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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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It doesn't. You're thinking that it's like Stronglifts, where you're squatting every other day. It's not. Each day has one big lift, then two accessory exercises. Most complaints about 5/3/1 are that it's too slow, not that it overtrains you.

Too slow isn't an issue for me, I'm in it for the long haul.

Ill read into 5/3/1.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
So have been working out again for a week or 3. Started with this new one today:


Couldn't pull it all off, but got pretty close. 3x this and 1x swimming/HIIT on Sundays. Eating 2500 calories a day (try to at least). 40% proteine, 30% carbs and 20% fat (not exactly, but pretty close). That is 400 calories under maintenance. It is a lot of eggs, chicken, broccoli that sort of stuff. 175 cm and around 81/82 kilo (keeps changing everyday). Want to get rid of this belly, it feels like it won't go away. Any tips Gaf?

No one? :( Should I change the ratio? Less carbs maybe? This belly fat is really annoying me and I want to get rid of it. Don't really care about muscles at this point, I just want to get my body fat under 10%. Or should I try another training plan for more effective fat loss?


Drinking pasteurized egg whites: good idea?

You will get more protein out of cooking them.

Eggs are a micronutrient rich food and you kinda throw all that away with the yolk so....

Are they even cost effective compared to something like ground turkey in terms of $/oz protein?


No one? :( Should I change the ratio? Less carbs maybe? This belly fat is really annoying me and I want to get rid of it. Don't really care about muscles at this point, I just want to get my body fat under 10%. Or should I try another training plan for more effective fat loss?

Honestly yeah, reading that plan you are probably over-working yourself. For one they mention multiple times in that article the goal was to pack on muscle not lose fat.

You would be far better off, especially as a beginner, to go with one of the programs in the OP and keep up with the sub-maintenance calories which for your goal is the most important thing.

You've been on it for less than three weeks. I know you want the belly gone. But if you are dropping weight, you are going in the right direction. If you aren't then you may be eatting more than you think you are. Your maintenance calories may be lower than you think. Just keep tracking your calories and lower them of you aren't seeing the numbers come off.

Beyond that it's gonna take long-term patience. You'll likely drop a ton on the scale and still feel like the belly isn't going down fast enough... But as long as your weight is dropping, be patient and stay the course.


No one? :( Should I change the ratio? Less carbs maybe? This belly fat is really annoying me and I want to get rid of it. Don't really care about muscles at this point, I just want to get my body fat under 10%. Or should I try another training plan for more effective fat loss?

How long have you been sticking to this?

Might just need more volume on the weights or some light cardio afterwards.

Seems like chest/shoulder day you could just add another set to each exercise


Obviously that smoking marijuana will give you Clay Matthews size biceps

edit: more seriously, I think Hunter is just getting defensive about marijuana seeing that the one topic he's created was about marijuana legalization. Nobody tried to demonize marijuana in their responses. They just pointed out that using NFL players and others as an example that you can be fit and smoke is meaningless when those athletes are probably in the top 1% of people in terms of fitness (natty or not) and could be doing lots of things that wouldn't benefit the other 99%. It would be similar to saying eating 12k calories is fine because Michael Phelps did it and he was shredded.

Exactly. Marijuana isn't going to kill your gains on it's own, I was just stating that using NFL athletes that smoke marijuana is only valid as an example if you go through the training, diet, and take the other "supplements" that they take as well.

Cool thanks.

You're welcome. Let me know what you think. I did have to do my hands a little more narrow than I normally do (due to lack of flexibility), but after a couple reps I got well adjusted and prefer it.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly yeah, reading that plan you are probably over-working yourself. For one they mention multiple times in that article the goal was to pack on muscle not lose fat.

You would be far better off, especially as a beginner, to go with one of the programs in the OP and keep up with the sub-maintenance calories which for your goal is the most important thing.

You've been on it for less than three weeks. I know you want the belly gone. But if you are dropping weight, you are going in the right direction. If you aren't then you may be eatting more than you think you are. Your maintenance calories may be lower than you think. Just keep tracking your calories and lower them of you aren't seeing the numbers come off.

Beyond that it's gonna take long-term patience. You'll likely drop a ton on the scale and still feel like the belly isn't going down fast enough... But as long as your weight is dropping, be patient and stay the course.

Yeah, thing is: while choosing a schedule this one caught my eye. It is doable within a hour and really focuses on all the muscles in a single training session. Some really good exercises in there too (your standard lifting, squat and all of that). But as you said: reason why they mention that this is for building muscle is the way it is set up I think. Low rep/low sets, that is what you do if you want to bulk up and build mass. I think I'm going to change it to higher rep/sets and lower the weights. AFAIK, that is the way to burn fat.

Also I see myself in the mirror every single day. So kind of hard to get a read on the changes. I do think there has been some change but wouldn't know how much really. I weigh myself every day in the morning before having breakfast and it's pretty much always the same: between 80-82 kilo's. That is like 160-164 pounds? (correct me if I'm wrong).

How long have you been sticking to this?

Might just need more volume on the weights or some light cardio afterwards.

Seems like chest/shoulder day you could just add another set to each exercise

This particular program is something new, though I have been working on something similar for the past 3/4 weeks. Like I said: since I'm eating under maintenance and don't really care about the muscles right now I don't think adding volume to the weights is the right option. Isn't the thing to do lower the weights (so lets say instead of 40 I do 30 whatever) and up the reps and sets?

I was also thinking of adding another day of cardio. Right now it is 3x weightlifting and 1 day of HIIT/swimming. Surely could add a day of cardio in there. I checked my diet and made some adjustments:

2523cal a day: 47%proteine, 25%carbs, 28%fat. Drinking 3,5L water (something around there). So hope this works out. If not I'll get one of the personal trainers at the gym to take a look, I already had a conversation with one of them but he didn't seem like he knew what the fuck he was talking about so yeah. Thanks guys.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Has anyone else noticed a personality change they attribute to working out?

I was never one to use exclamation points, and now I'm excited about everything!


How do you know you are under maintenance? At 2500kcal you might not be. 50% protein is way too much at those calories. Eat more fats and carbs if you don't want to feel like shit.

If you are not losing weight then you are eating too much TOTAL. Dropping carbs/fat while upping protein won't help.

Made the calculations and while your fat and carbs aren't that low in amounts (157g C and 78g F), the protein is disproportionately high at 296g. That's like almost twice as much as you need.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
How do you know you are under maintenance? At 2500kcal you might not be. 50% protein is way too much at those calories. Eat more fats and carbs if you don't want to feel like shit.

If you are not losing weight then you are eating too much TOTAL. Dropping carbs/fat while upping protein won't help.

There is this Excel sheet a lot of people use here in the Netherlands (dunno about other countries, probably something similar over there) when they want to keep track of what they are eating and how much they need. It is free on the internet and depending on your gym you might just get it from them.

It asks you to fill in certain things about yourself (age, height, male/female, activity factor, body fat % and that kinda stuff) and what you eat to determine the amount of calories and the fat/carbs/proteine ratio. Basically looks like this:


So drop the amounts of protein and some more carbs/fat? Hmm, let me see how to work around it without changing the amount of kcal too much. This is really tricky, the eating part is easy. Might switch something like eggwhites (lessen it) for like extra fruit or something like that.


Maintained my weight (180lb) throughout all of August while having gained strength and setting new records for myself. Doing A/B, 5x5 routines, consistently. Chest press and row on A with two accessories. Shoulder press and pull down on B with leg press and a leg accessory. I do drop sets on the compound machines after a 10 minute cardio break after my initial 5x5. 1:30 rests inbetween sets (aside from the drop sets obviously, which I take no rests). Diet-wise, I completely eliminated mayo from my food. Was kind of a good/bad fat I had trouble kicking for awhile.

Going to start a different routine this month though. Still have to try box squats to work on my form before I re-enter that world again.


Has anyone else noticed a personality change they attribute to working out?

I was never one to use exclamation points, and now I'm excited about everything!
Yeah, I'm generally happier and more confident.

That could be from the better sex though.


Neo Member
Alright, done SS. Made what I feel are good gains on strength. Lost 14 pounds since March 11th as well, so happy there. Any recommendations on a new routine ? Ive been looking at 531 but at 3 times a week it looks slow. I know its like asking for answers on a test but any help is appreciated.


I'm falling apart without going to the gym, mentally I feel so much worse. They're closed till next week. Feels so, so bad man.

I'll probably go to another gym this weekend on Friday night and on Saturday. I'm really missing it.


I'm falling apart without going to the gym, mentally I feel so much worse. They're closed till next week. Feels so, so bad man.

I'll probably go to another gym this weekend on Friday night and on Saturday. I'm really missing it.

I hate missing/not having access to a gym, too. Whether it's because of a holiday schedule or due to not feeling well, missing a week is brutal. Try to find a game to get lost in and just focus on your diet to take your mind off it.


Alright, done SS. Made what I feel are good gains on strength. Lost 14 pounds since March 11th as well, so happy there. Any recommendations on a new routine ? Ive been looking at 531 but at 3 times a week it looks slow. I know its like asking for answers on a test but any help is appreciated.

5/3/1 also has a 4 day routine. It's worked well for me. I know there are lot of other good routines out there, but I don't have experience with them.


Either I got a weird batch of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Quest Bars or they definitely changed the formula again. About the have a panic attack if it's the latter.


Deleted text to save room

Volume = reps x sets. Adding another set is adding volume. You can move up to 3x8 on compounds and 3x12-15 on isolation stuff if you want that kind of volume. For 3 days of weights a week I would stick to something full body instead of a split so long as you are giving weights a rest for 48hrs between each session.

How about keeping your swimming day and just adding 20 minutes post workout on the treadmill at moderate intensity, like just slow down enough that you can hold a conversation.

You could be eating too much for your height. I was eating 2700kCal @ 196cm,105kg to lose 1.5 lbs a week.

Diet Suggestion: Instead of doing macros by % do it like this
1.65 g/kg Protein
0.88g/kg Fat
fill Carbs to hit kCal target.

for kg use your target

47% protein from 2500kcal is ~ 290g protein. It is a waste to eat that much.


Dear FitGAF,

UK resident here. I have an unusual equipment request - does anyone here have any specific recommendations for blenders? I'm looking to pick up a new one to make some shakes as my current model is both extremely loud and inefficient.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: Marginally more research has led met to want to mention that I don't really have a budget for a Vitamix. Is the gulf between a Vitamix/Blendetec level device so large that one might as well not bother with a mid-range device?


I hate missing/not having access to a gym, too. Whether it's because of a holiday schedule or due to not feeling well, missing a week is brutal. Try to find a game to get lost in and just focus on your diet to take your mind off it.

Diet is beyond locked in. In actually taking a diet break right now till Tuesday and it feels weird. Busy the entire weekend also. Damn you life.

Dear FitGAF,

UK resident here. I have an unusual equipment request - does anyone here have any specific recommendations for blenders? I'm looking to pick up a new one to make some shakes as my current model is both extremely loud and inefficient.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: Marginally more research has led met to want to mention that I don't really have a budget for a Vitamix. Is the gulf between a Vitamix/Blendetec level device so large that one might as well not bother with a mid-range device?

I suffered with a normal blender for years. Went with a vitamix and will never go back to a normal blender. If all you're doing is shakes, it's overkill. But if you cook a lot, it's really awesome. I made the investment with lots of high end kitchen appliances since I cook all my food myself and felt it was worth it. YMMV.


Just wanted to say thanks to whoever posted Thralls video on hamstring utilization in deadlifts. Seems like that was a cue that I was missing which has made deadlifts feel a lot better.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Yeah, I'm generally happier and more confident.

That could be from the better sex though.

I used to get a huge emotional boost from great sex, but my attitude change has been more consistent, no more highs and lows. It does seem to relate to the attention I get from women though.

Everything has been subtly and incrementally getting better. It's in the way attractive girls around the office start to smile at me or say hello, sometimes ones that used to look away actively. Maybe I'm more friendly than I was before, but I think it's because I'm being responded to more positively. And not just at work, but on dates and at bars around strangers.

I came here to post, because I just got myself a date with the cutest girl at the office (transferring). Never would have asked her 9 months ago. Today, I was 95% sure she would say yes. Never going to stop lifting.
You will get more protein out of cooking them.

Eggs are a micronutrient rich food and you kinda throw all that away with the yolk so....

Are they even cost effective compared to something like ground turkey in terms of $/oz protein?

I just buy the egg whites in the carton. I started cooking them then thought drinking them would be faster in the morning.


New PRs today:

Barbell row: 5x5@185
Barbell press: 5x5@140
Mile: 6:20

Think I could do better on the mile. I know its not that fast for a seasoned runner, but having just started running this year I'm pretty happy with it.
At what point should I be looking into getting a belt for squatting? I did 195 @ 5X5 today and it was killer. I'm not sure if its form or not but damn it put me to work. Interestingly enough, the deadlifting I did today was fine so maybe its not form?


I used to get a huge emotional boost from great sex, but my attitude change has been more consistent, no more highs and lows. It does seem to relate to the attention I get from women though.

Everything has been subtly and incrementally getting better. It's in the way attractive girls around the office start to smile at me or say hello, sometimes ones that used to look away actively. Maybe I'm more friendly than I was before, but I think it's because I'm being responded to more positively. And not just at work, but on dates and at bars around strangers.

I came here to post, because I just got myself a date with the cutest girl at the office (transferring). Never would have asked her 9 months ago. Today, I was 95% sure she would say yes. Never going to stop lifting.
Yes. This so much.

It's such a great feedback loop. Definitely the #1 reason that keeps me at the gym.
At what point should I be looking into getting a belt for squatting? I did 195 @ 5X5 today and it was killer. I'm not sure if its form or not but damn it put me to work. Interestingly enough, the deadlifting I did today was fine so maybe its not form?

Medhi himself from StrongLifts says 100KG, which is 220 Lbs. When you hit 235, grab a belt.


Who is Medhi himself? Sounds like it's exactly the right time to start using my belt again if he's legit.

In my opinion, just some guy that borrowed content from the starting strength program and sold it as his own. With that said, I did the stronglifts program for over a year and saw a some good progress.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Because I have been lifting since 13 I can't comment on attitude or personality changes due to weight training but I will say once I got serious at 29 and started educating myself about nutrition and a proper routine I definitely gained a quiet confidence about myself.


Neo Member
If you can not use your hands then maybe something like a Glute Ham Raise. It works the same muscles and is pretty hard.

Yeah this actually looks like a great substitute, especially since I've been doing deadlifts wrong for a while and realized I need to use my glutes and hamstrings more anyways.

J. Bravo

I used to get a huge emotional boost from great sex, but my attitude change has been more consistent, no more highs and lows. It does seem to relate to the attention I get from women though.

Everything has been subtly and incrementally getting better. It's in the way attractive girls around the office start to smile at me or say hello, sometimes ones that used to look away actively. Maybe I'm more friendly than I was before, but I think it's because I'm being responded to more positively. And not just at work, but on dates and at bars around strangers.

I came here to post, because I just got myself a date with the cutest girl at the office (transferring). Never would have asked her 9 months ago. Today, I was 95% sure she would say yes. Never going to stop lifting.
this is all true. but what does it say about us as a people, and more specifically people who lift weights to look good? idk. i don't really care. and it's weird. I used to always say that I lifted for me and to be strong, which is true. but for the last month or so, I've had this thing going on with a girl, and I haven't lifted as much. because she doesn't give a fuck about my body (although she does like it), and our relationship isn't really based on complimenting or obsessing over the other's physical attributes. it's actually been really quite fantastic.

don't get me wrong, I'm back lifting harder than ever after 3 weeks of not exactly following my program, but to have positive reinforcement that is NOT based on your appearance, but is based on your other attributes (intelligence, wit, humor, caring, etc), is surprisingly....nice.

also I can't really walk today. took one step out of bed this morning and literally


I used to get a huge emotional boost from great sex, but my attitude change has been more consistent, no more highs and lows. It does seem to relate to the attention I get from women though.

Everything has been subtly and incrementally getting better. It's in the way attractive girls around the office start to smile at me or say hello, sometimes ones that used to look away actively. Maybe I'm more friendly than I was before, but I think it's because I'm being responded to more positively. And not just at work, but on dates and at bars around strangers.

I came here to post, because I just got myself a date with the cutest girl at the office (transferring). Never would have asked her 9 months ago. Today, I was 95% sure she would say yes. Never going to stop lifting.

Damn it I must not be lifting hard enough yet. Congrats on that date.

I just buy the egg whites in the carton. I started cooking them then thought drinking them would be faster in the morning.

Try to make an egg white Tamagoyaki

Also Sean thanks for recommending those Uniqlo Supima shirts. Feel great(so soft) plus the sleeve is kinda vanity sized for the biceptually inclined lol.


Had my first Quest bar. Okay, but they sure taste good considering how much sugar they have within them.

This week has been bad for me diet and exercise wise. My classes go on for the whole day sometimes and I only get a two hour time interval between one. I could work out in that time, but I hate being rushed through workouts. I'll also feel sticky and sweaty while standing there drawing.

My days also sometimes end at 8-9pm and my gym closes at 10pm.

It sucks. I've been getting lazy and I've been going to Jack in The Box on evenings lately... So, this week will not even count towards my November target. I'll have to get myself back on terms. Next week and the following will be the weeks where I'll give it my all. Also, I've lost one pound 😜

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Damn it I must not be lifting hard enough yet. Congrats on that date.

Oh I'm pretty sure you lift a lot more than I do. A lot of why I could get that date is professional success, but my confidence is just stronger due to the lifting. I'm way more of a flirt lately to the point where I'm a bit reckless. Thanks, though. If It goes well with this one I can focus even more on lifting instead of chasing tail.


Damn couldn't get my cardio done yesterday as it was raining the whole day. Was kinda waiting for it to stop but it only let up in the evening. Had to play MGS5 all day to compensate ;)


In my opinion, just some guy that borrowed content from the starting strength program and sold it as his own. With that said, I did the stronglifts program for over a year and saw a some good progress.

All of them got it from Bill Starr anyway. He popularized 5x5 training for athletes, specifically power athletes like football players.

If you go way back, 5x5 was done by old school bodybuilders like Reg Park and Steve Reeves.

Nothing is new under the sun.


so i have started the GOMAD diet...i don't care about putting fat on for now, it's only for a month, then i'll try to cut the fat back.

so far...full all the time (im actually going to be doing 6 pints, not 8, we dont get gallons of milk in UK)
bit gassy, but no other side effects, although i only drank about 4 pints yesterday, going for 4 again today to ease myself in and then by monday onto 6 pints a day, anyone had any experience doing this? did it work?
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