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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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It looks like your back is rounded forward a bit at the beginning of the pull. I think you're contracting your spine to help with the lift, but your back is supposed to work isometrically during a deadlift.

If you think about squatting down to pick up the weight, rather than leaning forward it will help ensure your lifting off from the correct position.

Your hip drive looks beautiful.


It looks like your back is rounded forward a bit at the beginning of the pull. I think you're contracting your spine to help with the lift, but your back is supposed to work isometrically during a deadlift.

If you think about squatting down to pick up the weight, rather than leaning forward it will help ensure your lifting off from the correct position.

Your hip drive looks beautiful.

Yeah that's more or less what I'm seeing myself -- too much flexion in my lower spine because my upper spine isn't erect and my last aren't pulled back.

What's a good cue in terms of squating down to the bar? I've gotten it occasionally and it does feel a world different (better) but I have the hardest time replicating it. Should I almost be pulling myself to the bar and "squatting" into the ground to break my knees and hinge my hip?


1s week is going just swell. Squat today with 5x275, 3x310 and 1x345. Ended with 10x240. Hit every rep with ease. Feeling really strong. Looking to close out this 531 session on a high. Maybe had 1500 calories yesterday, worked out fasted like usual today. Still contemplating a very long fast while lifting. Still reading up on that.


I like the little arm swing. I assume that's to tighten your upper back up?

Yup. I ripped it from /u/gzcl on reddit

I think I see where I need to stop my knee break - just a fraciton of a second earlier. I slowed it down and just before I reach my final point of my setup I've got my scaupla directly over the bar and I've minimized flexion in my spine. I just go a little bit too far.
Had an awesome time on my (short) run today, felt like I could keep going all day. Stuck to my progression I have planned out though, hopefully it feels just as easy next time. Also hit 285 this morning after about a week of my weight bouncing around right above it. So good day overall.

And nice job Cooter. Might be time to look for a new gym though. That place is getting crowded.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks fellas! Yeah, I love my gym Bish. Plus they just got 100lb plates which are basically just for me. Same size as bumper 45s. There's also talk of buying farmers walks!

And nice job Cooter. Might be time to look for a new gym though. That place is getting crowded.

lol benefit of being off and lifting at 1:00.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Can you guys recommend one of the diet plans you follow for a cut?
How much do you weigh?

My generic advice would be to stick around 2,000 calories and get about 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. That should do. Eat plenty of veggies and drink plenty of water. Also push yourself hard in the gym.
Thanks fellas! Yeah, I love my gym Bish. Plus they just got 100lb plates which are basically just for me. Same size as bumper 45s. There's also talk of buying farmers walks!

lol, I'm not even convinced I could get 100lb plates onto the bar, let alone lift them :p
My company gets a discounted Gold's Gym membership for its employees, so I'm checking out prices tomorrow. Checked out the gym today and the staff said you get a free workout/orientation before you need to sign, kinda weird if you ask me but then again you get to use the machines at least.

The gym is literally 3 blocks from work, so this is a step of getting back on the wagon. My diet is actually pretty good as far as content and portions, I just need that little extra oomph.
If you are tall or just long legged then you might be having issues like ankle flexibility(dorsiflexion). You might also need to address your stace width. Some of it is just up to how your hips are built.

As usual the Limber 11 video(see YT) is the best lower body stretch guide I can recommend.

At the very least Goblet/Front squat are more open hip and straight torso styles of squat and that might just be your mojo.

After reading up on it I think my main issues are mobility and balance. I have trouble keeping my weight on my heels at the bottom of the squat without falling backwards. A cue I got the other day from someone in the gym was to try and rock back an forth on my feet at the bottom to see how to properly move the hips to keep the weight on my heels. I'm going to try spending a few minutes each day trying to just sit, without weight, in a deep squat position, with my weight on my heels. I'll have to hold onto something in order to keep my balance in this position to start with. Over time, I hope this will increase my mobility so that squatting comes more naturally to me.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Squat form is important to get right. I confirmed tonight my increasing squat was aided by form sacrifices. Back grinding at 3x5x235lbs. Nice and tight now
with epic farts
and oh so deep.

Paused DB press went up by one rep with 62.5. Finished good mornings 120lbs 4x10. Pendlay rows went up 195lbs 2x5, 1x6. Good night.
I'm just so surprised at how easy it has been for me to lose weight this time around while still managing to eat big satisfying meals.

I'm at 83 kilos (183lbs). 34kg (75lbs) lost so far. 3 kilos away from my 80kg mini goal.


How much do you weigh?

My generic advice would be to stick around 2,000 calories and get about 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. That should do. Eat plenty of veggies and drink plenty of water. Also push yourself hard in the gym.

Yeah a lot depends on how much you weigh now and how much lean mass you have.


Sitting here, forcing myself to eat delish strawberry ice cream just to get enough calories in. Right at about 1200-1300 range for the day. Food I'm eating is so yummy, I just don't want to eat it. I'll take this over binging anyday however. I'll never go back to being fat.


164 this morning after hitting the John. Up 5 pounds 9 days. Yessss

Edit: Bench @ 210x5x5 completed! Holy shit this part of bulking is fun as hell.


After seeing that I´m still losing weight and was able to hit all the reps at the gym, had to reward myself:

Bless the japanese


After reading up on it I think my main issues are mobility and balance. I have trouble keeping my weight on my heels at the bottom of the squat without falling backwards. A cue I got the other day from someone in the gym was to try and rock back an forth on my feet at the bottom to see how to properly move the hips to keep the weight on my heels. I'm going to try spending a few minutes each day trying to just sit, without weight, in a deep squat position, with my weight on my heels. I'll have to hold onto something in order to keep my balance in this position to start with. Over time, I hope this will increase my mobility so that squatting comes more naturally to me.

Yep the forefoot pressure is the 'weight is too heavy' signal for me. I moved my weight down for my sets yesterday to refocus on form for the same reason. Paused reps/Higher Rep Range/ More Sets to keep the intensity up.

Keep on trying, you will get there.
Squat related, the weight feels so much better across my shoulders when I've got a bit of fat there. When I was at my full on boniest I found it extremely uncomfortable (and obviously best to avoid those pads).


Great to see so many people doing well, i also feel like im doing well but just can't quite hit my target on BP, i guess it's because i'm cutting and therefore have less energy? im definately losing fat though i can see my abs coming through
From what I've been told, bench is one of the first things to go as you lose weight. Apparently all the press workouts suffer most when on a cut.


I'd guess it's because the bench press is the only big lift in which a diet directly causes for the ROM to get bigger. You lose fat from your tits so the bar has to travel further if you want to touch your chest. Sure the squat, deadlift and the press also get harder as you get smaller and weigh less but I don't think the ROM gets longer in any of them necessarily?

Dunno if it's that but it makes sense.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
fucking beast
Thank you sir. Feeling pretty damn good today and will probably either attempt 560 in two weeks or move up to 510 or 515 for three. Definitely feel that all this work I'm putting in for my deadlift is helping.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Nice work cooter. Noticed you didn't pull the slack out of the bar at all there. Not sure when you went back from trying to do that. Would keep your groove a lot better. Also think you had one or two more grinders in you depending on how your low back felt.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Nice work cooter. Noticed you didn't pull the slack out of the bar at all there. Not sure when you went back from trying to do that. Would keep your groove a lot better. Also think you had one or two more grinders in you depending on how your low back felt.
Oh I might have had 1 more. Two is probably stretching it. Thanks for giving it a look. I'll focus on pulling the slack out. Must have reverted back and fell out of the habit.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Oh I might have had 1 more. Two is probably stretching it. Thanks for giving it a look. I'll focus on pulling the slack out. Must have reverted back and fell out of the habit.

Look at last rep, you literally catapult in and out of your groove at least twice before it comes off e ground. If you pulled the slack out all,of that energy would have went straight up instead of forward and backward.
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