Look at this piano playing transformation! Awesome Sphinx.
Mine was Summer 1992. And with that I now feel old as shit.
thanks! you know, I sometimes spin my wheels due to life getting on my way, there's no point denying that, but overall I think I have a "fair" balance so far, I have my minor victories here and there, but not like in the newb-gain year anymore, in which on top of being my first year, I had no job so I had time to sleep and eat

I enjoyed that a lot.
I strarted learning piano in 1991... so if I look back into my life and think about all I have learned on the piano side of things and could see or understand what you´ve learned and lived through on the lifting side of things, I am sure I'd get moisty eyes,
all the fights, all the losses and the victories.
these are things that no one can take away from us, and I mean everyone of us in this thread.
March 1 2012, I started lifting. March 1 2013, I started dieting. It's been a decent while.
while I agree with Brolic that 3 years isn't that much in terms of what can be done with strength and/or bodybuilding, I do think it's enough time to achieve a great transformation, like you have shown. Respect to your disciline on dieting, it takes a pretty damn strong character to achieve that, you've come a long way.
Honestly, that ain't shit. I've been training since 2009 and that ain't shit either.
so when I was born you where a 3 year old kid.
those where interesting times, OT4 in 2012 If I remember correctly, I remember things were different at the time in this community, it felt like people were very passionate, both in a good and a bad way, when discussing things back then lol. You in particular were a lot more outspoken and blunt but always honest and never discouraging. This is probably a calculated change of behaviour in your forum activity but I miss that part of you a bit
While I think the community is great as it is today, I miss the guys of back then that have left us, be it for bans or because they just moved on, I wished they were all here.