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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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so i have started the GOMAD diet...i don't care about putting fat on for now, it's only for a month, then i'll try to cut the fat back.

so far...full all the time (im actually going to be doing 6 pints, not 8, we dont get gallons of milk in UK)
bit gassy, but no other side effects, although i only drank about 4 pints yesterday, going for 4 again today to ease myself in and then by monday onto 6 pints a day, anyone had any experience doing this? did it work?

I've probably been drinking 2-3 pints a day(my tumbler glasses are 16oz) of Whole Milk (4%). I get a bit of the bloated feeling but its not too bad.

Dunno about weight gain working yet. I just increased my calories(3900) last Friday and Im still kinda hit or miss on keeping to that amount. Probably averaging 3600/day for the week. I just have zero motivation to eat after working out and its an issue because I usually only eat about 2-2.4k before then.

I hit my protein/fat macro easily its my carb one that is low.
I really want to get some Nike joggers. I love those pants. Orange preferably. I might just pull the trigger and get a pair I saw at the mall.

edit: these bad boys, they are awesome


so i have started the GOMAD diet...i don't care about putting fat on for now, it's only for a month, then i'll try to cut the fat back.

so far...full all the time (im actually going to be doing 6 pints, not 8, we dont get gallons of milk in UK)
bit gassy, but no other side effects, although i only drank about 4 pints yesterday, going for 4 again today to ease myself in and then by monday onto 6 pints a day, anyone had any experience doing this? did it work?

gah, good luck with that, just not a fan of GOMAD. While I understand it, the milk would bloat the hell out of me and make me feel like shit.


I really want to get some Nike joggers. I love those pants. Orange preferably. I might just pull the trigger and get a pair I saw at the mall.

edit: these bad boys, they are awesome

gah, good luck with that, just not a fan of GOMAD. While I understand it, the milk would bloat the hell out of me and make me feel like shit.

i think it might help that i really really like milk! so it doesnt feel like a chore to get it down
i think it might help that i really really like milk! so it doesnt feel like a chore to get it down


Just be smart with it. Yes, you will put on weight but just don't overdo it with putting on too much fat. Then you have to deal with losing it later. I personally think that GOMAD is an outdated philosophy. The idea behind it makes sense, just you can go overboard with it.


yeah, cheers. I am hoping that as long as i carry on going to the gym 3-4 times a week that i'll burn enough to not just pile on fat, and rather it'll help me build some bulk with muscle from the extra protein


Went out for breakfast and had 3 eggs, home fries and an order of chicken fingers. Came home and absolutely DESTROYED press day.

Have a great Labor Day weekend all!
GOMAD seems like it could get pretty expensive real quick, and I'm already struggling to get enough good clean food for my caloric intake (2700 - 3300) at a reasonable price. I can definitely see how it can be hard for others to eat healthy when things are as pricey as they are.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Had a bad last week and a half diet wise. Ballooned up to 185.4 on Wednesday. Tightened up to 1700 cal on Wed and 1550 yesterday with sub 40 carbs. Expecting a 182 today based on the mirror.


Had a bad last week and a half diet wise. Ballooned up to 185.4 on Wednesday. Tightened up to 1700 cal on Wed and 1550 yesterday with sub 40 carbs. Expecting a 182 today based on the mirror.

I haven't been reading the thread in a few days...how'd the massage go?


I've come to realize a pattern on Quest bar flavors I like. They all have 2g Erythritol. All of the ones I don't... 5g.

Fat loss update - down to 178. 165 by Thanksgiving seems like a lock. If I'm not totally done with it by then gonna push to 160 by New Years.


I really want to get some Nike joggers. I love those pants. Orange preferably. I might just pull the trigger and get a pair I saw at the mall.

edit: these bad boys, they are awesome
Protip: Go to a Nike Outlet if you have one within an hour drive. Shit is like 80% off.


Had a bad last week and a half diet wise. Ballooned up to 185.4 on Wednesday. Tightened up to 1700 cal on Wed and 1550 yesterday with sub 40 carbs. Expecting a 182 today based on the mirror.

I'm still in the bad diet week. Monday or Tuesday it's back to business. Feels bad man. This is the last time I do this in 2015. Also forgot to bring food to work so had to eat out for the first time in 2015. Lettuce wrapped burgers from Carl's.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm still in the bad diet week. Monday or Tuesday it's back to business. Feels bad man. This is the last time I do this in 2015. Also forgot to bring food to work so had to eat out for the first time in 2015. Lettuce wrapped burgers from Carl's.
When I say bad I mean tons of crappy amusement park food, doughnuts, ice cream, ect.. I actually went 3 straight days of eating bad. Haven't done that since I was bulking. On that third day I noticed my abs significantly less and my shoulder cuts were horrible. Amazing what only three days can do. Equally amazing is how quickly you can bounce back.
Dear FitGAF,

UK resident here. I have an unusual equipment request - does anyone here have any specific recommendations for blenders? I'm looking to pick up a new one to make some shakes as my current model is both extremely loud and inefficient.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: Marginally more research has led met to want to mention that I don't really have a budget for a Vitamix. Is the gulf between a Vitamix/Blendetec level device so large that one might as well not bother with a mid-range device?

If you're just going for personal shakes and stuff like that, couldn't you go with something like a magic bullet? Or hell, even this:


That thing looks pretty good, I'd buy it if it were available near me. All the Breville stuff I own are rock solid.


When I say bad I mean tons of crappy amusement park food, doughnuts, ice cream, ect.. I actually went 3 straight days of eating bad. Haven't done that since I was bulking. On that third day I noticed my abs significantly less and my shoulder cuts were horrible. Amazing what only three days can do. Equally amazing is how quickly you can bounce back.

I'm also feeling and looking not as cut. But I'm still eating very low carb, just plenty of food. Really can't wait to get back into things. If my gym isn't open next week I will riot. I swear I'm really missing lifting so much, but the time off is going to do me good. One strait shot of cutting all the way to the new year with multiple long fasts. Ready to go the distance. I just really don't like eating like I used to.


the piano man
after a 2 week pause I come back and woah, it's hard -_- things that I'd do without sweating made me go dizzy today and were just hard to pull off.

Deadlift in particular, holy shit, I was about to pass out... it wasn't even heavy since I am putting it back in my program after a long hiatus but after every set I was like "woah, what's going on, it's getting blurry"


For the second time I had a big weight spike which then lead to breaking a plateau. For example, I was 197 for a week, then on Wednesday I was randomly 201 with my diet on point, Thursday back to 197 and today 195 an all time low. It's really weird.

Any seasoned vets have this happen?


For the second time I had a big weight spike which then lead to breaking a plateau. For example, I was 197 for a week, then on Wednesday I was randomly 221 with my diet on point, Thursday back to 197 and today 195 an all time low. It's really weird.

Any seasoned vets have this happen?

Your weight fluctuated by 24 pounds in one day?! :p

I'm assuming you meant 201?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
For the second time I had a big weight spike which then lead to breaking a plateau. For example, I was 197 for a week, then on Wednesday I was randomly 221 with my diet on point, Thursday back to 197 and today 195 an all time low. It's really weird.

Any seasoned vets have this happen?
That is freaking amazing! You need to be studied ASAP!!! ;)

Yes, it has happened to me many times. Maybe not 4lbs but it happens.


For the second time I had a big weight spike which then lead to breaking a plateau. For example, I was 197 for a week, then on Wednesday I was randomly 201 with my diet on point, Thursday back to 197 and today 195 an all time low. It's really weird.

Any seasoned vets have this happen?
Happens to me a lot. That's why i generally only record a weigh in once a week same day and same time. Too many variables cause it to fluctuate and your body to hold water.


Why does everyone here eat quest bars? Are the clif bars no good?

Oh, I meant the builder bars specifically

Quest is specifically trying to be low carb. Clif are just trying to make tasties.

I might actually get some cliff bars or something similar. I need to eat a snack or something right before I leave work to head to the gym. Starting workouts hungry is not good for me.


Builder bars are kinda junky. More sugar and way less fiber and a bit less protein compared to quest. Not sure if they use soy protein like regular cliff but quest use whey.
For the second time I had a big weight spike which then lead to breaking a plateau. For example, I was 197 for a week, then on Wednesday I was randomly 201 with my diet on point, Thursday back to 197 and today 195 an all time low. It's really weird.

Any seasoned vets have this happen?
Have your SO weigh the same days and times you do. Record any changes both of you experience while diet is on point. Make sure to use the same scale, clothing, first thing in the morning after rolling out of bed and using the facilities.

I went from 210 last Saturday to 217 today. Diet hasn't changed. My SO also experienced a massive gain in that time (she lifts with me). Been a bad week for allergies, certainly stuffed up retaining water. Science: the moon's position also affects this. Plenty of outside factors like stress, sleep, etc - its all additive. SO also has thyroid problems.

Mind you I was 207.2 on the dot 3 weeks in a row, shot up to an even 210 in 7 days and now 7 more pounds in 6 days. Diet has not changed.

Another thing to consider: health issues. I'm a T1 diabetic and I also have Hashimoto's with 1 lobe of my thyroid lost to cancer and about 5% functionality in the remaining lobe. Meds can make me feel fine one day then like half of a human being the next. This definitely affects how I retain water and how my body absorbs nutrients.

For reference, I weigh every gram of solid food every day (for macros, meds) and measure my milk intake. Exactly 48oz per day of whole milk. Water I do not measure but if I had to about a gallon is a good starting point. I'm happy with my progress since surgery. Was down well below 200 for a few months :(

There's a bunch of reasons to fluctuate wildly in such a short amount of time - most weight fluctuation is liquid.

Just my .02


The macros are good and they're hella tasty.

Clif (example): 250 cal / 10g protein / 43 carbs
Quest: 180 cal / 20g protein / 22 carns

Quest is specifically trying to be low carb. Clif are just trying to make tasties.

I might actually get some cliff bars or something similar. I need to eat a snack or something right before I leave work to head to the gym. Starting workouts hungry is not good for me.

Builder bars are kinda junky. More sugar and way less fiber and a bit less protein compared to quest. Not sure if they use soy protein like regular cliff but quest use whey.

I guess I'll check out quest bars instead.
Anyone got any tips for doing the bench without a spotter? I don't really have any friends interested in being my gym buddy as of now. And the last time I attempted it, well, let's just say I'm happy to be alive. lol.


I guess I'll check out quest bars instead.
Anyone got any tips for doing the bench without a spotter? I don't really have any friends interested in being my gym buddy as of now. And the last time I attempted it, well, let's just say I'm happy to be alive. lol.

With dumbbells


I guess I'll check out quest bars instead.
Anyone got any tips for doing the bench without a spotter? I don't really have any friends interested in being my gym buddy as of now. And the last time I attempted it, well, let's just say I'm happy to be alive. lol.
Start a few sessions with a Personal Trainier to get an idea of what is safe for you. Then just work on a safe set from that point.


I think I'm gonna stick to weight loss at first. My local gym is very erratic, being a leisure centre more than anything, and they've actually changed the opening times now that it's september. My only other gym is a super-expensive high-class fitness club that charges £88 a month. I ain't that rich.

I've been making decent progress with this anyway, and I'll still do bodyweight exercises to help it along, but I think it'll be easier to start a proper weight-lifting regime later.


I think I'm gonna stick to weight loss at first. My local gym is very erratic, being a leisure centre more than anything, and they've actually changed the opening times now that it's september. My only other gym is a super-expensive high-class fitness club that charges £88 a month. I ain't that rich.

I've been making decent progress with this anyway, and I'll still do bodyweight exercises to help it along, but I think it'll be easier to start a proper weight-lifting regime later.

Well if you mean 'proper' as in a linear progression scheme then its probably easier to start that on a caloric surplus.

But, as you are going to, it is important to incorporate resistance exercise during weightloss as it helps preserve lean mass.

Reddit has a good bodyweight fitness sub with beginner routines and exercise instruction.


Generally you will be doing the same thing with bodyweight or freeweights at the very beginning, vibrating like a shakeweight as your body learns to use stabilizers, and getting accustomed to contracting primary muscle groups. Also being very sore.
I guess I'll check out quest bars instead.
Anyone got any tips for doing the bench without a spotter? I don't really have any friends interested in being my gym buddy as of now. And the last time I attempted it, well, let's just say I'm happy to be alive. lol.

What are you looking for in your bar? I would never eat a quest bar pre workout if I had cliff as a choice, although neither are ideal.
I had that a bunch throughout my weight loss, sudden sustainable multi-lb drops after week long plateaus.

Even 7 day average has a bunch of noise. Same scale, same time of day, sitting on the same 4 floor tiles, and I have a calibration weight(dumbbell) that it still measures accurately.
I hear that. I figure it's normal to bounce around when bulking or losing - liquid retention can be a helluva wrench to throw in your gears but I feel it's best to treat your weight like climate and not the weather. I do the same thing with my bathroom tiles and test the calibration on mine with 50 and 100-lb weights :p

This morning, nekkid, no eating, after waking and a trip to the lav - 212.6 - so I lost about 4.4 pounds in about 24 hours XD

Look up diesel weasel.
Is this guy legit? Or is this just superior trolling right here? Because this:

Most cringeworthy deadlift I've seen. Just confused as to why his peoples are still cheering him at the end.
Scares the ever living shit out of me o_O I'm pretty sure I fucked up my back just watching that video XD


Wife just switched up to 5x5 from 10 straight and she's rocking it out the past few weeks. Wants to stay on this unitl next break then move to pyramids. She's beasting the deads and squats every damn time and form is on point. Very happy with her progress.


Oh shit it's starting to happen. Very slight ab formation. Woke up at 194 this morning.

How tall are you? Any goal weight of bf% you aiming for?

Nice progress regardless!

Speaking of, I never posted in here the results on my 2015 cut went from 220-196. 5'8"


What's crazy is that in 2007 i was 380lbs....


Well if you mean 'proper' as in a linear progression scheme then its probably easier to start that on a caloric surplus.

But, as you are going to, it is important to incorporate resistance exercise during weightloss as it helps preserve lean mass.

Reddit has a good bodyweight fitness sub with beginner routines and exercise instruction.


Generally you will be doing the same thing with bodyweight or freeweights at the very beginning, vibrating like a shakeweight as your body learns to use stabilizers, and getting accustomed to contracting primary muscle groups. Also being very sore.

I'll check those out.

I'll also continue with the bodyweight exercises, it'll be a good base for later, and like you said, preserves lean mass. I only really have access to a dumbbell set here, so I could probably do some weight stuff.
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