first time and no spotter. A couple of bad half-reps but an otherwise o.k 5x3 first attempt.

I just realized I may have nearly lifted my own weight today because I have always counted my weight with clothes as the official one but I shouldn't count those extra 2 or 3 pounds right? it's not like the shirt and the shoes help me lift anything.

these are my numbers as of today.

(Deadlift missing because it needs work, it's been a very rocky road with the DL...)


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So yeah, that moment when you're so intense in your workout then you look down and you're bleeding all over the barbell and your leg looks like a fountain of crimson.

That's about the time you end your session.

Dumb threads :p

As impressive as this OT is, it's an exception.

To be fair, most of the work for this OT was already done for you.

Thanks, i thought i was going crazy. Anyways, i work out on a big gym, with lots of trainers. I'm always doing the program my trainer gave me, with the hopes of cutting down on body fat and gaining just a bit more size.

It's not about strength, i'm one of those who are looking for "men's health cover" type of body, or something 70-80% of that.

Not exactly beginner, since i'm training six days a week for a while... i'm already on my tenth different program, but it's still 4x8, 3x10 or 3x12 for every exercise. I asked about those smaller reps and the 1RM method that i don't know much about it, but my trainer told me to just stick to the plan and increase things as we progress.

He keeps telling me i shouldn't push myself too much because of injuries and stuff. (i'm already on a bummed shoulder and fatigue is a problem since i go to the treadmill everyday after the regular exercises).

I've lost about 15 pounds since i started, right now i must be at 175 and 5'11.

Thanks for the comments.

You're the very definition of a beginner. The fact you're in a gym for 6 days a week does not change that fact.

Kind of goes with the saying "Being in a church makes you no more a christian as being in a garage makes you a car."

Fucking back is so pumped right now.

Did a set of 83x5 pullups everyday this week and some lower weight sets after. Managed to do it with 94lbsx4 today and 12 chins with ~60lbs.

I'm imagining your back "pumped" and the Rocky Mountains getting so envious they pack up and head to muscle beach.

First time I post a pic here. I've been going to the gym since March:


(took the photo 20 mins ago on my way back from the gym, by walk, hence the non-sleeve shirt)

Started at 178cm (5.83 inches?) tall and 62kg (136 pounds), now I'm at 70kg (156 pounds).
The photo isn't very good and I'd like to say I have more muscle than what shows on the pic (mainly my right shoulder, it looks much smaller on that pic I think), but I'm still far away from my ideal body...

I will try to get some better pics soon. Just letting you guys know that I read the thread everyday at work during the breaks :p

Edit: For comparison, this is me 5 years ago. I was a bit skinnier even during last Christmas...


Definite difference man, keep at it and you're gonna be a shredded monster.


So yeah, that moment when you're so intense in your workout then you look down and you're bleeding all over the barbell and your leg looks like a fountain of crimson.

This happened to me a few weeks back doing deads. I didn't even realize I was bleeding for a while. My t shirt and shorts had blood on them too from the bar dragging up them. Felt kinda weird to look down and see, lol.


post workout pic, pump at the gym so it is a cheating pic #foreverbulk
Who cares.

"If you don't post a selfie within 30 minutes of achieving your nastypump you will immediately and unmercifully lose all your gains"

You did the right thing, enjoy your gains edge.

#swelfie #alldayerryday

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
This happened to me a few weeks back doing deads. I didn't even realize I was bleeding for a while. My t shirt and shorts had blood on them too from the bar dragging up them. Felt kinda weird to look down and see, lol.

Yeah, compound that with the fact I was in mid strip set and a dude was waiting for my barbell, haha. I cleaned the shit out of the area/barbell/floor though.

No name change Shogun?

No, I doubt they will accommodate me since I'm 1 ban away from a perm. Plus I don't know the right procedure to get it done. I'd like to just make a new account, but that would just give them an excuse.

post workout pic, pump at the gym so it is a cheating pic #foreverbulk

It is?

Dat's not cheating, especially since you're admitting to it!


Brian Burke punched my mom
196lbs now.

192.5 two weeks ago

Just an avalanche of septic swoleness seeping through my skin engulfing mesmerized onlookers in my cloud of testosterone.
Random question but is there anything written about using dumbbells when doing your bench press exercises in SS?

Seems like it's all about barbell lifts, but wouldn't using dumbbells once in a while have its own benefits?

Helps wth symmetry as has been said already. I feel like the ss wiki's advice on flat vs incline might work here as well: as a relative beginner, don't worry about an asymmetry because the whole muscle is underdeveloped.

My opinion: If your muscles can bench the bar without tipping sideways you're fine for now. If they can't, deload. Worry about fancier stuff when you move beyond ss, regardless of whether you move to a split or 5 3 1 or whatever.
Hi, total novice here, just wondering if theres any special advice for a total aneimic.

Im 18, 135 pounds and 181 cm, not neccersarily looking to get ripped but just to get to a normal size.

Any tips?


Hi, total novice here, just wondering if theres any special advice for a total aneimic.

Im 18, 135 pounds and 181 cm, not neccersarily looking to get ripped but just to get to a normal size.

Any tips?

You should do Starting Strength; you'll find details in the OP.

In fact, it's almost as if Starting Strength was created for you.
Thanks , i will do that, hate looking so pathetic.

When you say "anemic" is that literally the medical problem or just hyperbole for skinny ? I get the feeling that it was just a figure of speech but it's good to check

And remember weight is about food habits even more than exercise

Ss is seriously perfect for you like the previous dude said. Add strength and mass to basically everything.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Pfft, not if you're wearing that Niners gear! ;)

So excited for the season to start!!
I'm counting the days. Niners have a tough schedule but they are strong at almost every position! Should be a fun year.

Side note, had a guy tell me that eating all your calories at night is really bad for your heart. I'll do some research but I can't possibly see it being true.
When you say "anemic" is that literally the medical problem or just hyperbole for skinny ? I get the feeling that it was just a figure of speech but it's good to check

And remember weight is about food habits even more than exercise

Ss is seriously perfect for you like the previous dude said. Add strength and mass to basically everything.

Yeah just joking around, ive started with more nuts/cheese/milk etc, i truly am gonna start that ss program.


Going finish OmarIsuf's program next week and start the Practical Programming Novice Program, which happens to be the Alternate Full Body program in the OP. Thought I'd ask these questions now instead of when classes start for me. From the OP:

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press/Press - 3 sets of 5
Chin-ups - 3 sets to failure

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press/Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 1 set of 5

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press/Press - 3 sets of 5
Pull-ups - 3 sets to failure

I hope the questions are formatted well and easy for you guys to reply to:
Question #1: I can choose whichever DL I want to do? I've been doing stiff-legged DL and snatch grip DL (on two different days); I plan to stick with snatch grip DL and eventually move to the conventional DL.
Question #2: Front squats on Wednesday, should I do them from the get-go or when I can back squat like 135lbs?
Question #3: Should I do pendlay rows instead of pull-ups for a few months and transition to pull-ups (which my friend did) or do assisted pull-ups using resistance bands from the get-go (maybe do the negatives?)? Which is most effective? I can probably only do 1 pull-up, I haven't done any ever since starting Omar's program.
Question #4: Tricep exercise after chin-ups, yes/no?
Question #5: It's OK for me to continue doing box jumps after each workout? If I recall correctly, OmarIsuf said doing them after a workout assists in recovery.
Squat 310x3x5 3/3/3 Third Strike! Deload time! Lifts suffering noooooo!
Bench press 185 3x5 OK!
Pull Ups 4/4/4 OK!
Armz whatever...

Not being able to increase my squat is becoming quite a chore

Hi, total novice here, just wondering if theres any special advice for a total aneimic.

Im 18, 135 pounds and 181 cm, not neccersarily looking to get ripped but just to get to a normal size.

Any tips?

Besides doing ss, you should do the GOMAD diet.
Squat 310x3x5 3/3/3 Third Strike! Deload time! Lifts suffering noooooo!
Bench press 185 3x5 OK!
Pull Ups 4/4/4 OK!
Armz whatever...

Not being able to increase my squat is becoming quite a chore

Besides doing ss, you should do the GOMAD diet.

A gallon of milk eh, ill think about that, guess it aint too dear.
A gallon of milk eh, ill think about that, guess it aint too dear.
Trust me on this one, don't stop until you are about 190lb. This is me on my first bulk, going from 145lb to 190lb was not an easy task


Downing a 1500cal protein shake and 2 carls jr burgers at the same time
It doesnt cause any health problems does it?

Not really, as long as you don't have any predisposition against milk.

As long as you are following SS, what will happen is that you'll put on a lot of muscle in a record amount of time AND some fat. When you finish SS in a few months from now you'll be around 18-20% bodyfat. When you are done, you stop GOMAD and never do it again.

It's a once in a lifetime experience imo
Not really, as long as you don't have any predisposition against milk.

As long as you are following SS, what will happen is that you'll put on a lot of muscle in a record amount of time AND some fat. When you finish SS in a few months from now you'll be around 18-20% bodyfat. When you are done, you stop GOMAD and never do it again.

It's a once in a lifetime experience imo

Yeah cool, think priority one is starting Ss.



Question #1: I can choose whichever DL I want to do? I've been doing stiff-legged DL and snatch grip DL (on two different days); I plan to stick with snatch grip DL and eventually move to the conventional DL.

You don't get to choose. You only do conventional deadlifts in this program. Get your deadlift to 405lb and then fiddle with deadlift variations.

Question #2: Front squats on Wednesday, should I do them from the get-go or when I can back squat like 135lbs?

No front squats. Do back squats 3 times a week. Start with 95lb and add 10lb every session. This means you should be squatting 135lb in your 5th session. If not you're doing it wrong. You should be squatting 185lb 3x5 in about a month.

Question #3: Should I do pendlay rows instead of pull-ups for a few months and transition to pull-ups (which my friend did) or do assisted pull-ups using resistance bands from the get-go (maybe do the negatives?)? Which is most effective? I can probably only do 1 pull-up, I haven't done any ever since starting Omar's program.
Don't do pull-ups. Do chin-ups, which are easier and will lead to pull-ups. If you can already do 1 chin then just try to do as many singles as you can between sets of the other lifts. As in, do 1 reps while you rest between squat sets, etc.
Question #4: Tricep exercise after chin-ups, yes/no?

Get your squat to 225lb. Then worry about accessories.

Question #5: It's OK for me to continue doing box jumps after each workout? If I recall correctly, OmarIsuf said doing them after a workout assists in recovery.

Worry about your main lifts. I'd stop doing those while doing the linear progression.

Honestly you are overthinking this. Just do your lifts, add weight to the bar every workout and eat and rest. It's not that complicated.


It doesnt cause any health problems does it?

No. You'll just do it for a few months. You just have to ease your way into it. On the first week, do 1 liter every day. 2 liters on the second week. 3 liters on the 3rd week, and the full GOMAD on the 4th and beyond. Your digestive system and your toilet will thank you and you won't end up hatin milk.

When I did SS I was 160lb and with GOMAD and the lifts I got to 200lb pretty quickly without gaining much fat at all. And I was 32.

You'll be fine. Do SS. Eat. Rest. Eat. You'll grow. You'll be amazed.


the piano man
that's some very nice Chun-li-Cammy hibrid physique, nice legs.

on another note, I've seen plenty of guys in my gym benching serious weight with a thumbless grip. Since mostly everyone does it like that, I thought I had missed that bit of info so came back home to read SS and see what's the deal with that.

to my surprise, Rippetoe considers a thumbless grip a mistake!! :-O it says the bar isn't safe and you are just asking for an accident. I was really surprised because I, the novice, am apparently doing something right and the advanced guys aren't. weird.
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