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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Look at last rep, you literally catapult in and out of your groove at least twice before it comes off e ground. If you pulled the slack out all,of that energy would have went straight up instead of forward and backward.
Dead on as usual. This is an easy fix. Thanks Brolic.


Keeping this great week going. Ohp with 5x150, 3x170 and 1x190. Ended with 10x130. Hit every rep, got all accessories easily. Been a heck of a session.
Bleh, squats today were UUUUUGGGGLLLYY. Lifting more weight than I've ever done before, but although I technically got the reps, I'm not adding more weight on the next session as my form on a couple of the reps was awful.


Dead on as usual. This is an easy fix. Thanks Brolic.
Had to go back and watch with what he was saying in mind. Brolic needs to coach.

Also, how did you find such an amazingly open gym!?

I have to fight for elbow space just to stretch and use the foam roller. :(


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Had to go back and watch with what he was saying in mind. Brolic needs to coach.

Also, how did you find such an amazingly open gym!?

I have to fight for elbow space just to stretch and use the foam roller. :(
This place is huge. Used to be an old battery manufacturer and office. There are 2 full basketball courts, a ramp, astroturf area for sleds, free weight area, machine area, hammer strength area, 2 racquetball courts and tons of cardio machines plus the room you see in the video. It's bonkers.

EDIT: Actually...



This place is huge. Used to be an old battery manufacturer and office. There are 2 full basketball courts, a ramp, astroturf area for sleds, free weight area, machine area, hammer strength area, 2 racquetball courts and tons of cardio machines plus the room you see in the video. It's bonkers.

EDIT: Actually...

Sounds dope. The only place around my way with a decent amount of weights and basketball courts charge like 130 a month. I feel like I'd have to lift at a university gym to get all the amenities your gym has. Plus your place probably lets you use chalk too.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks, and it's hard to say. It will be easier to critique when your setup is fixed though.

Fair enough. I'll get something posted in the next couple weeks. Thanks again. I feel like I should be paying you. lol


You're right Grape. I can use chalk plus it's $32 per month.


Sounds dope. The only place around my way with a decent amount of weights and basketball courts charge like 130 a month. I feel like I'd have to lift at a university gym to get all the amenities your gym has. Plus your place probably lets you use chalk too.
Say what?

Also, that Gym is pretty incredible.

I need to move back to the city :(


the piano man
Does everyone here know their fitness birthday? the day or month you decided to make a change and started lifting or running or doing whatever is your area of expertise? (I ask this every year lol, I think Fallingedge and Sean answered last year.)

so foir those who weren't here: October 2012 is what I consider my birthday month because it's the time I got a gym membership, prior to that I had been running and doing minor stuff like push-ups and the likes for like 3 months.

so this marks three years, I feel like I've been doing it for much much longer but it's not much actually,

here Summer 2012 -> Summer 2015.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Does everyone here know their fitness birthday? the day or month you decided to make a change and started lifting or running or doing whatever is your area of expertise? (I ask this every year lol, I think Fallingedge and Sean answered last year.)

so foir those who weren't here: October 2012 is what I consider my birthday month because it's the time I got a gym membership, prior to that I had been running and doing minor stuff like push-ups and the likes for like 3 months.

so this marks three years, I feel like I've been doing it for much much longer but it's not much actually,

here Summer 2012 -> Summer 2015.
Look at this piano playing transformation! Awesome Sphinx.

Mine was Summer 1992. And with that I now feel old as shit.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Fair enough. I'll get something posted in the next couple weeks. Thanks again. I feel like I should be paying you. lol


You're right Grape. I can use chalk plus it's $32 per month.

Lol, I just like helping and glad you're receptive to it.

March 1 2012, I started lifting. March 1 2013, I started dieting. It's been a decent while.

Honestly, that ain't shit. I've been training since 2009 and that ain't shit either.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Check this out. Some of my early posts in 09 from OT|2. This is some amazing stuff. Come a long way thanks to this place.

Alright guys, any tips. I've been working out since I was 13 and build muscle pretty easily. I had knee surgery and let myself get up to 203 lbs. I'm 5'10 with a medium to large build. I'm 29 and decided to try and cut up about a year ago. It's worked and now I'm down to about 165. I was 162 this morning. I have very defined abs and you can actually see the upper ones but the bottom ones I'm having trouble with. I work every major muscle group once a week and do 600 different ab excercises 4 times a week with a few hundred on the other three. I'm getting the results I want. I'm stronger than I was a year ago and 40 pounds lighter. I am determined to get a six pack though.

I drink about 4 or 5 cups of milk per day, eat bran and yourgurt in the morning with tuna, chicken and other high protien meals for lunch and dinner. I probabbly take in between 2,000 and 2,500 calories per day. Any suggestions?

Did some research and found out regular pull ups are best. Did them today and they worked well. I did 10, 8, 8, 6, 6. Is that about right because that's about all I could do?

I have really noticed my strength going up since I upped my calories from 2800 to 3700. Amazing what 900 extra calories can do. I've also put on about 10 pounds which is mostly muscle because I don't see where the fat could possibly go on my body. 

I was just 158 at my lowest (severely dehydrated in the morning) 2 months ago and now I weighed 173.5 this morning. I think my true weight 2 months ago was closer to 163 so I've gained 10 pounds in just over 2 months. Very cool. It helps that my legs were like sticks and I wasn't squatting 2 months ago too.


Honestly, that ain't shit. I've been training since 2009 and that ain't shit either.

Yes, you're absolutely right, it just feels like it's been a long time. I'm a lifer for this lifestyle so of course what I've done now is a drop in the bucket. Looking forward to many more years.

Omg cooter is a filthy 09er. (Fgc joke)


the piano man
Look at this piano playing transformation! Awesome Sphinx.

Mine was Summer 1992. And with that I now feel old as shit.

thanks! you know, I sometimes spin my wheels due to life getting on my way, there's no point denying that, but overall I think I have a "fair" balance so far, I have my minor victories here and there, but not like in the newb-gain year anymore, in which on top of being my first year, I had no job so I had time to sleep and eat :p I enjoyed that a lot.

I strarted learning piano in 1991... so if I look back into my life and think about all I have learned on the piano side of things and could see or understand what you´ve learned and lived through on the lifting side of things, I am sure I'd get moisty eyes,

all the fights, all the losses and the victories.

these are things that no one can take away from us, and I mean everyone of us in this thread.

March 1 2012, I started lifting. March 1 2013, I started dieting. It's been a decent while.

while I agree with Brolic that 3 years isn't that much in terms of what can be done with strength and/or bodybuilding, I do think it's enough time to achieve a great transformation, like you have shown. Respect to your disciline on dieting, it takes a pretty damn strong character to achieve that, you've come a long way.

Honestly, that ain't shit. I've been training since 2009 and that ain't shit either.

so when I was born you where a 3 year old kid.

those where interesting times, OT4 in 2012 If I remember correctly, I remember things were different at the time in this community, it felt like people were very passionate, both in a good and a bad way, when discussing things back then lol. You in particular were a lot more outspoken and blunt but always honest and never discouraging. This is probably a calculated change of behaviour in your forum activity but I miss that part of you a bit :)

While I think the community is great as it is today, I miss the guys of back then that have left us, be it for bans or because they just moved on, I wished they were all here.


the piano man
Check this out. Some of my early posts in 09 from OT|2. This is some amazing stuff. Come a long way thanks to this place.

Cooter, I am sorry but I win this

everybody click and laugh, go on

I left it unaltered for posterity, here the OP material, is a goldmind for laughs:

I need a work out routine to tone up my torso said:
DISCLAIMER: I already tried the Fitness OT but got no response, It also seems to me that everyone there is obssesed with training every single muscle in their bodies and are pretty hardcore, whereas I am a newby and have no idea where to start or what to do and I just care about my torso.

I am 34 years old, male, 5'5 height and 140 pounds but losing weight and currently doing 45 minutes of (relatively) high impact cardio and and my torso is getting a bit flabby so it's about time I start doing something but I don't want to go to a gym and have a trainer send me to multiple machines to work on parts of my body I really don't care about and I am looking for some basic, harmless but effective work out routine that I can do at home to tone up my torso, up to my shoulders, I don't care much about arm muscles or anything else.

So, What can I do at home to help me avoid the flabbyness that comes with losing weight?

sit-ups? Push ups? how many of them? should I do sets? any exercises that are particularly effective and can be done at home? any videos that ilustrate the right way to do them?

thanks anyone willing to help me, I really appreciate it.

see, guys??? you are too fucking hardcore!!

and OMG sphinx and his HIGH IMPACT!! cardio. holy shit, I was flash!

I can't stop laughing, every year I laugh more when I read it


I have a bit of an interesting timeline, in that I was "born" twice. I started heavily on barbell type lifts when I was 13, which was in 1996. I kept that up until 2002. I was a beast of a testosterone-creatine-and-jack-in-the-box fueled 18 year old.

Then I went to college, was introduced to music and pot, and died. Keeping more or less the same diet as I had before, I went up to 300lbs over the course of 8 years.

I was born again, at least in cardio, April of 2012. Over the next year, I went from not being able to jog for 1/4 mile, to doing 8 mile runs on the weekend. Dropped down to the high 170s.

It was April of 2015 that I started lifting again. This is not a passing thing for me either. Much like my diet change and regular cardio, this was a lifestyle change. Feels good to look and feel good.

To celebrate this new lifestyle change, thinking I should splurge on one of these. I'm getting sick of the travesty that is my local gym.


Raising intensity and lowering volume this week before I test my 1 rep maxes next week. I'm working up to 93% on each lift for an AMRAP. Monday I deadlifts 445 for 3 and today benched 275 for 4. Hopefully squatting 355 for 4-5 tomorrow and then deloading until I test. I think I should be close to 495 for deads, 400 for squat, and over 300 for bench.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Sphinx, mine was meant to show growth. Yours is just downright hilarious!!!

Shit legitimately brings a tear to my eyes. Love it.

When does the new job start??

Haven't got it yet. I'm still waiting. How's yours going?


Haven't got it yet. I'm still waiting. How's yours going?

Really well, but draining so far. I spent 9 years in one industry and this one is completely different so I have to relearn. Running on personality / presentation skills right now to be honest. Good luck again, man.
Probably a few different periods for me...

2000: Stuck with my routine for about 6 months. Unsurprisingly the results were amazing because I was basically a kid at the time with massive amounts of testosterone and energy.

2004: Off and on. Lost a reasonable amount of fat, but didn't really make too many changes to my body.

2006: Hit it much harder, for about 9 months. Got myself down to a really low body fat level, but no strength at all. Still using the old bullshit methods, and my diet was a low fat, cardboard filled nightmare.

2009: About three months this time, just trying to lose some fat again, was in pretty bad shape after working waaaaay too much.

2010: Three more months. Got stronger, but lost very little in the way of fat or weight.

2012: About 9 months of seriously intensive workouts and dieting for my wedding. Got in pretty good shape, though oddly the numbers don't really show it. First time I'd had a hint of my abs since 2000.

2013 - Now: Hard to give dates for certain, but I got back into mountain biking in early 2013 and started hitting the weights again early 2014. Have been tracking what I'm doing properly for about 18 months now and doing a proper barbell program for the last two months. Had a DVT at the end of 2013 which set me back somewhat, but aside from some niggles here and there, I'm fitter, stronger and generally in better shape all around than I've ever been.

Cycling still my focus, but I'm obviously spending a reasonable amount of time on the weights (and greasing the groove) of late in the hope of not actually looking like a cyclist.

At my worst, I was about 27% body fat... which on a frame as small as mine looked more horrific than you can imagine. At my best, that's been sub 10%, though no idea exactly where on that as I don't really trust the callipers too much with loose skin, and scales (like all BIA scales) are a waste of time.

Have gone from a 38" waist to a 28" waist. Lost somewhere in the region of a third of my highest body weight.
What is Fitness GAF's opinion on kettlebell exercises? Any must-haves to include and/or supplement strength training and HIIT? I hear a lot about the swing being very important to your core.

:edit: Got a rough estimate that put me at 28% body fat and 154 lbs lean muscle mass. Oh boy, I'm glad I went through with this membership.
Been trying to do HIIT workouts I find in youtube. Brutal stuff. They kill me. But Isort of like them.

Guys, I told you before that I am too self-conscious to go to the gym, but I think I'm reachin a point where my confidence has increased quite a bit, and think I might give gym a chance in the future.


while I agree with Brolic that 3 years isn't that much in terms of what can be done with strength and/or bodybuilding, I do think it's enough time to achieve a great transformation, like you have shown. Respect to your disciline on dieting, it takes a pretty damn strong character to achieve that, you've come a long way.

Thank you. Honestly, wouldn't be anywhere without fitgaf.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You may have the transformation of FitGaf on lockdown Bish. So many inspiring stories in here. It's between you, Sean, and Spirit I'd say. All amazing! Anyway, looking great.


You may have the transformation of FitGaf on lockdown Bish. So many inspiring stories in here. It's between you, Sean, and Spirit I'd say. All amazing! Anyway, looking great.

Huge transformation indeed.

I hope to join the group one day :)

And yeah, Bish, it's true. In the little time I've been in this thread, this place has helped keep me motivated too.


Bish, your transformation is amazing. You're looking fan-fucking-tastic, Mrs. mkenyon agrees.

Not only have you done a great job on your body, but your style and entire look is a huge positive change. Keep at it breh.
What is Fitness GAF's opinion on kettlebell exercises? Any must-haves to include and/or supplement strength training and HIIT? I hear a lot about the swing being very important to your core.

:edit: Got a rough estimate that put me at 28% body fat and 154 lbs lean muscle mass. Oh boy, I'm glad I went through with this membership.
Kettlebell exercises require incredible control and form to do it right. It is more of a fine tuning tool once you're already strong and looking to supplement with some higher difficulty accessories.

There aren't any swings that are super important for your core as a beginner through novice. Deadlifts, squats, rows, and accessory ab work will have your core working plenty.


So my blog/website name is still undecided. Got some names but I can't make a decision. Everyone has their pros and cons. I've already polled few members via PM's (votes pretty much 50/50) so I need more opinions. Also I don't want to bore all the regulars with my PM's.

Anyway I made a Doodle poll from the few top choices:

I'd appreciate it if you could go and cast a vote. Also you can suggest your own in the comments I guess.

I'd guess Gradient Body is my top choice at the moment as it is the most original. I'm just not sure if it's clear enough for everyone (Gradient = the rate at which your body physically transformes over a time, ie. fat to fit, skinny to muscular etc). Would you go to a site with a name like that (if you were searching about this stuff on google)? Does the name make sense to you? This is what I'm most interested in. At least it's unique and brandable. Not something like "losefatgainmuscle.com"

I have a few good articles done already. I just need to pick the name :p

Eat Lift Repeat is probably "the best one" as it has nice rhytm and it sounds good.

It only has this problem:

Too much clutter and the meme is so prevalent I probably can't use it because of this. Or I can but I'm not sure if I should:/


It that just meat in general (can't watch the vid). I had read 18% for processed meat.

The 18% is the increase from non-meat eaters. 5,5% chance vs. 6,5% chance. 6,5 / 5,5 = 1,18 = 18%. So overall your chance to get cancer increases 1%. Also there is no way to separate the confounding variables (shitty diet in general, no activity etc)

Not like you eat bacon and you suddenly have a 18% bigger chance to get cancer.


Junior Member
Hey guys can I get a deadlift form check? I think it looks fine outside of too much lower back flexion and a non-neutral head. Gonna try to focus on really retracting my last and not jutting my knees over the bar

Your hips are too low for my taste and your lower back is in pretty bad flexion. Set up with your shins almost vertical and your shoulder blades directly on top of the bar. Think about breaking the bar across your shins to engage your lats and flatten your back. The weight doesn't look that heavy for you so there is zero reason for you to have anything flexion at all in your back.


At my worst, I was about 27% body fat... which on a frame as small as mine looked more horrific than you can imagine. At my best, that's been sub 10%, though no idea exactly where on that as I don't really trust the callipers too much with loose skin, and scales (like all BIA scales) are a waste of time.

Have gone from a 38" waist to a 28" waist. Lost somewhere in the region of a third of my highest body weight.

So my blog/website name is still undecided. Got some names but I can't make a decision. Everyone has their pros and cons. I've already polled few members via PM's (votes pretty much 50/50) so I need more opinions. Also I don't want to bore all the regulars with my PM's.

Anyway I made a Doodle poll from the few top choices:

I'd appreciate it if you could go and cast a vote. Also you can suggest your own in the comments I guess.

I have a few good articles done already. I just need to pick the name :p

I decided to update my before/after pics. Plz don't reply with the url. Quote post to see the pics.

Thank you. Honestly, wouldn't be anywhere without fitgaf.

Psycho and Bish, both amazing transformations.

Ps i voted for my fave name.


So my blog/website name is still undecided. Got some names but I can't make a decision. Everyone has their pros and cons. I've already polled few members via PM's (votes pretty much 50/50) so I need more opinions. Also I don't want to bore all the regulars with my PM's.

Anyway I made a Doodle poll from the few top choices:

I'd appreciate it if you could go and cast a vote. Also you can suggest your own in the comments I guess.

I'd guess Gradient Body is my top choice at the moment as it is the most original. I'm just not sure if it's clear enough for everyone (Gradient = the rate at which your body physically transformes over a time, ie. fat to fit, skinny to muscular etc). Would you go to a site with a name like that (if you were searching about this stuff on google)? Does the name make sense to you? At least it's unique and brandable. Not something like "losefatgainmuscle.com"

I have a few good articles done already. I just need to pick the name :p

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