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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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This was my first week using it while I'm overreaching. I'll use it when I test my maxes next week and then not use it until I peak again.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Got every rep I targeted after attending a happy hour. Feeling strong.

Squats - 240lbs 3x5
Paused DB Bench - 82.5s 3x5 (PR)
Power Cleans - 150lbs 4x3, 1x6 (PR)


I thought the specific claims were about processed/cured meats like deli meat and bacon?

Yeah they were this time.

I'm not sure if they even know themselves which one they are talking half the time. Red meat and processed meat is used interchangeably too often..
Popped in on this one late, but I'm with Cooter on the abs debate although I'm sure different genetics = different needs. Haven't done ab isolation in over a year.
Here is the thing. There are all whole bunch of other factors that come into play with how your abs look when you go from obese to lean. I won't argue that you'll see abs without isolation work, nor am I going to argue that isolation work is going to make this work out better, but it isn't gonna kill anyone to do some extra ab work especially if they want to do it.

You also said you haven't done any ab work in over a year. I haven't done squats in over a year and my legs are still massive.

I say, fuck abs. Don't chase getting abs, chase getting lean. Cause you may get incredibly lean and hate the way your abs look, like me. The loose skin, the skin creases, stretch marks. However I enjoyed the only perks of being lean like vascularity, hardness, striations and crazy shredded quads.


Thanks to Farmer's walks, liquid grip, and Brolic's videos, I smashed my deadlift PR today.


Congrats, i love me some farmers walks. I did it for a long time and my grip is still very strong with liquid chalk, i wouldn't mind bringing them back into rotation, but i'd need the actual big boy versions at this point since the dumbbells top out at 120 and i can do those with ease.

Here is the thing. There are all whole bunch of other factors that come into play with how your abs look when you go from obese to lean. I won't argue that you'll see abs without isolation work, nor am I going to argue that isolation work is going to make this work out better, but it isn't gonna kill anyone to do some extra ab work especially if they want to do it.

You also said you haven't done any ab work in over a year. I haven't done squats in over a year and my legs are still massive.

I say, fuck abs. Don't chase getting abs, chase getting lean. Cause you may get incredibly lean and hate the way your abs look, like me. The loose skin, the skin creases, stretch marks. However I enjoyed the only perks of being lean like vascularity, hardness, striations and crazy shredded quads.


The only thing i'll add is that i actually like the way my abs look, they're rather large. But i don't like the shape of my torso at all. It looks like i have a really large frame even when i'm pretty lean. And the bottom 2 abs are covered by loose skin and flab. I'm almost positive at this point i'm doing the surgery. Just waiting to get leaner and leaner. 10-12% and its going to happen.
Keep on rocking it Bish. You're gonna get there and it's gonna feel amazing.

Also sorry I didn't even expand on whether or not isolation work even helps. I'm curious what science would say about it though. I just think as long as you're doing isolation work that follows a pattern of progression like everything else, it's fine. None of that excessive 500 sit ups a day bullshit. Weighted core work, flexibility training, etc.

I guess it's just a personally charged subject for me. People said a lot of shitty things to me when I was lean. A lot of people don't a filter, and in the gay community where appearance can matter so much it's even worse.

So many times I've had people ask me why my abs look weird. I'll get with a guy and he'll make a comment about how the skin "isn't that bad". I even had a guy come up to me in a bar once, feel me up around the waist and say "where are your abs?" Fuck, that same day I had two guys come up to and pester me about whether I had abs under my tank. This was back when I was at 7-8%. It was a really shitty night.

People say not to let that shit get to you, but it was just like when people gave me shit for being fat as a kid. It was awful. I really hate how much people place abs on some pedestal of being fit/lean.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Keep on rocking it Bish. You're gonna get there and it's gonna feel amazing.

Also sorry I didn't even expand on whether or not isolation work even helps. I'm curious what science would say about it though. I just think as long as you're doing isolation work that follows a pattern of progression like everything else, it's fine. None of that excessive 500 sit ups a day bullshit. Weighted core work, flexibility training, etc.

I guess it's just a personally charged subject for me. People said a lot of shitty things to me when I was lean. A lot of people don't a filter, and in the gay community where appearance can matter so much it's even worse.

So many times I've had people ask me why my abs look weird. I'll get with a guy and he'll make a comment about how the skin "isn't that bad". I even had a guy come up to me in a bar once, feel me up around the waist and say "where are your abs?" Fuck, that same day I had two guys come up to and pester me about whether I had abs under my tank. This was back when I was at 7-8%. It was a really shitty night.

People say not to let that shit get to you, but it was just like when people gave me shit for being fat as a kid. It was awful. I really hate how much people place abs on some pedestal of being fit/lean.
This is some really horrible shit. Is this common in the gay community? It's straight up sexual harassment and I'm sorry you have to go through experiences like that Spirit. :(

I was only giving FE crap about isolations. They can only help you when a shredded stomach is what you desire but I feel there are diminishing returns for drug free lifters. The issue of formerly obese people and the problems they may encounter achieving visible abs is completely out of my wheelhouse so I will leave it to people more knowledgeable than myself.


Yah spirit, that freaking sucks man. You have an amazing figure built up and should be super confident, although I know being a former fatty, easier said then done.


I guess I need to start devoting more time for my calves and lower quads. My upper quads are pretty huge from all the squatting I've done but the teardrop is kinda puny. I wouldn't normally have a problem with this but when I'm wearing shorts, they cut my legs just before the point where my quads are big. Basically they camoflage the well developed parts of my leg and only show the parts which are lacking. Kinda looks like I skip leg days all the time when in reality I just need more thickness around and just above the knee. Also bigger calves would help but I'm one of those who have shitty calves. Oh well, I guess I need to wait until the bulk.

Any good tips for exercises for the VMO/teardrop? I know toes out leg extensions hit them pretty good. And don't say barbell squats because they only hit my upper thigh. Basically I'm looking to grow the lower part without too much growth on the upper parts.


Bent-over Barbell row question:

At what point do I decide that the weight is too heavy? I'm using 175 now and can do 5 reps but it requires me to "bounce" a bit with my body.
I've been told to judge it on moving more than 10 degrees. At the end of the day though, if you record it, it's not hard to see that you're jerking it up there at the top.


Here is the thing. There are all whole bunch of other factors that come into play with how your abs look when you go from obese to lean. I won't argue that you'll see abs without isolation work, nor am I going to argue that isolation work is going to make this work out better, but it isn't gonna kill anyone to do some extra ab work especially if they want to do it.

You also said you haven't done any ab work in over a year. I haven't done squats in over a year and my legs are still massive.

I say, fuck abs. Don't chase getting abs, chase getting lean. Cause you may get incredibly lean and hate the way your abs look, like me. The loose skin, the skin creases, stretch marks. However I enjoyed the only perks of being lean like vascularity, hardness, striations and crazy shredded quads.

Absolutely! If I had the time, I'd still be doing ab work. Post-having a baby, I had to rework my gym goals / how much time I spend working out vs. with family...ab isolation, arm isolation, etc. didn't make the cut.

With that being said, my workouts are now infinitely smarter and more focused due to this community so I can get away with it.


Keep on rocking it Bish. You're gonna get there and it's gonna feel amazing.

Also sorry I didn't even expand on whether or not isolation work even helps. I'm curious what science would say about it though. I just think as long as you're doing isolation work that follows a pattern of progression like everything else, it's fine. None of that excessive 500 sit ups a day bullshit. Weighted core work, flexibility training, etc.

I guess it's just a personally charged subject for me. People said a lot of shitty things to me when I was lean. A lot of people don't a filter, and in the gay community where appearance can matter so much it's even worse.

So many times I've had people ask me why my abs look weird. I'll get with a guy and he'll make a comment about how the skin "isn't that bad". I even had a guy come up to me in a bar once, feel me up around the waist and say "where are your abs?" Fuck, that same day I had two guys come up to and pester me about whether I had abs under my tank. This was back when I was at 7-8%. It was a really shitty night.

People say not to let that shit get to you, but it was just like when people gave me shit for being fat as a kid. It was awful. I really hate how much people place abs on some pedestal of being fit/lean.

Dude, when you find the right person, he's not going to give a fuck about your abs! I know it sucks right now, but one day it won't matter.


Yeah I think my form sucks right now. Will record a video really quick as I continue.

Here's a quick video from a somewhat crappy perspective. Also think I'm too vertical.

Mike, your row firm itself is good but you're probably bringing more shoulder into it than you should be since you are very upright.

I've always done my rows like this: http://www.mega-pro.com/images/workout/wt/exercises/bentoverbarbellrows.gif

90x5x5 on ohp today was already a bitch and a half. My 135 goal seems even more far away now.

Which will make it feel that much better when you knock it down. Keep chuggin' man. It's a tough lift that requires some extra work. Get sleep, eat right, do some accessories. You'll get there.


Mike, your row firm itself is good but you're probably bringing more shoulder into it than you should be since you are very upright.

I've always done my rows like this: http://www.mega-pro.com/images/workout/wt/exercises/bentoverbarbellrows.gif

Yeah I'm trying to do them like this:


But I think I'm too vertical. What's the benefit of being more horizontal? Also, this weighs more than I do which makes it difficult to balance for me.


Yeah I'm trying to do them like this:

But I think I'm too vertical. What's the benefit of being more horizontal? Also, this weighs more than I do which makes it difficult to balance for me.


Great little article on why you should put the weight down after each rep

Quick summary: going too vertical puts more weight on your hips (i.e. not your back) and shortens the bar path for back muscles...effectively making half reps. Maybe drop the weight and do higher volume? Thatll ensure perfect form.



Great little article on why you should put the weight down after each rep

Quick summary: going too vertical puts more weight on your hips (i.e. not your back) and shortens the bar path for back muscles...effectively making half reps. Maybe drop the weight and do higher volume? Thatll ensure perfect form.

Lol the very first article I ever read on rows when I started out. Go figure. Thanks Bum.


Lol the very first article I ever read on rows when I started out. Go figure. Thanks Bum.

Lol yeah. Honestly though, BB rows - for me - are more of an accessory so I go higher rep range. Tomorrow, when I DL, I'll row 3x12 @ 135 after squats and DL and every rep will be floor to chest. My back feels so much more engaged that way.

Amazing exercise though. Now I can't wait...thanks dude.


time to take my meds
Just found I have a pt test on monday. Pushups, situps, and a 1.5 mile run.

Pushups and situps will be no problem, just sucks cause I haven't ran in 6 months. Somehow.... I'll make it brehs.
Just wanted to share my achievements so far. I'm a 6'2", 175lbs guy.

Finally managed a 200lbs x 5 x 3 back squat, I think I can still go heavier, but going to increase only 5lbs per session.

Bench press 190 x 5 x 3.

Overhead 115 x 5 x 3, tried for 120lbs on monday, but failed on the last rep of the last set, new attempt this saturday.

Front squat and deadlift are still nowhere close to my max, so I'll update once I start strugling.

I can't do pull-ups/chin-ups for shit.

I can hardly managed 15 chin ups, and doing 15 pull ups seems almost unreachable, any tips for improving those?


For some reason i'm really good at pull ups, i think it's down to back/shoulders more than arms, so maybe some work on rows would help


Just wanted to share my achievements so far. I'm a 6'2", 175lbs guy.

Finally managed a 200lbs x 5 x 3 back squat, I think I can still go heavier, but going to increase only 5lbs per session.

Bench press 190 x 5 x 3.

Overhead 115 x 5 x 3, tried for 120lbs on monday, but failed on the last rep of the last set, new attempt this saturday.

Front squat and deadlift are still nowhere close to my max, so I'll update once I start strugling.

I can't do pull-ups/chin-ups for shit.

I can hardly managed 15 chin ups, and doing 15 pull ups seems almost unreachable, any tips for improving those?

If you're capable of 190 lbs bench you most likely have a much bigger squat in you. Keep pushing.

Also, you can do 15 chin ups and say you can't do them for shit? You're crazy. Best way to improve pull ups: start doing weighted pullups.

Great work man!! Keep posting progress.


Still bouncing between 192-194! I guess in some ways my weight has stayed stable for a month but I really wanted to be 5lbs less before Vegas next week.

Dropping to 2000 calories from 2100 to see if I can at least shave off a lb before I go
I can't do pull-ups/chin-ups for shit.

I can hardly managed 15 chin ups, and doing 15 pull ups seems almost unreachable, any tips for improving those?

lolwut. 15 chin-ups is hardly "can't do them for shit". Sure, you're hardly pushing world record numbers, but that's still a good total.


Also bigger calves would help but I'm one of those who have shitty calves. Oh well, I guess I need to wait until the bulk.

Any good tips for exercises for the VMO/teardrop? I know toes out leg extensions hit them pretty good. And don't say barbell squats because they only hit my upper thigh. Basically I'm looking to grow the lower part without too much growth on the upper parts.

Bigger calves are cool until they prevent you from fitting in pants. Cant wear joggers in certain brands lol.

For VMO single leg stuff is whats up. Step Ups, Leg Press, Lunges, Split Squats.

VMO will be more utilized if your knee tracks further over your foot. So you can elevate your heels on front/back squat, elevate one foot on split squats(front or back).

In my humble opinion the legs are a more endurance driven group of muscles. Fat dudes dont get big legs and calves from low rep work, they are using them constantly. Look at how many aerobic sport atheletes like speed skaters and track cyclists have huge wheels.


Yeah I'm trying to do them like this:

But I think I'm too vertical. What's the benefit of being more horizontal? Also, this weighs more than I do which makes it difficult to balance for me.

Rowing is all about scapular retraction regardless of the angle. Being at 90 degrees which is the Pendlay Row hits more Traps and Rhomboids while 45(Yates Row) is more of a Lat dominant position.

My other horizontal pulling exercise is a cable row which has a similar angle to the Pendlay; so i do the 45 degree position for my bb row.

You are going too heavy if you are not able to bring the bar up from a fully relaxed position(zero scapular retraction)every rep, or if you are twisting your torso to compensate for a weaker side.


Rowing is all about scapular retraction regardless of the angle. Being at 90 degrees which is the Pendlay Row hits more Traps and Rhomboids while 45(Yates Row) is more of a Lat dominant position.

My other horizontal pulling exercise is a cable row which has a similar angle to the Pendlay; so i do the 45 degree position for my bb row.

In Mikes case I don't think he's letting the bar travel far enough, resulting in a (less effective) partial rep. He has excellent form but as I mentioned, I think he'd benefit from going further down with the bar.

Mike, I just wanted to add that you take coaching REALLY well. Your physique is already on point and you're always striving to get better. That's what this community is about.


I think it depends on why you're doing the exercise. If you're trying to build muscle size in your lats then full stretch and contraction with minimum bouncing is optimal. If you're using it as a deadlift accessory then there is no problem with using your hips and bouncing a little since you're not trying to target one muscle you're trying to get that portion of your deadlift stronger which utilizes many muscles like the lats and hips and glutes.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
If I was body building I would do very high rep off the ground (not resetting) strict rows. I would also do high rep heavy DB rows.

If you're looking to build you back strength/deadlift I'd do them the way I do them and Ed Coan does them. Feet at pulling width and hands depending on where you want to work.


Good feedback chamba...I never use them to improve my DL (I use them to focus on a specific part of my back). If that's what Mike is doing than ignore my advice.

If I was body building I would do very high rep off the ground (not resetting) strict rows. I would also do high rep heavy DB rows.

Brolic, I touch the ground and don't reset. I do 12-15 reps and am looking to improve upper back strength and grow my back, but not using rows as a means to necessarily improve my DL (I've been doing power cleans, stiff leg DL and good mornings for that). Would you suggest switching up the way I do them or leaving it?


Hi everyone! It's been a while since I posted here, I've been kinda busy but I'm still working out. I've been doing 5 sets of 5 for strength gain for months now and I would like to focus more on hypertrophy from now on. I've read I should increase the number of repetitions, maybe 8 or 10, but I'm not sure how many sets I should do. Do I keep doing 5?
5x8 or 5x10 would take a lot of time to finish.

The exercises I do are: bench press, squat, deadlift, bent over row, lunge and incline dumbbell curl. I also do some gentle shoulder exercises since I've had some problems in my left shoulder. Overhead press is not an option for now.

Here are some of my data from FitNotes

FitNotes Workout - Tuesday 27th October 2015

** Barbell Row **
- 101.41 lbs x 5 reps
- 101.41 lbs x 5 reps
- 101.41 lbs x 5 reps
- 101.41 lbs x 5 reps
- 101.41 lbs x 7 reps

** Barbell Squat **
- 176.37 lbs x 5 reps
- 198.42 lbs x 5 reps
- 198.42 lbs x 5 reps
- 198.42 lbs x 5 reps
- 198.42 lbs x 5 reps

** Incline Hammer Curls **
- 17.64 lbs x 8 reps
- 19.84 lbs x 5 reps
- 19.84 lbs x 5 reps
- 19.84 lbs x 5 reps
- 19.84 lbs x 8 reps

** Running (Treadmill) **
- 2.0 km in 10:44

FitNotes Workout - Thursday 29th October 2015

** Deadlift **
- 163.14 lbs x 5 reps
- 163.14 lbs x 5 reps
- 163.14 lbs x 5 reps
- 163.14 lbs x 5 reps
- 163.14 lbs x 5 reps

** Incline Hammer Curls **
- 19.84 lbs x 10 reps
- 22.05 lbs x 8 reps
- 22.05 lbs x 5 reps
- 22.05 lbs x 5 reps
- 22.05 lbs x 5 reps

** Lunge **
- 44.09 lbs x 60 reps

** Flat Barbell Bench Press **
- 88.18 lbs x 5 reps
- 97.0 lbs x 5 reps
- 97.0 lbs x 5 reps
- 97.0 lbs x 5 reps
- 97.0 lbs x 5 reps

** Running (Treadmill) **
- 4.0 km in 23:07

Thanks in advance ;)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Good feedback chamba...I never use them to improve my DL (I use them to focus on a specific part of my back). If that's what Mike is doing than ignore my advice.

Brolic, I touch the ground and don't reset. I do 12-15 reps and am looking to improve upper back strength and grow my back, but not using rows as a means to necessarily improve my DL (I've been doing power cleans, stiff leg DL and good mornings for that). Would you suggest switching up the way I do them or leaving it?

Personally I'd want to get the stretch/tension at the bottom with the lat/upper back but that's just me.


Ok here goes nothing :p


Just got the site up and running somewhat with two posts. Needs A LOT of work still but at least there's some content. I also have a few posts ready already but I'm not gonna post everything at once. Also all the posts could use some work. Can't wait for my graphic designer to start designing the logo, style and visuals :)

You can consider this early access :p



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Getting better at GHRs. I can now get 5 sets of 15 with hands behind head and with 1 min rest.

Today was tough:

275x10x1 speed DLs with 30 sec rests
365x4x8 DL
15x5 GHRs


Today was the extra gym day, went great, bench progressing nicely. Tonight is the big date with this girl and her best friend. Pretty nervous but can't wait to go as well. Korean BBQ so chances are I'll get to remain in ketosis too lol.
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