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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I'm having a hard time sticking to a program. I hate doing split workouts, because it annoys me that I have to do 3-4 different bicep and tricep exercises. By the last two exercises, my biceps or triceps are already exhausted. Full body 3x a week exhausts the shit out of me, too.

This is what I do for FB 3x a week:

M: Squats, incline bench, and chin ups
W: DL, flat bench, pullups, and dips
F: Squats and shoulder press

Wears the shit out of me. I was thinking of doing this:

M: DL, pullups, bicep curls to hypertrophy, and abs
W: Flat bench, dips, tricep pulley pulldowns to hypertrophy
F: Squats, shoulder press, DB lateral raises to hypertrophy, and abs

Does that look bad?


Wears the shit out of me. I was thinking of doing this:

M: DL, pullups, bicep curls to hypertrophy, and abs
W: Flat bench, dips, tricep pulley pulldowns to hypertrophy
F: Squats, shoulder press, DB lateral raises to hypertrophy, and abs

Does that look bad?

You have the 4 compounds so already it's a good start. Your rep scheme and progression is the most important thing there, though. As for the assistance lifts, I'm not a huge fan of sticking to the same ones week in week out. I usually do A and B weeks or do my assistance lifts based on the areas that are getting weak (strength- and aesthetic-wise).

Let me know if you need me to add more detail.


I'm having a hard time sticking to a program. I hate doing split workouts, because it annoys me that I have to do 3-4 different bicep and tricep exercises. By the last two exercises, my biceps or triceps are already exhausted. Full body 3x a week exhausts the shit out of me, too.

This is what I do for FB 3x a week:

M: Squats, incline bench, and chin ups
W: DL, flat bench, pullups, and dips
F: Squats and shoulder press

Wears the shit out of me. I was thinking of doing this:

M: DL, pullups, bicep curls to hypertrophy, and abs
W: Flat bench, dips, tricep pulley pulldowns to hypertrophy
F: Squats, shoulder press, DB lateral raises to hypertrophy, and abs

Does that look bad?

You don't need a lot of ab work if you're progressing on the deadlifts, standing presses and squats nicely. I'd also do squats twice a week. Here is an alternative:

Flat bench 3x5 then 2x8
Squats 3x5
Chin-ups 3xfailure

Overhead press 3x5 then 2x8
Deadlift 1x5 heavy then 2x8 a bit lighter
Pull-ups 3xfailure

Flat bench 3x5
Squat 3x5
Incline 2x8
Biceps curls 3x10
Dips 3xwhatever

If you find your back isn't getting enough love you could increase the dl volume on te back off sets or put some bent over rows in somewhere. That program above, micro loaded and linear progressed, should get you to intermediate pretty quickly.

If you're already at intermediate:

M (volume/brutal)
Bench 5x5
Squats 5x5
Chins 3xf

W (lighter, recovery)
Overhead press 5x3
Front squats 2x5 (hard but not brutal)
Bent over row 3x5

F (intensity)
Squat 1x5
Bench 1x5
Deadlift 1x5, 2x8
Dips, curls, a little light volume work.
Well, when I usually do FB workouts, my arms start to get smaller, which is why I through in one isolation exercises for biceps and triceps. I'll stick to low reps on the compound lifts and high reps for the isolation exercises. I've changed my diet, and looking to get leaner while adding a little mass.

I know I'm asking for advice, but I dunno. I think I like my new program more. If you guys think it's really bad, then I may just switch it up, but I'd rather stick to it.
My squats are now above body weight as I did 5X5 @ 215 yesterday. I remember 195 being kind of a struggle, but interestingly enough it wasn't that bad at 215. I can definitely feel it my ass today though. Its a good soreness though.

OHP still remains difficult, but I did manage 5X5 @ 110 yesterday as well. Can't even imagine doing 145+ like I've been seeing here though.


the piano man
I know I'm asking for advice, but I dunno. I think I like my new program more. If you guys think it's really bad, then I may just switch it up, but I'd rather stick to it.

I've been there, getting advice but somehow wanting to do something else.

I think you're better off trying for yourself for 2 weeks and seeing how you feel. It seems like we have to go through it ourselves to understand why the plan wasn't very good from the get go (if that's the case).

You'll learn in any case so that's good.

not saying your program sucks,just saying trying things and figuring out for yourself what works and what not is the bred and butter of lifting.


Well, when I usually do FB workouts, my arms start to get smaller, which is why I through in one isolation exercises for biceps and triceps. I'll stick to low reps on the compound lifts and high reps for the isolation exercises. I've changed my diet, and looking to get leaner while adding a little mass.

I know I'm asking for advice, but I dunno. I think I like my new program more. If you guys think it's really bad, then I may just switch it up, but I'd rather stick to it.

At least try A B schedules for assistance lifts, okay? Meet in the middle?


This has been my lifting routine (all 5x5 after 2 warmup sets, except deadlifts are 1x5) the last month or two. Admittedly it's a lot lighter than it used to be to have enough time for my cardio, which I do every day to different degrees:

Workout A: Flat bench (205lbs), Weighted pull-ups (35lbs)

Workout B: Barbell squats (220), Deadlifts (250)

Workout C: Standing overhead press (145), Barbell rows (180)

I don't do anything else, for better or worse. Not even curls.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Jason's Ultimatum[/quote said:
know I'm asking for advice, but I dunno. I think I like my new program more. If you guys think it's really bad, then I may just switch it up, but I'd rather stick to it.

Then do it and work hard. I might have a slightly different opinion than many here but if you make sure to hit your compounds and lift heavy it really doesn't matter what routine you choose. Get your diet dialed in and be consistent in the gym with whatever program you choose. The rest will take care of itself.


Well, when I usually do FB workouts, my arms start to get smaller, which is why I through in one isolation exercises for biceps and triceps. I'll stick to low reps on the compound lifts and high reps for the isolation exercises. I've changed my diet, and looking to get leaner while adding a little mass.

I know I'm asking for advice, but I dunno. I think I like my new program more. If you guys think it's really bad, then I may just switch it up, but I'd rather stick to it.
Just add arm accessories after the main lifts. Not that hard. You can do two sets of arms exercises each workout. I usually do bis and tris at 3x8 rep scheme after the big lifts.

It's fine since your working out three days a week. The volume is similar to a dedicated arm day.
Grah, my deadlift has gone to shit. Was my strongest lift by far, but all of a sudden I find myself lifting with my lower back and I can't seem to stop myself doing it. Even putting the weight back down feels wrong.


Grah, my deadlift has gone to shit. Was my strongest lift by far, but all of a sudden I find myself lifting with my lower back and I can't seem to stop myself doing it. Even putting the weight back down feels wrong.
I still struggle with proper form on DL. I feel ashamed.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Then do it and work hard. I might have a slightly different opinion than many here but if you make sure to hit your compounds and lift heavy it really doesn't matter what routine you choose. Get your diet dialed in and be consistent in the gym with whatever program you choose. The rest will take care of itself.

But how hard is too hard? Last month I went in doing compounds every other day and the gains were pretty minimal while gaining weight. Switching back to three times a week I seem to be making faster gains.

Speaking of:
Squats- 3x5x245lbs (PR)
DB bench - 2x5x85s, 1x6x85s (PR)
Good mornings - 5x8x105lbs

All weighing three pounds less than during my last workout.
So I'm just starting out lifting. My problem is that I am very long and lanky and have TERRIBLE (read:TERRIBLE) balance in general. I'm a gangly man.

The lifts that require technically precise full body motion (squats, deadlifts, etc) I know are going to require a lot of practice with just the bar, because otherwise I'm going to fuck myself up.

Any advice for me? I've watched all the videos and even taken notes.
Yeah the Google storm earlier provided a standard shopping and dosage list. I'm only going to use caffeine pills (200-300), beta alanine (2-3mg), citrulline malate (6-9mg depending) and creatine mono plus some sort of flavoring agent. I like the tingling and I enjoy the pump so plain caffeine doesn't cut it.

How much do you need to drown the flavor of the ingredients you use to make it bearable to drink? From memory of unflavored BCAAs, even hiding it was difficult sometimes. Does a Mio or some Gatorade powder (if you want the carbs) do the trick?
Yep, this is what I do. Crystal Light or Mio will work great. You can just use two servings if you need it extra sweet, because caffeine or citrulline do have a little bit of sourness to them if you have them plain. Half a Crystal Light packet is enough for me to mask it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
But how hard is too hard? Last month I went in doing compounds every other day and the gains were pretty minimal while gaining weight. Switching back to three times a week I seem to be making faster gains.

Speaking of:
Squats- 3x5x245lbs (PR)
DB bench - 2x5x85s, 1x6x85s (PR)
Good mornings - 5x8x105lbs

All weighing three pounds less than during my last workout.
I do a compound every day. Now if you are attempting to deadlift 3 or 4 times a week obviously that's overkill. My main point was that as long as compounds are the focus of your routine and you are exerting full effort you should be fine. Elite lifters will probably need a more refined program but for the vast majority just eat right, lift hard, and be consistent.

Unrelated note, ever since my bad diet week 2 weeks ago I'm having more trouble than usual getting back to 180. Been eating super clean and low carb but everyday for the past 3 I've been stuck on 182 and change. I feel and look pretty lean. Interesting.


Down to 224.8 this morning. Just passed the 48 hour mark and decided to shut it down early. My nieces are here and I want to eat with them. I also got taiko drums for the Wii and we're going to play that later. I was on my way to the dentist this morning and got a flat tire, even after fasting for so long, felt totally fine and pulled it over, got it handled. Really feeling good about how things are going.

Nelo Ice

I think people need to adopt the mindset that form is something you always have to work on and pay attention to.

It's never automatic.

I know that feel. I just had to readjust my squat form when I saw I wasn't hitting parallel. And for any exercise it's always something I mindful of even if I'm comfortable with my form.


Since bulking season is officially starting soon what are mass gainers do you guys use?
I know some people like to make their own but since I fly so much for work I prefer to buy the already made versions.

So far I tried Serious Mass and Super Mass Gainer.
This has been my lifting routine (all 5x5 after 2 warmup sets, except deadlifts are 1x5) the last month or two. Admittedly it's a lot lighter than it used to be to have enough time for my cardio, which I do every day to different degrees:

Workout A: Flat bench (205lbs), Weighted pull-ups (35lbs)

Workout B: Barbell squats (220), Deadlifts (250)

Workout C: Standing overhead press (145), Barbell rows (180)

I don't do anything else, for better or worse. Not even curls.

interesting program. Two exercises and that's it.

amy gains in strength or mass? Show some pics!


interesting program. Two exercises and that's it.

amy gains in strength or mass? Show some pics!
Yeah I didn't eat enough so it took me a long time (4 years) to go from 135-170 at my heaviest, then cutting back down to a leaner 155. Knowing what i do now, I would've eaten cleaner food and more of it.

And yes, this last 7 weeks or so my numbers have continued to climb slowly, even at a calorie deficit. That won't last long though. Eat more!

I've posted too many pics in this thread already that people probably think I'm borderline self-obsessed, although it's quite the opposite. Any positive feedback always spikes my motivation and people here are always supportive. Anyways, I stopped posting them in this thread, but my Instagram is here.


Then do it and work hard. I might have a slightly different opinion than many here but if you make sure to hit your compounds and lift heavy it really doesn't matter what routine you choose. Get your diet dialed in and be consistent in the gym with whatever program you choose. The rest will take care of itself.

I completely agree, coot.


Yeah I didn't eat enough so it took me a long time (4 years) to go from 135-170 at my heaviest, then cutting back down to a leaner 155. Knowing what i do now, I would've eaten cleaner food and more of it.

And yes, this last 7 weeks or so my numbers have continued to climb slowly, even at a calorie deficit. That won't last long though. Eat more!

I've posted too many pics in this thread already that people probably think I'm borderline self-obsessed, although it's quite the opposite. Any positive feedback always spikes my motivation and people here are always supportive. Anyways, I stopped posting them in this thread, but my Instagram is here.

Mike, who said something about you posting pics? We love seeing your progress dude, it's inspirational for all of us.


Guess there's no harm in trying... it's odd, that area on me seems to still be retaining fat even though I've got next to none anywhere else. It's almost like unless it's properly attached, it wont burn the fat there.

yeah, that's exactly my problem. I might try to go insanely crazy with my diet for a month to see if there's any success. you can get it measured by professionals in that specific area, right?
Since bulking season is officially starting soon what are mass gainers do you guys use?
I know some people like to make their own but since I fly so much for work I prefer to buy the already made versions.

So far I tried Serious Mass and Super Mass Gainer.
I eat food. It's not massively complicated. :)

Given the crap those powders are made of, you might as well at least have something tasty.

yeah, that's exactly my problem. I might try to go insanely crazy with my diet for a month to see if there's any success. you can get it measured by professionals in that specific area, right?

I would assume so, yes. I've never seen anyone about it specifically though.

Vaguely related. Since my (massive food / drink blowout) trip to Amsterdam, the weight has just been falling off me. Eating at exactly the same deficit as before I went, but I'm down about 5lbs in a single week. I'm not going to mess with it, but I am hoping it slows down a bit as I'm concerned about muscle loss.
Well, when I usually do FB workouts, my arms start to get smaller, which is why I through in one isolation exercises for biceps and triceps. I'll stick to low reps on the compound lifts and high reps for the isolation exercises. I've changed my diet, and looking to get leaner while adding a little mass.

I know I'm asking for advice, but I dunno. I think I like my new program more. If you guys think it's really bad, then I may just switch it up, but I'd rather stick to it.

Here's the deal, yes we all know full body routines are what most people should be doing. But if you don't want to, then why do them? Do what you enjoy and if you care to sprinkle in bench, deads, and squats then great.

People are too obsessed with what they like to do that they always push it onto others. Myself, I can never add an arm day because that would hinder my other lifts and I'd be bored doing it. If YOU like it and it will keep you coming back, do it.


Man, I was just wiped today. Pounding headache and body aches, I even took a nap which I never do. Even now I have little to no appetite and I'm forcing myself to eat.

This is all after a week from hell work week. Haven't lifted since Wednesday and now I'm feeling crappy about that. Gotta not get caught in a funk and listen to my body.
Damn, mike. You look good. How tall are you? I may try your routine since it should get me in and out of the gym.


I know what you are saying. I keep switching between splits and full body. Its hard to make up my mind. Its a three day split, and if I do chest and back, after doing flat bench, my chest feels like its already exhausted when I do incline.

ill have to force myself to stick with a program for a couple of months to see if there are any gains.


How tall are you? I may try your routine since it should get me in and out of the gym.
I'm 5'9". Don't get too worked up about which routine you do. Any progress I've made would probably have been the same with most other routines. My only rule is to make sure I AT LEAST hit the main compound lifts.

My untrained advice would be to do what you enjoy the most and focus more of your attention on diet, so long a you're hitting your main muscle groups and tracking progress. Diet is [almost] everything in my experience.

Edit: give any routine time to see results. They will come. Stay the course. Time is on your side. (Boy that sounded dramatic)

J. Bravo

Since bulking season is officially starting soon what are mass gainers do you guys use?
I know some people like to make their own but since I fly so much for work I prefer to buy the already made versions.

So far I tried Serious Mass and Super Mass Gainer.
Smart gainer is good, cheap, tasty, and has a great scoop ratio. Only online though I think.
Dude, you're eating 1800 calories a day. Don't expect strength or mass gains.

I'm still eating between 2400-2500 calories a day. Admittingly, the fat around the gut is slowly shedding away already. Just removed some unwanted carbs.

EDIT-Is that still bad, even if I cut out some carbs for protein? This is what my diet currently looks like:

my diet:

breakfast: cup of oatmeal, chopped pecans sliced banana, scoop of whey protein.

post workout shake: cup of whole milk, scoop of whey protein, two scoops of almond butter, banana, strawberries, sliced apple.

couple hours later: 25g of cooked egg whites

lunch: .30oz grilled chicken or salmon with veggies, and sweet potato or cup of basmatti rice. Some days ill eat a cup of pinto beans for lunch with a cup of rice. I also eat Faye Greek yogurt and a granola bar with my lunch.

evening snack: one serving of cottage cheese with two scoops of almond butter

dinner: could be chicken or fish or lentils or spaghetti, anything really.

Cooter or anyone else, seems decent or remove anything? I'm 182 and BF is 22%. God, I remember when I was 170 and 12% BF. That was four years ago. Not sure if I want to be 170 again. If I can stay the same weight or lose a few pounds to look more cut, so be it. Cooter I know you said eat around 1800 calories.


I've been cutting with an intake of 2000 calories per day. My cardio sessions usually burn about 500-700 per day (1000+ for long runs once a week). One day I take completely off, but still eat 2000.


Anybody had trouble with Depression messing up your fitness?

I've been kinda struggling this week, getting angry for no reason and so on, and it's really messing with my exercising... Still managing to keep under 2000 calories, but I sometimes miss an exercise day or two.
Anybody had trouble with Depression messing up your fitness?

I've been kinda struggling this week, getting angry for no reason and so on, and it's really messing with my exercising... Still managing to keep under 2000 calories, but I sometimes miss an exercise day or two.
Yeah, all the time man. I have crazy anxiety/depression issues that I try to manage, but sometimes it gets the better of me. Sometimes I miss even over a month of gym time cause I get so down.

If you have it as bad as I do I'd definitely seek help to get you through/over it. If it's minor, little things like lifting at a different gym, finding a gym buddy for a day or two, or replacing your standard routine with something completely different can help a lot.


Anybody had trouble with Depression messing up your fitness?

I've been kinda struggling this week, getting angry for no reason and so on, and it's really messing with my exercising... Still managing to keep under 2000 calories, but I sometimes miss an exercise day or two.

Funny I've been having this problem for weeks and I think I solved it. I cut out caffeine and severely cut down alcohol. Day one was hell. Day two was OK. Today I feel fucking amazing like my positive attitude just burst out of me when I woke up. It's mainly the caffiene for me.
Guys are there any programs out there to train like a boxer/learn how to box? Tips on finding a good gym for that? What are your opinions on box fit?


Funny I've been having this problem for weeks and I think I solved it. I cut out caffeine and severely cut down alcohol. Day one was hell. Day two was OK. Today I feel fucking amazing like my positive attitude just burst out of me when I woke up. It's mainly the caffiene for me.

Nah, it's not caffeine. I cut that out weeks ago, this is a mental thing.

I don't really know how to describe it, Spiritreaver, I guess it's bad? It messes with my motivation really, and I've kinda missed a few days, so that makes it worse. I don't go to a Gym, body weight exercises only at the moment, so at least that stops me from completely stopping it. Just need to get over this slump I guess.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay I just found out I have a problem.

As my weight increased throughout the years, it's also increased fat in certain spots moreso than others, like my stomach. But whatever, I already knew that and accepted it. But recently, I came to the realization that I've developed quite a bit of fat under my chin as well. And that's REALLY bugging me. Moreso than my belly fat.

I'm still quite a bit far away from my goal physique, but I also doesn't want to develop more fat in this area that may be more difficult to get rid of later on.

What should I do?


Okay I just found out I have a problem.

As my weight increased throughout the years, it's also increased fat in certain spots moreso than others, like my stomach. But whatever, I already knew that and accepted it. But recently, I came to the realization that I've developed quite a bit of fat under my chin as well. And that's REALLY bugging me. Moreso than my belly fat.

I'm still quite a bit far away from my goal physique, but I also doesn't want to develop more fat in this area that may be more difficult to get rid of later on.

What should I do?

You don't get to choose where and how much fat goes where. Your body has a set pattern of where the fat gets stored, and when you cut, the pattern reverses. On men, belly fat is typically the very first to gain and the very last to lose. Chin is just luck of the draw, lots of people who are obese who have no double chin, some people pretty thin and still have it. Its genetic lotto like so many other things.


Creatine, should I take it in my first bulk (haven't lifted since like April but been cutting and gotten to where I want) and if so when? Worried about hair loss tho, noone in family is bald but over the years my hair thinned out and lost a loot of volume so I don't wanna mess with it too much.


Anybody had trouble with Depression messing up your fitness?

I've been kinda struggling this week, getting angry for no reason and so on, and it's really messing with my exercising... Still managing to keep under 2000 calories, but I sometimes miss an exercise day or two.

Exercise is how I manage it. That and sleep.

For me its just neuroticism fueling my anxiety.


the piano man
Anybody had trouble with Depression messing up your fitness?

I am not sure I'd call it depression in my case. For me it is a matter of things in my life going well what makes me keep the motivation for things like lifting.

you should try to see what's the problem (at its core) and see when it will be over so you can change your mindset when the time comes, meanwhile do as much as you can, even if it's not much and have fun at it, no PR stress or hard-as-nails diets, you need a strong heart and soul for that. Give it time.

beyond that, being occupied and coupling that occupation with lifting helps, imo. Since I am a teacher, here in Germany we get a complete month (August) with no work whatsoever, it was absolutely abysmal for lifting, lost lots of gains specially on my legs.

Last week we started again and like clockwork, I hit the gym 4 times the week, exactly as intended.

Okay I just found out I have a problem.

As my weight increased throughout the years, it's also increased fat in certain spots moreso than others, like my stomach. But whatever, I already knew that and accepted it. But recently, I came to the realization that I've developed quite a bit of fat under my chin as well. And that's REALLY bugging me. Moreso than my belly fat.

I'm still quite a bit far away from my goal physique, but I also doesn't want to develop more fat in this area that may be more difficult to get rid of later on.

What should I do?

wait till you are nearing 40 and prepare to deal with the fat in your lower back, it's easily more stubborn than on your belly.
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