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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Guys are there any programs out there to train like a boxer/learn how to box? Tips on finding a good gym for that? What are your opinions on box fit?

You'll need a boxing gym. Don't go to a globo gym, unless you want to only shadow box for fun.

Just google "boxing gyms in "x" with x being your location. Check out review sites.

Boxing is fun, but if you do full contact sparing, you will get black eyes, which can be annoying if you're dating or have a job where you work in a office and deal with coworkers lol.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Haven't weighed myself in 3 weeks. Hopped on the scale.

214 lbs.

uhhhh, well shit. Time to eat more and put on some weight. Fuck me.
Wait what? 214? Are you kidding me?! That's amazing man. Keep going. Don't make a number stop you when the mirror is all that should matter.
Not sure what's going on. Lost another 0.6kg overnight. Now down to my lowest ever and it's starting to concern me. Normally weight loss stalls, but this is accelerating if anything. Same net calories as always, no change in exercise routine or food.

Missus's birthday today so I'm going to eat like a massive pig. If I lose weight again tomorrow then something is properly wrong.
Sooo.... How did it go?

1 hour 48 minutes, I think that is good, wanted to get below 1 hour 50 so I am happy with it. So much free alcohol (beer mostly) for the runners after the race gave me my first drunk before noon in my life lol. Runners high plus alcohol is a new experience though. Thanks for asking.


1 hour 48 minutes, I think that is good, wanted to get below 1 hour 50 so I am happy with it. So much free alcohol (beer mostly) for the runners after the race gave me my first drunk before noon in my life lol. Runners high plus alcohol is a new experience though. Thanks for asking.
That's awesome! And yeah, every race I've done in Chicago had a beer tent. Cracks me up but it's hard to resist.

I'm hoping to stay under 2 hours at that distance. I ran 9.2 today at an 8:50 pace very comfortably, but I've never run more than 11 miles yet.



Great night sleep, woke up naturally which I usually can only do on the weekends anyway. 226.4 after refeed yesterday, pretty darn good. Back to normal diet today.

Edit - dammit, someone made me food and is threatening me with physical violence (and crying) if I don't eat it. May have to delay again.


Creatine, should I take it in my first bulk (haven't lifted since like April but been cutting and gotten to where I want) and if so when? Worried about hair loss tho, noone in family is bald but over the years my hair thinned out and lost a loot of volume so I don't wanna mess with it too much.

Got burred in last post and missed. So yeah, been looking at pics of my family, I think most have a case like mine later years, still got 99% of their hair, no receding hairline or crown thinning to extreme just lot less volume, so not sure if I wanna speed that up further, I miss my hair from younger years so much lol... But then again, I'm all about the gainzzz, want to maximize it during first year of the bulk.


Quick Q

Will drinking black coffee with two artificial sweeteners knock me out of my fast?

Probably not. I drink those water enhancers with electrolytes in them and they are artificially sweetened, and my fasts go as well as they should. Might depend on the sweetner used perhaps.


I ONLY drink hot coffee black. For a week, force yourself to take down a daily cup of shitty coffee. Then make or buy something good. No sweetener needed.
I avoid sweeteners these days. Once you're used to unsweetened coffee, at least you can start to recognise good coffee vs shit coffee. ;)

Edit - BumRush knows what I'm talking about.


It would be a difficult transition to stop having sweetened coffee. Plus the sweeter i use is 0 everything, lowers blood pressure, and tastes great. Also has 0 GI, and its not even artificial, its made using the stevia plant and water. No chemicals involved. But i do see the point of trying to get used to not having a sweet tooth.
Stevia is all well and good, aside from tasting like ass. I get that sweetener addicts go for it, but ugh, the limit for me is using it in baking as a last resort to keep the calories down.


Stevia is all well and good, aside from tasting like ass. I get that sweetener addicts go for it, but ugh, the limit for me is using it in baking as a last resort to keep the calories down.

I suggest giving the glycerite version a shot. Stevia is pretty whatever to me, till i used that. Tastes like honey in that form. Its alcohol free.
I wonder if there's anyone else out there that doesn't like any of the artificial sweeteners. I can taste the difference between something used with sugar and something used with any artificial sweetener. Sucralose, saccharin, aspartame, stevia, they all don't compare to that good ol sucrose, which has made cutting down my sugar such a bitch because I still want things to taste good, and also why I haven't cut juice out my diet. The struggle is real.

Mr. X

I've been using a little milk to cool coffee quicker. Otherwise, take it black.

It was a page ago but my mental health improved since joining the gym. I still hit some lows and miss days/weeks and that makes me feel worse so I try to find the drove and keep my ass going.


Guess all that running for cardio has caught up to me. My right knee has been bothering me for a few months but lately it's been hurting quite a bit. Straightening it out hurts, as well as going up some stairs. Haven't been going to the gym for a few days and it feels like shit.

Guess i'll go to the doctor tomorrow. *sigh*
Guess all that running for cardio has caught up to me. My right knee has been bothering me for a few months but lately it's been hurting quite a bit. Straightening it out hurts, as well as going up some stairs. Haven't been going to the gym for a few days and it feels like shit.
Don't do what I did and ignore it. Mine is with my right hip, and also some of the IT band.

Got so bad around Easter I was limping. Since then I've only run on a treadmill a couple of times, and haven't run at all since probably May. Don't plan to until after I get back from an overseas trip in November. It still hurts a little bit occasionally, or more accurately it feels tight a fair bit (even with stretching, yoga, rolling it) and only hurts occasionally.
Good news, managed to put on a kg or so yesterday. Probably all water weight from the alcohol or something, but I'm a lot happier than I would have been had this crazy drop continued.


the piano man
two questions, I hope you guys can help me out here:

.- is there creatine in powder form? here in Germany all I found is pills but I hate swallowing pills so I won't take them in that form

.- is there an android app where I can upload the weight/reps/sets on my lifts? I am really tired of using pen and paper, plus I am supposed to pass the written info into a excel sheet on my laptop but man, I really can't be arsed to do that.

Not sure what's going on. Lost another 0.6kg overnight. Now down to my lowest ever and it's starting to concern me. Normally weight loss stalls, but this is accelerating if anything. Same net calories as always, no change in exercise routine or food.

have you been having stress in life? like.. things that are making you anxious or nervous?

August was exactly that for me and without even trying I lost like 8 pounds... really, I went from 73~kg to 69~ I wasn't particularly trilled cause I wasn't looking "big" or schredded or anything, just smaller, at least I learned that I have a long way to go before a proper cut makes sense in my case.

cutting is to me like bulking for an ex-fatty/obese, chances are they still have a lot of unnecessary meat to lose before a proper bulk is required, I have lots of mass to attain before I really look fat.


the piano man

...and yes, plenty of stress, I've got two months to get out of a house I've lived in for 12 years, so trying to find a house to buy / rent.

Oddly though, I was far more stressed the week before (wasn't really having any issues with weight then).

woah awesome, great, thanks for that link and in Euro too ^_^

stress & worries = best weight loss method I know of.


My bench progress has completely stalled. I've been stuck on 125 for weeks. I was able to get to the very last rep of my 3x5, but since then my arms have given out at the start of the last set every time.

What's the approach to correct this? Drop down a few levels and work my way back up while focusing on perfecting my form?


two questions, I hope you guys can help me out here:

.- is there creatine in powder form? here in Germany all I found is pills but I hate swallowing pills so I won't take them in that form

.- is there an android app where I can upload the weight/reps/sets on my lifts? I am really tired of using pen and paper, plus I am supposed to pass the written info into a excel sheet on my laptop but man, I really can't be arsed to do that.

have you been having stress in life? like.. things that are making you anxious or nervous?

Yes creatine is much much cheaper in powder form. Try a GNC or Vitamin Shoppe? I don't know Germany's equivalent. Should have some on Amazon.

I use StrongLifts 5x5 or Strong Log. Both excellent Android apps.


My bench progress has completely stalled. I've been stuck on 125 for weeks. I was able to get to the very last rep of my 3x5, but since then my arms have given out at the start of the last set every time.

What's the approach to correct this? Drop down a few levels and work my way back up while focusing on perfecting my form?

Try paused DB chest press, both flat and incline. If you can handle 125 with the bar, you can probably max at 35 / 40 lbs DBs.

Grab 30s or 35s, lay on the bench and at the lowest point in the press motion, pause for 5 seconds. Then do a normal rep and, again, at the bottom, pause for 5 seconds.

This will greatly improve your ability to push through the bottom portion of the press.


Im old so i use Google Keep and have it all written out already.

Going to have to do another 30 hour day today. Feeling pretty good right now already. I need to get my car fixed while at work today, along with hitting the gym.

My bench progress has completely stalled. I've been stuck on 125 for weeks. I was able to get to the very last rep of my 3x5, but since then my arms have given out at the start of the last set every time.

What's the approach to correct this? Drop down a few levels and work my way back up while focusing on perfecting my form?

Do more tricep work and deload, then work back up, is what i'd do.


Try paused DB chest press, both flat and incline. If you can handle 125 with the bar, you can probably max at 35 / 40 lbs DBs.

Grab 30s or 35s, lay on the bench and at the lowest point in the press motion, pause for 5 seconds. Then do a normal rep and, again, at the bottom, pause for 5 seconds.

This will greatly improve your ability to push through the bottom portion of the press.

This sounds like a great idea, thanks.


My bench progress has completely stalled. I've been stuck on 125 for weeks. I was able to get to the very last rep of my 3x5, but since then my arms have given out at the start of the last set every time.

What's the approach to correct this? Drop down a few levels and work my way back up while focusing on perfecting my form?

Is this 125lbs?

If so then simply bench more. Try 3x5, 2x8 back off 2x a week, non-consecutive days like mon-thurs. Also get a spotter or use a rack as you won't be worried by failure. Also eat enough to recover and grow. If that doesn't work, micro load.
Wait what? 214? Are you kidding me?! That's amazing man. Keep going. Don't make a number stop you when the mirror is all that should matter.

Heh, this is the least I have weighed in 3+ years. I kinda want to float around 210-230 lbs. Just seeing the number that low is just crazy to me.


thanks boss! I may be at my leanest but I am also at the "biggest" physically I have ever been. I had a ton of fat on me. Looking at my pics 6 months ago, I had such a fat face lol.

When I heard Rousey was starring in the new Roadhouse remake (R.I.P. Swayze), my first reaction was wondering why you didn't get the part.


~4 weeks ago:



Need to grab shirtless pic, but my shoulders are starting to grow a lot, getting nice definition.

This is all while cutting. Have dropped from 214-217 to 202.


Think I might take a break for a few days.

Weather this weekend blew in some yankee allergens and my sinuses went to defcon 1.


Nice Mkenyon!

Saw my Ortho today. Since my shoulder still isn't 100%, he gave me an injection. Its amazing how much better it feels instantly. Another 2 weeks off of doing certain exercises, then trying it out again slowly. If by next month its still bad, It's time to start PT.
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