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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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For those that have tried it, is fasted training worth it? And if so, how would it look like for someone who works 8:30am-4:30pm? Light lunch at 12ish, BCAA and creatine preworkout, workout at 5 and postworkout meal/dinner afterwards and fast till lunch the next day?

That's not really fasted training.


I awoke from my metalgearcoma yesterday to hit the gym and my left shoulder decided it was not going to enjoy bench press or ohp whatsoever.

Dips felt okay so i did many many many dips. At least all my pulling stuff went well. Plenty of relaxation recumbent nap time too.

My chest #'s have stalled on flat db press for a month now. Can add reps at lower weights, up to 8(instead of 3-5) really clean reps but then 5lbs more per arm is a ceiling. Incline seems to be progressing fine. Why does my body have to be so weird.


How accurate is the calorie burn when measured with a heart rate monitor belt used in conjunction with an app like Runkeeper? I mean it's probably only the best estimate I have but is it even close? Assuming the app knows my height/weight as well?


My uncle gave me his EZ-Curl bar with 160 lbs of plates for free last night, which is perfect because I was just checking Craigslist last week. I'll take free over $100+ any day.


My uncle gave me his EZ-Curl bar with 160 lbs of plates for free last night, which is perfect because I was just checking Craigslist last week. I'll take free over $100+ any day.

Is your Uncle's name Santa? Tell him to come to my place next.


How accurate is the calorie burn when measured with a heart rate monitor belt used in conjunction with an app like Runkeeper? I mean it's probably only the best estimate I have but is it even close? Assuming the app knows my height/weight as well?

My Runkeeper burn is always different from my Polar watch and from Endomondo. Since it's always lower, I suspect they're taking out normal calorie burn so that all they're displaying is the delta.


10 day diet break is officially over. Only hit the gym once last week also due to gym being closed. It's open now. I'll be starting an all new 531 session today along with being back on the cut starting tomorrow. I will weigh myself tomorrow, I'm expecting disaster. But it's all good, going to be a long cut all the way to the end of the year. Feel insanely motivated, ready to get back on the grind. Will be really nice to get under the barbell again today.


Wow, I love lifting so much. Hit the gym at noon, awake 22 hours at that point. Get the cage, still tired as I get stretched and put on warm up weights. Do my first set and I wake right up. Strength like crazy comes over me. Great music going at the same time and I'm hyped. On squats hit 5×235, 5×270, 5×305 with a 10×235 at the end. Thank god I go to the gym. I love it so much. Great start to this 531 session and ready to kick more booty.

J. Bravo

Nice bro @ ilovebish. I failed at 425 and 415 deadlift. 405 seemed easy though. After I failed 415 (I did it after failing 425), a jacked older dude told me I had it if I would just pull the bar up and backwards. I know this. What's a good way to do that? Just sit back on my heels more?

Also I'm fairly sure some guy tricked me into giving him my info so we can set up a meeting about this company he works for that gives people like me part time work with their own entrepreneurship. Any of this a-ringin' a bell?!

He hooked me by asking if I was training for a strength comp. Just about made the session when he said that even though I know I've done 445 in the last like 4 months...


No. I actually totally forgot. Refresh my memory please.

On high volume press day (when I deload) I do incline bench cable fly drop sets (3 sets of: 10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps, Failure, Failure). It's one of the most taxing but rewarding lifts for me.

I think Bruce did something very similar.

J. Bravo

Probably just feeling good about yourself.

Edit - lol, I just read this on the subject:

Oddly, I never noticed the increase in sex drive. Sex was better, mostly by virtue of being able to try some thing we weren't strong / fit enough to do before... but I didn't suddenly feel like it any more often.
Btw dude do you got a link? I'd like to show the gf this :)


Got 270 for a single paused rep on bench. Gonna set my max at 250 and give Ed Coan's 12 week bench template a spin. Gonna run Magnusson/Ortmayer for deads and squats; from what reading I've done it's an excellent PL template but I don't think it translates well to bench.


been doing GOMAD(ish) for like...a week now? put on 3 pounds already. been to the gym almost every day since starting it, maybe it's all in my head but my shoulders and chest seem bigger.
No complaints so far, although im not doing 8 pints, im between 5-6 per day.
There's really no point in putting on that much weight in a week. It'll be 80% fat. Unless you're chemical assisted (or maybe a teenager just starting out) you're not going to be able to put on much more than half a lb of muscle a week, and even that much is pushing it for most people.

That's not to say you shouldn't aim for a lb or so, but more is largely pointless unless your aim is to get fat for some reason.


I'll see how it goes, my weight does go up and down quite a bit so i'm not particularly surprised. I'm gonna go till the end of this month and see where i'm at by then.


The first few lbs can be water weight. Its just the opposite of going on a deficit for me. I freaked out a couple of times about that and they came off within a week.

Just keep a close eye on it. No reason to balloon up.
When you really want to lift but you can't because you feel like death because you're sick

Just eat health and drink a lot of fluid; fuck the gym until you feel better.

I hate being sick and not having an appetite, I end up more concerned about losing my gains than getting over being sick.
Just eat health and drink a lot of fluid; fuck the gym until you feel better.

I hate being sick and not having an appetite, I end up more concerned about losing my gains than getting over being sick.

lol same here, I see the weight drop on the scale because I haven't been eating and it is a huge mindfuck.


Had my first lifting injury. Noticed a sharp pain in my elbow when fully extending my arm. Thought it was the normal pain the next day, but it was a lot sharper than usual and my workout wasn't that heavy. Any tips on how to work around it/prevent this sort of thing in the future?

J. Bravo

Got a decent 6 hours of sleep but was still tired af this morning. Hopefully that's because it was early, and not because I didn't sleep enough after max effort deadlifts. We'll see how I'm feeling after work for shoulders
4-6 here, too.

Had my first lifting injury. Noticed a sharp pain in my elbow when fully extending my arm. Thought it was the normal pain the next day, but it was a lot sharper than usual and my workout wasn't that heavy. Any tips on how to work around it/prevent this sort of thing in the future?
Where is the pain? Inside or outside of elbow (tennis or golfers elbow)? What kind of exercise or grip?

If its some type of bone injury - stop everything. Or its tennis elbow - the elbow isn't your problem, its your forearms.

As you grip things, pull, push, etc - your forearms are doing a lot of work building up a lot of scar tissue causing you to LOSE elasticity in forearm muscle. Muscles lose elasticity, puts greater stress on connective tissue in the elbow, causing tendon injuries.

Pull your arms towards you like a curl, make a fist and curl your wrist inwards to stretch the outside of your forearm to help with tennis elbow.

Extend your arm outward, palm up and bend your wrist backward to stretch your inside forearm to help with golfers elbow.

STRETCH YOUR FOREARMS EVERY DAY. I do while driving, eating, watching TV, etc. I have absolutely crippling tennis elbow in my left arm - I learned the above about elasticity, started stretching every day, no issues since. None. Keep your muscles loose and it will stretch as it needs removing stress from connective tissue.


been doing GOMAD(ish) for like...a week now? put on 3 pounds already. been to the gym almost every day since starting it, maybe it's all in my head but my shoulders and chest seem bigger.
No complaints so far, although im not doing 8 pints, im between 5-6 per day.

I'm just gonna say it but you WILL regret doing GOMAD later on. You will only get fat and you won't notice it until it's too late, when you've gained 40lbs in six months. Then you have to spend a year dieting down. It's only really approriate for teenagers who are rank beginners or extreme hard gainers/NEAT responders.

I mean of course you can use milk to get more calories but I'm thinking half of that would suffice. You only need to eat around 300kcal extra on top of your maintenance to build maximum amount of muscle. Everything extra will just go straight to your belly.


I need my 8 hours of sleep. I slept 13 hours just now. Feels so, so good. Weighed in this morning at 228.8, actually much lower then I expected after not counting any calories but still eating low carb for 10 days straight. Only 3.6lbs over my lowest point hit. Well, back to the grind now.


I'm just gonna say it but you WILL regret doing GOMAD later on. You will only get fat and you won't notice it until it's too late, when you've gained 40lbs in six months. Then you have to spend a year dieting down. It's only really approriate for teenagers who are rank beginners or extreme hard gainers/NEAT responders.

I mean of course you can use milk to get more calories but I'm thinking half of that would suffice. You only need to eat around 300kcal extra on top of your maintenance to build maximum amount of muscle. Everything extra will just go straight to your belly.

Thanks for your advice, i'm only doing it for a month anyway, it's only meant to be done for 2 months at a maximum if you read about it.
which one of you is this?

I can cope on that, but scientifically speaking for heavy workout loads your body generally needs more time than that.
Scientifically, everyone is different.

This is why you have people who only gain with extremely high volume and others who only gain with light work. The trick is learning what your body needs: there will be no one-size-fits-all routine, diet, sleep, etc.

Saying everyone needs X is a disservice to the science we do know and understand about the human body.
Saying everyone needs X is a disservice to the science we do know and understand about the human body.

Sure, but there are enough studies out there to state that most people wouldn't properly recover / repair in those timescales. There are always outliers... but by definition they're the exception to the rule.

J. Bravo

6 hours doesn't seem like it would be enough for properly recovering from a heavy workout.
It was just early this morning. Forearms are a little sore but that's it. Just need to eat a bit abs then I'll be ready to destroy my shoulders.

Rather get 7.5 than 6 tho
Sure, but there are enough studies out there to state that most people wouldn't properly recover / repair in those timescales. There are always outliers... but by definition they're the exception to the rule.

Yes but telling someone "more time" is no different than someone asking for a training regimen and my response simply being "diet and exercise". The science of health and fitness goes far beyond statements like "more". In the quest for sleep - "more" should define quality - not quantity.

Just my .02 - hopefully no offense. I'm a programmer so I treat everything with a bit of "The Door Problem"
Quality is a bit of a bitch to measure for most people though. I've been doing it for years with an app but I'm not convinced by the numbers I get from it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Scientifically, everyone is different.

This is why you have people who only gain with extremely high volume and others who only gain with light work. The trick is learning what your body needs: there will be no one-size-fits-all routine, diet, sleep, etc.

Saying everyone needs X is a disservice to the science we do know and understand about the human body.
What natural lifter only gains from light work? I've never heard that one.


Just checking in since I haven't in a while. Not sure why, but my motivation is depleted as hell. I still go to the gym and bust my ass, but I'm not very excited about it.

Other than my half marathon in November, I literally have no goals. Maybe that's it. I'm not even sure what I want though.

Just feeling all around "meh."
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