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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Okay so there are no people in my gym that early in the morning let alone hot chicks :)

What if I just use some of the ingredients in preworkout products without the caffiene? Does beta alanine, for instance, do anything on its own?

Or do I need to consider a shake or some food preworkout?

Honestly, that caffeine effect is tough to achieve without caffeine (or potentially other things worse for you). Eating will help with strength but it won't give you that "ready to lift hundreds of pounds at 6:00am" feeling. Could you ween off caffeine at first? Tea instead of coffee?


Best I can suggest is to get a multi vitamin with some B12 in there. That stuff always gives me a little kick in the morning.
That's actually a great idea. I have a multi I could take early.
Honestly, that caffeine effect is tough to achieve without caffeine (or potentially other things worse for you). Eating will help with strength but it won't give you that "ready to lift hundreds of pounds at 6:00am" feeling. Could you ween off caffeine at first? Tea instead of coffee?

I guess I could try LESS caffiene by only using a smaller serving of the preworkout and continuing to just not drink coffee. Maybe I will play around with that.


That's actually a great idea. I have a multi I could take early.

I guess I could try LESS caffiene by only using a smaller serving of the preworkout and continuing to just not drink coffee. Maybe I will play around with that.

One cup of black coffee at 6:00 should be out of your system when you come home after work!


Talked to a couple competitive body builders at my gym. They're going to help alter my programming a little to incorporate more hypertrophic movements after my compounds. Going to start chasing the pump a bit more.


Damn...you sure it's not sugar related? You could be mildly hypoglycemic...
Hmm... My carb intake has been higher lately. Could that be it? Only thing is I've felt good since being off caffiene and haven't changed my diet. I eat the same thing almost every day, staying under 150g carbs with 150-200g protein.


Hmm... My carb intake has been higher lately. Could that be it? Only thing is I've felt good since being off caffiene and haven't changed my diet. I eat the same thing almost every day, staying under 150g carbs with 150-200g protein.

Check Examine.com. There are some other supplements that give you a boost that aren't coffeine or something similar if I remember right. Some amino acid at least but can't remember the name.

Couldn't find it, maybe I remember wrong.


Can anyone recommend some good, not extremely expensive($80+), shoes for the gym? I use my Chuck high tops for Squat and Deadlift days, but they aren't the most comfortable for when I want to do cardio after lifting.


I have a cup of nescafe instant coffee with stevia an hour before i hit the gym, i finish the cup by the time i'm heading to the gym and by the time i'm done stretching, i'm ready to go. I really don't like to rely on a bunch of stuff to lift properly, it adds up over time and i like to keep things as simple as possible. Get your body adapted to whatever needs you have, it will take time.


Can anyone recommend some good, not extremely expensive($80+), shoes for the gym? I use my Chuck high tops for Squat and Deadlift days, but they aren't the most comfortable for when I want to do cardio after lifting.

I have ASICS Unifire TR. They were ~$60 and have held up pretty well considering i wear them 14 hours a day. Probably on generation 3 by now.

Ive been happy with every ASICS shoe I own really. Used to be a big NB Minimus fan but then they dropped my width.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Forgot my belt and still did one set of 250lbsx5, a new PR. Followed that up with a couple sets of 3. I think it's going to be a Fall for squat gains.

Some weird progress on paused DB press. 2x5x60s and on the last set my left arm got five reps while my right arm got four and a half. Enough is enough here, time for a reset.

Speaking of reset, I couldn't get one rep on power cleans at 160lbs after hitting 155x4 last time. Why does my body hate me?


Hmm... My carb intake has been higher lately. Could that be it? Only thing is I've felt good since being off caffiene and haven't changed my diet. I eat the same thing almost every day, staying under 150g carbs with 150-200g protein.

Could be. Could be a lot of things (unhappy with your job, etc.)...the cup of coffee probably isn't it though since it's happening 10-12 hours later.


allright are you supposed to "feel" the chest while doing triceps cable pushdowns ? im asking because i only did them a few times and every single time, whenever i push down i can feel my chest muscles contracting really hard to the point where it almost hurts.

i asked some dude at the gym if he could watch while im doing them but he didnt notice anything strange so whats causing this ? wrong stance ?


allright are you supposed to "feel" the chest while doing triceps cable pushdowns ? im asking because i only did them a few times and every single time, whenever i push down i can feel my chest muscles contracting really hard to the point where it almost hurts.

i asked some dude at the gym if he could watch while im doing them but he didnt notice anything strange so whats causing this ? wrong stance ?


Your chest and back control your elbow position relative to your shoulder. The weight is trying to lift your arms up so you are using your chest and lats to stabilize. Its likely you are feeling the chest contraction at the top of the rep because the tricep is in the weakest mechanical position.

As long as your elbows are not moving you are doing the rep with the triceps. You should get to a point where you are consciously using big stabilizers instead of letting it happen.

If you want something similar without the chest feeling you can do bent over cable extensions. In this case you will feel your abdominals/erectors under tension because they are the primary stabilizer as with elbows overhead your chest and back are in the weakest position.


Up 3 pounds over-night even with a 500+ calorie defecit and no changes to water or sodium lol.

Okay, body... whatever. You finicky bastard.


Isn't the concern there that you're not actually rested when you return to your primary lifts though? Whilst I like the idea of being efficient, I don't really want to mess with the more important parts of the workout.

Unless the idea is to go light to get some blood flowing?

Usually supersetting is two accessoryish groups. Doing calves/abs/shoulders in some superset fashion isnt too bad. I really dont get the same CV stress that I would from doing a big compound like a squat. If doing major antagonist groups like an incline bench with pullups that's pretty rough, but its fun. I do that pretty often with dips and chins. I might be slightly masochistic.

Up 3 pounds over-night even with a 500+ calorie defecit and no changes to water or sodium lol.

Okay, body... whatever. You finicky bastard.

Today I was 5lbs less than I was Monday, and 3lbs than I was all last week.



the piano man
Up 3 pounds over-night even with a 500+ calorie defecit and no changes to water or sodium lol.

Okay, body... whatever. You finicky bastard.

lol I know the feel.

Eat at a supposed caloric surplus/deficit for 3 weeks = same weight all the way through. fuck you, body

(I know, the solution is eat more or eat less, but still)
Was up all night working after 3 hours of exercise yesterday. Feel completely wrecked. Tempted to dump the exercise today and eat like a monster instead just to make me feel better.


New low of 224.4 non-fasted. Damn good feeling to be making progress again. Even more hyped for gym today.
First of all, that's awesome. Congrats!

Second, can I just say how great your avatar is, specifically for you. It cracks me up every time I see it lol

Edit: wtf... Why does caloriecount score Count Chocula an "A-"?! What aren't you telling us??
My first missed reps on 5/3/1 and of course its OHP smh

Finally tried Joker sets and first set last as well. I kinda like the volume of 531 pyramid better but I'll form a more educated opinion once I finish this cycle
I'm on my second day of semi-leangains (I say semi because I'm not fasting, just going for my macros for now). I woke up feeling like a champ this morning after consuming 282 grams of carbs yesterday, but after eating three eggs and some avocado slices this morning, I feel like a bloated piece of shit.

What gives?


Only one I know of is lifting in a gym filled with hot women.

But, I don't do a preworkout either. I'm guessing you'll probably just need to tough it out until your psychological and physical dependence on it is broken through. A taper could've helped a lot probably.


First of all, that's awesome. Congrats!

Second, can I just say how great your avatar is, specifically for you. It cracks me up every time I see it lol

Edit: wtf... Why does caloriecount score Count Chocula an "A-"?! What aren't you telling us??

I get a lot of people who tell me they like the avatar lol. When I used to eat everything, count chocula happened every holiday season. I can't get myself to eat it anymore tho =(

Bish your at 224!? Man where have I been. Congrats man

Still a ways to go man. But progress is going, so really thrilled.


So... Question:

Do any of you guys play videogames? Lol

Just wondering if any of you used to but now only visit GAF for the fitness thread.

I still get Street Fighter or MKX sessions in here and there along with a few other fighters, some Cave shooters, MAME shenanigans, along with some Vita sessions playing Mortal Kombat 9, Ridge Racer PSP, or Persons 4.


So... Question:

Do any of you guys play videogames? Lol

Just wondering if any of you used to but now only visit GAF for the fitness thread.

I still get Street Fighter or MKX sessions in here and there along with a few other fighters, some Cave shooters, MAME shenanigans, along with some Vita sessions playing Mortal Kombat 9, Ridge Racer PSP, or Persons 4.

Like most of GAF (I suspect), I talk about them more than I play them. I've finished 5 games this year so far and that's probably 3 more than I finished YTD 2014. Need that Bloodborne DLC now though.


Like most of GAF (I suspect), I talk about them more than I play them. I've finished 5 games this year so far and that's probably 3 more than I finished YTD 2014. Need that Bloodborne DLC now though.
This is a habit I've been trying to break.


This is a habit I've been trying to break.

I pick and choose my games. I don't have time to play multiplayer games (except Rocket League) so I focus on RPG / Action / Horror games. Bloodborne is my GOTG so far, but again, I've played like 10 games this gen.


So... Question:

Do any of you guys play videogames? Lol

Just wondering if any of you used to but now only visit GAF for the fitness thread.

I still get Street Fighter or MKX sessions in here and there along with a few other fighters, some Cave shooters, MAME shenanigans, along with some Vita sessions playing Mortal Kombat 9, Ridge Racer PSP, or Persons 4.

Playing video games yes, but I spend like 98% of my GAF time in OT.

Play moba's with friends, currently tackling MGS:V. Probably will slave my brain to Fallout 4 for the last quarter of the year. And I make time for new Pokemon games.
So... Question:

Do any of you guys play videogames? Lol

Just wondering if any of you used to but now only visit GAF for the fitness thread.

I still get Street Fighter or MKX sessions in here and there along with a few other fighters, some Cave shooters, MAME shenanigans, along with some Vita sessions playing Mortal Kombat 9, Ridge Racer PSP, or Persons 4.

Theres a thread on Gaming side asking if you get up early before work to play games. I get up early to workout. Does this mean Im growing as a person?


Theres a thread on Gaming side asking if you get up early before work to play games. I get up early to workout. Does this mean Im growing as a person?

I was wondering this today. We have a project startup tomorrow that means I will be working into the wee hours of the evening. Internal monologue, "looks like Im lifting before the sun comes up".


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I watch my kids play 100x more than I actually play. I did build a level on Mario Maker though!


the piano man
I am very very picky with what I play, but then I commit 100% to it.

This year I have played 1 (one) game on my PS4, that's "The Evil Within" which I platinum'd, including the 3 DLCs. I bought the console with that game and Last of Us in January as a late christmas present, I haven't opened TLOU yet.

after finishing TEW, I started a 2nd playthrough of Zelda Skyward Sword and I am nearing the end of it just now. After 4 years I wanted to see if my opinion of the game would change (for better or worse).

after I am done with that, my 2nd PS4 game will be Final Fantasy Type-0,

other than that I played 7 months straight of Mario Golf for 3DS, and nothing else. That changed some days ago, I started Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars. Having fun so far but not in a hurry to finish it.
I been playing Mad Max and that game is amazing. Highly recommended.

I got Destiny: TTK but I have no idea if I have any time for it. Same with Mario Maker, Danganropa, Nobunaga.....


The iron and body is crazy. I haven't lifted consistently on flat bb bench in a while. Been focused on flyes, db presses, db flyes, etc. I was (and still) have size as a concern. I went to do bb bench yesterday... damn. 3 x 3 @ 235 lbs. And I could not do more. It is crazy how my body will just shut down in one lift but excel in others. It is always shifting, it is never lost. It is like the Bodybuilding Conservation of Swoleness.

Going to attempt 405 on Bench in about 3.5 hours. Wish me luck.



So... Question:

Do any of you guys play videogames? Lol

Just wondering if any of you used to but now only visit GAF for the fitness thread.

I still get Street Fighter or MKX sessions in here and there along with a few other fighters, some Cave shooters, MAME shenanigans, along with some Vita sessions playing Mortal Kombat 9, Ridge Racer PSP, or Persons 4.

I'm mainly pushed to handheld and mobile at this point though I plan to make it a point to do more PC gaming with my wife next year. This year has just been rough on us - her especially.


So... Question:

Do any of you guys play videogames? Lol

Just wondering if any of you used to but now only visit GAF for the fitness thread.

I still get Street Fighter or MKX sessions in here and there along with a few other fighters, some Cave shooters, MAME shenanigans, along with some Vita sessions playing Mortal Kombat 9, Ridge Racer PSP, or Persons 4.
I play competitive FPS (PC) mostly. Still getting a bit of Rocket League in right now, and some Europa Universalis when I can spare 30 or more minutes.

Kind of just dicking around until Lawbreakers comes out. I was lucky enough to hang out with Cliffy B, and a bunch of the Nexon/Boss Key folks through a friend of mine, and played it for a long ass time at PAX. That game is the truth.

I really mostly come to GAF still for this thread though. And the Automotive thread.
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