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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Feel a lot better today, guess my depression was going through a low. Checked the scale today, 210lbs, or 95kg for Brits. I think that's the lowest I've weighed ever! Lowest I can remember from a few years back was 98kg.


Feel a lot better today, guess my depression was going through a low. Checked the scale today, 210lbs, or 95kg for Brits. I think that's the lowest I've weighed ever! Lowest I can remember from a few years back was 98kg.
That's great to hear! Congrats!
The last two months I have really tried to push the IF philosophy to the limit and increased my overall calories from 3k to around 4500-5k.

The result has been better than I could have hoped for. I was able to gain 10lbs while maintaining an extremely low BF%. I have never been able to put that much weight on and stay that lean using any other method ever. Not only that but my strength went up across the board allowing me to hit personal best milestones with every single lift.

IF is unbelievable. I have tried to break it or find a downside to it and at least for what I am trying to achieve it seems infallible.


two questions, I hope you guys can help me out here:

.- is there creatine in powder form? here in Germany all I found is pills but I hate swallowing pills so I won't take them in that form

Wait, WHAT? Micronized creatine monohydrate is the most common form of creatine, and Creapure (The purest/most popular form of mono is manufactured in Germany). You really don't have that there?


No gym today, took so long to get my car fixed. Had to replace 4 studs and replace blown tire and the other matching side tire. Tomorrow it shall by gym time.

I owe you guys so much. I wouldn't have ever even given this thing a fair shake had it not been for both you. Thanks for answering all my ceaseless questions in the beginning too.

We're not worthy.


the piano man

And bought.

quite cheap, I had Orange flavor, let's see what happens.

I use FitNotes for Android workout log.

Yes creatine is much much cheaper in powder form. Try a GNC or Vitamin Shoppe? I don't know Germany's equivalent. Should have some on Amazon.

I use StrongLifts 5x5 or Strong Log. Both excellent Android apps.

thanks will look into this.

Wait, WHAT? Micronized creatine monohydrate is the most common form of creatine, and Creapure (The purest/most popular form of mono is manufactured in Germany). You really don't have that there?

to be honest, I haven't been to any (truly dedicated) fitness shop here in Germany, the only one shop (more like a drugstore) I found creatine was in form of those pills I mention, I bought them and throw them away I hate swallowing pills .

In Mexico I did look for it but never found any in the GNCs I went to.

I am very thankful to Psychotext cause I know that brand and their protein shakes taste great, I didn't know they have Creatine too.


The last two months I have really tried to push the IF philosophy to the limit and increased my overall calories from 3k to around 4500-5k.

The result has been better than I could have hoped for. I was able to gain 10lbs while maintaining an extremely low BF%. I have never been able to put that much weight on and stay that lean using any other method ever. Not only that but my strength went up across the board allowing me to hit personal best milestones with every single lift.

IF is unbelievable. I have tried to break it or find a downside to it and at least for what I am trying to achieve it seems infallible.

Damn, that chest tho
How do you handle being crazy busy, with almost no time for the gym? Can you maintain whatever limited gains you have made by just going once per week?

Ideally I go three times per week, one day for upper body, one day for lower body and one day full-body, a setup that allows me to get quite a few assistance exercises in aside from the big lifts while allowing me to hit every body part twice per week and hit several different rep ranges. If I can only go once per week during a busy period, would a setup where I go once per week work for maintenance, if I only do the main lifts? Something like: 3X5 squats, 3X5 bench press, 1X5 deadlifts, 3X5 bent over rows, 3X6-8 dumbbell shoulder press and if I have time 3 sets bodyweight chin-ups to failure (can usually do three to four)


How do you handle being crazy busy, with almost no time for the gym? Can you maintain whatever limited gains you have made by just going once per week?

Ideally I go three times per week, one day for upper body, one day for lower body and one day full-body, a setup that allows me to get quite a few assistance exercises in aside from the big lifts while allowing me to hit every body part twice per week and hit several different rep ranges. If I can only go once per week during a busy period, would a setup where I go once per week work for maintenance, if I only do the main lifts? Something like: 3X5 squats, 3X5 bench press, 1X5 deadlifts, 3X5 bent over rows, 3X6-8 dumbbell shoulder press and if I have time 3 sets bodyweight chin-ups to failure (can usually do three to four)

I sometimes work 80+ hours a week and I go every day.

I feel like you can always make time.
.- is there an android app where I can upload the weight/reps/sets on my lifts? I am really tired of using pen and paper, plus I am supposed to pass the written info into a excel sheet on my laptop but man, I really can't be arsed to do that.
I started using Progression a month or so ago, and really like it. I don't buy many Pro versions but I did for this (not that I felt hampered by the free one, it's still really good). Highly recommended.

It also does CSV exports if you want to continue with your spreadsheet.
Out of interest Bruce, what's your setup been for IF? Hours eating vs not, when you lift etc.

Same setup each day: Eating period is from 1pm - 7pm giving me a 5hr fasting period. I workout at lunch in a fasted state. I'm taking no BCAAs or Supplements outside of Quest Bars. I eat a massive meal after working out followed by a snack an hour later. Dinner is my biggest meal of the day simply because of the time afforded me. Let me know if there is anything more specific

Damn Bruce... great job!!!
Ahh thanks bro :)


That's what I get for slacking of with rotator cuff training.
Seriously hurt my left shoulder while heavy deep benching yesterday. Intense pain whenever I lift my arm. Can't even lie on my left side. =/

How long does something like that take to heal?


That's what I get for slacking of with rotator cuff training.
Seriously hurt my left shoulder while heavy deep benching yesterday. Intense pain whenever I lift my arm. Can't even lie on my left side. =/

How long does something like that to heal?

Possibly your AC joint. Took me 4-6 weeks of not doing ANY chest / shoulder exercises and then easing back into it. Sucks man but best of luck, it might be something less.

Let us know the diagnoses...I went to my PT friend for my sprain and he gave me a bunch of things AC specific.


IF is unbelievable. I have tried to break it or find a downside to it and at least for what I am trying to achieve it seems infallible.
Just googled what IF is out of curiosity and have never heard of it before, but apparently I've been doing that for the last 10 years or so already, since I usually only eat once a day. Great to know there is a science behind my life style. xD

Possibly your AC joint. Took me 4-6 weeks of not doing ANY chest / shoulder exercises and then easing back into it. Sucks man but best of luck, it might be something less.

Let us know the diagnoses...I went to my PT friend for my sprain and he gave me a bunch of things AC specific.
Shiiiiet. I planed to do light bench next week again and add in rotator cuff exercises. Hope it's nothing that serious. I didn't plan to go to any doctor. I might do now, if it's still hurting next week.


Shiiiiet. I planed to do light bench next week again and add in rotator cuff exercises. Hope it's nothing that serious. I didn't plan to go to any doctor. I might do now, if it's still hurting next week.

Usually things don't hurt that bad if you're not actually injured. Plus that's a relatively common injury. Hope for the best!


Ordered a 60kg barbell set from eBay, not sure how good they'll be for £47, but they'll do for now! No need for Dumbbell sets yet, my brother has a pair that he hardly uses, so I just borrow those.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Dropped my heavy squats from 5x5 to 3x5 and it feels good. Feel like I can increase the weight by a larger amount now and as a bonus, won't feel half dead after my sets are done.


I've been out for so long. I'm back in the game. Starting from scratch. First exercise I did in at least 6 months.

Squat 145lb 5x5
BP 95lb 5x5
Row 95lb 5x5

I'm recked' but I am super excited to get used to the burn again.
I'm just starting out so I was wondering if anyone could offer some suggestions to the routine I came up with (and maybe recommendations on exercises I should be including). I'm still trying to figure out how to include core here.


Bench Press
Skull Crushers
Overhead Press
Cable Cross Over
Seated Dumbbell Tricep Extension
Dumbbell Upright Row
Pec Flys
Tricep Dips

Barbell Curl
Barbell Row
Hammer Curl
Bent Over Dumbbell Row
Alternating Supination Curl
Wide Grip Pull Down
Concentration Curl

Leg Press
Leg Extensions
Wall Sit
Dumbbell Lunges

And I'm thinking of including some cardio on Tuesday and Thursday. Also do you typically work out in the morning or in the evening after work/school, and why is that your preference?

Thanks for your help.


Mysterious, you're doing WAAAAAAY too much stuff.

Stick to 1-2 compounds a day + 2-3 assistance lifts at most. On your compounds, do a warm up set and 4-5 working sets. 3 working sets on your assistance lifts.
Mysterious, you're doing WAAAAAAY too much stuff.

Stick to 1-2 compounds a day + 2-3 assistance lifts at most. On your compounds, do a warm up set and 4-5 working sets. 3 working sets on your assistance lifts.
How would you recommend I change it up (which ones should I remove)?

Also what's an assist lift?


How would you recommend I change it up (which ones should I remove)?

Also what's an assist lift?
Compound lifts use your major muscle groups and supporting muscles instead of focusing on a single/few muscles (which would be considered isolated/assist).

Main compound lifts are those such as, but not limited to:

Bench press
Overhead press
Pull ups/downs

Your extensions, curls, etc are mostly isolating/assist lifts, as in they are an accessory to your main lifts to help you improve or focus on specific individual muscles, usually in an effort to improve your compound lifts (or aesthetics).

I'm sure I'm not the best wordsmith here so feel free to chime in
The last two months I have really tried to push the IF philosophy to the limit and increased my overall calories from 3k to around 4500-5k.

The result has been better than I could have hoped for. I was able to gain 10lbs while maintaining an extremely low BF%. I have never been able to put that much weight on and stay that lean using any other method ever. Not only that but my strength went up across the board allowing me to hit personal best milestones with every single lift.

IF is unbelievable. I have tried to break it or find a downside to it and at least for what I am trying to achieve it seems infallible.

Wow. Nice work.
The last two months I have really tried to push the IF philosophy to the limit and increased my overall calories from 3k to around 4500-5k.

The result has been better than I could have hoped for. I was able to gain 10lbs while maintaining an extremely low BF%. I have never been able to put that much weight on and stay that lean using any other method ever. Not only that but my strength went up across the board allowing me to hit personal best milestones with every single lift.

IF is unbelievable. I have tried to break it or find a downside to it and at least for what I am trying to achieve it seems infallible.
Incredible stuff buddy. You guys are making IF sure look good.


I'm just starting out so I was wondering if anyone could offer some suggestions to the routine I came up with (and maybe recommendations on exercises I should be including). I'm still trying to figure out how to include core here.


Bench Press
Skull Crushers
Overhead Press
Cable Cross Over
Seated Dumbbell Tricep Extension
Dumbbell Upright Row
Pec Flys
Tricep Dips

Barbell Curl
Barbell Row
Hammer Curl
Bent Over Dumbbell Row
Alternating Supination Curl
Wide Grip Pull Down
Concentration Curl

Leg Press
Leg Extensions
Wall Sit
Dumbbell Lunges

And I'm thinking of including some cardio on Tuesday and Thursday. Also do you typically work out in the morning or in the evening after work/school, and why is that your preference?

Thanks for your help.

Yeah this won't work at all. Too much random stuff all over the place with no thought to what is important and what should be where. For example if you deadlift last after all those curls and rows your grip is already toast. Most of the stuff is completely unnecessary for you and/or overlap. Friday has too much quadricep focus and no hamstring work to compensate. What is the rep and set scheme? How wilm you progress?

Program design is a science and an art and is best left to the pros.

Like others said, read the OP, understand it and pick a program from there.

If I were to fix this somehow it would look something like this:

Bench Press
Overhead Press
(Tricep Extension)
Lateral Raises

Barbell Row

Leg Curl
Ab work

But even this is no way optimal for you. Just to show how nuch unnecessary stuff was in your original program.
Yeah this won't work at all. Too much random stuff all over the place with no thought to what is important and what should be where. For example if you deadlift last after all those curls and rows your grip is already toast. Most of the stuff is completely unnecessary for you and/or overlap. What is the rep and set scheme? How wilm you progress?

Program design is a science and an art and is best left to the pros.

Like others said, read the OP, understand it and pick a program from there.
Are there any beginner programs that you would recommend that isn't starting strength? I tried that for a couple weeks but it didn't click with me.


Are there any beginner programs that you would recommend that isn't starting strength? I tried that for a couple weeks but it didn't click with me.

Most of the beginner stuff are pretty similar as it's important to learn the core lifts. But there are some options:

-Westside for Skinny Bastards is maybe more up your alley. The original program is meant for athletes so google Westside for Skinny Viking Bastards. It has a dedicated squat and deadlift days instead of having one speed/athletic/jump day.
-Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 is done by some because it had more bodybuilding stuff but the workouts take forever.

Or just suck it up, do SS or something similar for a few months and make gains. The switch to an intermediate program which is more to your liking. Anyway most important thing is to go to the gym and do something you like. No sense in doing SS, hating it and then quitting because of that. Just realize that SS is recommended for beginners for a reason.


The last two months I have really tried to push the IF philosophy to the limit and increased my overall calories from 3k to around 4500-5k.

The result has been better than I could have hoped for. I was able to gain 10lbs while maintaining an extremely low BF%. I have never been able to put that much weight on and stay that lean using any other method ever. Not only that but my strength went up across the board allowing me to hit personal best milestones with every single lift.

IF is unbelievable. I have tried to break it or find a downside to it and at least for what I am trying to achieve it seems infallible.

Amazing shit bro! How long did it take you to gain 10 lbs on IF?
Most of the beginner stuff are pretty similar as it's important to learn the core lifts. But there are some options:

-Westside for Skinny Bastards is maybe more up your alley. The original program is meant for athletes so google Westside for Skinny Viking Bastards. It has a dedicated squat and deadlift days instead of having one speed/athletic/jump day.
-Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 is done by some because it had more bodybuilding stuff but the workouts take forever.

Or just suck it up, do SS or something similar for a few months and make gains. The switch to an intermediate program which is more to your liking.
How long would a beginner program be typically done for before starting an intermediate program?


How long would a beginner program be typically done for before starting an intermediate program?

It depends on a lot of factors, like how much gains you are making and when you will stall. Some do it for a few months before switching, others for half a year. Some even do it for a whole year.

Oh and I forgot Candito's beginner programs as well. They might be just for you. There's a link in the OP.

Also, what didn't you like about SS?
So, I've been eating at a surplus for about 2 months now, and I haven't really seen much in the form of weight gain. Then I realized that its probably because I was still early in my 5X5 program that I wasn't receiving the full benefits of the diet. Or, at least that's what I'm telling myself. I hope that now that every lift in my program is at 135+lbs, I should start seeing some gains, or maybe I have been gaining and my scale is just busted ;D

Its weird how this whole lifting thing has me thinking about food and weight and whatnot.
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