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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Junior Member
Been counting macros and calories for the first time ever. Started a couple weeks ago and I'm eating 200g protein, 295g carbs, and 80g fat for ~2700cal. I've never weighed or measured food before so when I finally logged my meals for a few days, I was way overeating protein and fat and pretty low carb. Decided to run the IIFYM calculator and use that as a baseline. Two weeks in and I'm feeling pretty good in the gym and I'm definitely leaning out already too.

Anyone care to share the numbers they use (if you count)? For reference, I'm 6ft and I started at about 200lbs.



My project manager today, who ive worked with for years: "Mike, are your arms getting bigger?" *pokes my arms*

Me: "nah." (Internally: "Yessss")


So my blog/website name is still undecided. Got some names but I can't make a decision. Everyone has their pros and cons. I've already polled few members via PM's (votes pretty much 50/50) so I need more opinions. Also I don't want to bore all the regulars with my PM's.

Anyway I made a Doodle poll from the few top choices:

I'd appreciate it if you could go and cast a vote. Also you can suggest your own in the comments I guess.

I'd guess Gradient Body is my top choice at the moment as it is the most original. I'm just not sure if it's clear enough for everyone (Gradient = the rate at which your body physically transformes over a time, ie. fat to fit, skinny to muscular etc). Would you go to a site with a name like that (if you were searching about this stuff on google)? Does the name make sense to you? This is what I'm most interested in. At least it's unique and brandable. Not something like "losefatgainmuscle.com"

I have a few good articles done already. I just need to pick the name :p

Eat Lift Repeat is probably "the best one" as it has nice rhytm and it sounds good.

It only has this problem:

Too much clutter and the meme is so prevalent I probably can't use it because of this. Or I can but I'm not sure if I should:/


I decided to update my before/after pics. Plz don't reply with the url. Quote post to see the pics.

Looking good Bish! crazy transformation man.


So my blog/website name is still undecided. Got some names but I can't make a decision. Everyone has their pros and cons. I've already polled few members via PM's (votes pretty much 50/50) so I need more opinions. Also I don't want to bore all the regulars with my PM's.

Anyway I made a Doodle poll from the few top choices:

I'd appreciate it if you could go and cast a vote. Also you can suggest your own in the comments I guess.

I'd guess Gradient Body is my top choice at the moment as it is the most original. I'm just not sure if it's clear enough for everyone (Gradient = the rate at which your body physically transformes over a time, ie. fat to fit, skinny to muscular etc). Would you go to a site with a name like that (if you were searching about this stuff on google)? Does the name make sense to you? This is what I'm most interested in. At least it's unique and brandable. Not something like "losefatgainmuscle.com"

I voted Gradient Body, but i kinda feel that "Body Gradient" makes more sense grammatically and gets the point across better.

But Gradient Body has a cooler sound so... 🤗


Thanks for everyone who has voted thus far and commented here :)

I added an option for "All of these are bad" just in case. Also one more new option for a name!


Catching up from the past few days.

Thanks for the birthday wishes guys :). It was fun having my quick moment in the Instagram spotlight. For a few hours there I was getting bombarded with random likes and follows.


Awesome deadlift cooter. I think taking brolics advice will be a huge help and you'll smoke the lift. Speaking of Broilic he's looking stronger than ever.


Sphinx and bish, awesome transformations. I love seeing this stuff. It keeps everyone motivated.


I'm getting better at front squats. I managed 225x2 and was annoyed I didn't go for more when watching the tape. They looked so easy. I think in the moment with a front squat it's so uncomfortable you just want it to be over and it messes with your head

Here's a video.

Been counting macros and calories for the first time ever. Started a couple weeks ago and I'm eating 200g protein, 295g carbs, and 80g fat for ~2700cal. I've never weighed or measured food before so when I finally logged my meals for a few days, I was way overeating protein and fat and pretty low carb. Decided to run the IIFYM calculator and use that as a baseline. Two weeks in and I'm feeling pretty good in the gym and I'm definitely leaning out already too.

Anyone care to share the numbers they use (if you count)? For reference, I'm 6ft and I started at about 200lbs.

I'll share, since I'm pretty much the same height as you. I'm weighing in at 181lbs as of today. For this phase of my weight loss:

Calorie avg: 1850
Protein: 210-250g
Carbs/Fats vary depending on the day.


I missed your imgur link when I was hurriedly going through posts earlier bish. I had no idea you started out where you did. Truly impressive how far you've come.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

My project manager today, who ive worked with for years: "Mike, are your arms getting bigger?" *pokes my arms*

Me: "nah." (Internally: "Yessss")
The next evolution of comments will be, "dude, are you on steroids?"


I missed your imgur link when I was hurriedly going through posts earlier bish. I had no idea you started out where you did. Truly impressive how far you've come.

Thanks, still a ways to go. We can't just be cooterific overnight. Takes time.

How does FitnessGAF feel about hitting abs 3 times a week?

I do nothing ab related myself other then squats and deadlift. And they're huge. Possibly genetic however.
I stopped bothering with abs completely about 3 months back, and my abs look as good as they ever have done.

If I had a choice, the only thing I'd actively be trying to do is somehow build mass on the lower ones, but that's because of my loose skin... and I have no idea what might work for that anyway.


Hmm, I see.

My abs have been lagging a lot so now I find myself hitting them after my usual routines are done. Some suggest twice a week, some suggest three times, so I wanted to see what you guys thought.

Thanks for responding.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hmm, I see.

My abs have been lagging a lot so now I find myself hitting them after my usual routines are done. Some suggest twice a week, some suggest three times, so I wanted to see what you guys thought.

Thanks for responding.
How exactly are they lagging? Are you saying they aren't very visible? If this is the case you are dealing with a diet and body fat issue not an exercise one.


How exactly are they lagging? Are you saying they aren't very visible? If this is the case you are dealing with a diet and body fat issue not an exercise one.
Really wanted to tell this to my slightly-overweight (just to paint the picture - not name calling here) coworkers on their "ab day," but there's no way to do it without sounding like a dick. So twice a week it continues...

I had "almost abs" for my whole life doing thousands of sit-ups and the like. Wasn't until my diet changed that they appeared.


I do ab work 2-3 times a week but as an assistance exercise for the squat and deadlift, stuff for obliques and the muscles actively used when pushing against a belt.


How exactly are they lagging? Are you saying they aren't very visible? If this is the case you are dealing with a diet and body fat issue not an exercise one.

Really wanted to tell this to my slightly-overweight (just to paint the picture - not name calling here) coworkers on their "ab day," but there's no way to do it without sounding like a dick. So twice a week it continues...

I had "almost abs" for my whole life doing thousands of sit-ups and the like. Wasn't until my diet changed that they appeared.

Yeah, I figured that was it as well so I have also started to clean up my diet.

Thanks for responding.
Just squat and deadlift more. Those are much better core builders than shitty crunches or weighted setups.

I do like cable crunches, though. Running the rack.

Aye. Finished my workout today with 10x Hanging leg raises immediately followed by 10x Cable crunches @ 90kg. Repeated 3 times. Abs felt pretty sore after that.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Do it up. Your abs are another muscle that would benefit from isolated work. Want bigger and more solid abs? Do more core work.
Zero isolation ab work. Eat it bodybuilder! Bwhahahahaha!

real talk friend, being told that squats and deadlifts are more than enough for my abs was one of the worst pieces of advice I have ever gotten, which I guess in the long run isn't that bad but it still sucks

dem asian genetics

Zero isolation ab work. Eat it bodybuilder! Bwhahahahaha!

0 isolation? i can tell



Back down to 221.0 this morning. Another 531 session completed successfully. Had about 1450 calories yesterday. Deadlift today with 5x330, 3x375, 1x415. Every rep went up easy, hit all accessories and done deal. All I have left tomorrow is my extra bench day. Feels real good right now progress wise. Next week deload week, might sneak in some fasting. We'll see.
Fitgaf!! After 7 months of training, starting at 45lb squat and 90lb deadlift, I hit a PR today of 170lbx1 on squat and 185lb on deadlift. I am so happy! Training hard really pays off.
I'm just so happy I am finally able to do proper push ups. I can't do many yet, but it's a sign of progress, and that's enough for me at the moment. I had never been able to do one in my life. Not even when I got to a healthy weight the last time.
real talk friend, being told that squats and deadlifts are more than enough for my abs was one of the worst pieces of advice I have ever gotten, which I guess in the long run isn't that bad but it still sucks

dem asian genetics
+1 to this.

Though it still is mostly diet. Some people also just naturally hold less body fat there (or what bodyfat they do hold there they hold it well). I'm not one of those people.

Like I know people that have abs showing even at higher BF% just cause the fat seems to catch light the right way. I don't know how to better explain it, but yeah.

When I put on fat it all goes to my waist.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
+1 to this.

Though it still is mostly diet. Some people also just naturally hold less body fat there (or what bodyfat they do hold there they hold it well). I'm not one of those people.

Like I know people that have abs showing even at higher BF% just cause the fat seems to catch light the right way. I don't know how to better explain it, but yeah.

When I put on fat it all goes to my waist.
This is all true but I think it would be wise to get down to ~10% before determining if you are one of these people.
This is all true but I think it would be wise to get down to ~10% before determining if you are one of these people.
Yeah for sure. I learned a lot about my body getting under 10%. Was quite the experience. I do think I look way better at around 12-15% though, but I seem to be the only person who agrees, lol.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah for sure. I learned a lot about my body getting under 10%. Was quite the experience. I do think I look way better at around 12-15% though, but I seem to be the only person who agrees, lol.
Tally my vote on the 12-15% column. Now we have two. Who's coming with us?!
real talk friend, being told that squats and deadlifts are more than enough for my abs was one of the worst pieces of advice I have ever gotten, which I guess in the long run isn't that bad but it still sucks

dem asian genetics

Have you really got down to the body fat levels where you'd know for sure though? I appreciate that some people look like they have abs at higher fat levels, but that doesn't change the fact that you might have monster abs under the flab, but you're possibly not willing to drop enough fat to see them.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Your OHP is my favorite lift dude. Very nicely done.

Thanks bud.

Layne Norton has a very good video on the most recent "meat = cancer" debacle:


Take home message is that meat eaters have 1% increased risk for colon cancer over non-meat eaters. And correlation =//= causation.

I actually made this post a full day before he did, lol. He obviously went into way more depth though.

Freaky strong.

Thanks bud.
How do I know my fat percentage?
Hydrostatic is probably the most accessible way of doing it accurately. You can use calipers/measurements but they will not be even close to being accurate, however you can still use those methods for tracking progress.

Then there's the easiest method of just posting your picture here and letting us eyeball guess. :p



My project manager today, who ive worked with for years: "Mike, are your arms getting bigger?" *pokes my arms*

Me: "nah." (Internally: "Yessss")

that was your chance of suing for sexual harassment and retiring off the settlement.

you messed up.


Popped in on this one late, but I'm with Cooter on the abs debate although I'm sure different genetics = different needs. Haven't done ab isolation in over a year.
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