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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Reassure me, please! I worked out on a Saturday/Monday/Wednesday schedule this week (starting strength), and work has been such that I probably won't have time to lift again until Monday. Will I see losses? Or should I just suck it up and try to find time tomorrow (Sunday)?

I'm incredibly neurotic.

As long as you still manage to sleep and eat, one slightly -delayed workout isn't the end of the world. It should be fine.


Think I might start going for runs on rest days, is this a good idea? There's a running group outside my uni 2 days per week.
I don't there is anything wrong with some light cardio, but jogging along with a running group sounds intensive enough to reduce the effectiveness of your rest days.


I don't there is anything wrong with some light cardio, but jogging along with a running group sounds intensive enough to reduce the effectiveness of your rest days.
My reason for this is it's a LGBT running group, it would be good for me to join this to meet...like-minded people.
Think I might start going for runs on rest days, is this a good idea? There's a running group outside my uni 2 days per week.
Are you crazy??

Just do it and eat more.
My reason for this is it's a LGBT running group, it would be good for me to join this to meet...like-minded people.

It doesn't hurt to give it a go either way.
If it's too intense, well, you can just go once a week or so.

Besides, if you're having fun, then it really doesn't matter if your losing miniscule amounts of gains :p


guess who's back, back again?

I've missed you guys!

So here's the current plan:

I'm doing 5/3/1 with a lean massing plan of +20% on lifting days -10% on rest days, and currently I'm lifing Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with assistance day on Saturday (weighted dips and pullups, lying tricep extensions, arious curls, etc).

I know it isn't ideal, but it seems to be for my plan which though strength is still part of, aesthetics top my list, and I don't want to give up how much I love those Saturday mornings. At this point if I were to change things I'd likely go more towards increasing the weighted dips and such, as they seem to be more in line with my eventual goals. Currently I've found a nice balance where I can manage both pretty well though.

I've re-evaluate in a few weeks and see if calories need to increase. I have a feeling they will.

I've fucking missed you guys and this thread. Will be catching up on things later.


In that case do it, there's more to life than weights and gains. Just know that it'll probably impact your linear progress.
I'm going to eat more, like Sonic X-treme said.

It'll more likely be once a week anyway. Buses are a bitch to get at night where I live.


Hey guys,

please indulge me as I overthink my routine for a little bit.

I've been doing the practical programming novice / alternate full body program in the OP for maybe 6 weeks. It's really great and I love all of the chin ups and pull ups it involves, but I am starting to feel like now that I've had a few basic gains I'd benefit from working in the Power Clean and learning to be more explosive. In addition, not doing any cardio is making me anxious and I feel like I should be adding in something.

One option is the SS program outlined in the book, which alternates pulling and chin ups, and deads and cleans within the pulling. So over four weeks I'd do 6 chin ups, 3 deadlifts, and 3 power cleans. Maybe I could add in some cardio on the chin up days.

Another option would be to simply add these to my current plan, maybe something like

M: Squat, Bench/Press, Power Clean, Chin ups
W: Squat, Bench/Press, Deadlift, (Dips?)
F: Squat, Bench/Press, Chin ups, Sprints

Last thought: eventually I feel like it would be nice to work in kettlebell swings, dumbbell snatches, and burpees, for some more (fun) conditioning. That is probably a ways off though; I'll want to get used to the power clean and wait a couple more months before I start thinking about that seriously.

I realize that this answer is probably just something like "dude, just start working it in and pick whatever lets you recover well," but I've been overthinking this lately and would appreciate any feedback.
[..] I've been overthinking this lately and would appreciate any feedback.

Not really sure what you're asking, but I rate Power Cleans very highly, higher than chins. They're full-body, help with your deadlift (if you're a novice) and are great for developing power. And they're very fun when you get the hang of them.

So just do regular Starting Strength program and keep doing chins (on B days) if you like, but adding the Power Cleans will surely be worth the effort.
Basically for what the best approach to program them in would be. I see novice programs that vary a lot in Deadlift/Power clean frequency, from doing only one of the two every week, to simply doing them every other day.

Somewhere between those is probably what I want.

Don't forget the Starting Strength wikia is unofficial.

This is from the SS 3rd Edition:

You start with deadlifting every workout the first few workouts to establish your deadlift ahead of your squat. I believe your past this part:

A: Squat/Press/Deadlift
B: Squat/Bench Press/Deadlift

Then you introduce the Power Clean to alternate with deadlift; you can also decide to chin for three sets after Power Cleans:

A: Squat/Press/Deadlift
B: Squat/Bench Press/Power Clean/Optional: Chins

After a couple of weeks/months of doing the above, you might start to feel that pulling every workout catches up to you. You can then choose to add back extensions and only pull on workout A:

A: Squat/Press/(Deadlift alternating with Power Clean)
B: Squat/Bench Press/Back Extensions/Chin-ups
Friday night, in preparation of this weekend's grilling festivities with friends and family... I grilled some snacks for myself.

~3 lbs of 90% lean Angus that my local store had on clearance (gotta sell off that old meat in a hurry!) for less than the non-Angus stuff (which, who gives a fuck beyond price, really). Shown here is about 1.25 lbs of it on my little hibachi... just enough to get me back in the swing of grilling before the big fest today/tomorrow. Don't worry, I did grill the rest after this first batch was complete.

Bulking is the greatest reason to exist, period.
Friday night, in preparation of this weekend's grilling festivities with friends and family... I grilled some snacks for myself.

~3 lbs of 90% lean Angus that my local store had on clearance (gotta sell off that old meat in a hurry!) for less than the non-Angus stuff (which, who gives a fuck beyond price, really). Shown here is about 1.25 lbs of it on my little hibachi... just enough to get me back in the swing of grilling before the big fest today/tomorrow. Don't worry, I did grill the rest after this first batch was complete.

Bulking is the greatest reason to exist, period.

Oh man this looks bomb, why must I be cutting :,-(
It has started now, the thing I hate the most. My face is getting fatter, almost 2 months into the bulk. Liking my body tho

6 more months of bulk to go. 6 more months of feeling like shit inside

I have to convince myself it will all be worth it at the end....


It has started now, the thing I hate the most. My face is getting fatter, almost 2 months into the bulk. Liking my body tho

6 more months of bulk to go. 6 more months of feeling like shit inside

I have to convince myself it will all be worth it at the end....

I'm glad to see none of this silliness changed while I was gone.



Gonna continue eating them!

(Perhaps his criticisms are valid for those using them for meal replacements as opposed to inbetween meal supplements).


Is what he says true?

Has anyone from FitGaf experienced the bloating/constipation issues?

I've had only one bar so far, but didn't experience any bloating etc issues.

I eat a bar every day and poop like a champ.

Apparently, Quest bars are only for women, too. Oh well.


Is what he says true?

Has anyone from FitGaf experienced the bloating/constipation issues?

I've had only one bar so far, but didn't experience any bloating etc issues.

I've been eating about one a day for the last three months while cutting, and haven't experienced anything along those lines at all. I'm also pretty sensitive to blood sugar changes, which haven't been an issue either.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've come to accept to help obliterate the last bastion of fat on myself I'm going to have to bite the bullet and incorporate some cardio, so there's a question involved.

On the last leg of SS. Would cardio benefit me more on off days, after lifting, or doesn't matter?


The bars probably don't agree with his Horse steroids.

Yea if jerry isnt talking about gear, then theres really not anything worth listening to coming from him imo.

Quest bars cause bloat.....No, fiber causes bloat. Thats why you dont eat it in excess along with the fact that it diminshes nutrient absorption, again in excess.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'll be posting some DL vids of my wife and I in a bit. I need some form advice from my peeps!

EDIT: Done! 455x5! Vids on their way.
I've come to accept to help obliterate the last bastion of fat on myself I'm going to have to bite the bullet and incorporate some cardio, so there's a question involved.

On the last leg of SS. Would cardio benefit me more on off days, after lifting, or doesn't matter?

I remember when I did SS for the first time, conditioning limited my lifts. Doing light cardio on Wednesday or Sunday helped


I've come to accept to help obliterate the last bastion of fat on myself I'm going to have to bite the bullet and incorporate some cardio, so there's a question involved.

On the last leg of SS. Would cardio benefit me more on off days, after lifting, or doesn't matter?

I'd do it right after lifting.

What I'd do is: I'd forget about the fat loss, eek out the last possible strength gains from SS, and after the strength gains have been exhausted, switch to 531 which lends itself much better to fat loss since recovery isn't usually an issue in that program.


First my wife at 145x8


I took two at different angles.

Here is 375x5


455x5... Looks like my back is rounded a little. Get to work Dl'ing experts!


They look pretty good! There's a wee bit of rounding with 455lb but hey, it's 455lbx5. There's some rounding to be expected when getting close to your max. The only thing I can think of is that raising your hips a tiny bit (and just a tiny bit since we don't want hyper extension which is worse than flexion) before the pull to make sure your hamstrings stay tight and help your keep the back extended, since the proximal end of the hamstrings crosses the hip joint and thus thy contributes to extending it . 455lb looked super easy. I'm sure you could easily lift 500lb for a double.

Your wife has very good form too. She might need to keep the bar closer to her body during the pull bit other that they look great.

And also: goddamn. I wish my gym had a platform like that. :(


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Looking good cooter!

Impressed with your wife. How long has she been lifting?
Thanks Noema! Thanks Sean! She's been lifting for a long time but this is like only her 7th or 8th time deadlifting. Her first set ever was with great form. Crazy. She has a very good deep squat too.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Her form is spot on.

Cooter, just a few things I noticed is that in some (not all) of your reps your hips shoot up like a gun shot way before your chest ever moves. This effectively turns the deadlift into a stiff legged dead. It's odd because you don't do it every rep.

Also, you control the weight a bit too much on the way down, you could probably bang out more reps by simply letting the weight come crashing down while holding onto the bar, resetting and going again. Aside from those minor niggles just the back rounding you're already aware of, coming along nicely bud.

edit: 1 more thing. Remind yourself to keep that lower back arched HARD and chest up. The whole "you should be able to read your shirt from the front" thing is a good cue to remember.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Good stuff guys! Will take these things into account and work on them.

EDIT: Oh, lol, it is a nice chest! Haha
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